Chapter 239: One more reason to commit draconic genocide

Chapter 239: One more reason to commit draconic genocide

“I sense no recognition from the System,” Bertomne declared, crossing his arms. “You don’t expect me to obey someone who hasn’t passed any Tribulation, do you?”

In response to Bertomne’s provocation, Priam saw red and his draconic heart pounded with a terrible force. The pulse fused with his charisma and Conquest Aura, crashing over the assembly like a tidal wave. The physical impact slapped the insolent artisan, while the anger it contained paralyzed him.

A Dragon did not tolerate disrespect.

“I’ve triumphed over a quadruple Tribulation and am preparing for a quintuple. Does that give me the right to give you orders?” Priam asked. His tone was calm, but the mist raging in his eyes proved that the storm was already here.

That, and his Domain’s pressure which suffocated the artisan.

Lvl Up: [Intimidation] lvl 8


Lvl Up: [Emotional Discipline] lvl 10


“I’ll take your silence as a yes,” Priam continued. “You’re alive because the borders of Oasis are holding back an infinite horde of undead; my father built part of those defenses, so show him some respect!”

His aura intensified to punctuate the command, reminding the artisan of his place in Oasis: that of a newcomer with everything to prove.

Lvl Up: [Intimidation] lvl 9


Once he was sure the message had sunk in, Priam eased the pressure on Bertomne, allowing him to take a deep breath.

“... I apologize,” the sand singer stammered, gasping for air. His erratic heartbeat betrayed his panic.

Alain accepted the apology with a nod.

“Good,” said Priam. “In the future, make sure to be polite and respectful towards the inhabitants of Oasis, and we’ll do the same.”

A small community like Oasis needed civility to thrive. Priam waited for Bertomne to nod before finishing.

“One last thing: I’m open to dialogue, especially in areas I’m not well-versed in, but that doesn’t mean you can challenge fair orders. If you have a problem with that, you can leave.”

Everyone present held their breath. It was a death sentence, and they all knew it, but Priam wouldn’t let a pretentious artisan jeopardize Oasis’s security.

Lvl Up: [Intimidation] lvl 10


For a few seconds, no one spoke until the young Lord retracted his aura. Despite his anger, Priam knew he needed artisans. If Bertomne was willing to obey, he could be very useful. After the stick, here comes the carrot.

“If you choose to stay, you’ll have access to the basic resources needed to practice your craft, interesting projects, decent housing, and you’ll be protected. Oasis doesn’t abandon its members. Now, you have a choice to make.”

Eyes downcast, the craftsman stared at his hands, deep in thought. No one tried to influence him. Everything had been said, and Priam wanted willing people around him.

“I haven’t changed my mind; I want to join Oasis,” the sand singer declared after his contemplation.

Priam smiled slightly. “Then I welcome you again.” The dragon within him still bristled at the artisan, but the young Lord knew that concessions were sometimes necessary. Bertomne deserved one last chance.

“I might be wrong, but you don’t seem like a fool,” Priam continued in a less harsh tone. Simultaneously, Log-a-rhythm softened the craftsman’s chair. The tree had sensed its partner's wrath. “Why insult my father? Were you testing my limits? Trying to see if I could control my draconic bloodline?”

His draconic heart exacerbated certain traits, especially anger and pride. Without his high charisma, Priam might have succumbed to his impulses and executed the artisan for his disrespect.

“... None of that, Lord Priam,” Bertomne replied after swallowing hard. “It’s just a tradition. Most tribes consider that a child must pass a Tribulation before becoming a man. It was insulting for me to be asked to obey under those conditions.”

Priam turned to Lamnas and Ymir. “Is that true?”

“He speaks the truth, my Lord,” Ymir confirmed as the elf nodded. “It is like asking a veteran to obey a novice in wartime just because he is highborn.”

Priam grimaced. How many battles had been lost due to incompetent officers?

“I’ll keep our differences in mind and try to learn your customs to avoid unintentional insults.” Priam took a moment to silence the dragon within before continuing. “I apologize for pressuring you, but know that I have little tolerance for rudeness; you’ll need to temper your remarks.”

“I’ll remember that,” Bertomne promised, his voice trembling. Priam’s aura seemed to have frightened him. Even when a predator was sated, the prey never forgot its place.

“Good. Now, let me assure you that nepotism has no place in Oasis. My father is in charge of this project because he has spent his life building and managing construction sites. He hasn’t passed a Tribulation yet because we’ve only been here a short time. Dad, anything to add?”

“Our team will be small, so I see no reason not to integrate you fully into the project if that reassures you about my competence,” Alain smiled, handing several sheets to the sand singer. “You won’t just be an executor but also a thinker. If you have suggestions, advice, or remarks, I’m open to all proposals.”

Bertomne nodded, eyes widening as he examined the plans, measurements, and material resistance calculations. A glance was enough to understand that Alain was the real deal.

“... I suppose I judged too quickly,” the artisan murmured as he studied the plan. “From what I can see, it’s a good plan, but it doesn’t account for my abilities. For instance, there’s no need for piles under the foundations,” he pointed out one of the diagrams, his tone now professional. “I can create layers with different properties that will absorb shocks in case of earthquakes and stabilize the structure. A sort of giant spring.”

Alain leaned in, scratching his beard. “Good to know, but we must account for the runes Rose will engrave; that will inevitably create weaknesses.”

“I have special skills to reinforce the materials I work with,” Bertomne replied. “My tribe was nomadic, so I rarely had the opportunity to use them on large structures, but I suppose it’s possible—even if time-consuming. I’ll need to experiment outside of work hours. By the way, maybe we should discuss my contract? Might as well get all the shitty stuff out of the way today.”

“Watch your language in front of Rose,” Alain admonished, ignoring the teenager rolling her eyes with a smile.

Priam frowned. “I already accepted a contract when I summoned you. Every day, the System will automatically deduct one hundred forty Sun Points from my wallet to pay your salary.”

Bertomne grimaced, opened his mouth, then hesitated. He seemed to choose his words carefully before replying. “I don’t want to be rude, but I’m not a slave. The salary you mentioned corresponds to eight hours of work per day, but I understand you want to build this outpost quickly…”

Ymir was a self-employed merchant, but the two artisans would work for Priam and needed to be paid for their overtime.

“You’re right. Very well, I suppose we’ll have to revise your contracts. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or inclination to handle it,” Priam admitted, turning to his right. “Let me introduce you to the project supervisor: Myuri. If you have any questions or requests, she’s the one to see.”

Myuri and Bertomne sized each other up.

“I’m sure we’ll work well together,” the young woman declared.

“Maybe. I mean, yes,” Bertomne added after a glance at Priam.

“I’m sure of it too,” said Lamnas.

After another look at Priam, Myuri addressed Bertomne.

“I understand you have reservations about working more than eight hours a day. I get that you need rest, but remember that completing this outpost will allow you to enjoy the resources in Valaryth. I’m willing to offer you unlimited access to the protected part of Valaryth once the project is finished and the right to use any natural resources you find there. Then, it would be in your best interest to finish this outpost as quickly as possible.”

A thin smile appeared on Bertomne’s lips. “Given Alain’s plans, you have few artisans. I’m betting I’ll be constantly in demand. Your offer is generous, but I probably won’t have the chance to enjoy it. I want to be paid more.”

“Every extra hour will be paid twice the normal rate,” Myuri proposed.

“Four times more.”

“Twice, with a bonus if you perform well.”

“How will you evaluate that?”

“If your creations are rated higher by the System than those of… Rose, for example?”

Bertomne turned to the teenager and snorted. Seeing his new supervisor take charge, Priam smiled. Delegating is a good thing when you have competent friends.

After a few minutes of boring discussion, Priam excused himself. He had better things to do than listen to Myuri and Bertomne iron out contract terms; sleeping, for instance. It had been almost four days since he’d last died, and the lack of sleep was starting to take its toll. His brief naps during aether training weren’t enough to keep his mind sharp.


A voice called out to him as he leapt from the top of Log-a-rhythm towards the lower branches. Priam’s eyes widened as he saw Rose jumping after him.

After a fall of several meters, the teenager’s body entered his Domain. When he absorbed her kinetic energy to save her life, she burst out laughing. “It’s even better than jumping on a trampoline! Can you throw me back up?”

A mischievous grin spread across Priam’s lips, and he hurled Rose skyward before she could retract her request. Her laughter turned into screams when she realized he wasn’t catching her.

Log-a-rhythm parted its foliage for her descent, and she fell about fifteen meters. A magical force reduced her speed just before she hit the ground. Priam burst out laughing at her shocked expression. Rose pretended to be offended before copying him.

“That was awesome! It’s this kind of adrenaline rush that makes me want to become a fighter.”

“Danger can be exhilarating, but pain and death are less fun,” Priam tempered. He had brought Rose to Elysium, and he’d never forgive himself if something bad happened to her.

This story originates from Royal Road. Ensure the author gets the support they deserve by reading it there.

“I know it’s not my path, but sometimes I think about it,” Rose said, shrugging. “I’m glad to see you laugh. Are you okay?”

“I’m a little tired,” Priam admitted. “Why?”

“You took out your frustrations on that poor man.”

“He insulted my father and, by extension, me. Better to set boundaries right away than wait for a real discipline problem.”

This chapt𝙚r is updated by freeωebnovēl.c૦m.

“Sure, but you didn’t need to pressure him so much. I thought he was going to piss himself out of fear.”

Priam grimaced. He had felt the fear of the artisan and felt dirty because of his somewhat disproportionate response. “I’m a bit stressed right now. Between my Tribulations and…”

“And Sphinx.” Seeing Priam’s incredulous look, Rose sighed. “I’m not stupid, you know? I talked to Ymir, and he explained the danger of a quintuple Tribulation. You have five and a half months left before you have to face them, yet you’re rushing.”

Torn between the desire not to divulge the terrible secret and reluctant to lie, Priam remained silent.

“You… Are you going to save my friend?”

“I’m going to save our friend,” Priam promised.

“I trust you,” Rose smiled faintly. “If you want to sleep, you can take my hammock.”

“Your hammock?”

Rose led Priam to a hammock hidden among the branches of Log-a-rhythm. Suspended high up, the net was invisible from the ground and offered a stunning view of the surrounding forest. Above it, a few glowing berries were arranged artistically to create an artificial starry sky. Finally, large leaves blocked the Necromoon’s light.

“It’s almost like sleeping under the stars,” Rose said. “I’m lending it to you.”

“Thank you. You should go back up there.”

“Not yet, Muyri hasn't finished discussing.”

“Is there a problem?”

Rose smiled. “None. She's flying the nest, and I don't want to bother her by crying because I'm proud of her. It's her moment.”

“You're a good friend.”

“I'm trying!”

For the first time in a long while, Priam dreamed. The incident with Bertomne must have affected him because he found himself as a child, sitting at the dinner table with his parents and some guests.

The beginning of the dream was hazy and forgettable until he reached for some olives by leaning on the table. Seeing him forget his manners, his mother stabbed the back of his hand with her fork. The promise of future punishments in her eyes woke him up.

Priam opened his eyes, taking a few seconds to realize that the glowing berries were not stars. In the distance, the clash of weapons and the screams of the corrupted confirmed that he was still in Elysium. His mother was far away, and he would probably never see her again. Yet, she had played a significant role in his upbringing.

Massaging the back of his hand, Priam remembered the etiquette rules he had learned through pain. His mother had written them in his bones. Sometimes quite literally

“I guess that’s why I hate disrespect in others,” he sighed. Bothered by this thought, he turned over and fell back asleep.

The sun had set over Valaryth when Priam crossed back through the rift.

“What the hell…”

The transformation of the beach had already begun. A massive pit, almost twenty meters deep and twice as wide, surrounded the portal. Its creator, Bertomne, stood nearby with his eyes closed. Thanks to [Ideal Aether Perception], Priam could see the artisan’s aether slowly saturating the sand around them.

His father was absent, likely discussing the wood they would use to build the outpost with Lamnas.

Priam took off without disturbing the sand singer, heading towards the ruins that once housed the amphipteres. Somewhere below, Jasmine, Kazuki, and some hoplites were already mapping the area.

A few minutes later, he landed less than a kilometer from the ruins. The monsters there could probably see better in the dark than he could, and he didn’t want to start a fight with all of them at once.

Navigating the dark forest, Priam used his enhanced vision and perception skills to avoid obstacles. For the first time in a long while, he channeled [Broad-Spectrum vision], [Trap Detection], and [Art of Movement] to move without crashing into the flora.

Despite this, his feet regularly snapped dry branches and rustled leaves. Each noise made him wince, but Priam refused to levitate. The Phoenix Prince had reminded him that the Tribulations would target his weaknesses. If one of them countered both [Kinetic Control] and [Phoenix Wings], [Art of Movement] would be his only mobility skill.

Not wanting to let a rare skill decide his survival, he had no choice but to level it up as quickly as possible.

Focusing on his body, his environment, and his skills, Priam progressed slowly through the dense forest. Despite this, a smile crept onto his lips. Moving stealthily through wood at night, trying to avoid the attention of unknown monsters, reminded him of his first days in Elysium.

Amused, the young warrior found pleasure in getting back to the basics. Using Micro to guide his body, he listened to his skills to improve. Consciously performing an action was necessary to develop his active skills.

Lvl Up: [Art of Movement] lvl 31

AGI +1



When his Domain sensed the presence of cobblestones under his feet, Priam froze, surprised. Vegetation had invaded the ruins, erasing all boundaries between nature and civilization. He had reached his goal. Now, let's see if any amphipteres remain.

The first building was a block of hard, black stone. His sphere of authority couldn't penetrate it, and it took Priam a few minutes to find the entrance, hidden by a dense bush. Deploying his mist, Priam infiltrated the building before using it as a point of entry.

Instantly, he grimaced and covered his nose. The interior reeked almost as bad as Blueberry's armpits, and the darkness was absolute. The first threshold of perception allowed Priam to see in the infrared, but that wasn't enough to navigate when there was no heat source. He focused on his mist and his Domain to study the single room that made up the building.

A few shards of ceramic on the floor, twisted and rusted metal, and the remnants of a giant nest—that was all that remained. Priam hesitated to summon light before reconsidering. He couldn't afford to underestimate the draconic creatures living here again. If one had an affinity with the Light or Fire Concept, it could sense him from afar. He himself could detect a fire from over a kilometer away.

Seeing a few fossilized eggs in the center of the nest, Priam decided to turn back. The exploration continued. Not being an archaeologist, the warrior had no idea what purpose the buildings he discovered served. Most were empty, but some still contained a few worn pieces of furniture. The city's exodus hadn't been rushed; the inhabitants had only left behind the blocks of stone too heavy to transport and worthless furniture.

As he ascended a street wide enough for two cars to pass, Priam froze. Three meters away, a small feline hid in a dense bush. Without his Domain, he wouldn't have noticed it.

Forcing his hearts to beat slowly, he hesitated before continuing his route. His draconic instinct told him the wildcat was weak and wouldn’t attack.

From that moment on, Priam doubled his vigilance. If the feline had been as powerful as an amphiptere, it could have attacked before being detected… with deadly consequences.

The rest of his progress was slow and laborious. [Kinetic Control] absorbed the heat he emitted except for the infrared radiation, while [Phantom], the upgrade of [Stealth], helped correct his posture. A parallel thought employed [High Aether Manipulation] to prevent the dissemination of his aether, and Micro blocked his perspiration.

It wasn’t perfect, but Priam did his best to be stealthy. The next animals didn’t seem to notice his presence.

Lvl Up: [Phantom] lvl 17

AGI +3

When the sky began to turn a pastel pink, Priam reached a two-story building. It was the first of its kind, as the outskirts of the ruins only had low buildings. The heart of the ruins had taller structures, but his instinct urged him to inspect this one before continuing.

The debris of a large door lay on the ground, and Priam cautiously stepped over it. The interior of the edifice had only one room, with a simple interior balcony that circled the second floor. The high ceiling created a spacious area, which had clearly pleased someone.

The dawn light filtered through the windows, scattering over scales to create a multicolored spectacle. Noticing the deep breath of the sleeping amphiptere, Priam wasted no time. Promesse in his right hand, he used [Phantom] to silently approach. His second racial Talent paralyzed the beast’s instincts, plunging it into eternal sleep as the spear pierced through the eyelid, eye, and brain in a single motion.

Lvl Up: [Phantom] lvl 18

AGI +3

Priam stood, momentarily shocked by the ease of the kill. Amphipteres might be formidable beasts, but when exploiting its weakness, that one stood no chance. And that's what the Tribulations will do to me…

Shaking off the morbid thought, Priam focused on the dying winged serpent.

Despite the fatal blow, the draconic heart took several seconds to stop beating, showcasing the beast’s exceptional vitality. An unnatural hunger gripped Priam, and he began working like a lousy butcher.

Removing the scales, cutting the muscles, and breaking bones, he worked like a man possessed. His forearms stained red with blood, Priam finally extracted the beast’s heart and bit into it. His draconic instincts liked it raw.

The Dragon’s ritual was complete, and his bloodline absorbed the essence of the amphiptere’s power. His teeth cracked the hidden core, releasing a torrent of energy within him.

“Ancient Dragons are as rare as their descendants are numerous. If you choose [Draconic], prepare to face hordes of mixed bloods. Devouring their hearts will increase the purity of the bloodline.”

The Phoenix’s words echoed in his memory, reminding Priam why the Dragon’s Way was as dangerous as it was profitable.

Consumption of a fragment of draconic bloodline…

Insufficient purity to elevate your bloodline.

A portion of the vanquished’s powers is your rightful inheritance.

The Dragon's Way helped Priam's cells and soul absorb the essence flowing through his veins.

Lvl Up: [Friction Resistance] lvl 19, 20

AGI +2

[Friction Resistance] has reached level 20, its maximum level as a common skill.

“... One more reason to commit draconic genocide.”



Strength 707

Constitution 1 105

Agility 630 (+13)

Vitality 1 040

Perception 761 (+1)

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Vivacity (D) 570

Dexterity 653 (+1)

Memory 832

Willpower 1 163 (+4)

Charisma 692 (+15)


Meta-affinity 784

Meta-focus 403

Meta-endurance 608

Meta-perception 339

Meta-chance 274

Meta-authority 210

Potential: 13 543 (+16)

Tier 0

Sun points: 1 467 616 (+2519)

[He Who Eludes Death] charge: PRIMED

[Tribulation]: Five Tribulations pending.

Future Tribulations delayed until:

Time: 155 days 22 hours 14 minutes 50 seconds.

Next thresholds: 12 attributes > 600 / 6 attributes > 900 / 1 attribute > 1 200

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