Chapter 125

Chapter 125

125. The Gay Little Prince, Part 14 

Gary made an appointment with Dean and Jones to meet in Shu Shu's hospital. And as soon as he came over, the two doctors showed affectionate expressions.

"Congratulations, Gary." Jones said with a smile.

"That guy Ludwig is pretty good. Congratulations, Gary." Dr. Dean said as well.

Both of them watched Gary grow up and loved him very much. Now that Gary was getting married, they were also very happy.

Having congratulated Gary, the two of them were ready to examine Gary.

After thirty years, Dr. Dean, who was not young, was getting older, and even his vision was a little blurry. But he was familiar with giving Gary a checkup, so his movements were still very quick.

"Gary, after you’re with Ludwig, you must seize that boy's beast bead as soon as possible . . ." Dr. Dean ordered while examining Gary.

Although the little prince Gary was born very healthy, he was born abnormal. This always made him worry about Gary’s future search for a partner. Now that Gary and Ludwig were together, he was relieved.

Gary had no beast bead. Whether he was with a beastman or a sub-beastman, he could not have children. Now that he was with Ludwig, a beastman, seizing Ludwig's beast bead . . . was definitely the best choice for him.

"Your body’s sturdy. No one can be stronger than you except Fred and Edgar." Dr. Dean praised again. "Your body’s very good in every aspect, and there’s nothing wrong with it . . . . Hey, there’s a checkup item here that’s not the same as before. The womb is well-developed?”

Dr. Dean was stunned. He rubbed his eyes and suspected that he had misread it, but the fact proved that he had not misread it . . . . Running at full speed to the machine on the side, Dean hurriedly checked the various X-ray images on the machine.

According to the situation displayed on the machine, Gary had an extra organ in his belly. There . . . grew a very small womb.

This thing only grew after a sub-beastman had ingested a beastman’s beast bead, and now Gary also had one in his body.

After Gary had ingested Ludwig’s beast bead, he was aware of his physical condition and used his spiritual power to check the "small thing" in his body. Jones had long anticipated this, but Dr. Dean absolutely didn’t expect it and was scared witless.

Wasn't the little prince a beastman? Why could there be a womb in his body?

So . . . he had misjudged the sex of the little prince all along?

Thinking about it, the beast form of a beastman was basically inherited from his father, yet the beast form of the little prince was not a snake but a small hamster . . . . The little prince might be a little abnormal, but he was not an abnormal beastman; he was an abnormal sub-beastman!

No wonder the little prince never liked eating beastman food. No wonder the little prince was not as aggressive as those beastmen!

The more Dean thought about it, the more he felt guilty. He always thought that the little prince was a beastman and would often impose beastman standards on the little prince. This . . . he was too strict with a sub-beastman.

"Gary, you’re probably not a beastman but a sub-beastman." Dean finally said, eyes full of excitement. Gary was actually a sub-beastman, and now he had a womb. He and Ludwig would definitely be happy in the future!

"I think so too . . . . Dr. Dean, you give me a detailed pre-pregnancy checkup, okay." Gary said. Although there was his own mother as a reference, his genes were not exactly the same as his mother’s, so he felt that he needed to do a detailed examination.

"I’ll definitely give you a proper checkup." Dean was very excited. Because he felt that he had been negligent with Gary before, he examined Gary very, very diligently, and his spirit was highly-stimulated. This actually made Gary feel a little guilty. He had actually long known about his physical condition, but he always kept Dr. Dean in the dark, which was really not right . . . .

Gary ended up having a particularly detailed examination, and on the final physical examination report, there were four words—very fit for conception!

Holding the report paper, Gary thought of something almost immediately—with his body now very fit for conception, should he take contraceptive measures after marriage? It was maybe a little too soon to have a child after he just got married, right?

However, he should not have to worry about this at all. Fred and his wife had been married for seven or eight years and still had no children, and his parents also had no more children. He might have to wait a few years before he could have a child.

Speaking truthfully, he had in fact been looking forward to having a child since long ago. 

Stuffing the report in his hand into the space button, Gary finally decided to let nature take its course.

The wedding day soon arrived. The wedding was very lively. What made the people rather disappointed was that there was actually no exchange of beast beads by the newlyweds.

People nowadays, ah . . . . They exchanged the beast beads early and just couldn’t wait until marriage, did they? Everyone who followed the wedding closely started to gossip.

"My two dream guys are married. I’m so sad . . ."

"The wedding’s great, ah! But the two of them didn't even exchange beast beads. Have they hooked up for a long time?"

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! These two men are really a match made in heaven, ah!"

"Ludwig's gaze has never left Gary. Oh god, when will I meet such a beastman too?"

. . . . . .

Most people on the star network just watched the lively wedding and wished the newlyweds well, but there were still some cyber bullies who were tirelessly targeting Gary.

"They didn't exchange beast beads. Maybe that Gary has given his beast bead to someone else."

"Ludwig’s really blind. How did he fall in love with him?"

"Neither of them is a good person!"

. . . . . .

Such remarks did not occupy the mainstream, but there were still a lot of them, and they would exist because of many reasons.

Some people simply hated gay love and therefore hated Gary and Ludwig; some people were jealous of everything that Gary had, and some people . . . . There would always be some people in this world who staunchly thought that the rich and powerful were definitely inhumane and the leaders were absolutely corrupt. They firmly believed that Emir was innocent, and what happened previously was Gary, a prince, framing others . . . . These people even specially wrote such analyses and posted them on forums.

When Gary inadvertently saw such posts, he was utterly speechless. What good was it for him to spend so much effort to frame Emir?

The imperial family gave an order to delete all the excessive remarks. Meanwhile, Gary took these things even less seriously—it would be too tiring if he kept in mind a few sour words spoken casually by others.

All sorts of sour words on the Internet did not affect Gary and Ludwig at all. After the wedding, they went to a gorgeous mansion next to the imperial palace.

This house originally belonged to the imperial family, but now it belonged to Gary. Gary used it as a brand new house for himself and Ludwig, and it was already decorated according to his own preferences.

Since Gary proposed marriage, the intimacy between him and Ludwig had increased. On this day, the two could not help but embrace each other as soon as they entered the door.

They automatically embraced each other and instinctively started kissing.

Ludwig had no experience, but kissing actually didn’t need too much experience. They kissed deeply and finally fell on the bed together.

"Come on, Gary." Ludwig had been mentally prepared since long ago and lay down directly on the bed.

Gary had already predicted this and could not help smiling as he saw Ludwig look like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He then reached out and started to touch Ludwig.

Ludwig was full of muscles on his body, and they were all very hard. He was a little tense at the moment, and those muscles were even harder. Gary loved such muscles very much and could not help but stroke them back and forth several times.

Ludwig's body slowly softened, and finally there was only one place in his whole body that was still hard . . . .

"Okay, come on." Gary kissed Ludwig's face. He had no interest in occupying the dominant position and wished for others to serve him.

Ludwig was a little dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that a pie in the sky would actually fall on him on his wedding night . . . .

Almost impatiently, he threw Gary down.

Don’t look at Gary being able to beat Ludwig into the ground, he actually had no muscles on his body. After all, his strength came from spiritual power rather than his own muscles. Not only that, but his body was also pale and soft because he rarely went out to exercise or see the sun.

This was very different from what Ludwig had imagined before, but it was the same as he occasionally dreamed about. Thinking that he could treat Gary like he did in his dream . . . Ludwig felt blood rushing straight to the top of his head.

The nosebleed just sprayed out . . . .

Gary: ". . ." He had been speechless many times recently.

After cleaning himself up, Ludwig tremblingly kissed Gary's skin.

Since Gary intended to enjoy it, of course he was going to follow through to the end. He kissed Ludwig a few times from time to time and gently caressed and stroked Ludwig's body while guiding Ludwig to please himself.

"First, you must stretch it."

"Your fingers are too rough . Get more lube . . ."

" Okay, come on. Slow down . . ."

. . . . . .

Ludwig was very obedient at first, but as soon as he really "mastered" it, he did not stop nor slow down.

It was also difficult for Gary to control himself. At this time, except for producing moans from his nasal cavity, he was unable to utter anything else. Holding onto Ludwig, he used his spiritual power to relieve his physical discomfort, and then . . . what remained after that was just a steady flow of pleasure.

Both Ludwig and Gary were very satisfied on their wedding night. What satisfied Gary the most was that on the next day, Ludwig, without being taught, learned from his father to take care of him in every possible way.

Although he was completely uninjured because of the assistance of the spiritual power, he still enjoyed being taken care of like this. Gary gave Ludwig a satisfied glance, which made Ludwig even more excited. A table full of breakfast was arranged.

"Okay, sit down and eat together. You bled last night and need to make up for it." Gary turned towards Ludwig, all smiles. This guy had a heavy nosebleed yesterday . . . .

Ludwig's face instantly reddened. Wasn’t it because he received a very big shock? Gary's body was really too lovely . . . "I’ll try my best not to bleed tonight."

Calvin and Myer looked for Edgar and Shu Shu first thing in the morning to go see the newlyweds together. Hearing such an explosive dialog as soon as they entered the door, they were all sluggish.

Calvin and Myer: Our son turned out to be the one below . . . . Son, you grew to such a big guy in vain!

Edgar: Unexpectedly, Gary was actually the one above . . . and his skills were very poor. It seemed that he had to treat Ludwig better in the future.

Shu Shu: "Bleeding? Was Ludwig injured? Would you like me to help you check?"

Ludwig's face reddened even more, "No need, no need . . ."

"Right, Gary can take care of you." Shu Shu nodded.

Calvin and Myer glanced at each other and suddenly felt a little sad—their son became someone else's wife just like this?

After getting married, Gary and Ludwig grew even closer, and at this time, Gary realized that he was far more at ease when facing Ludwig than when facing Green.

Ludwig liked everything about him, so that he could show his truest self in front of Ludwig.

Green was actually quite selfish, and he also didn't like to take care of others. When Gary was with him, he had to look after himself and even take care of him. Ludwig was different.

Ludwig would always take care of Gary in every possible way.

"Dear, pour me a glass of water." Gary lay on the sofa and was too lazy to move, so he directly called out to his newlywed partner to pour water for him and then saw Ludwig blush deep red. Only after staring blankly for a moment did Ludwig bring him a glass of water at the fastest speed, and he also imitated him, "Dear, here’s the water."

Such a life was really not bad.

Gary drank the water and decided to discuss with Ludwig what precisely they would do next.

He did not want to go to the military anymore. Living on the spaceship year in and year out was not comfortable at all. Besides, if a sub-beastman had children, he was not allowed to stay on the spaceship.

In the future, it was impossible for him to stay in the capital star to bring up children while Ludwig struggled in the military, right?

"What’re your plans next, Ludwig?" Gary asked.

"Haven’t I already said it? I’ll take over my parents’ industries." Ludwig said. "They don’t like to manage the industries, so they let me take over."

"Will you regret leaving the military?"

"I won’t. I actually don't like being bound by the regulations and restrictions in the military. On the contrary, I prefer an adventurous life . . . . Wasn't I thrown into a remote planet by my father when I was sixteen? Life there was very interesting! Gary, I think we can set aside a period of time each year to travel and explore various planets.” Ludwig said. He and Gary would not have children, so the bond between them was not as deep as that of other families. He thought traveling was a good idea if you needed to do some activities that could foster feelings.

"Fine." Gary was also interested. "At that time, I can collect different materials from each planet and study them after coming back."

"Right, I’ll accompany you then." Ludwig promptly said.

After they got married, they both retired from the military. This was also the practice of many noble children in the capital star—many young nobles would go to the military for a few years to learn through experience, but they would return to inherit the family property after they got married.

Ludwig intended to help his parents manage their industries, but it was actually a rather difficult task for someone who had never been in contact with business before.

Fortunately, Edgar was grooming Fred at this time, so it was convenient for him to tag along.

Thus, Ludwig began the days of following Edgar to study every day. He actually used to revere and fear Edgar, but after getting along for a while, he suddenly realized that Gary’s father was in fact very gentle, and he especially doted on his sub-beastman.

Every time Gary's mother shouted, this father would rush over immediately . . . . He had to study hard!

Ludwig studied very seriously and lived a very rich after-marriage-life. Along with the passing of time, he also discovered that Gary was really very different from what he had imagined.

He had always thought that Gary was relatively strong, but in reality, he really wasn’t. Most of the time, Gary was very negotiable and even not very good at making decisions in some aspects.

In addition to this, Gary unexpectedly still had good cooking skills! Although Gary was not too fond of cooking, he was quite willing to go to the kitchen to cook a few dishes when he had free time. If he was willing to help Gary do all the preparations, Gary did not even mind going to the kitchen every day.

This kind of Gary made Ludwig like him more and more, to the extent that the smile on his face became brighter day by day.

Of course, he would occasionally feel regret.

He and Gary had already had the most intimate contact, but he had never seen Gary’s beast form . . . .

Gary did not like others seeing his beast form since he was a child, and he was still the same now. After marriage, he would turn into a big white tiger from time to time at Gary’s request, letting Gary hug, pet, and play with him. Gary, however, refused to show him his beast form.

Furthermore, Gary still hadn’t given him the beast bead.

Gary did not give him the beast bead because his performance in many areas was not good enough?

Although the current life already made him feel very, very happy, Gary not giving him the beast bead still made him a little unsettled.

The chasing had not yet succeeded, so he still had to work hard . . . . On the way home that day, Ludwig made a detour to the other side of the capital star and picked up a delicious meal for Gary.

Returning home, Ludwig saw Gary sitting on the sofa with a frown, and his face did not look so good.

"Gary? What happened?" Ludwig asked. He had never seen Gary look so solemn since they got married.

"There’s a very serious thing that I must tell you." Gary turned towards Ludwig with a solemn look across his whole face.

Gary's expression was so solemn it made Ludwig cannot help but feel quite anxious—it should not be Gary feeling he was not good enough and wanting to leave him, right?

This idea flashed past and was quickly rejected by Ludwig. Gary was definitely not such a person; moreover, he could feel that Gary liked him.

Otherwise, how could Gary be willing to be done like this and that by him every day?

"What's the matter?" Ludwig asked in a low voice.

"I seem to be pregnant." Gary said. After getting married, while continuing to make mechs, he began to learn to manage the company. His daily life was very relaxed, and he was also very satisfied with his current situation. As a result, only a month later, he actually got pregnant!

Fred had been married for so long and still had no children. Why did he get pregnant all of a sudden?

Before, he was still thinking about revealing his situation to Ludwig slowly and then preparing for the pregnancy together and waiting for the arrival of their first child. As a result . . . the child really came too suddenly.

Gary instantly became a little worried. He worried that Ludwig would be angry after knowing that he had lied to him for so long . . . .

Gary's mood was very complicated, but Ludwig was dumbfounded. What did he hear? Gary was pregnant?!

Gary was a beastman; how could he get pregnant? He misheard it, right?

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