Chapter 44: Qi Refining (4)

Chapter 44: Qi Refining (4)

"Hmm, so you are the martial artist of the Five Energies Converging to the Origin, aren't you?"

Cheongmun Ryeong sneered upon our first meeting.

"Martial artists are all similar, mostly ignorant. I doubt you could even begin to understand the True Words and Law Decrees I've been studying."

"I will do my best."

"Best? Everyone has their limits. Know yours and behave accordingly. I don't particularly need a disciple, but since the clan leader commanded me to accept you for the sake of maintaining the Cheongmun Clan's dignity, I have no choice."

With an annoyed expression, he threw a book at me.

"Qi Refining 1st Star. It seems you're at the first stage of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha. You've only activated one spiritual meridian, the Earth Leader Spiritual Meridian. I have no intention of properly teaching someone as clueless as you, so just read and learn from this."

The title of the book was 'Seventy-Two Earthly Sha Commandments Explained.'

Given that it included the name 'Cheongmun Ryeong', it appeared to contain his insights on the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words.

After throwing the book, Cheongmun Ryeong, with a huff, went into his room and warned me.

"Just so you know, don't even think about entering my room when I'm inside. Speak from outside. I can't be bothered to see your face!"

After receiving his grumpy warning, I bowed and returned to my room to read the book.

Although my cultivation was only at Qi Refining 1st Star, my pure strength is known to be above Qi Refining 14th Star, but below Qi Building. Consequently, the resources provided to me as a cultivator increased significantly.

I received thirty spirit stones per month and was granted access to the main spiritual vein of the Cheongmun Clan.

I also gained access to the lower-level library of the clan's archive.

Additionally, the number of mandatory missions I had to undertake was reduced from four to one per month.

Of course, the difficulty of these missions increased, but they were manageable.

I spent my time locked in my room, constantly studying the 'Seventy-Two Earthly Sha Commandments Explained' and practicing reciting the True Words and forming hand seals.

Sometimes, when I felt suffocated, I would contact Kim Young-hoon in Yanguo to spar and exchange martial insights.

Constantly reciting True Words, forming hand seals, and practicing spell techniques.

Five years passed like this.

"Qi Refining 1st Star... I've reached half of it."

I had deciphered thirty-eight of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words and activated thirty-eight spiritual meridians .

This was the result of continuously using spirit stones, accessing the Dragon Vein of the Cheongmun Clan's main house, and learning from Cheongmun Ryeong.

"...Master, I don't quite understand the meaning of the True Word for the Geographical Star."

"You foolish boy! Even after giving you the 'Seventy-Two Earthly Sha Commandments Explained', you still don't get it! You're so dull and infuriating!"

When I asked for guidance outside Cheongmun Ryeong's room, he ranted at me for a while.

However, after the scolding, he eventually explained the meaning of the True Word to me and shared his annotations.

For the first year, he wouldn't even answer my questions.

But after a year of persistently sitting outside his room from morning till night, asking for guidance, he finally gave in while grinding his teeth, calling me a stubborn fool, and began teaching me albeit with curses.

"...That's my interpretation of the Geographical Star True Word. Are you satisfied now? You stubborn and dull fool! If it wasn't for the leader's command, I would have killed you long ago!"

"Disciple is grateful for your teachings, Master. I will take my leave."

After bowing to Cheongmun Ryeong, who was cursing from the other side of the door, I returned to my room to continue studying and reciting True Words.

While other disciples of the Cheongmun Clan enjoyed touring Byeokra Country,

While others rested and slept,

While others interacted and had fun,

I, from morning till night, tirelessly recited the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words and practiced hand seals, seeking enlightenment.

One day, my throat parched and I reached for a teacup which then slipped from my grasp.

Luckily, my quick reflexes caught it, preventing it from breaking. But I realized why it had slipped.

My fingerprints had been erased from constantly forming hand seals.

Even while eating, I would recite True Words and read the 'Seventy-Two Earthly Sha Commandments Explained.'

Of course, I also diligently practiced martial arts while reciting True Words.

Buzz, whoosh, whoosh!

My sword flew through the air.

It wasn't me wielding it; it soared and danced in the air on its own.

After starting to use Dual Energy Sword Control (I think dual energy because consciousness and Gang Qi) from the Record of Surpassing Cultivation and Martial Arts, I continuously practiced it while reciting True Words and forming hand seals, even controlling the sword with my consciousness within my room.

As I became more accustomed to detaching my consciousness and inputting actions into the sword with intent, my flying sword became as natural as if it were alive.

But still, the path of 'Five Energies Converging to the Origin' was vast and profound.

And I was still only at Qi Refining 1-star.

One day, after continuously practicing the Dual Energy Sword Control, Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words, and hand seals for ten consecutive nights.

Blood dripped from my hands.

Literally, my skin peeled and bled from endlessly forming hand seals.

Yet, I kept on, undeterred by the bleeding, continuously forming hand seals and reciting True Words.

Indeed, it was 'only now' that I bled.

When wielding the sword.

How much blood had flowed from these hands.

How many times had they peeled and torn.

Yet, on the path of cultivation, only now had my hands torn to this extent.

Drip, drip...

Seeing the blood, I used Dual Energy Sword Control to clean the bloodstains in the room while using my internal energy to stop the bleeding. Continuing with the hand seals, the wounds eventually scabbed over after a day.

But even after scabbing, the incessant hand seals caused the scabs to fall off, bleeding again.

However, I did not stop.

There was no time to stop.

For the dull and those lacking in talent.

Every moment was more precious than a thousand gold.

Thus, another five years passed.

Click, click, click...

"Mumble, mumble..."

I recited the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words from start to finish and formed hand seals.

Then, when I recited the final True Word corresponding to the Earth Dog Star,

'Finally, I've understood all of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words!'

The last spiritual meridian was activated.

Along with it, my ability to use spiritual power increased significantly, and my consciousness expanded slightly more.

"Qi Refining 2nd Star!!!"

Finally, I had reached Qi Refining 2nd Star!

After ten years!

Reciting True Words until my tongue cramped, practicing hand seals until my fingers bled!

Overjoyed, I immediately ran to Cheongmun Ryeong's room and exclaimed.

"Master! Disciple has reached Qi Refining 2nd Star! Thanks to your teachings and the 'Seventy-Two Earthly Sha Commandments Explained', I have understood all of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha True Words! Thank you. Without the path you opened for me, I could not have achieved this. I am forever grateful."

From inside Cheongmun Ryeong's room, I sensed a slight disturbance in his intent.

After a moment, Cheongmun Ryeong spoke irritably.

"...Damn it, how could such a moron exist? It took you ten years to reach Qi Refining 2nd Star? I can't deal with this. Such a fool for a disciple. Damn it! I'll speak to the clan leader and have you expelled!"

"...Regardless, I am grateful for your grace, Master. I will take my leave."

Days passed however, and the clan leader of the Cheongmun Clan said nothing to me. and Cheongmun Ryeong remained in his room.

I then studied 'Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation' and 'Earth Dwelling Method' in Qi Refining 2nd Star.

"After the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha, comes the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang..."

Now, I had to recite and understand the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Law Decrees, and condense thirty-six kinds of spiritual natures into my spiritual meridians.

First, I went outside and recited the first of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Law Decrees, corresponding to the Heaven Leader Star.


Following the Law Decree of the Heaven Leader True Word, the soil in front of me rose, forming an Earth Sphere at my eye level.

Had it been Water Surpassing Path or Fire Surpassing Path instead of Earth Surpassing Path, it would have created Water Sphere or Fire Sphere instead.

However, since I hadn't properly condensed the spiritual nature corresponding to the Heaven Leader Star, and only used the Law Decree, the clump of soil soon crumbled and dispersed.

The difference between the Earthly Sha True Words and the Heavenly Gang Law Decrees is that, while the former primarily relies on the energy emanating from the body's spiritual meridian, the Heavenly Gang Law Decrees mix the body's spiritual power with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to manifest techniques."

Contemplating the differences, I fully practiced the thirty-six types of Heavenly Gang Law Decrees.

Then, I went to seek guidance from Cheongmun Ryeong.

"Master, due to my limited understanding, I believe I need your guidance on the Heavenly Gang Law Decrees."

"Hmph! You should have had the sense to leave before I report to the clan leader. Are you still here? You dull thing. Take this."

Cheongmun Ryeong's door slightly opened, and a book was thrown through the gap.

The title of the book was 'Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Commandments Explained,' containing Cheongmun Ryeong’s commentary on the Heavenly Gang Law Decrees, similar to the previous book on the Earthly Sha.

After expressing my gratitude again, I was about to return to my room to study the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Law Decrees when he called out.

"Wait, you fool. Are you aware of the recent news?"

"Recent news?"

"Tsk, tsk, even I know about it from my room. You're truly clueless, fool. Recently, our clan leader and the elders have been away."

"What has happened?"

"Hmm, it seems there have been atrocious massacres, too dreadful to witness, in the tribes and several cities near the eastern border of Byeokra, next to the Heaven-Treading Desert, as well as in the countries and cities beyond the desert. The exact reason is unknown, but not only the clan leader and the Core Formation elders of our Cheongmun Clan, but also those from the Jin, Makli, Gongmyo, Byuk, and other cultivator clans have headed to the Heaven-Treading Desert. It seems to be a serious matter, and the Cheongmun Clan might face some chaos ahead. Be careful."

"Thank you for your concern. I'll continue my practice in my room until the clan leader returns."

"As if you do anything else. And know that once the clan leader returns, I'll petition to have you expelled."

I bowed to Cheongmun Ryeong and returned to my room to study and read the 'Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Commandments Explained.'

It was six months before the Cheongmun Clan's leader returned.

That day, an emergency meeting was convened with all the elders, direct and collateral clan members, and key external members of the Cheongmun Clan.

As a key external member, I was allowed to attend.

'What a formidable force...'

I silently marveled at the pressure from the Qi Refining and Qi Building cultivators filling the grand hall, and their spiritual auras.

Such a force could physically overturn a country, even without Core Formation cultivators.

The clan leader, Cheongmun Jung-jin, had a grim expression after his six-month absence.

"The reason for this emergency meeting today is to inform you that a great war might occur within the next two hundred years."

'Two hundred years?'

I was startled by this time frame and listened intently to the clan leader.

"The details are complex, but from today, the Cheongmun Clan must prepare for this potential war. We will now prioritize merit over lineage. The Immortal Combat Meeting, previously held every few years, will now be conducted every six months. We will also hold an annual competition for external members. Everyone should focus on improving their skills.

Now, only the elders and senior members stay, others may leave."

We bowed to Cheongmun Jung-jin and left.

While others from the Cheongmun Clan gathered to discuss, I, having no close associates due to my solitary training, was left to ponder alone.

That night,

After Cheongmun Ryeong returned late, I cautiously asked him.

"Master, may I inquire about the basis for the clan leader's prediction?"

"Hmph! Why does it matter to you? You and I won't even be alive in two hundred years. Just continue your usual training."

Truly, his words made sense.

I had about 30-40 years left in my lifespan.

What use was worrying about events two hundred years away?

I should focus on the present.

"By the way, how many of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Law Decrees have you mastered? How many spiritual natures have you condensed?"

"Master, I have only managed to condense three natures."

"How frustrating! Read this book in seven nights!"


Another book fell through the door gap.

The book was titled 'Gangmyeong Record,' containing comprehensive commentary on the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Law Decrees, seemingly an advanced version of the previous book.

"Thank you, Master."

I bowed to Cheongmun Ryeong and returned to my room to read the book.

Time passed quickly.

12 years.

It took me 12 years to fully master the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Law Decrees and successfully condense thirty-six spiritual natures.

Using the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha spiritual meridians as a foundation, the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang spiritual natures adhered and spread their nature throughout my entire body's spiritual meridians.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was absorbed through my body's spiritual meridians and natures, increasing my spiritual power even more.

Simultaneously, the spiritual meridians thickened and strengthened from absorbing the natures.

After 22 years, I reached the 2nd Star of Qi Refining.

'Phew, it wasn’t easy.'

I sighed and looked at myself in the bronze mirror of my room.

In the mirror, I saw myself with a fully grown beard.

Thanks to my transformation upon reaching the Five Energies Converging to the Origin, I had no wrinkles.

Shaving my beard would make me look in my mid-twenties.

But I was growing anxious.

My life was significantly passing by.

Could I reach the 4th Star of Qi Refining before death?

This pace was achieved only because I had access to the Cheongmun Clan's spiritual vein and abundant resources, along with Cheongmun Ryeong's focused teachings.

If I had lived a normal life, it would have taken 30 years just to complete Qi Refining 1st Star.

Over the last 12 years.

Frustrated by my slow progress, Cheongmun Ryeong eventually stopped teaching from behind his door and began giving me direct advice.

Although I was still not allowed in his room, at least I could now receive face-to-face guidance.

Realizing that I could ascend to the 3rd Star of Qi Refining with thirty-six condensed spiritual natures, I immediately went to Cheongmun Ryeong to report my achievement.

"Master, I have finally reached the 3rd Star of Qi Refining! Thank you!"

"Thanks for what? I've been suffocating with frustration for 12 years. Foolish boy! And why are you boasting to me about such a thing?"

The door opened, and a grumpy Cheongmun Ryeong, with a long goat beard, frowned at me.

"You dimwit! Come in, let's see how well you've understood the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Law Decrees."

I hesitated, then smiled and entered his room.

His room was filled with various books, making it cramped.

Sitting amidst piles of books, he was annotating a book intently.

"Sit down. And when will you stop that absurd practice?"

He didn't offer me a cushion but glared at me as he continued annotating.

I forced a smile.

Outside the room, my sword, following my consciousness and Dual Energy Sword Control, was practicing Severing Mountain Swordsmanship.

Over the past 22 years, I never stopped practicing martial arts, cultivation, True Words, and spells.

I could now even Dual Energy Sword Control in my sleep.

But Cheongmun Ryeong seemed displeased with my actions.

"I know your nature is that of a swordsman, but with your limited talent, even focusing on one aspect is insufficient. How long will you keep up this madness along with your practice?"

"Apologies, Master, but..."

"Yes, yes, I know. Martial arts are your life, right? I'm tired of hearing the same thing. Just be quiet and recite the Law Decrees."

I recited the Law Decrees in front of Cheongmun Ryeong and answered his questions to assess my understanding.

Soon after, he nodded in approval.

"Good, you have a decent understanding of the Law Decrees."

"Thank you, and now..."

"Now that you can ascend to 3rd Star of Qi Refining, it's time for appropriate teachings. Take this."

He handed me a book titled 'Twelve Earthly Branches Scripture.'

"Twelve Earthly Branches: Huangzhong, Dalu, Taicu, Jiazhong, Guxi, Zhonglu, Ruibin, Linzhong, Yize, Nanlu, Wuyi, Yingzhong. These are the twelve types of spiritual energy you will be able to receive. The key to the 3rd Star of Qi Refining is to evolve the Seventy-Two spiritual meridians and Thirty-Six spiritual natures.

There are five elements of spiritual energy, which further split the twelve types. From these, 60 variations arise. However, knowing the types corresponding to the Twelve Earthly Branches is enough to calculate the remaining 48 variations.

You must understand all these variations and how spiritual energy operates in the world."

"Yes, I will take note..."

"No, don't just take note. Read it here."

"Right now?"

"Until now, you used to read books in your room and come back with questions. But I can't take it anymore!

Just read it here and ask questions as they arise! In fact, just live here!"

I was momentarily taken aback but then bowed to him, expressing my gratitude.

"Thank you for your grace, Master."

"Enough with the noise! Stop with the formalities and just finish reading the book!"

Urged by Cheongmun Ryeong, I quickly began reading the book.

Qi Refining 3rd Star.

The stage of Twelve Earthly Branches begins with understanding the twelve types of spiritual energy.

From this stage, a cultivator can start to deploy formations based on the types of spiritual energy, allowing them to manifest illusions and strange magical formations.

To understand the twelve types of spiritual energy, it was essential to practice deploying formations based on Cheongmun Ryeong's advice.

Fortunately, I had a knack for formations.

Also, having learned techniques like Qi Illusion Transformation and Qi Mechanisms under Kim Young-hoon in my previous lives, I was adept at mastering formations.

The twelve types of spiritual energy are said to resemble waves.

The range of frequencies from a certain point to below was called Huangzhong spiritual energy, and the range beyond that was called Dalu spiritual energy.

I endured Cheongmun Ryeong's constant beratings of being foolish and slow while trying to comprehend and master these types.

Six years passed.


I evolved my spiritual meridians, thinking of my entire body as a formation diagram, to receive all the energy of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

I imprinted each spiritual meridian and nature with the energy of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

And then...



I successfully completed the 3rd Star of Qi Refining.

Now, only the step beyond the Twelve Earthly Branches separated me from the 4th Star.

I opened my eyes to find Cheongmun Ryeong glaring at me.

"...You've finally succeeded. How slow can you be! Only now have you grasped the Twelve Earthly Branches and completed 3rd Star of Qi Refining! Despite having the strength of the 14th Star, why do you take so long to learn!"

"Haha, Master. The martial arts and cultivation methods I've learned are entirely different fields, aren't they?"

"Hmph, enough. At this rate, how much further can you advance in your lifetime! It's so frustrating. Follow me! I must teach you more quickly before I burst with frustration."

He gathered several books and led me outside.

"You've laid the spiritual meridians with the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha and can manifest spells from your body.

You've condensed the spiritual natures with the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang and learned to resonate spells with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

With the Twelve Earthly Branches, you've understood the types of spiritual energy and can mimic the flow of heaven and earth spiritual energy in your formations."

The ancient characters representing the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha, Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang, and Twelve Earthly Branches floated around Cheongmun Ryeong.

"And now, you will enter the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram. If a cultivator's formation imitates the flow of heaven and earth, you need to learn the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram to fully harness the power of formations.

The Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram are ancient characters created by imitating ten principle changes observed in the sky. Each character contains a principle of the heavens.

Understanding the ten principles of Jia (甲), Yi (乙), Bing (丙), Ding (丁), Wu (戊), Ji (己), Geng (庚), Xin (辛), Ren (壬), and Gui (癸) will allow you to complete the 4th Star of Qi Refining."

The Ten Heavenly Stems corresponding to the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram moved according to Cheongmun Ryeong's will.

Simultaneously, a formation of trees and plants unfolded around him.

Based on the Twelve Earthly Branches, the Ten Heavenly Stems were integrated into the formation.


Ten changes multiplied by twelve types of spiritual energy, creating dozens of variations.

At the center of these variations, Cheongmun Ryeong absorbed all the changes back into himself.

"See, this is the realm you must reach. This time, for heaven's sake, complete the 4th Star within three years! I expect nothing more from a frustrating disciple like you!"

From that day, I began learning about the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram under Cheongmun Ryeong's guidance.

"Jia (甲) starts with Daelim Tree (大林木) and ends with Gui (癸), which is Rain Dew Water (雨露水). Each of the Ten Stems contain principles of Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements..."

"The ten changes in spiritual energy essentially start from dividing the universe's Five Elements into Yin and Yang. The interpretation of Yin-Yang and Five Elements as the world's ten principles..."

"Apply the Yin-Yang Five Elements to the Twelve Earthly Branches. The Branches also contain interpretations of Yin and Yang, so by correlating them..."

Under Cheongmun Ryeong's tutelage, I learned about the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram, the Earth Surpassing Path, and the Earth Dwelling Method provided by Cheongmun Clan. I also acquired the supernatural spells recorded in the Earth Dwelling Method.

"Earth Residence (土住院)!"

"Earth Dwelling Formation (土住院)!"

As I formed hand seals and recited incantations, the earth around me gathered, forming a formation.

I enhanced the formation's power by applying the twelve types of spiritual energy and ten changes to it.


Six hexagonal earth shields formed around me, encircling me.

It was a defensive spell from the Earth Dwelling Method.

I guided the spiritual energy, rotating the earth shields.


The heavy earth shields rotated around me, their weight and speed formidable enough to shred a person upon contact.

The shields were so infused with spiritual power and energy that even Sword Silk couldn't cut through them.

'Qi Refining 4th Star...'

Now, I was in a similar realm to Emperor Makli Jung and his son Maki Hyun of Yanguo.

'From Qi Refining 4th Star, the battle involves dominating the surrounding space.'

Using spiritual power to lay a formation and enhancing it with the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram, one can completely dominate the surrounding space.

I could now, like Makli Hyun in my past life, control my surroundings with the Earth element and fight.

"Master, look! I have succeeded in manifesting the formation!"

"...You fool. Is that something to be proud of, only just manifesting the formation now! Enough with the noise, and focus more..."

Cheongmun Ryeong seemed perpetually exasperated with me.

Five years passed.

Thanks to Cheongmun Ryeong's constant and intense guidance,

I managed to fully grasp the transformations of the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram over five years.


Spiritual power unfolded, manifesting a formation diagram.

Twelve types of spiritual energy and ten changes mixed, creating over sixty variations.

'I'll assimilate these 60 changes in spiritual energy...'

Into my meridians!


The Earth element spiritual energy scattered in the formation around me returned, merging with the corresponding spiritual meridians.


Rumble rumble rumble...

Numerous changes surged through the spiritual meridians like a raging torrent.

Based on my understanding of the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram, I carefully absorbed the changes into my spiritual meridians.

The spiritual meridians evolved.

They became wider and capable of accommodating more changes.

And when the spiritual meridians had fully absorbed all the changes,

I finally broke through the long-awaited barrier.


I completed the 4th Star of Qi Refining!

I am now at Qi Refining 5th Star!!!


As I opened my eyes, a loud cheer rang in my ears.

It was my Master.

"Finally, this damn fool has reached the 5th Star of Qi Refining! Hahaha!"

He laughed heartily, seemingly thrilled.

"This damn slow-witted disciple...! I won...! I managed to guide you, with your terrible talent, to the 5th Star of Qi Refining!!! Hahaha!"

"Thank you, Master..!"

"Haha, my foolish disciple..!"

We embraced and shouted in triumph together.

Translator Notes: Sensei is a tsundere~

It's interesting how we're reminded of the fight against Makli Hyun and Wangshin. Those two always had that huge whirlwind surrounding them which didn't seem like a regular spell and definitely not how qi refining cultivators fight in other novels. Now we understand the mechanisms behind the whirlwind and that it's actually a formation. I find it pretty cool that one of the main combat methods of cultivators in this novel is a formation domain that aids them in casting and boosting spells and techniques and that fighting for space with their formations plays a big role in who wins.

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