Chapter 1118 Alan and Kath have some fun

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Chapter 1118 Alan and Kath have some fun

?It seems that my cover art is in violation with Webnovels Guidelines and removed it. I have to wait a couple of days to put a new art. Damn.


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Alan saw the door to his room opening, so he said, "Wait. Hold on a minute." He put a hand over the phone's mouthpiece.

It was Katherine. Alan hadn't bothered to put any clothes on yet since waking up, something that Katherine definitely noticed. Talking with Simone had gotten his penis erect, and Katherine most definitely noticed that too. Her eyes were wide, but she still walked right up to him and held a note up to his face. It read:

Message from Suz: We're watching you, so behave.

Less phone sex and more studying!

Alan rolled his eyes but he smiled too. Typical. Suzanne must be watching me on video from the basement. She did mention when we were done talking about my school problems that she was going to try to keep me honest about studying today. I guess this is the start of her campaign.

He nodded, then went back to the phone. "Never mind the interruption. Where were we? Oh yes: What to do about Heather?"

Simone gamely replied, "Well, we need to punish her badly, and I have just the thing. You know how jealous she gets. Well, what could make her more jealous than you having anal sex with ME right in front of her? Repeatedly! In fact, now's the perfect time to get started. Why don't you swing on down here? Oh, and bring that little Alan Junior feller with you if you remember."

Alan chuckled. "You know, Simone, I can't tell if you're making me more aroused or more amused. But this really isn't getting us anywhere." He turned to see if his sister had left yet.

Katherine had started to walk out of his room after delivering the note, but she paused at the door, then closed it and stayed inside. Clicking the switch near the door that allowed one to turn the video monitoring in the room on or off, she locked the door to his room and walked back to him.

Alan held a hand over the phone receiver again as he watched Katherine pull her top off and then drop her shorts as well. She disrobed slowly while mostly facing away from him, for maximum effect.

"Hold on a sec," he said to Simone. He tried to wave Katherine away, but she pulled his chair away from his desk and then dropped to her knees between his legs. Before he could mount an effective response, she was happily slurping away on his erection.

He rolled his eyes and muttered, "Again? Geez!" But the truth was he didn't try very hard (or at all) to get her to stop.

He thought, Mom and Mother were stroking or sucking my dick pretty much from the moment I got home until I took a nap. And now that I've been up for a few minutes, Sis is on it! I swear, I've gotta have the best tended penis on the planet!

Simone asked, "What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Where were we?"

"We were discussing fucking. Specifically, you fucking me. I was just thinking how nice it would be if you came over here right now. I could just see you saying to Heather's mom Helen as she answers the door, 'Excuse me, ma'am, we've had reports of a very horny, utterly naked, quite possibly pregnant, and extremely naughty black girl humping your daughter in her own bed upstairs. I've been told this dark Nubian princess, this ebony goddess of sexual prowess, this most heart-stoppingly beautiful girl in the school-"

Alan cut in with sarcasm. "Oh yeah, the modest one. Simone is her name."

Simone guffawed, both at Alan's comment and her own tongue-in-cheek self-promotion. "Exactly! That's the one. She needs a very solid, long, and powerfully deep fucking. Since I'm soon to be the father of her child, I've got some serious humping to do. So if you don't mind, can you point me upstairs? Oh, and I should mention that there have been reports of a very large black dildo reaming out your daughter's ass coming in all afternoon. So I figure, when in Rome. I'll probably drop a couple of big slimy loads in your daughter while I'm at it, before I go. Since those two love to do absolutely everything together, I imagine I should get started on knocking up your daughter as well or she might get jealous."

Simone paused, as if listening to Helen, and then continued, "What? Why are you so shocked? I know, I'll bet you feel left out. I'll tell you what. Since you look like a pretty hot bitch yourself, if you strip naked and bend over next to your daughter and wait patiently, I'll see if I have anything left over for you. Heather could use a younger sister.'" She punctuated that with a happy, "Ha!"

Alan really liked that fantasy. He found himself holding onto his sister's hair with his free hand and pushing her mouth up and down on his dick. He said, "Very nice, but whose fantasy is that, yours or mine? And I thought I told you to lay off the preggy stuff. You know that-"

Katherine suddenly stopped lolling her tongue around Alan's cockhead and looked up into his face with big eyes. She hadn't been able to make out what Simone was saying, but she most definitely heard Alan say "preggy stuff." Given her own pregnancy fascination, her interest was more than piqued, even though she figured it was just joking because if he really impregnated someone, he wouldn't be able to keep that secret from his family for more than five minutes.

She poked him in the chest a couple of times in a playful yet urgent fashion, trying to get him to explain what that was about without actually speaking (and thus giving her presence away to Simone). She also wasn't in any hurry to do anything that would involve taking her lips from around her brother's shaft.

However, he just smiled and waved her away.

Simone meanwhile prodded him to finish his sentence. "'I know that...' what? You know, Alan, if I didn't know better I would suspect you're with a girl right now, what with the way we keep getting interrupted. Not to mention, your breathing is getting a little bit heavy. Are you alone or not?"

Katherine found a piece of scratch paper and a pen and scribbled:

Preggers? Me too! Please?!

Then she drew a big smiley face with hearts around it below the words.

Alan looked at the paper and laughed, but shook his head 'No' at his sister. Then he returned his attention to Simone, and with a mind to Katherine's continued poking and pestering, he said, "You know, all these pregnancy jokes of yours are going to get me in trouble."

Simone laughed but replied, "Sorry. I have this bad habit of taking a joke and running with it way too far. My apologies. I promise, no more pregnancy jokes. I'll find something else to rile you up about for a while!" She cackled gleefully. She was really enjoying bantering with him.

Then she added, "By the way, you're still avoiding the question. You are with some hot babe, even as we speak, aren't you?"

He tried to sound offended. "Whatever gives you that idea?"

"I'm hearing some strange squishy sounds on your end of the line as well. In fact, there it goes again. Ooh! Two sounds at once! You ARE with someone, you sexy devil!"

Katherine had resumed loudly slurping on Alan's cockhead and at the same time she was frigging herself, thus the two sounds. She wanted to get caught, since it could make things more fun and interesting (so long as her identity wasn't discovered, of course).

Alan could see no way to talk himself out of that one. He conceded, "You got me. However, we really need to focus-"

Simone interrupted, "Jesus! This is so hot! You're such fun to talk on the phone with, Big Daddy. And no, that's not a pregnancy thing; it's just my new nickname for you that, okay, might totally by coincidence have some minor pregnancy implications."

She laughed at her own comment. "Sorry, but when I get started on a running gag, I really go all the way with it."

He started to say, "We-"

But Simone immediately cut him off. "Wait a sec. You're with some hottie, and you're not gonna tell me anything about it? That's just mean. What's she doing to you?"

"Sorry, I can't kiss and tell."

"Ha! As if it's just kissing. I'll bet some lucky lady is snarfing down your sausage as we speak. If I'm right, that lady should moan once."

Katherine moaned, loudly.

Alan gave his sister a look that could kill. His expression made it clear in no uncertain terms that he didn't want Katherine to communicate with Simone in any way. It was simply too dangerous, given the incest secret.

Katherine wasn't too worried Simone would recognize her voice from mere moaning, especially since she had a fourth of her brother's dick in her mouth when she did it. She was tickled pink by the whole exchange, but mentally vowed to herself to be quieter for a while.

"A-ha!" Simone said triumphantly. "I knew it! That would be the logical thing to do, when on the phone. Alan, I must say, you continually amaze me. And what's weird it's that if it was anyone else I would be offended, but with you it just makes me hot."

"Why is that?" he asked, wanting an honest answer.

"I dunno. It's key that Amy is cool with sharing you. I guess it's just obvious that you have sexual gifts that need to be shared with many women. You're not cut out for the monogamous lifestyle; it would be like getting angry at a lion for being a carnivore. You're just you."

He thought back to when he'd asked Christine out on a date, while petting his sister's bobbing head. If she'd only said yes way back when, who knows? I'd probably be halfway to marrying her by now. Well, maybe not. Who knows? But it's not like I was born to this lifestyle.

Trying to get the conversation back on track, he said seriously, "We're really not getting anywhere here with the whole Heather thing. Can you at least, right now, start to warm her up to the idea of helping out with the football player problem? Don't come out and make it seem like I need her help. Just, by and by, drop it in the conversation and make it seem like it would be a nice thing for her to do. Plant the seed."

Katherine couldn't resist moaning with lusty approval. She unexpectedly increased her suction, causing her brother to go from stroking her hair to just clutching at her head. "Plant the seed" - love it! What a great phone call to listen in on!

He grimaced and tried to give his sister a disapproving look, since her new technique was too arousing. But she was so focused on her oral moves that her eyes were shut tight. He tried to tap on her head to get her attention, but to no effect.

Simone repeated his words, "'Plant the seed.' Isn't that more your line of work?" She giggled. "Sorry, but that was such an obvious straight line that I couldn't resist. In fact, I wonder if that's what you're doing with your mystery vixen even as we speak. God, that's really hot!"

"You already know what she's doing," he pointed out.

"True, but help me visualize. Are you standing or sitting?"


"Oooh! I'll bet you have her sitting naked on her heels, rolling her tongue all around your fat knob, staring up at you adoringly, practically begging to serve you."

"No, I assure you, Simone, we're just... I'm just..." He looked down.

Obviously, Katherine could hear Simone though the phone well enough, because she immediately got out of the chair she was sitting in and dropped to her knees without losing her lip-lock on his erection. She looked up at him with her best adoring face, even while she giggled a little bit around the cock she was sucking on.

He tried to motion for her to ease up, now they had eye contact, but she didn't understand his gestures or facial expression (or pretended not to).

"Ha ha! I'm so right!" Simone chortled with glee. "That's too hot!"

Alan silently groaned with arousal. But he modestly tried to deflect the attention away from the blowjob, which was too stimulating already. "Enough about me; what about you? I mean, what happened to Heather? Is she still tied up, flopping around her bed like a fish?"

"Yep!" Simone happily agreed. "It's payback time, baby! I've got years of ill treatment I need to work out of my system."

He seized on that to shift the discussion away from his blowjob and back to Heather. "Oh, that reminds me. Please find out where this morning's Bitch Trainer is. If Heather took it out at home, it should still be there somewhere. We don't want something like that just lying around within easy reach for her to get her hands on again. Dammit! Hold on again."

Alan cried "dammit" because now there was a knocking on the door. A loud and insistent knocking. He said to Simone, "Sorry, someone's at the door."

"I guess one woman isn't enough for you and they're bringing in reinforcements?" Simone said with a rising excitement in her voice. "This is astounding! Heather's ass is going to get pounded so fucking hard in a few minutes! But I can't even wait for that. Can you hear me panting as hard as you are? God, I'm going to cum so hard right about now! Ugh!"

Alan wanted to get off the phone immediately before there were more complications. Plus, yes, he was panting hard and it was getting difficult to keep talking. Katherine was relentless! He gasped out, "Let's continue this later, okay?"

"Looks like you've got some more seed planting to work on," Simone kidded in a shaky and gasping voice. "You might need to open up your own nursery there, in more ways than one. Shit! Ooh!" She panted a bit, then added, "Okay, I'll go, but only if you tell me who all the hotties you're with are. Anyone I might know?"

"Um, sorry, can't kiss and tell. Gotta go. Later!" He hung up the phone before he was subjected to the sounds of Simone screaming and cumming. He was having enough trouble as it was not cumming from Katherine's expert blowjob. His goal was to play it cool and just study, but things had gotten way out of control in the last five minutes, especially due to his sister's intense suction style. She hadn't let up with that whatsoever.

Just then, he heard Suzanne's voice from the other side of the door. She had apparently detected the phone call was over (probably from the way Alan slammed the phone down), so she felt free to speak. "Girl, I know you're in there and I can guess what you're doing! Some big help you are! We all agreed we'd help him study, not hinder him! You hear me?!" She pounded some more.

Katherine, though, was too busy cocksucking to stop. She could tell he was very close to cumming, so she was frantically working his balls and dick with her lips, tongue, and both hands while still using as much suction as she could muster.

He grabbed her head to push her away, because he wasn't ready to cum. However, his hands betrayed him and started guiding his sister's head so she could gobble down more and more of his throbbing cock with each pass. He quickly conceded defeat and threw his head back to luxuriate in the overwhelming feelings of pleasure coursing through his body.

Katherine was finally well rewarded for her efforts. She greedily guzzled down quite a few warm jets of semen from the end of his cock while Suzanne continued to pound on the door and complain. She thought, Suzanne might get mad at me for getting a little 'distracted,' but this is so totally worth anything she might dish out! Being uppity completely rocks! freewebno(v)

Suzanne was particularly upset that Katherine had turned off the video monitoring in Alan's room and vocally made her displeasure about it known through the door.

Finally, Alan felt the sweet bliss of orgasmic release. As he starte shooting off into his sister's mouth, he shouted to Suzanne, "Cumming!" He was in a silly mood and thought this double meaning was very amusing.

Soon, they were done. Prior to Alan's nap, he'd felt a weird sensation in his penis and sensed that it would hurt if he climaxed. He was relieved to find out that everything was okay.

Katherine got up. She yelled at Suzanne, "Just a second!" then poked Alan in the chest again. "So what's with this 'pregnancy stuff', Big Fire Hydrant Brother?"

He grinned. "Oh, Simone is just toying with me. For some reason, today she's really into pretending I impregnated her."

"Oh really? 'Pretending', huh?" She made quote marks in the air with her fingers as she said the word 'pretending.' "Looks like she and I need to have a little talk about this EXCELLENT 'impregnation by Alan' idea."

"Don't you dare!" he protested in genuine horror, but just at that moment Katherine finally opened the door.

Suzanne stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. She was fully dressed (by Plummer house standards) and looking huffy. "'Cumming.' Brilliant, Alan. I'll bet no one has thought of that before. As for you, young lady-"

Katherine stuck her tongue out at her number two mother petulantly. Her tongue was covered with Alan's cum. She got a kick out of that, too. Then she asked, "No harm done, right?"

Suzanne knew it was harmless in the bigger scheme of things, but she shook her head in frustration just the same. "Sweetie, we had a big plan to get you actually doing some work today, but it's not exactly off to a good start. Everyone here is just horribly incorrigible. you had your fun, but now I need you to buckle up and buckle down. Okay?"

She pointedly flipped the switch by the door that turned the video monitoring in his room back on, making clear that he would be checked on.


Suzanne pulled on one of Katherine's ears. "Come with me, you naughty girl."/n/o/vel/b/in witnessed the first publication of this chapter on N0vel--Bjjn.

He smiled at the enjoyable turn of events, but once Suzanne shooed Katherine away and he was left alone again, he thought, Unfortunately, this Heather stuff is dreadfully important and I didn't get very far in talking to Simone about it. I should probably call her back later and finish it. And without a blowjob assist, so I can have a real conversation!

Not only that, but I'll probably end up having to go over to Heather's house tomorrow, in person, even though it's Thanksgiving. Dang. If you wanna get something done right, sometimes you gotta do it yourself, and convincing Heather to do anything is very tricky business.

He sighed and put a T-shirt on. So many sex things to take care of, but that'll have to wait. For now, I actually have to do this Berkeley application. Nothing is more important right now than getting this in on time. Still wearing only a T-shirt, he sat down at his desk and began to work.

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