Chapter 77: Fate (2)

Chapter 77: Fate (2)

Mad Lord began his explanation.

[As the most basic example, from the moment a human is born, they are continuously drawn towards 'death,' which is the force of attraction of their fate.]

Mad Lord draws two points in the air and connects them with a line.

[This is the basic structure of life. It starts here and ends there. The slight differences in each being's lifespan introduces changes in fate.]

Mad Lord draws several more lines above and below the line connecting the two points.

[Let's say this line represents life. The endings of other lives, represented by these different lines, influence it. Since fate has a force of attraction, it pulls slightly towards where other fates end.

Thus, fate is not a smooth, straight line from life to death, but becomes chaotic, influenced by the fates of other beings.]

The original line becomes uneven, adjusting to the endpoints of the other lines.

[We call this the play of fate or connections. These connections and fate determine our lives, and what is meant to happen, will inevitably happen.]

"...So, the saying that what is meant to happen will happen means..."

[Let's assume there's a close friend. That friend has a different lifespan and fate than me, meeting the fate of death earlier than me. That fate is closely attached to me and also has a force of attraction, so I inevitably get involved in the friend's death.

This is why what is meant to happen will 'definitely' happen.]

"So, does this mean that events unrelated to death are also fated to happen?"

[No, there are no events in this world that are not related to birth and death. Do you know how many lives are born and die in the air we breathe, even in a single moment? I may have explained fate using simple lines, but the cycle of birth and death in fate is so complex and endless that it can never be simply expressed.]

"I see..."

[As all beings, in the cycle of birth and death, carry life, it can be said that every event ultimately has a force of attraction.]

Mad Lord erases the lines in the air and randomly dots points.

[Following these forces of attraction in life, every being embarks on a long and short journey...]

Mad Lord starts connecting the points from the first one.

Eventually, all points are connected, forming a complex and intricate trajectory.

[What do you think, looking at this?]

'A child's scribbles?'

I swallow what I was about to say and reply to him.

"I don't quite understand."

[Points creating attraction, and lines drawn towards them... Doesn't it resemble constellations in the night sky?]


Tick, tick, tick...

Mad Lord continues to dot points with Pure Spiritual Force beyond the connected lines.

Indeed, it resembles stars in the night sky.

[I've never reached the stars in the star realm, but ancient texts from cultivators who roamed the star realm say that the stars in the night sky also exert a force of attraction.]

Mad Lord strokes his chin and continues his explanation.

[Stars are much like fate, aren't they? Or rather, if those texts are true, it's more like fate resembles constellations. Fate is like constellations.

Life is thus a journey of swimming through a sea of stars, finding forces of attraction close to one's fate…And events close to one's life. Being pulled by the attraction of fate, these events 'inevitably' happen...]

Something seems to come to his mind, and Mad Lord looks bitter.

[...Anyway. If we view fate as constellations and life as swimming through a sea of stars,

The principle of cultivators observing the celestial energy and reading their fate is roughly like that. Detecting the nearest force of attraction of fate.

Additionally, the way for cultivators to escape the force of fate's attraction is simple. When ordinary life goes from here to there.]

Mad Lord connects points in the air.

The constellation drawn by connecting the points ends at a certain spot.

The distance to the next point is quite far.

It looks like the line could not be extended further.

[Between these stars, create a suitable star and head towards the next one.

The stages of cultivation, such as the Seventy-Two Earthly Sha, Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang, Seven Stars Ritual, Qi Building's Spiritual Energy Star, Core Formation's Star Domain, are not there for nothing.

They create something similar to a star within the body, artificially creating a flow of fate, thus extending their fate.

This is how cultivators extend their lifespan and why they are called beings against the heavens.]

Mad Lord smirks as he continues his explanation.

[Then, if fate is meant to happen but one wants to escape it, how? How to escape this trajectory of fate? Simple.]

Mad Lord redraws the constellation.

[The closest thing in this fate is the next fate, but if the master of the life desires a different fate...]

He daws a line from one star to another, illustrating the line moving towards a different constellation than originally intended.

[It's difficult to move to a different fate because the force of attraction of the next fate pulls in the existence.]

The line tries to move to a different constellation but is held back by the force of attraction of the determined fate.

[So, what should be done? The method is simple. Escape the force of fate’s attraction.]


The line escapes the force of attraction of the predetermined star and lands in a different one.

"...How do you do that?"

[How, you ask? Power! If there is power to escape the force of attraction, one can escape from fate.]

As he clenches his fist, all the constellations and drawings he had made in the air disappear instantly.

[If you can't change fate, it's evidence of your weakness. Overwhelming power to escape the force of attraction of fate! And the bone-grinding effort to escape that force! With just these two, we can reach a different fate than the one pre-determined.

Things that are meant to happen will happen, but depending on the effort of the being, we may not suffer from those inevitable events.]

As Mad Lord continues his explanation, his eyes sparkle with excitement.

[If fate torments me, then I should become stronger than fate! Where else can you find such a clear solution! I, too, have strived and strived to escape from my predetermined fate...]

Mad Lord clutches the box beside him, gasping for breath.

[I will escape the fate of never meeting her again and will see her no matter what. By any means! If I keep trying, I will definitely see her again. Definitely, with her...]

Mad Lord caresses the box with shining eyes, muttering to [something] inside it.

[Ah, my love. I love you. Please, please, talk to me again, hold the fan, and dance those steps like before. Not being able to see you is not the fate I want. If I can see you again, I will throw away all my fate and gather strength to leap to a different fate. To a place where I can see you. So please...]

He scratches the box frantically, speaking crazily to something inside.

'Certainly, he's not in his right mind.'

I look at Manager Kim Yeon, who had been knocked out by Mad Lord.


The power to escape fate.

And effort.


I am still lacking in everything.

I simply lack the ability to change the current situation with my power.

That's why what is meant to happen happens, and I can only watch as my colleagues are handed over to the madman and hypocrite.

"...Thank you for your teachings."

I feel a bit more understanding regarding fate thanks to him.

'Yes, fate will definitely happen, but it can be changed.'

In this life.

No one had their arm torn off by the fox.

Because I distracted the fox and became strong enough to run away from it for several days.

'If I become stronger, strong enough to knock down the fox, maybe I can escape the fate’s attraction of the fox.'

Let's become stronger.

Stronger and stronger, increase the lifespan through cultivation, and create a constellation to escape all fate.

'Someday, if I become strong enough to escape even from the grasp of the Heavenly Being cultivators, then I can truly escape all fate...'

After scratching the box for a while in a frenzy, Mad Lord looks at me and Kim Young-hoon alternately and flicks his hand.

"Thank you for the teachings today. I have a few more questions to ask..."

[That's enough answers for now. Go on. [She] is calling me. She needs my help. She says she needs oiling in her joints. She's calling me, she is...]


Before me and Kim Young-hoon could react, we are pushed into a spatial rift by Mad Lord's gesture.

I see the Mad Lord open the box lid and bury his upper body inside, sinking into the darkness.

Once again, we found ourselves in Yanguo.

'The force of fate’s attraction...'

If there really is such a thing as the force of fate’s attraction, even if Mad Lord sends us randomly, ending up in Yanguo is also because the force of attraction pulls us there.

I pondered over fate, chewing over Mad Lord's words.

His words made me feel like I could grasp the concept of the Qi Building's Spiritual Energy Star.

Before Kim Young-hoon woke up, I transferred knowledge into his mind using a technique.

Kim Young-hoon was confused about the knowledge in his head, and asked me about my conversations with the Heavenly Being cultivators. I explained that I had the knowledge in my head too, and that's how I conversed with them.

I managed to persuade Kim Young-hoon sufficiently and helped him establish himself in Yanguo. After raising him to the level of Three Flowers Gather at the Summit, I taught him the Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts, the Record of Transcending Cultivation and Exhausting Martial Arts, and other such teachings, hoping that one day he would surpass the Ultimate Pinnacle and enter a new realm. Then, we parted ways.

Afterward, I secretly infiltrated the Jin Clan, seeing my disciples, and once again, I caught a glimpse of my master from a distance at the Cheongmun Clan.

Finally, I headed towards the Black Wind Sea.

Before heading to Seo Ran's abode in the Black Wind Sea, I look at the dark bead Seo Hweol had given me. It was the bead that, in my past life, Seo Ran used to completely destroy the Nether Crossing Ship in a mutual self-destruction.

With a wry smile I throw the dark bead into the sea. It sinks deep, beyond anyone's reach.

‘Seo Ran will remember you as a good king and grandfather.’

I think to myself. Not as a villain with a heart of a beast.

That’s enough.

I glance at the manual of Summoning Wind, Dragon Transformation, deciding to use it as a token when I meet Seo Ran.

Should I go to Seo Hyung right away?

As I ponder in front of the Black Wind Sea, I know if I went now, Seo Ran would urge me to learn Summoning Wind, Dragon Transformation, and challenge the Nether Crossing Ship again in a few years.

"No, that won't do."

I sigh. Even both of us together couldn’t defeat the Core Formation-level ghost spirit in the Nether Crossing Ship. Seo Ran, unaware of my situation, will probably wait for years.

I lack the power to change Seo Ran's fated death.

"So, I'll seek the power to change fate before going to him."

No matter how long it takes or what effort is needed.

"I'll enter Qi Building and then go to him."

I make my decision and head to Shattered Heaven Peak in the great mountains of Shengzi, where the Golden Divine Heavenly Thunder Sect and a mountain with good dragon veins are located.

Five years have passed since my return.

With a sigh, the brown clouds swirling around me are sucked into my nose and mouth. Through Understanding before Breakthrough and repeated insights in each life, my understanding of the Earth Surpassing Path increased.

'Five years to reach mastery this time.'

The Water, Fire, and Metal Surpassing Paths, mastered in the past life, will take about eight years each to master now. If this pace continues, I can master all the methods in the Five Surpassing Paths to Cultivation in 40 years.

'It's possible...!'

In this life, reaching Qi Building is achievable.

I open my eyes and release Gang Spheres. Now I can stably control nine Gang Spheres.

"I've consolidated at the extreme of Ultimate Pinnacle..."

It’s time to move beyond, but materializing consciousness is still challenging.

The Gang Spheres can meld into my consciousness, but it can't hold its essence, and the energy dissipates.

"How can I materialize this power in my consciousness...?"

Even as I ponder over the Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts, it remains complex and subjective.

Hence, I spend my time continuing to practice the martial art and mastering the Water Surpassing Path.

Eight years later, I have mastered the Water Surpassing Path but still haven't deciphered the Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts. Despite recalling Kim Young-hoon's trials and errors, the martial art remains elusive.

It’s around this time.

Kim Young-hoon came to Shattered Heaven Peak.

"What brings you here?"

I’m speechless at his rapid growth.

"Have you already reached the end of Ultimate Pinnacle?"

It makes no sense.

We are just in the 13th year since my return.

Has he already surpassed the Five Energies Converging to the Origin, reached Ultimate Pinnacle, and even its end?

As I ask him in astonishment, Kim Young-hoon gives a wry smile.

"I reached the end of Ultimate Pinnacle and helped the Jin Clan, a cultivator clan, in driving out the Makli clan, a devil path clan, from Yanguo. I thought I had achieved everything, but only at the extreme of Ultimate Pinnacle did I realize that if I settled here, I would gain nothing."

He looks serious.

"That's why I left everything, including my external elder position in the Jin Clan, to come to you. Together, we need to discuss this Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts in our minds and move to the next realm."


"I instinctively know. To reach this realm, I can no longer rely solely on innate talent. It's a realm that can only be achieved through decades of intense training... I understood the bloodied and painful efforts of the creator of the Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts..."

He floats nine Gang Spheres around him.

"I have reached the extreme, but honestly, I have no idea how to move to the next realm. Even though the predecessor carved the path forward with their blood, I don’t dare to walk it alone."

His eyes fill with a somber look.

"It will take decades of intense practice. Even for someone like me! So, walk this path together with me... reach this realm with me."

Yet, even in his somber state, his eyes tell me he has no thoughts of giving up.

'Kim Hyung...'

They say to change one's fate, humans need both the effort to break free from fate's attraction and the power to do so.

But perhaps what truly frees humans from fate is not power, but will.


I meet his eyes, reaffirming my resolve for this life.

"Let's together, surpass fate."

From that day, Kim Young-hoon and I began our simultaneous cultivation at Shattered Heaven Peak.


I suddenly wake up.

'Was it a dream of the past?'

It was a dream about the day Kim Young-hoon and I decided to train together at Shattered Heaven Peak.

I shake my head to clear it.

'I passed out to the point of dreaming.'

Thud, thud...

I stand up, dusting off the dirt and stone powder from my body.

The vicinity of Shattered Heaven Peak is a mess.

There are sword and saber marks everywhere, and craters caused by Gang Spheres all around.

Cough, cough!

I use a palm strike to clear the dust and look for Kim Young-hoon.

If I remember correctly, during our spar, Kim Young-hoon and I had struck each other and were thrown in opposite directions.

I had taken a blow from Kim Young-hoon and lost consciousness momentarily, ending up dreaming about the past.

But Kim Young-hoon had taken not only my kick but also dozens of cultivator spells, so I don't know his condition.

"Kim Hyung! Kim... Huh!"

While searching, I see Kim Young-hoon below in the valley, half-buried.

'Damn it, if we had just fought using martial arts from the start, it would have been somewhat safer...'

If Kim Young-hoon hadn't been stubborn about gaining enlightenment in a life-and-death struggle, insisting we use both martial arts and cultivation techniques, it wouldn't have come to this.

"Kim Hyung, Kim Hyung!"

I use a light body technique to descend into the valley and pull out Kim Young-hoon, who was half-buried.

"Cough, cough..."

It seems he wasn't seriously injured despite being buried headfirst, perhaps because he used protective Gang Qi at the moment of impact.

"Cough, chuckle..."

He spits out blood, but at least he isn't dead from the head-first crash.

"Please wait, I'll perform first aid first."

I bring the herbs and acupuncture needles I had prepared before the duel and start treating Kim Young-hoon.

Tap, tap, tap, tap...

I insert needles into Kim Young-hoon's body to activate his life force.

Soon after, Kim Young-hoon regains consciousness.

"Kim Hyung, are you okay? How many fingers am I holding up?"


"...You're in bad shape."

I clench my fist, tucking in my index finger, and click my tongue.

"I'll do the treatment first and then go to the cultivators' market to buy some healing talismans. For now..."

"No, I mean two."

Kim Young-hoon, waking up from his dazed state, speaks decisively.

"I meant I gained two insights this time..."


Kim Young-hoon stands up.

Cough, cough...

He coughs up blood.

"...On the brink of life and death, I found a clue to the next realm. I've somewhat succeeded in understanding the enlightenment of the Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts."

He wipes the blood from his mouth and grins.

"One thing's for sure. The Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts is a martial art steeped in the subjectivity of its creator. The reason is, the realm obtained through the Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts is different for each person."


"Beyond the Ultimate Pinnacle, the realm is reached through different enlightenments for each individual. Up to this point, it was divided only by the type of weapon and martial arts, but beyond this, it differs based on the 'person.'"

I listen to Kim Young-hoon's insights and my mouth opens in amazement.

35 years into the return.

Kim Young-hoon began to gain insights into the next step through the Beyond the Path to Heaven Martial Arts.

Translator Notes: Extra chapter donated by Citino and IwantMOOOORE. Thanks for the support!

Mr. Citino really be burning my stockpile. One more extra chapter coming soon T.T

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