Chapter 58: Heavenly Thunder (5)

Chapter 58: Heavenly Thunder (5)

I was able to visit my disciples in the Jin Clan's territory with permission from Kim Young-hoon.

This life was not much different from the previous ones.

Kae-hwa gave birth to two children.

Man-ho became a father and was teaching his children. They seem to be good parents.

Nok-hyeon's sculpting skills have grown much more than in the previous life.

He also got a new wife, a woman I didn't recognize, probably someone he met in the Jin Clan's territory.

Cheong-ya is still weaving silk, and the silk she produced was of extraordinary quality.

Hee-a had married Kwak-gi,but they didn't have children yet.

They are all familiar connections from past lives, but...

There are slight changes due to the butterfly effect.

All of them are doing well, and...

None of them are dead.

After secretly visiting the village where they reside, I left the territory with Kim Young-hoon.

"It's good to see everyone doing well."

"Do you know these people?"

"...If I know them, I know them. If I don't, they are strangers."

"May I ask what kind of relationship you have with them?"

What kind of relationship...

After a moment of thought, I replied...

"Just a connection."

No matter what name you give to a connection once made, what use is it?

It's just a connection.

Even if it's not a master-disciple relationship, these are connections that will not be forgotten in my heart...

"Just a connection..."

Kim Young-hoon seemed curious, but he did not press further after sensing my complicated thoughts.

He escorted me out, and we had several conversations.

What I had been doing for the last 40 years, whether I had difficulties while learning martial arts.

How I mastered cultivation methods and martial arts to this extent...

"I learned a lot in the country of Byeokra. Like Kim Hyung, I opened my eyes one day and found myself in a completely different place."

"Ha ha, is that so? When I woke up, the language of Yanguo and unfamiliar martial arts were engraved in my mind, so there were no big difficulties."

"...I experienced the same. Must be the doings of those monsters in Ascension Path, right?"

I attributed the knowledge I had passed on to Kim Young-hoon for survival to the deeds of the Heavenly Being cultivators in Ascension Path.

"...Tsk, even after abducting our colleagues and doing this... well, the past is the past. I can't do anything about it now."

He clicked his tongue and sighed, and we shared various insights about martial arts.

In the western borderlands of Yanguo...

There, I received three books from Kim Young-hoon.

"The Record of Surpassing Path and Martial Arts, a martial art system those monsters put in my head. It's the same book, but with added insights from trial and error to reach the next realm. You might find it helpful too."

"Hmm, is the title still 'Record of Surpassing Path and Martial Arts'?"

I asked Kim Young-hoon as I received the expanded martial art book from him.

However, Kim Young-hoon only clicked his tongue in a self-deprecating manner.

"Why change the title? It's just a collection of stupid trials and errors I've added while clinging to it. I'm honestly doubtful if there's even a realm beyond the Ultimate Pinnacle. It's like a diary of foolishly bumping into things until something comes out.

Sometimes I wonder if the Ultimate Pinnacle is the limit that a martial artist can reach."


"...What's so funny?"

I couldn't help but laugh at his words.

The limit that a martial artist can reach?

How many times have I heard that from Kim Young-hoon?

Yet, time and again, he had created realms beyond that limit, shattering boundaries. He kept growing stronger and reaching higher.

That was Kim Young-hoon.

"...There are endless mountains beyond mountains, and endless paths within paths."

I slowly recited the proverb.

"There might be something beyond what you think is the end. If it's Kim Hyung, you'll definitely reach beyond that. If you don't plan to change the title, I'll accept it as 'Record of Surpassing Path and Martial Arts.'"

"...Flattery won't get you anywhere... Well, anyway, are you really going to Shengzi?"

"Yes. There's something I need to find in Shengzi"

The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect located in the western mountains of Shengzi.

I planned to search for it to gather more information about the Ascension Gate.

"It's a pity... I was hoping you would stay and spar with me more."

"I wish I could, but there's something I need to find."

"Alright, I understand. Do visit sometimes."

I silently performed a fist salute to him.

Kim Young-hoon reciprocated with a fist salute, and thus we exchanged brief farewells.

Shengzi is also known as the Land of Scriptures.

It is overflowing with all kinds of scriptures and erudition, and as a land of scholars, numerous poems and collections of poetry were abundant in the streets.

Although my knowledge of the Shengzi language was minimal, I learned to speak it fluently with the enhanced mental capabilities of a cultivator.

After learning the language, I wandered around various parts of Shengzi to gather information.

The country was ruled by a total of seven cultivator clans.

However, the presence of these clans did not necessarily make them superior to Yanguo or Byeokra.

The Jinlu Clan, slightly more powerful than the Makli and Jin clans individually, dominated half of the country.

The remaining half was controlled by a coalition of six smaller clans: Ha, Geo, Joon, Yeoljeon, Ori, and Jeon.

As a nation rife with numerous cultivator clans, a plethora of philosophies and scholarly works from each clan made it a holy land of scriptures and learning.

This was the essence of Shengz.

I roamed the country, gathering information.

One year after arriving in Shengzi.

After inquiring among the lower-ranking cultivators and branch families of the cultivator clans,

I discovered the best source of information regarding the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

"If you're looking for information about the once preeminent Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, the Shengzi Imperial Archives should have plenty."

"The Imperial Archives..."

Remarkably, the Shengzi royal family is not a branch of any particular clan but is purely composed of mortals.

In a situation where multiple clans maintained a delicate balance of power, a brutal conflict among clans, similar to Yanguo, would occur if a specific clan’s branch family occupied the throne. Thus, the seven clans agreed to let mortals form the royal lineage.

During their seven hundred years of rule, although unable to collect precious cultivation methods, the Nan royal family consistently gathered historical texts, which were considered less important by cultivators.

Hence, the Imperial Archives are said to be rich in histories of various cultivation sects, especially extensive secret records of the once dominant Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

The challenge, however, was accessing the Imperial Archives.

'Cultivators are barred from even entering the palace, let alone the archives...!'

This restriction was created by the seven cultivator clans to prevent cultivators from other clans from controlling the royal family.

Therefore, not only the heads of the seven clans but also loose cultivators and mountain hermits were barred from entering, and a powerful barrier was set inside the palace.

'Hmm, this is troublesome. Can't enter if I can't break the barrier.'

I asked the low-ranking cultivator in front of me for clarification.

"So, does this mean there are no cultivators inside the palace at all? It's completely inaccessible to them?"

"Ah, that may not be entirely true, senior. I've heard there are a few high-level Qi Refining cultivators in the palace serving as royal guards. They receive special talismans from the seven clans to resist the barrier, to protect the royal family in emergencies or to replace the emperor when the royal family goes against the will of the seven clans."

"So, it's possible to enter, then?"

"Yes, that's correct."


It seems necessary to see and judge the barrier myself.

Upon arriving in Jinjing, the capital of Shengzi, I observed the layout of the palace and the flow of spiritual energy around it.

Based on the knowledge of formations I learned from my master and testimonies from various mountain hermits, the barrier around the palace wasn't to prevent cultivators from entering but to suppress their spiritual power inside the barrier.

Meaning, a cultivator inside the barrier without a special talisman from the seven clans would be no different from an ordinary mortal.

"...So, what this means is..."

I smirked, radiating sword energy, while observing the people entering and leaving the palace and the martial artists inside.

"I can just walk in."

Whether my spiritual power is restricted or not is irrelevant.

The barrier didn't completely prevent entry to those with spiritual power but suppressed it once inside.

However, I had other strengths besides that of a cultivator.


After cutting perception with the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, I casually entered through the main gate of the palace.


Upon entering, I certainly felt my spiritual power being suppressed, but my consciousness, internal energy, and Inner Core remained unaffected.

After all, if martial artists couldn't use their martial skills inside the barrier, it would be impossible to handle emergencies in the palace.

‘Moreover, the cultivators who are allowed to use their power are all just at the Qi Refining stage anyway…’

In case of an emergency, it seems possible to overthrow the royal palace and escape without any problem.

I wandered around the palace looking for the royal library and sneaked in.

"Let's see, books about the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect...books..."

I started my reading through the sea of books in the library..

I learned an astonishing fact while reading books about the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

The sect was established a staggering 123,000 years ago.

123,000 years!

It’s a figure so absurd it’s almost laughable.

'What kind of insane number is that?'

I dismissed it as a joke or a legend and looked through other books.

However, other books stored in the royal palace, written in Yanguo or Byeokra languages, also dated the emergence of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect to around 123,000 years ago.

While there were slight differences in the years, every book indicated the same era.

'Is this for real?'

After all, even a Heavenly Being cultivator has a lifespan far exceeding 2000 years.

'Considering that it's only been a little over 2000 years since the Common Era on Earth, these monsters with lifespans over two thousand years...'

Thinking this way, even the absurd figure of 123,000 years seemed somewhat plausible.

'Huh? And this sect, the Black Ghost Valley... 500,000 years? Is this just a numbers game, or is it real?'

I quickly dismissed the exaggerated figures of Black Ghost Valley from my mind and focused back on the information regarding the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

Holding onto such head-aching figures was only going to lead to confusion.

I scoured information from books about the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

Information cross-verified in several books was deemed credible.

Information mentioned only in one or two books was taken as folklore.

In this way, I gathered credible information about the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect, which is as follows:

The Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect was established around 123,000 years ago by a Daoist cultivator named Yang Su-jin.

I could find no records of this Yang Su-jin in the royal archives.

He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

However, there was an unusual record about him – the phenomenon of Heavenly Rejection.

'It's the same as what I experienced...!'

During his Qi Refining 7th Star, when he was undergoing the Seven Stars Ritual.

Dark clouds covered the sky, refusing his acceptance.

But unlike me, who had to tear through the clouds with a Gang Sphere to complete the ritual, Yang Su-jin's immense talent allowed him to overcome the Heavenly Rejection on his own.

There were no records of what kind of talent he possessed.

'It's fascinating, someone from 123,000 years ago also experienced Heavenly Rejection...'

But the intrigue didn't end there.

Surprisingly, in Yang Su-jin's era, there were about five or six others who also experienced Heavenly Rejection.

'Five or six others...'

Regrettably, there was no information about who they were or how they overcame the Heavenly Rejection.

One of them reportedly failed to overcome it and died of old age.

Anyway, the appearance of so many rare holders of Heavenly Rejection at the same time in one era was a point of concern.

'It's troubling...'

But without any decisive clues, it was impossible to draw any conclusions hastily.

The most unique record about Yang Su-jin was regarding the establishment of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect.

"-And so, when the Ancestor reached out to the sky, the heavens parted and a gate of light opened above the capital city Gacheon of the Central Spirit Holy Kingdom. Through it fell the sect's divine artifact. Named after the Daoist title of Yang Su-jin and the name of the divine artifact, he established the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect. The people of the Holy Kingdom, in reverence, built a shrine in Gaecheon City to worship the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect...

"A gate of light...?"

I concluded that this tale is credible after cross-verifying information from other books.

I carefully examined the descriptions of the 'gate of light' described in various books.

"This is…the Ascension Gate."

It is certain.

"And the country referred to as the Holy Kingdom in many books..."

Existed 123,000 years ago.

"123,000 years ago, the Heaven-Treading Desert wasn't a desert but a land flowing with milk and honey. So, the Ascension Gate in the Heaven-Treading Desert was at the center of the Holy Kingdom, and the stone shrine in Ascension Path is from 123,000 years ago...?"

Those stone fragments are from 123,000 years ago.

They did seem dated, but I didn't realize they were that old.

'Ordinary stones lasting that long seem doubtful, but in a world where beings like flying immortals exist, it's not too far-fetched.'

After gathering various pieces of information, I came to a conclusion.

"The Ascension Gate must have been created by Yang Su-jin, the founder of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect..."

Was this person responsible for bringing us here?

'No, that doesn't seem right.'

The Heavenly Rejection phenomenon experienced by Yang Su-jin during his Qi Refining stage.

And the five or six others who experienced it during the same era.

And then there's me and my colleagues.

No decisive connection between these events was discovered.

However, I somehow felt that Yang Su-jin was also a plaything of the heavens.

'The area around where Yang Su-jin opened the Ascension Gate was originally unstable in space, with many spatial rifts.'

This information was also cross-verified in various books.

That the capital of the Central Spirit Holy Kingdom was Gaecheon City.

It was said to originate from the phenomenon where space in the sky frequently opened and closed.

'If only there was more detailed information...'

Perhaps due to being an event from 123,000 years ago, even the royal library, which held information from cultivators, lacked detailed circumstances.

Most of the information was like hearsay about things that had happened back then.

"So, what exactly is the divine artifact of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect...?"

I searched through several books again to find information about the sect’s divine artifact. But all I could find was, 'The divine artifact of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect is a core secret of the sect, not disclosed to the public.'

What was known was that every member of the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect had a close relationship with the divine artifact in their cultivation. The divine artifact was greatly revered within the sect and passed down only to the sect leader from generation to generation.

'Of course, it's a divine artifact, so it makes sense to be treated importantly and passed only to the highest echelons like the sect leader!'

It was so obvious that it was a bit frustrating.

I continued to look through other books, but information about the divine artifact was nowhere to be found in the royal library.

Just because there was information from 123,000 years ago in the royal library, it didn't mean they had all the books from that entire period.

There were only books about very famous events over thousands of years.

The incident of Yang Su-jin opening the Ascension Gate and establishing the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect was too famous, so there was a lot of documentation.

"Hmm, is this a book of folklore?"

While rummaging through the library, I found another book of folklore about the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and started reading it.

The book of folklore contained many interesting but not necessarily credible contents.

One of them was about how Yang Su-jin opened the Ascension Gate.

It speculated that Yang Su-jin didn't receive the divine artifact from beyond the sky when he opened the Ascension Gate.

Instead, he ascended to the higher realm as a Heavenly Being, obtained the divine artifact there, and then created a rift in space when he returned to this world with it.

'Indeed, this seems fitting as the reason why the Ascension Gate connects to the higher realm.'

A rift created while descending from the higher realm, hence connected to it.

However, there was something strange in the speculation discussed in this folklore book.

'If that's true, then Yang Su-jin had a reason to ascend to the higher realm as a Heavenly Being and then to return to this world?'

I desperately searched for information about the later years of Yang Su-jin.

Generally, the records were similar, but his death was oddly recorded differently in each book.

Some said he committed suicide.

Others said he ascended again to the higher realm.

Some even said he went mad with dementia, spouting nonsense before entering a spatial rift.

Others said he died of old age when his lifespan ran out.

And some said he simply disappeared.

'Why are they all different?'

But one thing was clear: Yang Su-jin was either dead or had vanished.

'What a peculiar person.'

Neither his birth nor his death is clear.

The problem wasn't that the records were old and inaccurate, but rather that there was simply no information.

‘There are many records that at least roughly estimate the birthplaces of other Black Ghost Valley leaders or heads of large sects from the same era. However, there is absolutely no such speculation about Yang Su-jin.’

Perhaps he...

I paused my thoughts and continued to read and re-read other books, hoping to glean some new information about the Ascension Gate or something else...

My lifespan was rapidly coming to an end.

I stayed hidden in the royal library, constantly reading and compiling information. I never stopped practicing the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation.

As a result of extracting the earth attribute spiritual energy and applying the principle of the Five Elements to all my spiritual meridians, I completed the Five Elements stage in just over three years and advanced to the 10th Star Qi Refining, Four Images stage.

The Four Images stage involved splitting the spiritual power of the eight trigrams inside my body into yin and yang channels based on the logic of the Four Images.

I had already fully grasped this part through Understanding before Breakthrough and since guiding spiritual power was my primary objective, I was able to precede it sufficiently with the experience of training in internal energy methods.


Through my unwavering dedication deep within the royal palace, a sanctuary rich in spiritual energy, and by diligently practicing with the Record of Surpassing Cultivation and Martial Arts as my guide, I successfully mastered the Four Images stage in just eighteen months. This accomplishment paved the way for my progression to the 11th Star of Qi Refining, Three Talents Unity stage.

The Three Talents Unity stage involved further strengthening the spiritual meridians to connect the paths of the three dantians – lower, middle, and upper.

After another three and a half years, I barely managed to break through the Three Talents Unity and entered the 12th Star of Qi Refining, Yin-Yang Unification stage.

'Heaven, Earth, and Man are one...'

The Three Talents are one.

That was the enlightenment I gained from the Three Talents Unity.

Buung, buung, buung...

Simultaneously, I realized that my Gang Sphere has also undergone some changes due to the enlightenment gained from the Three Talents Unity.

'What is it? I feel like I almost understand...'

Why does Kim Young-hoon always split one Gang Sphere into three, then those three into nine?

Can't he just create nine Gang Spheres from the beginning?

'I lack just a paper-thin enlightenment... but I can't figure it out.'

What enlightenment am I missing?

'Heaven, Earth, and Man are one...'

Regardless, I completed the 11th Star Three Talents Unity and entered the 12th Star Yin-Yang Unification.

The Yin-Yang Unification stage involved continuously circulating the yin and yang power in the divided meridians, merging the two yin-yang dual channels into a single unified channel.

The key in the Yin-Yang Unification stage was the constant circulation of spiritual power, similar to the flow of internal energy, making it possible to progress through this stage more rapidly than any previous ones.


In about six months, I completed Yin-Yang Unification and entered the 13th Star Qi Refining, Unified Origin stage.

And then...

My lifespan was almost over.


That day too, I took out a book to read and felt the flow of spiritual power inside me.

The 13th Star Qi Refining, Unified Origin stage is about rapidly circulating the unified spiritual power in the meridian and concentrating it to a single point in the dantian.

This too required an understanding of the unity of spiritual power and demanded enlightenment.

I knew I was close to completing the 13th Star.

In this life, I might not see the 14th Star, the limit of Qi Refining, but in the next life, I will definitely be able to reach it.


'The Qi Building stage is a problem.'

The path to the 14th Star Qi Refining, Infinite, seemed solid, as I had learned it well from my master.

However, reaching Qi Building is a different issue.

Even cultivators with True Spiritual Roots need immense effort to reach the Qi Building stage.

It was realistic only for those with Heavenly Spiritual Roots to ascend to the Qi Building stage through mere cultivation.

That's why elixirs like Qi Building Pills, made by sacrificing humans, was circulated everywhere.


'I can't take Qi Building Pills.'

I detest the idea of even putting such a repulsive thing in my mouth.

Eating pills made from grinding up fellow humans?

'There must be a minimum line of morality that humans should not cross...'

However, realistically, with my Mixed Spiritual Roots, it is nearly impossible to reach the Qi Building stage.

'What should I do...'

While searching through the royal library of Shengzi, I extensively looked through the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and other books for over a decade.

I tried to find cases of reaching the Qi Building stage without Qi Building Pills.

Those who had reached the Qi Building stage without them either had unusual physiques or were Heavenly Spiritual Root bearers. Or they were exceptional True Spiritual Root bearers.

There were no cases of Mixed Spiritual Root bearers reaching the Qi Building stage without Qi Building Pills.

'...What should I do?'

My lifespan is now truly nearing its end.

So far, I have only reached the 13th Star of Qi Refining after two lifetimes of dedication.

Even that was achieved thanks to meeting the greatest master and tirelessly working day and night.

For an ordinary dullard, reaching this stage would have been practically impossible.

So then...

Can I really reach the Qi Building stage?

'Time is running out.'

Why does a single lifetime last only about 50 years?

Why is it so strictly predetermined?

If only I had a bit more time, I could do a bit more.

'Just a bit more... time...'

Qi Building stage.

My lifespan is too short to reach the Qi Building stage.

But new lifespans are granted only from the Qi Building stage onwards.

What should I do?


Suddenly, while rummaging through a book, I discovered an interesting theory about lifespan.

'People say that human lifespan is determined by the heavens. Therefore, if humans want to overcome their lifespan, they must succeed in Qi Building to receive a new lifespan. However, I think differently.

Perhaps the heavens do not grant lifespan. The heavens merely record the predetermined lifespan and assign fate to prevent humans from surpassing that record. In other words, if a person gains enough power to defy even the fate sent by the heavens,

The heavens will record that person's fate again. The length of the newly recorded fate is about 300 years. If that person again gains the power to surpass even the 300-year fate, the heavens hastily record a new lifespan once more.

Perhaps this is the true meaning behind the saying that the heavens grant lifespan.'


I took special note of this passage.

It was among the most interesting arguments I had ever seen.

'Why... is this recorded at the front?'

A long time ago.

The story of a man who melted ice in the middle of winter with his bare body to catch a carp for his mother to eat, and other examples of 'if there's will, there's a way' tales.

This phrase was recorded at the beginning of a collection of classic folklore that contained these tales.

'It's as if... the author or compiler of these folklore, who thinks the heavens grant lifespan, had this idea.'

I flipped through the front and back of the folklore collection.

However, there was no author's name on the collection, and it was just a collection without a title.

The two folklore collections in the royal library and Cheongmun Clan's library were identical in every aspect except for the cover and the preface.

I tried stimulating the paper in several ways, such as infusing it with internal energy and spiritual power, heating it with fire, and moistening it with water.

But the book merely became tattered without revealing anything hidden.

'Was it a wasted effort...'

I clicked my tongue and put the folklore collection back in its place.

It was an intriguing claim, but it was neither proven nor anything more than the personal opinion of the person who compiled the book.

'But if it's true, it's a very interesting claim.'

According to this statement, even if one doesn't reach the Qi Building stage, if one possesses enough power to defy all the fate bestowed by the heavens, the heavens will reset one's lifespan.


As a martial artist who has reached the Ultimate Pinnacle, possessing the power of the early stages of Qi Building,

Can I overcome my lifespan?

'Certainly, in my previous life, I lived a day longer than my predetermined lifespan..!'

The heavens caused me to have a heart attack, but I forcibly squeezed out Gang Qi to stimulate my heart and managed to stay alive until sunrise.

Of course, it was just one day, and I'm not sure if that counts as overcoming my lifespan.

Nonetheless, it meant that if one has power, it is possible to overcome lifespan, even if just by a speck.

'Can I... overcome my lifespan...?'

Somehow, the theory put forth by the anonymous compiler lingered in my mind.

The compiler's words somehow resonated with me.

I have about a month and a half left in my lifespan.

Can someone who has reached the Ultimate Pinnacle, obtain Qi Building levels of lifespan?

Translator Notes: Damn... Everyone, thank jesus. Yea, I'm not joking, the donator for this extra chapter is jesus.

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