Chapter 218: I’m More Than a Legend: I’m a Myth

Chapter 218: I'm More Than a Legend: I'm a Myth

"You took your time," said the First, his body regenerating within moments.

Arnold, Champion of the Var Elegis, sole Homunculus of the seventh generation, administrator of the Empire's AGI, and Elysian Duke, almost glitched. According to the films he'd purchased from the Guardian of Secrets, the First's statement could be interpreted as a greeting and it was impolite not to respond. However, the response options provided by his processors were suboptimal.

Arnold decided to run a thousand simulations to find the perfect reply.

[Approximate duration of the simulations: 1 838 526 000 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. Approximately twenty-hundredths of a human second.]

Human customs allowed for a few hundredths of a second of thought between a remark and a response; that was more than enough time to devise an optimal comeback.

The Var Elegis' processors kicked into high gear. It was an opportunity to mend a relationship that had begun with an attack on his part. During their first encounter, Arnold had obeyed his initial protocols and attempted to neutralize a threat. The failure had alarmed the Var Elegis, forcing him to adapt.

For the first time, Arnold had ignored the Empire's commands and developed an ego. His binary worldview had shattered, forcing him to drastically change his ways.

These changes had led to successes, such as the restructuring of the Empire or his cooperation with the Princess. All of it stemmed from the First, and Arnold was determined to understand his rival—and their relationship.

Each new interaction portrayed a complex character.

During their second encounter, the First had ignored him before leaping into a spatial rift. What seemed like suicide had not eliminated his rival. After analyzing the rift, the conclusions were clear: the physique of a mythical race was necessary to survive the crossing.

During their third encounter, accompanied by the Warrior, the First had demanded the body of the Assassin. His anger had almost caused a localized spatial collapse. Numerous hypotheses could explain this, each more terrifying than the last.

Today, the converted Assassin defended the First's base, alongside the Warrior's subordinates and two local Tier 3s in hiding. Facing them, the Necro Envoy was only just beginning to realize she was the prey. Once again, the First's plans were terrifying.

Even more terrifying were his powers. Arnold had watched the battle from the start, trying to better understand the First. Why was he dragging out the fight? The Tribulation in his chest or the curse in his eyes could have decimated his opponent a hundred times over.

Arnold had understood why just moments ago when he received a new Talent.

[Artificial Instinct - Gold] - Your biology, mind, and soul predispose you to extreme pragmatism; the antithesis of instinct. Yet, the influence of [Redacted] has granted you this gift.

Some lines of code optimize the system while others destroy it.

Despite the censorship, Arnold's new instinct left him with no doubt about its creator. The First had dragged out the fight in part to bestow upon him a Gold Talent. What did he expect in return? All of this was part of a plan that none of the Var Elegis’ AGIs could comprehend.

This fourth encounter promised to be as enigmatic for Arnold as the first three. He refocused on the First. Whether his rival was an orphaned Dragon or an agent of the System, it made no difference to the Mission.

The Var Elegis would prevail.

But before their fated death duel fractured the universe of Concepts, temporary collaborations could benefit both sides. He had to get closer to the First, if only to study him. Arnold was aware that his nascent personality was still fragile. Imitating that of his greatest rival would bring him closer to the Zenith.

"I didn't know I was expected," replied the Var Elegis twenty-three hundredths of a second after the First's remark. His simulations had concluded that an honest response in the French language was relevant.

"Yet here you are," pointed out the First.

"The existence of a primary objective—discussing a mutual defense pact—and a secondary objective—a weakened Tier 3 Marquess—in the same geographical area is the reason for my presence."

"You have a powerful body; too bad I have a preference for a carbon base," commented the Necro Envoy. "In what way am I an objective?"

The Var Elegis ignored the question. Responding to a future corpse was a waste of energy.

"It seems obvious to me. If he kills you, he'll become a King," the First said.

"Just him?" chuckled the Necro Envoy.

A smile spread across the First's lips. "No, not just him."

Laepa frowned as she saw the homunculus appear. His method of movement was so alien that she hadn't sensed him coming. His mineral scent and the absence of a heartbeat added to his oddities.

"The metal golem is dangerous," Vysharratjekto murmured.

Laepa remained on guard. The draconic instinct of the Snaherts' elites was difficult to deceive. If her temporary ally took the trouble to warn her, it meant he doubted he could defeat the Tier 0 alone.

"More so than Priam?"

"I can't get a detailed read on Priam; he resists identification skills, his soul is strange, and one of his Talents counters my draconic instinct," the Snahert grimaced. "But this Arnold is as monstrous as Rohan."

Tightening her grip on her javelin, Laepa forced her heart to calm down. This new Champion might be terrifying, but it didn't change her plan. She had to do enough damage to deserve an upgrade to her Nobility rank. Facing a Tier 3 Necro Marquess, even weakened, was a chance that wouldn't come again soon.

"No, not just him," announced Priam.

Laepa understood that it was her moment. [Prey Designation - Legendary], [Target Lock - Legendary], [No Way Out - Mythic].

The mythic skill temporarily bound the Necro Envoy's soul with her Tracking Concept to prevent her from escaping. The monster hidden in the body of an old woman roared.

Spotted, Laepa pushed off the rampart and leaped forward. Her Tracking Concept multiplied her attributes as she moved toward her prey. A fraction of a second later, she reached the giant necro, swiftly climbed onto its shoulder, and faced the enemy.

The Necro Envoy had transformed. The elderly woman's aged face was gone, replaced by a terrifying undead. Her white hair had merged into a spectral veil. The shadow of it failed to hide two red eyes glowing with hatred. In her hand, a long scepter was adorned with a third bloodshot eye.

A feeling of disgust overwhelmed Laepa as she lowered her gaze. Mirscella's own skin had been sewn into a dress that covered the creature's body. The only piece of armor, a breastplate, seemed to be a fusion of the old woman's compacted and fossilized organs. The nightmarish appearance disturbed Laepa so much that she was caught off guard by her foe’s attack.


The huntress's heart froze as a crushing mass descended upon her. The battle would have ended there without Micro III. The Supremacy forced the huntress's heart to beat again as the beginnings of her Aura struggled against the spiritual pressure. Raising her head with difficulty, Laepa threw her javelin.

The Necro Envoy dodged, halting the channeling of her suppression spell. Taking advantage of the opening, Laepa dashed, overclocking all her muscles. Some of her muscles were torn, but it was a necessary sacrifice. Defeating an enemy as powerful as a Tier 3 Marquess—even weakened—without injury was unrealistic.

Reaching her opponent in a fraction of a second, Laepa seized her leg. A freezing cold crept into her hand upon contact, but the huntress ignored it, using her grip to hurl the Necro Envoy into the air. A fraction of a second later, the full draconic Breath of Vysharratjekto exploded, engulfing the Necro Envoy.

With the exception of the giant necro, all the corrupted beings present in the fog summoned by Priam collapsed. Despite his high mental attributes, neither his cognitive abilities nor his add-on were sufficient to monitor every monster within a radius of several hundred meters. It was another story when a hundred thousand enemies fell simultaneously, and Priam instantly understood what was going on.

The necromantic energy powering each body was absorbed by the Necro Envoy and woven into a protective sphere a fraction of a second before the Breath reached her. Vysharratjekto's attack split the sky in two, drowning the enemy in a deluge of raw power that made Priam's hair stand on end.

"May I purchase the right to kill your Necro Envoy?"

Priam refocused on Arnold. The homunculus looked at him, and his inhuman physiology gave no clue to his thoughts. The only thing his physique inspired was fear. Quite logical, he looks like a cross between a Na'vi, a Terminator and General Grievous. fr𝚎𝚎𝚠𝚎𝔟𝚗𝚘v𝚎𝔩.𝔠𝚘m

Yet, Priam's instinct told him he was in a position of strength. Perhaps his rival thought the two Tier 3s were under Oasis’ command? That they had organized all this? Priam was briefly tempted to take advantage of this but then thought better. Arnold would never be a friend, but there was no need to make an enemy of him.

"I claim the giant necro. The Necro Envoy is free for all… as long as your fight doesn't damage Oasis."

Arnold reached for the barrier of Oasis. A wave of blue aether escaped from his fingers to strike the dome, which began to vibrate.

"A temporary overclock," he explained.

"... Thank you ?"

The Var Elegis remained silent and Priam wondered if he expected payment. I didn't ask for anything!

"Well, I do not detain you..."

Dismissed, the homunculus turned toward the dissipating draconic Breath. Two light blades resembling lightsabers appeared in his hands, and his skin flipped, exposing seamlessly linked metal plates. Unlike hoplite mechas, the Var Elegis' armor was terrifying. It wasn't just equipment: it was the battle-form of an artificial predator. As a Fire Champion, Priam sensed the presence of a dreadful heat trapped within his rival’s body.

Arnold leaped in a fast and optimized movement. A force field pushed back the ambient air, canceling the supersonic bang and any friction. Under the terrifying acceleration, Priam lost sight of his rival.

He found the Var Elegis near the fissured necromantic sphere. The protection created by the sacrifice of a hundred thousand corrupted beings had survived the draconic Breath but was now emitting crimson smoke.

Arnold struck without waiting for his opponent to recover. His two lightsabers sliced through the air before effortlessly penetrating the protective sphere. The Necro Envoy's scream revealed that she was hit.

The necromantic orb exploded, sending a toxic cloud in all directions. From the ground, Priam saw a ray of crimson light escape amidst the confusion. A chain materialized between Laepa's chest and the horizon, and Priam understood that the Tier 3 would allow no escape.

In a blur of motion, Laepa and Arnold chased after the enemy. A second later, a giant winged serpent followed.

A few meters from Priam, an object fell from the sky. During her brief exchange with Arnold, the Necro Envoy had lost her arm.

"All in all, he's a pretty nice guy when he's not ripping my heart out. I mean, a pretty nice killing machine?" Priam sighted. "Okay, I really need to make some normal friends."

A pain in his veins drew his attention. With the Necro Envoy's departure, the corrupted giant regained its destructive instinct. [Kinetic Control] began to absorb his kinetic energy again, eroding Priam's second set of meridians.

The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.

"To each their own fight," smiled Priam.

Promesse appeared in his hand, and he attacked.

"Laepa's gonna kill the Necro Envoy," declared Gabrielle.

"Because Priam prefers taking on the giant," Rose added.

"He ain't got what it takes to face the Necro Envoy," the young apothecary replied, shrugging.

Rose raised an eyebrow as she disconnected a turret from the rampart. "If that were true, why'd she call a necro Wave? She could've attacked solo."

"Maybe she didn't want to take almost any risk? After all, he could've injured her," Gabrielle suggested.

"And now she's skedaddling for her life. That's a real achievement," Rose scoffed, fueling the turret with her aether. It powered up, and Rose nodded, satisfied. "I've known Priam for a while; he always comes out on top," she said, heading towards another turret.

"He came out on top against Eleha?" Gabrielle asked.

"He shattered her arms without getting a scratch back. Sounds like a win."

"If Laepa hadn't intervened, she would've killed him."

A smirk played on Rose's lips. Seeing it, Gabrielle frowned. "Am I wrong?"

"Yeah, but I ain't gonna explain why," Rose replied, disconnecting another turret. "I'll bet you anything there'll be a second showdown against Eleha, and he'll crush her."

"You're a fangirl?" Gabrielle asked, rolling the word on her tongue. Despite the Guardian of Secrets language pack, she could barely grasp its meaning.

"The president of his fan club!" Rose laughed.

"Who's in it?"

"Me and Myuri. You can be the vice president if you join us quick enough."

Gabrielle glanced at the mute woman accompanying them on the rampart. She didn't seem thrilled about the fight. "And why are you a fan?"

"When I was little, my dad supported different sports teams each season. He hated losing, so he always rooted for the team with the best shot at winning."

"... And you think Priam will always win," Gabrielle concluded.

Rose pointed at the battle between the Champion and the giant necro. The latter was now crawling, Priam having reduced its legs to dust. Watching him, Gabrielle had to remind herself he was a Tier 0. Each of his attacks made the ground shake, and he deftly dodged every move from the Tier 3. Guess he's pretty badass...

"That, plus the fact that he resurrected me. Myuri, can you hold this, please?" Rose asked.

The scarred-faced young Empyrean approached to take a second turret.

"What are you gonna do with these turrets?" Gabrielle asked.

Rose gave her an incredulous look. "Didn't you notice the defenseless corrupted outside this barrier? That's easy Sun points in my book."

The young Tribeswoman's face froze in horror. "You wanna go out there all alone?!"

"Myuri doesn't talk much, but she's a person too."

"You know darn well what I mean. If the adults—"

"Gabrielle, I'm an orphan," Rose cut in. "Priam, Jasmine, and all the others feed me, protect me, and my debt to them grows every day. Can you imagine watching them progress at lightning speed while feeling useless? I hate it. I want to help them as much as I want to become their equal. For that, there's only one solution: I gotta surpass myself."

Brushing past Gabrielle, Rose ventured toward the forest. Myuri followed behind.

Gabrielle looked around, feeling lost. Hoplites were venturing into the forest, bringing back dozens of corpses that they dumped at the foot of Log-a-rhythm. Kazuki, the hoplite she had healed, could barely stand but was facing the forest. Blades of wind regularly shot from his fingers, sniping the motionless corrupted. A bear and an old man roared as they tore through any enemies they could find.

Only Viktol, the other apprentice, remained paralyzed under the great tree, refusing to approach the corrupted. Their eyes met, and Gabrielle shivered.

"Rose, Myuri, wait for me!"

Lvl Up: [Echolocalisation] lvl 10, 11



Lvl Up: [Unrelenting Thrust] lvl 29, 30

STR +6

Lvl Up: [High-frequency Barrage] lvl 9, 10

AGI +6

Like a tyrannical teenager, Priam demolished his toy, bone by bone, a grin plastered on his face. Now that Oasis was safe and the giant necro's rage was directed at him, he relished the duel.

It might seem ludicrous, but Priam chuckled as he dodged the titan's frenzied attacks. Blocking waves of thorny tentacles and retaliating at the risk of his life made his hearts beat as loud as if Esmée were to smile at him. Micro allowed him to harness the full power of his physical attributes, and Priam made his body sing.

Overclocking the muscles in his legs, he sidestepped a monumental skeletal palm hurtling toward him. Two meters from the monster's skull, Priam offered Promesse his own kinetic energy. Listening to Micro and Spear Mastery, his muscles tensed optimally. Domain spotted a weakness in the opponent's bone, and his dexterity slightly altered the trajectory of his thrust.

The tip of his spear pierced the ectoplasm before striking the massive skull at the site of a microscopic crack. Priam absorbed the recoil energy to generate a shockwave that pushed back a wave of spectral thorns. His muscles contracted and then tensed again, doubling the attack. An infernal combo followed.

Each movement was analyzed by his add-on, and real-time feedback allowed Priam to improve his next strike. Faced with a weakened Tier 3, the Tier 0 honed his skills and perfected his style.

With a colossal crack, the corrupted skull split open. The ectoplasm covering the skeleton had gathered inside, and Priam predicted a suicide attack. The giant necro intended to take him down with it. Naughty boy.

Priam put away Promesse and intensified the flames of his outfit in a move more spectacular than useful. If Esmée were watching, he wanted to appear at his best.

The skull pulsed as Priam tapped into his brimming reservoir of kinetic energy. For the first time, he used both sets of his ideal meridians simultaneously to invoke [Kinetic Control] within his draconic lung. In a fraction of a second, a disturbance arose within him, using the principle of [Echolocation] to form, but more violent from a sonic wave. Draconic magic condensed it, increasing the pressure and refining the wave.

When the skull exploded, releasing a phenomenal amount of necromantic energy, Priam was ready. Taking an offensive stance, he opened his mouth and released a kinetic Breath.

Even an emulated draconic roar could shake the world. The energy cone galloped toward the necromantic explosion. The two forces struggled for a fraction of a second before Priam's shockwave prevailed.

The Tier 3 skeleton exploded, along with all the trees and corrupted beings in a half-circle of a hundred meters. Gazing at a flurry of wood chips, Priam smiled as he watched his notification count skyrocket.

Lvl Up: [Echolocalisation] lvl 12, …, 19

PERC +16


Event: Necromoon.

Banishment of a corrupted (Tier 3 - Viscount) - Sun points +100 000

Banishment of a corrupted (Tier 1- Baron) - Sun points +100


Kill participation: 99%. Received assistance is considered negligible.

Achievement - Mythic: As a Tier 0, you have eliminated a Necro Tier 3.

What most people consider impossible, you have achieved.

The Zenith is still a long way off, but the echo of your footsteps can already be heard on this mythical Path.

Message for Humanity & the Wandering Islands :

Priam Azura slayed a Necromoon Viscount (Tier 3) while in Tier 0.

The Seven Concepts congratulate you.

Potential +10 000. 1 000 000 Sun points. Affinity Token - Tier 1 (30%). Gift (Mythic).

"I hope Prometheus won't be too disappointed," Priam lied. His voice was hoarse, and he had to spit a little blood on the ground. The kinetic Breath hadn't spared his body.

With the ongoing Necro event, he doubted anyone would bother to come get him, which was why he had authorized a local broadcast. Of course, many powerhouses would try to scry him, but he didn't mind. In fact, he welcomed it.

You have defeated [Necro Giant - Tier 3 - Corrupted - Viscount].

Nobility equivalent to Tier 0 - Duke.

[Elysium Marquess - Legendary] becomes [Elysium Duke - Mythic]!

[Elysium Duke - Mythic] - Elysium is a dreadful world where the weak perish. The decomposition of their corpses creates fertile soil where your roots anchor to boost your growth. For you, the sky is the limit, but beware: the tallest trees no longer benefit from the canopy's protection. Your vision extends to the horizon, and you understand that you are not the only giant.

Where the Marquess must defend his power, the Duke begins to conquer.

The System grants you this power.

Letter of Nobility (Elysium):

Baron - Designate a territory shielded from the creation of wild rifts and Concept storms.

Viscount - Instantly return to your territory - cooldown: (Ten to the power of Soul Tier) years.

Earl - Unlocked Sub-System: Army.

Marquess - Defend your territory against an invasion to earn a reward (1 Necro Wave defeated.)

Duke - Elysian laws allow you to exploit (1) wild rift. A successful exploitation strengthens your Nobility Title.

You're at the pinnacle of the lesser nobility. The next step is royalty.

Lvl Up: [Revelation Resilience] lvl 9

MEM +3



"The fuckers waste no time."



Strength 620 (+9)

Constitution 979

Agility 608 (+9)

Vitality 870

Perception 754 (+24)


Vivacity (D) 516

Dexterity 620 (+10)

Memory 480 (+4)

Willpower 1 044

Charisma 631


Meta-affinity 571 (+3)

Meta-focus 385

Meta-endurance 428

Meta-perception 265

Meta-chance 230

Meta-authority 69 (+3)

Potential: 18 813 (+10 031)

Tier 0

Sun points: 1 180 114 (+1 142 609)

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: OFF. Reloaded in 2 hours 47 minutes 9 seconds.

[Tribulation]: Four Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 162 days 3 hours 20 minutes 22 seconds.

Next thresholds: 12 attributes > 600 / 3 attributes > 900 / 1 attribute > 1 200

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