Chapter 51: Heavens Above (1)

Chapter 51: Heavens Above (1)


I first wandered around various parts of Ascension Path.

I visited the dwelling of the Core Formation demon fox, but all that remained were bloodstains and white fur. The fox was nowhere to be seen.

It seemed that Sea Dragon King’s statement about the Heavenly Being cultivators capturing all creatures above Qi Building and Core Formation level was not an exaggeration.

'The fox's cave does have denser spiritual energy.'

I absorbed some of the spiritual energy around the fox's cave.

However, since Ascension Path itself had spiritual energy four to five times denser than Yanguo and Byeokra, it didn't really matter where I practiced.


I returned to my original cave, stored some food, and began practicing the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation.

After a month of practicing, I managed to activate the spiritual meridian corresponding to the first level of the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha, the Earth Leader Star.

Practicing with all my heart in the dense spiritual energy of Ascension Path seemed to have expedited the activation.

Following the training method of Understanding before Breakthrough from my past life and enhancing my understanding of true words and hand seals also seemed to help greatly.

'I'm relieved to have quickly overcome the most worrying hurdle.'

The Earth Leader Star meridian was one I had forcibly activated by absorbing random spirit stones in my previous life, practicing Breakthrough followed by Understanding.

Despite later enhancing my understanding of the Earth Leader True Word and practicing hand seals, I was a bit worried, but it turned out well.

'Now that I've activated the spiritual meridian and reached Qi Refining 1st Star...'

Though it's a bit challenging, I should be able to use basic spells.

'Perhaps it's time to head towards the Ascension Gate...'

I decided and looked in the direction where Jin Byuk-ho, White Bone Ghost Devil, Sir Chang-ho, and Seo Hweol had flown.

Entering the Ascension Gate seem only feasible for those at the level of Heavenly Being or higher.

But exploring the outskirts might be possible.

'Maybe, just maybe, there could be clues around the Ascension Gate...'

Previously, I couldn’t return once I left Ascension Path because the Mad Lord instantly threw me and Kim Young-hoon into spatial rifts.

It was different now.

'Alright, let's go.'

I set out towards the direction of the Ascension Gate.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

I flew through the air, stepping on the threads of heaven and earth spiritual energy, taking in the landscapes of Ascension Path.

Though not yet at the Qi Building level, I saw all kinds of bizarre creatures.

I also spotted unfamiliar herbs, strange plants and very peculiar spiritual herbs.

Most of the special spiritual plants seem to have been taken by the Heavenly Being cultivators, lacking the precious ones.

After days and nights of leaping through the air.

Rumble, rumble...

Around the tenth night, I saw a bizarrely shaped thundercloud in the distance.

Swirling without any air currents, it condensed and stormed in the sky.

Right below the center of the thundercloud, on the ground, a white light radiated.

"That's... the Ascension Gate."

Perhaps, the very cause that brought my companions and I to this world.

I gazed quietly at the Ascension Gate.

I wanted to get a closer look...

Rumble, rumble...

Lightning constantly struck from the thundercloud.

'Incredible lightning...'

Below the thundercloud, lightning poured down like rain at an incredible speed. Below the clouds, dark spatial rifts were opening, twisting as if to capture anything that came near.

The space around the Ascension Gate was distorted, with black spatial rifts opening their mouths, writhing as if to devour anyone who approaches.

'I need at least Core Formation strength... maybe even higher to approach that.'

I clicked my tongue, unable to muster the courage to get closer, and could only observe.

As I observed the Ascension Gate and thundercloud.


Below the thundercloud.

Above the Ascension Gate.

Something was floating in the air.

'What's that?'

It was too far to see clearly.

Even focusing my internal energy to enhance my vision only made it vaguely visible, and I couldn’t make out what it was.

The faint object continuously absorbed the lightning from the thundercloud, floating gently, looking very suspicious.

'Damn, I'm really curious about that...'

After pondering, I looked for a safe spot near the Ascension Gate and resumed my cultivation.

Once I accumulate more spiritual power, I should be able to use the Ten Li Eye spell get a clearer view.

Two months passed.

The size of the Ascension Gate halved over time.

In the meantime, I managed to activate about 12 more spiritual meridians.

'The ample spiritual energy of Ascension Path certainly helps, but the speed is much faster since these are the meridians I had already opened through Understanding before Breakthrough...'

Understanding before Breakthrough is a method of accepting spiritual energy not through inherent qualities, but through acquired effort and understanding.

The higher the understanding of true words, the faster the training progresses.

Having been personally taught by my master, my comprehension of basic true words is unrivaled.

I operated the spiritual power flowing through the meridians, utilizing the Ten Li Eye technique to examine the object above the Ascension Gate.

Objects within ten li appeared as if they were right before my eyes.


A stele.

The stele absorbed the constant thunderbolts from the thundercloud, using that power to float in the air.

There was something written on it.

"....leave it behind for future generations, relinquish your desires and ascend. Those who do not adhere will face calamity."

On closer inspection, the top part of the stele was gone.

I couldn't read the top part, but the remaining inscription seemed like a warning left by a cultivator for future generations intending to pass through the Ascension Gate.

'What does it mean to leave behind? Is it referring to spirit stones, spiritual treasures, or elixirs?'

Another thing.

The inscription on the stele was written in an ancient language used for education in Yanguo, Byeokra, and Shengzi

Having studied it for cultural reasons, I could barely read it, but I knew the stele's language was at least several thousand years old.

"Hmm, just a warning left by a previous cultivator for future generations."

I felt somewhat deflated.

I had expected some grand secret, but it was just an ordinary warning.

Even that seemed to imply more of a mental preparation before entering the Ascension Gate than a special warning.

'I guess I don't need to worry about that...'

Disappointed, I decided to return to my original location.

Training here wasn't bad, but the distant thunderclouds and spatial rifts made it a challenging environment for concentration.

After another ten nights, I returned to the cave where my companions and I had first settled.

'For now, I'll try to regain the cultivation I achieved in my past life as quickly as possible.'

Having learned the Understanding before Breakthrough training method, I should be able to quickly recover my cultivation with the high spiritual energy density of Ascension Path.

I sat down and began my to cultivate.

About ten years passed.

I opened the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha meridians.

I condensed the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang spiritual natures.

I adapted the Twelve Earthly Branches spiritual types to my meridians.

I imbued the Ten Heavenly Stems Diagram spiritual changes.

I unified the One Hundred and Eight Spiritual Meridians and Sixty Spiritual Natures with the Nine Palaces One Origin principle.

I completed all the meridians according to the Eight Trigrams.


I felt the full activation and integration of the major spiritual meridians throughout my body.

Using the Earth Dwelling Method and the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation, I formed a hand seal.

"Earth Court!"


Mud walls rose around me, and a mud house was constructed.

I stepped out of the mud house, tested various supernatural powers and spells, and then took a deep breath.

Tenth year of my return.

In just over ten years, I reached the Qi Refining 7th Star, a cultivation that took me over fifty years in my past life.

And what remained was...

'The Seven Stars Ritual!'

I had to choose seven stars among the twenty-eight celestial stars and ask for the descent of heaven and earth spiritual energy.

I knew all the methods and procedures for performing the ritual.

I also knew how to build an altar.

I understood how to calculate the auspicious timing and observe the stars.

All that was left was for the heavens to grant permission!

In this life.


'I will surpass this stage...!'

After reaching Qi Refining 7th Star, I observed the constellations, calculated the timing, and chose a date for the ritual.

'This day, at this time, will be suitable for the ritual.'

I gazed at the sky.

Based on my observation and sensing of spiritual energy, the weather was predicted to be clear for the next ten nights.

The ritual was two days away.

Would the heavens grant me permission?

I used the Earth Dwelling Method and the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation to gather earth and stone, building an altar and decorating it with spiritual herbs and fruits from the vicinity.

And then, the date of the ritual arrived.

The sun sets.

And the stars gather.

A beautiful starry sky.

But knowing the cruelty hidden in this beautiful sky, I did not lose my vigilance as I commenced the ritual.

The ritual begins.

"I, Seo Eun-hyun, a mortal who seeks the path of Immortal Cultivation,

Wearing simple clothes and ascending the Star Ritual Altar, I examine the terrain and wish to honor the Seven Stars of the Eastern Jia-Yi (East Azure) constellation.

I offer to the twenty-eight celestial stars and six dings and six jias of heaven and earth, expanding each direction!

For the Eastern Jia-Yi (東方甲乙), the Spirit of the Azure Dragon (靑帝之神) corresponds to the stars of Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket (角亢氐房心尾箕), forming the image of Azure Respect (靑尊) and planting it!

For the Southern Bing-Ding (南方丙丁), the Spirit of the Red Vermillion (赤帝之神) corresponds to the stars of Well, Ghost, Willow, Star, Extended Net, Wing, and Chariot (井鬼柳星張翼軫), forming the image of Yang Respect (陽尊) and planting it!

For the Western Geng-Xin (西方庚辛), the Spirit of the White Tiger (白帝之神) corresponds to the stars of Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Beak, Triple Star (奎婁胃昴畢觜參), forming the image of White Respect (白尊) and planting it!

For the Northern Ren-Gui (北方壬癸), the Spirit of the Black Turtle (黑帝之神) corresponds to the stars of Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Chamber, Wall (斗牛女虛危室壁), forming the image of Yin Respect (陰尊) and planting it!!

For the Central Wu-Ji (中央戊己), the Spirit of the Yellow Emperor (黃靈之神) arranges the Yellow Spirit Flag (黃神旗) according to the order of the Five Directions (五方次第), and planting it!

After Seo Eun-hyun has trimmed his nails and disheveled his hair (剪爪散髮), he humbly offers this prayer!"

Holding a piece of bark inscribed with ritual text in my right hand and a stone incense burner in my left,

I recite the ritual text towards the celestial constellations.

I select the constellations that suit me from the four and address the seven stars.

"As a mortal, Seo Eun-hyun, wishing to walk the path of Immortal Cultivation,

I appeal to the Seven Stars of the Azure Respect constellation, Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket, to graciously consider this..."

The seven stars governing the Eastern Jia-Yi's fate: the stars of Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket. I pray to these seven stars, performing the ritual dance.

I draw a stone sword representing the constellation and perform a sword dance symbolizing the seven celestial stars, elevating the spiritual energy of the altar.

"Grant this humble star the opportunity! I humbly beseech thee!

Heavens above, bestow upon me the spiritual essence of heaven and earth!

Heavens above, grant me strength..."

As I continued my ritual dance, I looked up at the sky and stretched out my arms.

"Heavens above..."

The sky was covered in dark clouds.

Despite my observation of spiritual energy predicting clear weather.

"...Heavens above."

The starlight's energy was cut off.

Continuous communication with the stars was essential.

But as the star's spiritual energy was cut off, naturally, the energy of the altar also faded.

The ritual ended just like that.

"Ha, hahaha..."

Yes, I expected this.

I never thought the heavens would easily grant me power.

It was the same in my past life.

And perhaps it will be the same in the future.



"...will not give up."

I can't give up.

For my life.

To reach even higher.

And... to not make my master's efforts meaningless.

"Heavens above."

No matter how proudly you stand in my way.

I will definitely, somehow!

"Reach that place...!"


I rolled my feet, collapsing the altar, and quietly glared at the sky.

The dark clouds on that day, the first ritual after my return, was unusually dark.

The timing for the ritual came around roughly once every fortnight.

I consistently refined the ritual implements, continuously offering rituals to the heavens every half month.

"As a mortal, Seo Eun-hyun, wishing to walk the path of Immortal Cultivation,

I appeal to the Seven Stars of the Azure Respect constellation, Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail, and Winnowing Basket, to graciously consider this..."

"...Seo Eun-hyun, wishing to walk the path of Immortal Cultivation.

I appeal to the Seven Stars of the Yin Respect constellation, Ladle, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Chambert, Wall, to graciously..."

" walk the path of Immortal Cultivation.

“I appeal to the Seven Stars of the White Respect constellation, Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Beak, Triple Star, to…”

“...walk the path.”

“I appeal to the Seven Stars of the Yang Respect constellation, Well, Ghost, Willow, Star, Extended Net, Wing, and Chariot…”

Rotating through the twenty-eight celestial stars and their four constellations, I earnestly entreated different constellations with every favorable opportunity.

O constellation of Eastern Jia-Yi, please accept me.

O constellation of Southern Bing-Ding, please permit me.

O constellation of Western Geng-Xin, please look upon me.

O constellation of Northern Ren-Gui, please raise me.

O stars,

This human pleads to you.



I performed the rituals with every return of the moon's cycle, again and again.

Twenty-four times in a year.

Occasionally, I held additional rituals during special auspicious times, totaling thirty-six attempts in a year.

And each time, I failed.

Failed repeatedly.

The heavens kept pushing me away.

One year passed, then two, then three.

And as time went by, ten years elapsed.

Ten years.

During that time, there were about 500 attempts.

Combined with the twenty-four officially sanctioned auspicious times in a year, and a few special occasions, I conducted 572 rituals.

And all of them failed.

Each time, the heavens stood in my way.


As I watched yet another ritual collapse, I softly called out to the sky.

"Please... give me strength."

The sky was covered in dark clouds.

Without any response.


This was probably my 573rd failure.

For over ten years, in a place devoid of people, I cried out to the heavens, again and again.

My beard has grown bushy, and my clothes has completely worn out.

Recently, I have been weaving grass into garments, not because I needed clothes in the absence of people, but to maintain a minimum of decorum for the rituals.

They say that if the heart is sincere, the heavens will respond.

But it seems the heavens of this world do not know such sayings.

Did they truly have no response, even after a human devoted ten years?

"...I don't know."

Lately, it all seemed futile.

Buzz, whoosh, whoosh!

I watched a stone sword I had carved for the rituals, controlled by Dual Energy Sword Control, perform a dance in the air.

"...So lonely."


I hadn't known about it before.

I had always spent time among people.

Even when my hands bled from training, I at least had my master and Kim Young-hoon for company.

But now, I have truly become alone.

Watching the lonely sword dance performed by the flying sword, I suddenly grabbed another stone sword and infused it with sword energy.

"...How about playing around for a while?"

Thinking of the flying sword as Kim Young-hoon, I rushed at it.

The flying sword used the Severing Vein Saber Method, and I, the Severing Mountain Swordsmanship, danced together all day long.

For about a week, I completely lost myself dancing with the sword.

Moving my body to exhaustion seemed to relieve some frustration in my mind.

My swordsmanship became more natural, feeling more advanced than before.

The flying sword, imbued with Mountain Wind, shot at me quickly.

I grabbed another sword and deflected it with Secluded Valley, then counterattacked the imaginary opponent with Bouldered Cliff and Strange Stone.

Now my skill in controlling the sword have improved so much that it felt as if the sword floating in the air was not controlled.

It seemed as if the invisible Kim Young-hoon was holding the sword and swinging it at me.

"...Kim Hyung. How is my skill?"

Buzz, whoosh!

The flying sword charged at me, aiming at my feet with Dragon’s Mound.

I adopted Transcending Peaks and then countered from the lower position with Echoing Valley.

But the flying sword, having no one actually holding it, didn't suffer much damage.

"Is it so. Am I still inadequate? But haven't I improved a lot?"

Kim Young-hoon, holding the flying sword, sighed, commenting and lecturing on my posture.

"Thank you. For being a conversation partner."

After talking with Kim Young-hoon, I examined my swordplay, corrected the points he mentioned, and swung my sword again.

It certainly seems a bit better.

"Hmm, I see. Using my intent in this way seems more helpful..."

Kim Young-hoon clicked his tongue and pointed out my internal energy and intent use again.

I kept refining my technique as he advised, progressing forward.

"Thank you, Kim Hyung."

Kim Young-hoon smiled and nodded at me.

Then, he said that chatting was unnecessary during a martial arts match, grabbed his sword again, and lunged at me.

"Ha ha ha, let's have fun!"

I laughed heartily and clashed with Kim Young-hoon.

Several days passed.

That day, too, I unconsciously calculated the celestial movements, prepared the ritual altar in advance, and checked the ritual tools.

And I received martial arts guidance from Kim Young-hoon.

"Wait, Kim Hyung. What's wrong with my stance?"

Kim Young-hoon sighed in frustration and demonstrated his martial arts skill in front of me.

After watching his demonstration for a while, I still couldn't figure it out.

"I really don't understand, let's just spar."

Kim Young-hoon grinned, took up his sword, and charged at me.

I too danced with the sword and clashed with him.

'But did Kim Hyung originally use a sword?'

His main weapon was a saber, wasn't it?

Suddenly, that thought occurred to me.

To make it more fun to play with Kim Young-hoon, I refined a rock into a stone saber using a spell.

Kim Young-hoon examined the saber, seemed pleased with it, and then attacked me with Mountain Bird.

"Yes, indeed! It's more enjoyable to spar with Kim Hyung using a saber!"

We danced with our sword and saber, again and again.

I calculated the auspicious times for rituals and conducted them when the time was right.

Invariably, I failed again.

I destroyed the failed ritual altars with Kim Young-hoon and repeated the martial arts sparring hundreds of times.

Days and nights passed like that.

One day, while sparring with Kim Young-hoon, we moved far from the original cave.

Not towards the Ascension Gate, but in the opposite direction.

That is, the direction from which Jin Byuk-ho, White Bone Ghost Devil, and Sir Chang-ho had come from.

"Come to think of it, Kim Hyung. If we keep going in that direction, will we reach places like Byeokra and Yanguo that we know of? Since we don't know how it's connected to the geography we're familiar with in Ascension Path..."

Kim Young-hoon, swinging his saber at me, suggested that we keep going in that direction to find out.

"Ha ha, great. Let's keep going and have a blast!"

Once again, his saber clashed with my sword.

About two months later.

Kim Young-hoon and I finally reached the 'end' of Ascension Path.


This is...

I was speechless at the sight.

Kim Young-hoon also seemed stunned, holding his saber loosely and just staring at the end of Ascension Path.

"...Now I understand why we never knew the direct passage to Ascension Path from Cheongmun Clan's library in my previous life."

I chuckled and walked towards the edge of Ascension Path.

Ascension Path was floating in the sky.

A giant landmass imbued with spiritual energy, floating above the sky.

Below us, the ground was a dim expanse.

At the same time, I realized where Ascension Path was located.

"The Heaven-Treading Desert..."

What was visible below was undoubtedly an endless desert!

As far as I knew, the only desert like that was the Heaven-Treading Desert.

"Why the desert was named Heaven-Treading..."

The name Heaven-Treading Desert was a topic of debate among scholars from Yanguo and Byeokra.

Some said it was named Heaven-Treading because of a legend that it was connected to the sky.

Others said it was because many who crossed the endless sands of the desert died and ascended to heaven.

Some even thought Heaven-Treading was a transliteration of a word from distant eastern desert countries.

But now I clearly understand the reason.

'Ascension Path and the Ascension Gate...'

A place with an entrance to ascend to the heavens.

It seemed that numerous cultivators had named it Heaven-Treading (Treading on Heaven).

"...Amazing, Kim Hyung."

I looked at Kim Young-hoon, wanting to express my feelings, but was startled to see him.

Kim Young-hoon's figure had become blurry.

‘No, it cannot be.’

"...Ha, haha..."

I took my sword and charged at the blurred figure of Kim Young-hoon.

As I collided with the indistinct shadow, we exchanged a few blows.

I found a gap in the shadow's defense and managed to split it in half with my sword, killing it.

And so, the shadow was cut in half and died.



The saber that the shadow had been holding...


The saber that I had been controlling all by myself fell from the air.

"...That's right, Kim Young-hoon. I sent him off alone 23 years ago."

It was then that I remembered.

For about two and a half years now, I have been half out of my mind.

Seeing the breathtaking and majestic sight that Ascension Path was floating in the sky,

I momentarily regained clarity and came to my senses.

"Hehe... hahahaha..."

I collapsed on the spot, giggling and then bursting into laughter.

According to the calculations I made in my semi-insane state, tonight would be the day when the time for the ritual would come again.

However, I had neither set up an altar nor prepared or brought any ritual implements.

Just sitting there, I laughed for a while, and then cried.

The stars began to rise.

"Heavens above... Heavens above... Heavens above...!"

Without performing the ritual, I just called out to the stars.

"How much longer... How much longer must I stay in this place...!"

Please, send me to the next Star.

Please, prevent me from going more insane...!

Heavens above...

Translator Notes: Dangseonhyang will be offically termed as Ascension Path

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