Chapter 41: Qi Refining (1)

Chapter 41: Qi Refining (1)

Qi Refining consists of a total of 14 stars.

Previously, Qi Gathering was included in Qi Refining, making it 15 stars, but even then, the foundation of Qi Refining began only after forming the Law-Transforming Dantian.

As I read through the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation, I delved into the details of Qi Refining.

Although casually referred to as stars from 1 to 14, the boundaries of each stage within Qi Refining were quite complex.

To reach the first star of Qi Refining, one must understand all seventy-two incantations of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words (七十二地地煞眞言) and activate the corresponding seventy-two spiritual meridians.

The second star involves mastering the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Method Decrees (三十六天罡法訣), building upon the seventy-two Earthly Sha meridians and forming the corresponding thirty-six Heavenly Gang spiritual natures.

The third star requires evolving the seventy-two spiritual meridian and thirty-six spiritual natures to accommodate twelve types of spiritual energy corresponding to the Twelve Earthly Branches (十二地律).

The fourth star demands accommodating ten changes of spiritual energy corresponding to the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram (十天干圖).

The fifth star is achieved by unifying the 108 spiritual meridians and natures and sixty types of spiritual energy changes into nine points according to the principles of the Nine Palaces (九宮).

The sixth star involves completing the entire spiritual energy meridians in accordance with the operation of the Eight Trigrams (八卦).

The seventh star is when one performs a ritual to seven stars among the 28 stars and 4 constellations, declaring their intention to walk the path of cultivation and being granted permission to receive more spiritual energy under the auspices of heaven and earth.

The eighth star entails navigating spiritual energy through the Six Harmonies (六合) and Four Directions of Heaven and Earth (天地四方), filling the entire body's spiritual meridians.

The ninth star aligns the properties and symbols of the Five Elements with the main attributes of the learned cultivation method, fully awakening the attributes of these methods.

The tenth star uses the principles of the Four Images (四象) to fully connect the completed and specialized Eight Trigrams spiritual meridians in order to create two channels of Yin and Yang.

The eleventh star involves fully penetrating the upper, middle, and lower dantians corresponding to the Three Talents with spiritual power, achieving unification of Heaven, Earth, and Man (天地人).

The twelfth star entails continuously circulating the the Yin and Yang channels of the Dual Poles (雙極), eventually integrating the channels and becoming a flawless Unified Channel.

The thirteenth star accelerates spiritual power through the Unified Channel, focusing the spiritual power into one point (origin) within the dantian.

The fourteenth star, the Infinite (無極), involves exploding the concentrated mass of spiritual power to further evolve the inner part of the dantian.

Successful evolution of the dantian, marked by the formation of a spiritual cloud within and a spiritual star's birth, signifies reaching Qi Building.

That marks both the beginning and the end of Qi Refining.

'...Can I see the end of this in my lifetime?'

From first-rate to peak, from peak to Three Flowers Gathering at the Summit, and from there to Five Energies Converging to the Origin, it's achievable within each lifetime.

But within the Qi Refining stage alone, there are immense differences in levels and realms.

'Now I understand why Qi Refining cultivators show such vast differences in abilities with just a one-star discrepancy.'

In the martial world, the differences within the same major realm were not so drastic.

An early peak could defeat a mid-peak, and a mid-peak could overcome the threshold of Three Flowers Gathering at the Summit.

But in Qi Refining, even a one-star difference could make direct confrontation nearly impossible.

I also understood why so many Qi Refining cultivators spend their entire lives unable to advance beyond a single star.

Without exceptional understanding of spiritual arts, one could spend a lifetime in cultivation and still not fully grasp all incantations of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words.

'It's not easy, indeed...'

After contemplating the fourteen stars of Qi Refining, I turned to the methods written in the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation.

Earth Surpassing Path to Cultivation, Water Surpassing Path to Cultivation, Wood Surpassing Path to Cultivation, Metal Surpassing Path to Cultivation, Fire Surpassing Path to Cultivation.

Five methods were recorded.

I chose the Earth Surpassing Path to Cultivation.

The reason was simple.

The internal energy method of the martial world that I had originally mastered, the Dragon Vein Qi Method, belonged to the Earth (土) attribute in the classification of cultivators' heaven and earth spiritual energy.

"It's better to practice something familiar."

While reciting the formula written in the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation, I chanted the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words.

The Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words is a spell that activates seventy-two spiritual meridians and is a fundamental technique in itself.

For example, the true words of Earth Corner (地角) would, from beginning to end, emanate energy from the spiritual veins corresponding to the Earth Corner Star, resulting in earthen spikes bursting forth from the ground.

"I need to form the hand seals too."

Of course, as one progresses to the higher stages of Qi Refining, hand seals and true words can be omitted, but for now, both were required to cast techniques.

"First, I need to activate the meridian corresponding to the Earth Leader Star (地魁星)."

Activating even one meridian would mean entering the first rank of Qi Refining.

I sighed softly and activated the meridian with the true words of Earth Leader (地魁).

Two months passed.

I came out of the stone chamber and breathed the outside air.

Somehow, I had managed to activate the first spiritual meridian, the Earth Leader.

But to do so, I had to use a hundred spirit stones.

"The efficiency is terribly low."

At this rate, I might not be able to activate all Seventy-Two Earthly Sha meridians even if I used all my remaining spiritual stones.

"...Well, that's why I joined a cultivator clan."

I could have become a loose cultivator, not joining the Cheongmun Clan. Stealing cultivation techniques from a couple of cultivators would have sufficed, so technically, coming here wasn't necessary.

But the reason I chose to come to the Cheongmun Clan was to seek help in such difficult times.

I first went to Cheongmun Mok, the elder in Qi Building, and declared that I had become a Qi Refining cultivator.

Elder Cheongmun Mok, surprised, checked my meridians and only believed me after confirming the activated spiritual meridian.

"Huh, what did you do? You, with Mixed Spiritual Roots, achieved Qi Refining in just three months? This is insane... Well, now I see why the main clan elders gave you a recommendation. Heh..."

He looked at me curiously and asked about the method I used.

"What method did you use to enter Qi Refining?"

"I used a method from the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation, specifically the Earth Surpassing Path Method."

"Ah, the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation. I see."

It seems to be a common technique, as even Elder Cheongmun Mok recognized it immediately.

"That method is indeed the very basics of cultivation. It precisely outlines the essentials for Qi Refining. However, being just basic, it will not allow you to perform any special attribute techniques."

"I am aware of that."

"Hold on..."

He fiddled with his desk and pulled out a book.

"This is the Earth Dwelling Method (地住院法), an Earth attribute cultivation method and one of the basic practices of the Cheongmun Clan. It is specialized in solid defense. You can learn this instead of the Earth Surpassing Path, or alongside it. Since they have the same attribute, it will not significantly slow down your cultivation."

"Thank you."

"You mentioned slow progress in cultivation mastery? That is inevitable due to your Mixed Spiritual Roots... But there's a way to accelerate your cultivation mastery."

I listened attentively to Elder Cheongmun Mok's words.

"Generally, understanding follows breakthroughs. Once you breakthrough a meridian or realm, the insights of the lower levels become instinctively clear.

You have activated the Earth Leader meridian, so you should have some understanding of what the Earth Leader True Words mean, correct?"

"Yes, I do."

"As you move from Qi Refining 1st star to 2nd star, from lower to higher levels, and then to Qi Building, the meanings of the true words and formulas you learned before will become much more intuitively clear.

Therefore, cultivators with Heavenly or True Spiritual Roots quickly breakthrough meridians and realms to understand these insights. However, those with Mixed Spiritual Roots like you need to do the opposite."

"The opposite?"

"Understanding before Breakthrough! First fully understand and embody the meanings of the true words and formulas, engraving them in your soul. If you completely grasp the true words, you can activate meridians and breakthrough realms even without exceptional talent or quality."

"Understanding before Breakthrough, huh..."

I could roughly grasp what that meant.

Cultivators born with incredible innate talents, those of the Heavenly Spiritual Roots and True Spiritual Root, could break through realms and understand mantras just by sitting quietly and circulating their energy.

However, cultivators with lesser talents, those of the Mixed Spiritual Roots, had to first understand the mantras to activate their spiritual meridian and break through realms.

And I, too, had experienced something similar.

"Cultivators are born with inherent consciousness and spiritual roots, while martial artists need to reach the Five Energies Converging to the Origin."

To reach the world of consciousness used as natural as breathing by cultivators, martial artists must realize intent, understand life within intent, and eventually awaken all life's intents to reach consciousness.

A genius realizes and unfolds a technique in one go.

A dullard reaches the same level only after numerous attempts and trials.

I had already experienced this countless times.

"Thank you for the advice."

There was nothing to fear or find difficult.

I just had to do what I’ve been doing all along.

"Yes. Also, within the territory, every ten days, members of the territory and external members gather for a discussion meeting to share insights about mantras and cultivation. Participating in it will be helpful.

The advice I just gave you and the cultivation manual are gifts for your ascension to Qi Refining. If you want more advice, you'll have to collect and pay merit points next time. Now, off you go."

"Thank you."

After thanking the Cheongmun Clan elder, I left the stone cave where he resided.

Several days later.

I attended a discussion meeting held within the Cheongmun Clan's territory.

It was a meeting where Qi Refining cultivators of the first, second, and third starrs gathered to discuss enlightenment.

In the meeting, besides members of the clan, there were external members like me and even low-ranking members who had accumulated a lot of merit points.

The meeting was organized with first, second, and third star Qi Refining cultivators forming their own groups.

Naturally, I joined the 1st Star Qi Refining group and participated in the meeting.

"First, I'd like to talk about the wall I've recently hit."

The meeting progressed with each Qi Refining cultivator sitting cross-legged, taking turns to share their insights and the walls they recently faced.

I too spoke a few words about the Earth Leader Star's spiritual meridian, and that day I was able to interact somewhat with other cultivators of the Cheongmun Clan.

After a month of discussions and missions at the Cheongmun Clan's meetings, during one of my conversations with the clan's cultivators, I learned a rather shocking fact.

"So... you're saying you can't see this?"

"That's right. Have you mastered some unique consciousness technique?"

"Ah... well, something like that."

I smiled awkwardly and laughed with an external member of the Cheongmun Clan who was conversing with me.

Today, I learned a shocking fact.

Cultivators cannot see the color of intent.

They seemed able to recognize its form, but beyond that, they only saw transparent consciousness and intent.

'A shocking fact indeed. I thought all cultivators could see the color of intent like me... Well, I never had anyone to compare with before. After all, reaching the Five Energies Converging to the Origin isn't common...'

I thought about the extent of consciousness a martial artist at the Five Energies Converging to the Origin would have.

Around the size of a Qi Refining 3rd of 4th Star.

I was using the Hidden Consciousness Technique to make my consciousness appear as small as 1st Star Qi Refining, but in reality, my domain of consciousness was much larger.

Moreover, I heard that not even Qi Building cultivators, let alone those at the 3rd Star of Qi Refining, could see the colors of intent like I could.

Unless they had mastered some unique consciousness technique.

'The domain of consciousness awakened by martial artists is fundamentally superior to that of cultivators.'

In a way, it was the only area where martial artists surpass cultivators.

From the interactions at the meeting, I learned another interesting fact about the Cheongmun Clan.

'A clan that venerates the Dao of Combat... Is it the influence of their founder? And because of that influence, they hold an Immortal Combat Meeting every year...'

The Immortal Combat Meeting was a martial contest that the direct and collateral members of the Cheongmun Clan participated in once a year.

All those bearing the Cheongmun surname, whether direct or collateral, were obliged to participate in the Immortal Combat Meeting, and their rankings within the clan were determined based on their performance.

Therefore, members of the Cheongmun Clan fought desperately at every Immortal Combat Meeting, constantly striving throughout the year for it.

'I think I understand now why the Cheongmun Clan is rumored to have foul characters.'

Their personalities have likely become rough due to preparing for the Immortal Combat Meeting within the clan.

'It's a pity. If external members could also participate, one could raise their rank and receive a bounty of cultivation resources.'

I licked my lips softly.

That's when it happened.

"Breaking news! Urgent news!"

A collateral member of the Cheongmun Clan rushed into the cave where the discussion meeting was being held and shouted.

"The Jin Clan has finally usurped the throne of Yanguo, replacing the Makli Dynasty with the Jin Dynasty! The Jin Clan has now seized control of Yanguo’s political landscape.

Therefore, the main house has decided to send an envoy to congratulate the Jin Clan on their victory, and this envoy will be open to not only Cheongmun Clan members but also external members. Moreover, the envoy will get a chance to meet and learn from a Qi Building level figure who played a significant role in the Jin Clan's usurpation of the Makli Dynasty."

"Huh, learning from an elder of the Jin Clan? Which elder might that be?"

"Well... it was someone I heard of for the first time. The name was, Young-hoon, I believe.."

I felt a smile form on my lips.

Kim Young-hoon has succeeded in this life too.

"...How do I apply to join as the envoy?"

"The Cheongmun Clan's way is always simple. Survival of the fittest! As it happened previously, the 20 spots for the envoy will be decided by making all the applicants fight, and the last 20 standing will be given the opportunity.

But you should just give up. You seem to be at about the Qi Refining 1st Star, so don't overdo it."

However, I asked with a faint smile.

"To apply, do I just do it like other things and apply to Elder Cheongmun Mok?"

"That is correct but for this position, there will be many powerful cultivators who have been preparing for the Immortal Combat Meeting. Forget about it. Meeting a Qi Building figure won't change your life, will it?"

I passed him and walked towards the stone chamber where Cheongmun Mok was.

"Life won't change, but... it's just about meeting an old friend from my hometown."

If he helped the Jin Clan usurp the throne of Makli, then surely his martial arts realm must have reached at least the Five Energies Converging to the Origin.

How far had he reached in this life?

How much had his martial arts grown?

For a long time, I had wanted to cross blades with a martial artist of equal or higher caliber.

Joining the envoy was very simple.

While everyone gathered in one place to fight, I used the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts to hide my presence, and at the last moment, I ambushed the most exhausted of the remaining 20, knocking them out and becoming the victor.

Some saw me and accused me of cowardice, but in truth, I could have annihilated all the Qi Refining 5th to 6th Star cultivators gathered there that day.

'They should be thankful I didn't fight and stayed quiet.'

I just didn't want to stand out and stayed a bit subdued.

Regardless of the outcome, I was able to win the position.

I headed to the Jin Clan as an envoy along with one of the Qi Building elders of the Cheongmun Clan.

"Everyone aboard!"

On the day the envoy departed, the Qi Building elder climbed onto the bow of a large ship-shaped magical artifact and shouted at us.

I boarded the ship along with other members of the envoy at a strategic location within the Cheongmun Clan's tettirtory, and soon the ship rose into the sky.

'It's always fascinating to see.'

Although I could walk in the sky, flying in the void using the harmony of heaven and earth energy and air was a different principle from this flying artifact.

The heaven and earth energy itself was absorbed by the ship, generating a strange buoyancy.

Then the ship gently floated up and suddenly zoomed forward.


The ship quickly rose into the sky, piercing through the clouds, grazing the sea of clouds with its dragon-like frame.

Judging by the speed of the magical artifact, it seems like we would reach Yanguo in about a day.

'I can see why flying artifacts are popular.'

It wasn't like using void stepping.

It felt like being on a comfortable airplane.

I leaned on the deck, admiring the underside of the ship grazing the clouds, lost in thought.

'How far can a martial artist ascend?'

Has Kim Young-hoon evolved the Record of Surpassing Cultivation and Martial Arts in this life?

The realm of martial artists is third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, and then pinnacle.

Next is known as the peak of the pinnacle, Three Flowers Gather at the Summit.

Surpassing the Three Flowers Gather at the Summit is the Five Energies Converging to the Origin.

That's the limit.

Reaching the Five Energies Converging to the Origin is considered a legendary realm, achieved only once every few centuries, but no one has ever seen beyond it.

Except for Kim Young-hoon.

Kim Young-hoon has reached a realm of martial arts never seen before in the history of martial arts, akin to a miracle.

"Yes, the current state of martial arts is continually being pioneered."

For a martial artist, there is no higher place.

Therefore, a martial artist must create their own 'higher realm.'

I slowly stroked the sword at my waist.

Even as I entered the path of cultivation and practiced, I never once removed this sword from my side.

While reciting mantras, I continuously trained with the sword, striving to find clues to the next stage.

Of course, I was still only at the early stages of Five Energies Converging to the Origin.

"But even if I can't ascend further yet... Kim Young-hoon will show me the scenery beyond."

And he will tell me that the time spent practicing martial arts was never in vain.

I am now a cultivator.

But at the same time, I am a martial artist.

As both a martial artist and a cultivator,

I will not give up and will continue to run endlessly.

Because that is the life I desire.

'I will climb and climb. And surely... end this cycle and live a proper life.'

With that firm resolve, I gazed at the sky above the clouds.

High and distant, yet clear and bright.

A day later.

We arrived at the Jin Clan's main house.

'This is... the Jin Clan's main house!'

It was a volcano.

A live one, with lava bubbling up from below!

The Jin Clan's main house was located at the center of it.

'Were there volcanoes in Yanguo?'

But I was surprised for another reason.

In my several lifetimes, this was the first time I had seen a volcanic terrain.

"Excuse me, do you know where exactly the Jin Clan's main house is located in Yanguo's geography?"

I asked a fellow envoy.

He answered me promptly, swallowing his saliva at the sight of the Jin Clan's main house below.

"It's said to be near Gyungang Province in Yanguo. I'm not too sure myself."

'Gyungang Province? I've been there before, but there was no volcano. No, could it be...'

I realized one possibility.

'The entire volcano is covered with an illusion barrier, so it remained undiscovered until now!'

I was astounded by the immense scale of Jin Clan's main house's barrier and gazed at the main house.

"We're descending!"

The Qi Building elder of the Cheongmun Clan lowered the ship, and we entered the Jin Clan.

We went into the Jin Clan and, led by the Qi Building elder, delivered a letter from the Cheongmun Clan's leader to the Jin Clan's leader.

Thanks to that, I saw a Core Formation cultivator closer than ever before in my life.

'This is... Core Formation...'

Zap, zap

It felt like being near the fox.

A vast area of about thirty zhang was covered by his spiritual power and consciousness. In the middle, a middle-aged man in red robes sat in the leader's seat, reading the letter from the Cheongmun Clan's leader.

Zap, zap..

Under the pressure openly emitted by the Core Formation cultivator, the Qi Refining cultivators of the Cheongmun Clan, except for me, looked as if they were about to be crushed.

My skin tingled under the spiritual power of the Core Formation cultivator, but that was it.

'At the level of Five Energies Converging to the Origin, I can easily deflect such pressure.'

Using my consciousness, I subtly deflected the pressure being exerted on me.

After a while, formal greetings were exchanged, and finally, the moment I had been waiting for arrived.

"I will introduce the highest external member of the Jin Clan who made significant contributions during the recent change of the throne!"

Kim Young-hoon stepped onto a small platform and greeted us.

"Greetings to the distinguished guests from other clans. I am the martial artist known as Young-hoon."

Indeed, he had already ascended to the Five Energies Converging to the Origin in this life. His intent evolved into the form of consciousness, and even his appearance seems younger.

"A martial artist??"

"What are you saying, isn't that person a cultivator?"

"Are they mocking us?"

Then, a smirk appeared on one of the Jin Clan's elders' lips.

"He is definitely a highly accomplished martial artist. Undoubtedly, he played a significant role in the recent throne change. As mentioned earlier to the envoys, wouldn't it be a good idea to test the skills of each clan's talents against this martial artist for the sake of friendship between the clans?"

I roughly understood the situation.

The Jin Clan had usurped the throne and was using this opportunity to show off their strength to the surrounding cultivator clans.

And what better way to elevate their pride than having their martial artist defeat other clans' cultivators.

"Even so, how can a mere martial artist compete with cultivators..."

"The Jin Clan is taking things too far..."

The Cheongmun Clan's envoy, as well as envoys from other clans, looked displeased.

Then, the Jin Clan's leader spoke up.

"I vouch for his skills. Those who do not wish to participate in the martial contest may retire to their quarters."



No one dared to object after that. To ignore the individual vouched for by the Core Formation leader would be akin to disrespecting the leader himself.

"Before we start the banquet, we plan to have a brief martial contest as a form of entertainment. Does anyone have objections?"

No one responded to the leader's question.

"Seeing no objections, I guess everyone agrees. Let's start the martial contest."

The first challenger was from the Gongmyo Clan of Byeokra, a Qi Refining cultivator.

As Kim Young-hoon and the Gongmyo Clan cultivator faced off, discontented murmurs erupted here and there.

"I joined as an envoy to receive teachings from a Qi Building figure but now..."

"How did we end up competing with a mere martial artist..."

"A martial artist as a Qi Building level figure? His consciousness seems only about the lower levles of Qi Refining... It would be more believable to say a grasshopper by the roadside is a high-ranking official of Yanguo."

"Silence! How dare you speak like that in front of the Clan Leader!"

The Cheongmun Clan's elder scolded, though his face was full of dissatisfaction.

The martial contest began.


Kim Young-hoon moved swiftly, and the Gongmyo Clan's Qi Refining cultivator who tried to cast a spell was knocked away.



"That, that.."

Kim Young-hoon casually brushed off his hands and said,

"The contest is over."

Shock spread across the faces of the envoys.

"How, how did..."

"Did anyone see what happened?"

The area became noisy instantly, and soon another challenger from a different clan stepped up.

A Qi Refining 10th Star cultivator from the Byeok Clan.

They sent a relatively strong late-stage cultivator.

Everyone's attention focused again, and the contest resumed.


Kim Young-hoon charged at the Byeok Clan cultivator, who released a blue spell. Kim Young-hoon elegantly dodged all the spells and approached the cultivator, shattering his defensive spell with one move and throwing him aside.

"It's over."

Again, the cultivators gasped in shock, and the spectators became noisy.

"How could that..."

"That was definitely a martial arts technique."

"How could a mere mortal..."

No one doubted the Clan Leader's words anymore.

The atmosphere started heating up.

Each clan sent challengers to Kim Young-hoon.

It seems as if beating him had become a matter of pride for each clan.

Even the Cheongmun Clan sent several late Qi Refining cultivators, but all were defeated by Kim Young-hoon within five seconds.

The atmosphere, which had been heating up due to the consecutive defeats of the clans' late-stage Qi Refining cultivators to a mere martial artist from the Jin Clan, gradually turned gloomy.

In contrast, the Jin Clan cultivators' pride was soaring.

And again, when another Byeok Clan cultivator was defeated by Kim Young-hoon, it was the Cheongmun Clan's turn.

"...Who will go?"

No one responded.

Everyone knew that sending anyone would only embarrass the Cheongmun Clan.

"...Well, if no one else will..."

"I'll go."

I stood up.

Wasn't this why I came in the first place?

Seeing me, the elder of the Cheongmun Clan sighed and said,

"...Well, if it's a Qi Refining 1st Star, even if he loses, everyone will just think it's natural."

I walked down to the martial contest stage and met Kim Young-hoon's eyes.


Kim Young-hoon jerked in surprise, as if he didn't expect to see me here.


I drew my sword.

"Let's have an exciting fight."

What realm has Kim Young-hoon reached in this life?

What level of martial arts has he attained!

Kim Young-hoon, though initially startled, smirked and for the first time drew his saber.

"Alright, let's play."


Our intents clashed in the air.

Translator Notes:

Translating the Qi Refining stars were a bit of a pain in the butt. Some of the terms are actually used irl like the Earthly Branches, Heavenly Stems, Nine Palaces, Eight Trigrams, etc. You can google em if you want. Anyway, don't sweat it from the information overload. The story will slowly explain the Qi Refining stage and you'll better understand as we read further.

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