Mecha Novels


Chu Jiao had always suffered from the quick changing nature of human relationships since little and had never tasted the feeling of being doted on. She was suddenly informed that her existence was only a few strokes of a pen in a novel. All her suffering was set by the author in order to make the male and female leads succeed.She wasn't willing nor could she accept the truth.For vengeance, she bound herself to the "Supporting Female Carnal Desire System". In order to survive and go back to the original world, she needed to kick down the female lead and take on the mission of catching the male lead and to clear the conditions, she neededbo-body fluids?Originally, she only planned to use her body without the intention of losing her heart but she never imagined that she would over and over again meet people that would carefully place her in the palm of their hand and spoiled her dearly.They paid her with sincerity so she might as well return it with deep feelings.Ultimately, she discovered that everything was actually love.As the stars move and the time turns, you'll like me no matter what I look like.


Max always wanted a more exciting life, and after being reincarnated into the far future and a Galaxy in constant war, his wish was granted.Discovered to have a high compatibility with his new world's Technological System, he was drafted as a child into training to become one of their elite Mecha Pilots, the heroes of the Kingdom who face down even the mightiest of threats from inside giant Mecha, wielding the mightiest of weapons known to mankind.All he has to do is prove himself worthy.


Office worker Leon is reincarnated into a particularly punishing dating sim video game, where women reign supreme and only beautiful men have a seat at the table. But Leon has a secret weapon: he remembers everything from his past life, which includes a complete playthrough of the very game in which he is now trapped. Watch Leon spark a revolution to change this new world in order to fulfill his ultimate desireof living a quiet, easy life in the countryside!


Yang Feng somehow transmigrated into a different world and received a legacy of an ancient high tech' family, which does not directly raise his power, but gives him the technology to build things which are way more advanced than the seemingly medieval world.


The future unfolded on a magnificent scale into the Interstellar Age. Humanity finally solved the space warp technology, but when humanity transported themselves into the other end, they discovered that place neither had a past nor future, nor was there any land under the starry skies


There is only one Magi Craft Meister in the world. After the death of the last Meister over one thousand years ago, Jin Nidou was transported to another world in order to succeed her will.


When I woke up, I found myself inside a spaceship.I guess you guys think I'm talking nonsense here, but I also have absolutely no clue about what exactly happened to me.I was really close to completely losing it, but fortunately, I managed to notice that this place was really similar to the world featured in a game I was playing recently.Am I dreaming? Nope, it's no dream. Maybe I actually got sent to a different world or something?But didn't those things usually involve getting sent to a magical world with elves, dwarves, dragons and whatnot?In any case, I don't know what caused this, but I guess I'll just have to suck it up and live properly in this world from now on.It'll be okay. I got my trusty spaceship so I can probably make some money. It'll work out! It has to!This is the story of a man abruptly thrown into space along with his private spaceship. He runs around with it and saves damsels in distress along the way, flirts with said damsels, earns money as a merc-for-hire and uses his gaming knowledge to work his way into living freely and easily.


Life Mission a game that has become reality.


In a distant future, the empires of mankind span the galaxy, and glorious Earth has devolved into a peripheral backwater.In Shanjing city in the Asian region, Wang Zheng's dreams of becoming a mech pilot are crushed when his college entrance exam genetic score turns out a pathetic twenty eight, barely above an animal.To make things worse, people get the impression he attempted suicide after being rejected by the campus beauty.Then the closest thing to a family he has, the old man in the book store across the road, goes missing, leaving him only a mysterious birthday present.


Ten thousand years later, ice has melted. The Soul Federation Scientific Exploration team found an egg with a golden and silver pattern on it in the far north of the land, and after examining it with an apparatus, they found out that there were vital signs inside. They hurriedly brought it back to the institute for hatching.The egg hatched, but it was a baby, a baby exactly the same as a human a baby born out of an egg.


Well-known Composer Fang Zhao was in the glorious stage of his career, when the Apocalypse arrived; After finally experiencing the bitter difficulties of a thousand dangers, when the Apocalypse was simmering down to an end, he collapsed; When he opened his eyes, he was reborn in a New World, 500 years after the end of the apocalypse, in the body of a student who had been dumped barely after graduation, who had been cheated of his hardwork barely after he started working


Liam Sera Banfield is a reincarnator.He was reincarnated into a fantasy universe of swords and magic, but at a time that civilization was already making advancements into outer space.The setting takes place in an intergalactic empire, a space opera-like universe where humanoid weapons and spaceships do battle.Liam, who had incarnated into an aristocratic family in a monarchic society, has the ambition to one day become an evil lord.In his previous life, Liam had unfortunately lost everything and died in despair. It's foolish to live for others. I will live for myself.Holding those feelings in his chest, he starts towards his second life, but is instead worshipped as a virtuous ruler from his difference in values.Will Liam be able to safely become an evil lord?


Humanity has conquered half the galaxy and the Age of Mechs reigns supreme!Ves Larkinson lacked the genetic aptitude to become a famed mech pilot. Fighting against his fate, he studied mech design in order to express his love for mechs as a builder instead of a soldier.When Ves graduated from college, he returned to a new but empty boutique. Left with a small, newly founded mech workshop that his father painstakingly built with a mountain of debt, Ves somehow needs to make ends meet with the bank breathing down his neck.In the midst of his despair, he found salvation from another legacy his father had left."Welcome to the Mech Designer System. Please design your new mech."--Join The Mech Touch's unofficial Discord server:


A top hacker was chosen by the Lord God to be reborn into countless worlds, always as an expendable villain. With no free will, every world became a dead end. Every one of his lives ended tragically.Finally, after wrestling control of the Villain System, this ace hacker decided to enact revenge. Even if his very bones were rotten, he'd choose to occupy the very heights of morality, if only on the surface. Thus, he would change his fate as an abused slag.


Skyfire Avenue is a street that is 2048 meters long. There are 168 stores here, and each of the store owners is an extremely powerful adept. The Avenue does not permit any vehicles or any robots to pass through it, much less mecha. Even the patrolling police must move about on foot. This is because this is a street for pedestrians, a lane for nobles, hidden away within this high technology world. Lan Jue, the greatest of the mercenaries, code-named Zeus', has secluded himself here in Skyfire Avenue after the death of his wife. The name of his shop is "Zeus' Jewelry Store", and here in Skyfire Avenue, he has been given the title, Jewel Master.


Liam Sera Banfield is a reincarnator.


A mecha otaku is reincarnated into another world as Ernesti Echevalier (Eru). In this world there exist huge humanoid weapons known as Silhouette Knight. Dreaming of piloting those robots, Eru, with childhood friends, Archid Walter and Adeltrud Walter: together they will aim to become a Knight Runner, pilot of Silhoutte Knight.


What do you do when you wake up and find yourself inside the very game that you love?What do you do when you realize you that you have not only become an NPC you have even been thrown back in time to before the game even launched!What will happen when our protagonist's two realities coincide?Han Xiao was a professional power leveler before his transmigration. Using his past life's knowledge, Han Xiao sweeps through the universe as he prepares for the arrival of the players. This is definitely not your typical transmigration novel.


In the age of the Great Liang Dynasty, the lives of the people were made convenient with steam-powered machines that run on a fuel named Violetstream Gold. Chang Geng, who lived in a small countryside village, shared a distant relationship with his mother while his stepfather was away most of the year round, and the only people he was close to were two little kids, the village teacher, and his yi fu adoptive father. But his life was flipped upside down one day following the barbaric Man tribes' invasion, and it turned out that his entire identity had been an illusion not only was Chang Geng himself not the country boy he thought he was, but also his mother, his teacher, and even his beloved yi fu


The Age of Gods has long since ended, their voices no longer heard on the continent of Douluo. Humanity, standing on the shoulders of legends from its history, advanced soul technology to inconceivable heights. The humans of Douluo invented weapons of mass destruction, mechanized armor, and living metals. With these advancements, they went on to conquer the oceans and discovered two new continents. To fuel these new technologies, humanity hunted the soul beasts to the very brink of extinction. Once the dominant force of Douluo, the few surviving soul beasts now hide in the darkest recesses of their last sanctuary. The weakest have all been hunted, leaving only the strongest to scheme in the heart of the forest. The soul beasts, not willing to fade away, plot an uprising for their survival. In the midst of this, a god from a long forgotten era awakens in the depths of the Great Star Dou Forest to seek vengeance for the soul beasts. As darkness encroaches from the abyss, hope is found in a young boy who holds a power beyond divinity within himselfTang Wulin! Hope for both humanity and the soul beasts, as the bridge between the two. He finds his way into the fabled halls of Shrek Academy, where he learns to wield his prodigious powers, makes friends and finds allies, eventually rising to become a towering leader. As he learns to harness his strength, danger lurks within the shadows as the various factions of humanity maneuver and plot to usurp Shrek Academy. Tang Wulin discovers the threat to the only world he knows as he sinks deeper into the intrigue. Meanwhile, camouflaged by the chaos and unbeknownst to the humans, the soul beasts' plot continues to steadily advance.To defend what he loves and reclaim what was lost, Tang Wulin must seek out the legacies of legends past and unlock the full might of the Golden Dragon King!


What the hell is this? What the hell happened here?


After dying from a strange terminal illness, Ling Lan was reborn into a world 10000 years into the future. Although she dearly wished she could just live a peaceful and uneventful life in her new healthy body, fate had other plansForced to disguise herself as a boy just so she could inherit her deceased father's premium military benefits, Ling Lan's journey to adulthood was full of challenges. After much difficulty, she finally turned sixteen when she could drop the charade. But before she could grasp her newfound freedom to get married and start her own family, a twist of fate results in her being thrown into the Federation's top military boys' school.With these twists of fate, Ling Lan had little choice but to walk further and further down a path of no return, one of cold and aloof dominance


"Even if this universe is truly nothing more than a brutal bloody shadowy forest, we Cultivators will burn all that we have just to give off a single weak flickering spark in the darkness!


Long Fei, a cross-timer and doujin, is an otaku who traveled to another world. In the original world, he was an otaku fan of Gundam and military science fiction.He died in an accident and was reincarnated into another world. The Gundam works he had read before his death and the techniques in various military novels could be brought to another world.How would he use the Gundam that Long Fei created? What waves can be caused in this different world?


A fighting genius.


Ge Xiu is a nefarious star criminal. After being arrested, according to the Interstellar Supreme Law, he will face two choices: either serve a sentence of 1156 years in black prison or enter countless virtual worlds and become a miserable person who is tortured and abused all his life. How much he suffers is how much his sentence can be reduced. Ge Xiu chose the second one without hesitation.So The trial surveillance system stared dumbfounded at the FormerInterstellar MostWantedCriminalCurrentlyWeakPoor Ge Xiu in the virtual world, punching the empire, kicking the Federation, overthrowing oppression and building a new world. Then he turned his head to the camera and cried: "I've had a miserable life, really." "" The surveillance system that was about to explode of anger: "Like hell I'd believe you!"


Residing within the dense forest in Nore are the beautiful elves of Elune Forest. After the young elves began to be hunted by the humans to become s*aves, the Queen of Elune decided that young elves could not leave the forest until after their adult ceremony at fifty years old. When Hai'an's ceremony finally arrived, he was excited to be able to finally travel away from his home and see everything the world had to offer. However, he got more than he bargained for.


Endless sky and infinite space, the cosmos isn't some paradise waiting to be found, it is full of darkness and danger, death and terror of the great unknown. However, for that glittering swath of blue, we have no fear! For the longevity of men, we have no regrets! Nothing shall stand in our way because it is finally our time, our age! The age of cosmos exploration!


Ye Chong was a denizen of Trash Planet-12. On one fateful day, he discovered a treasure that would forever alter his destiny from a pile of junk Mu Shang, an unknown machine with artificial intelligence and a lost memory. Together, they venture into the vast galaxy as the isolated "caveman" that was Ye Chong began absorbing all sorts of knowledge and meeting people from all walks of life. He gradually discovers more and more about his own mysterious past as well as his partner's. Read to find out more!


Chi Xiaochi: fourth-rate citizen at birth, three-time award-winning film emperor, second-rate temper, first-class looks. He crawled his way out of hell on hard mode to become a winner at life.

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