Chapter 631: On the importance of time and the battle of semi-gods

Chapter 631: On the importance of time and the battle of semi-gods

The braided youth scratched his head: “Hasn’t Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren said that there will be no good end for those who offend the atmosphere..."

But at this time, no one has paid attention to this problem. All human non-human beings have focused on the map battlefield.

The conflict burst out from the Sea Serpents.

This group occupied a piece of water and didn't move, but when they saw the Mer-people entering the land and began to fight against the enemies of the Jiu Yuan, they were ready to move again, and they secretly ran over and planted flags to take back the original land.

Once the Mer-people saw this, they immediately ran back and beat the Sea Serpents.

When they beat the Sea Serpents, the Shuicheng-Water City warriors couldn't just watch it. They have to fight hard to help the Sea Serpent against the Mer-people.

Yu Wu doesn't want to bully these children. He just watched. The priest of the Sea Serpent family saw that Yu Wu didn't make a move, and she didn't dare to make a move either. She just kept a close eye on Yu Wu.

“Fog, get up!" Yan Mo was not happy that Shuicheng-Water City helped the Sea Serpent people bully the Mer-people, and directly trapped the Shuicheng-Water City warriors in a small area with the fog.

The rising fog attracted many people's attention. Shuicheng-Water City's priest was trying to get rid of the fog, but suddenly he felt something crawling towards him along his ankle.

Shuicheng-Water City's priest look down, what is this?

A gorgeous flower is blooming on the vine, and it sprayed gently at him.

“Poof!" the unusual fragrance rushed into the nostrils, and Shuicheng-Water City's priest closed his eyes and fainted before he could use magic.

The flower shook its head happily and rubbed against the chest of Shuicheng-Water City's priest. The flowers and vines shrank rapidly. No, it’s not shrinking. They are invading. They become the most inconspicuous grass flowers on the ground and nestle beside Shuicheng-Water City's priest.

Just like Shuicheng-Water City's priest, the warriors of Shuicheng-Water City fell down one after another in the fog. Everyone is accompanied by a lovely flower.

Yan Mo smiled, this kind of flower called the Heaven Pei-lan is so wonderful for the moon staring crazy in love people! The Heaven Pei-lan is one of the gifts given to him by the Pine Clan old Sa Ma. It is said that it was once a companion of the Pine Clan, but later it mutated by itself. According to The Guide, this plant belongs to the same branch of Nepenthes, which could wait on passing prey, and then it would take the initiative to attack when it touched. This is also the reason why the Pine Clan canceled them for the companion plants. Once it overflowed, it would be too harmful.

After Yan Mo got the Heaven Pei-lan plants he discussed with them and told them to only confuse and eat the small creatures, but did not have to digest them for the time being, unless he had given them a permission. Although he is not a wood control warrior, he has a Soul Returning Tree gene, a majestic source of life energy, and can communicate with all things. The Heaven Pei-lan simply agreed to his request at the cost of not letting them die when they are not consuming.

For Yan Mo, it doesn't need to be included in the cost. The plants only needed a little life energy to fulfill the wishes of the Heaven Pei-lan and feed them.

No one knows the situation in the fog. The people in Shuicheng-Water City are dying of anxiety, but the Sea Serpents, the helper of Shuicheng-Water City, can't help themselves at this time.

What's the matter with these Mer-warriors? Why can't they be hurt by any attack? When did the Mer-people have such a solid outer body?

The Sea Serpent priest, could not understand, "Yu Wu Da-Ren, is this your way of attacking? Great, but we Sea Serpents will not give up so easily. "

Yu Wu smiled lazily, “It's not my way. I haven't attacked yet."

The Sea Serpent priest, was surprised. "Did your Mer-people mutate when they went inland?"

Yu Wu smiled, and then he smiled, "Why do you think I want to join the Jiu Yuan alliance for, of course, because their little priest is so adored that I can't help being jealous."

So the price of your jealousy is not to do it, and throw me the safety of your Mer-warrior! Yan Mo looked with angry eyes.

The scene is more and more chaotic, the personnel are scattered, more and more people are injured or even killed, and Yan Mo's assistance to the Mer-people, the serpents and the Half-Beasts is also more and more hard - these three clans rely on the invincible shield of Yan Mo, run around like people taking the excitement medicine, beat the enemy when they catch it, and reduce their awareness of self-protection to the lowest level. The most terrible thing is that they can't even see the warriors of the same level as them. Not only do they carry out the cross-border challenge, but some brave ones even run to provoke people's semi-god!

Yan Mo: Grandma, believe it or not, I will immediately remove the shield and let you all immediately return to the Mother God's embrace? Really since when does my shield doesn't need energy, does it? Can a fight by 9th rank warrior be the same as a fight by 10th rank or even semi-god?

What's more, if it's not for the obvious features of the three groups, he can't find them, OK!

As expected, if you don't participate in the actual battle, you will never know what kind of wonderful things will happen in the battlefield. He is so tired!

What bothers him most is that because of the binding force of The Guide, he can't watch the creatures who have no hostility to the Jiu Yuan get hurt. As long as his eyes are on it, he has to allocate a little energy to treat the other person.

Although the wounded people are very grateful to him after knowing that he cured them, he is really tired!

Maybe there are more opportunities to practice, and Yan Mo quickly mastered an important note instead of gesture in the battle.

“Decree! Stop bleeding!"

“Decree! Bone mends!"

"Decree! Wake up!"

At this time, he doesn't need to use his limbs to activate the energy of heaven and earth like dancing. He is the Shanyan 'Good-Words' clan, whose natural voice contains the most mysterious power. He has tried many words to express the command, “Decree" is just one of them, but the effect is not very good. Today, he found that with a small gesture, decree is the pronunciation it played an unexpected role.

No wonder Taoists like to use the word “Chi" in spells. Maybe the pronunciation of this word really conforms to some basic rules of heaven and earth.

The Mer-warriors beat all the Sea Serpent warriors to the ground, and when they saw that Yu Wu had no objection. These belligerent guys rushed up and beat the female priest.

The Sea Serpent priest, was furious… Since when I'm so easily bullied? At that time, she raised her scepter, the water began to billow, and there was a dark shadow in the water.

The Snake People are lazy. If people don't provoke them. They don't actively provoke them. It's winter now. They prefer to sleep rather than fight.

But when they found out that they had an invincible shield of Mo Da-Ren, they suddenly became extremely active.

"Kongcheng-Air City's Lord and their old priest are dead. Let's grab all the territory of Kongcheng-Air City!"

“Good! In fact, the valley called Lanya near Kongcheng-Air City is really suitable for the reproduction of our Baixi nationality. When we get over it, we will discuss with Mo Da-Ren to move some of tribesmen to the Lanya valley

"Yes, yes!"

So the people of Kongcheng-Air City are unlucky.

Seeing Baixi's coming to Kongcheng-Air City to make trouble, Feng Yao retreats to defend the territory of Fengcheng-Wind City and grabbed other people by the way. It's not easy for them to expand here. They can develop in other ways.

However, the Baixi people were not satisfied with this. When they drove the Kongcheng-Air City people to only one place, they even took aim at the territory of the Winged people. Quietly said: in fact, who the Baixi people hate the most are the Winged people, the two families are natural enemies do not explanation as to why!

At the sight of Baixi tribe, the Winged tribe dare to challenge them. That's all!

At this time, the Giants are not calm. Although their population is not large, they are huge in size, eat a lot and need a lot of territory. It seems that the Kongcheng-Air City people have been beaten to flee in a panic. They also want to occupy the territory of Kongcheng-Air City.

The Chong-Bugs people see that the other groups are moving. Can they still sit?

And the Half-Beast warriors of this group bite the warriors of the Ding Yue tribe all over their bodies. They are so excited that they start to beat Shu Yi. But is Shu Yi easy to bully? He can't fight Yuan Zhan, can he still fight these monsters that only rely on their physical strength?

In all cases, Yan Mo, who was suddenly under more pressure, began to feel the strain. He was not unable to maintain the shield, but the battle of semi-god had not begun. He had to save the energy to the last moment!

Yan Mo took time out to ask the sky a little. Suddenly, Yan Mo took a look at the time. He looked up and said, “A-Zhan!"

Yuan Zhan could not see that Yan Mo had to be distracted to protect others. When he received Yan Mo's call for help, he just wanted him to stop learning on the spot and solve the enemies that were easy to solve. Once again, seeing the scene, the man's anger suddenly rose up. In a rage, he swallowed all the flags of various forces, and even threw all the warriors below semi-god out of the map regardless of their enemies and friends. Well, regardless of their enemies and friends!

The whole audience:

The warriors of all forces who were thrown out of the map beat the ground hard: Your ancestor's eggs! You had this ability. Why did you want to delay until now!

Shuicheng-Water City warrior rubbed his eyes and woke up: What's wrong with us? Why did we suddenly come down?

The Jiu Yuan allies are confused: "Well, who can tell me, the Jiu Yuan chief? What's the meaning of this?" Why are the flags of their forces missing?

These people can't go to the map anymore, so they surround the Jiu Yuan grandstand - they won't let people go without explanation!

Huocheng-Fire City's Lord is more at direct instigation: “I said that the Jiu Yuan had bad intentions. Look, they exposed their true faces. They even wanted to rule the whole east continent! What do you think of Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren?”

Grand Witch Xiang: "If you are strong, you can also do it."

Huocheng-Fire City's Lord choked to death.

Other forces haven't spoken yet. After all, their semi-god is still on it.

One by one, the old and the small of the Jiu Yuan are very calm. The Curse Witch Zhou Wu threw the melon seed shell, "Sit down, and don’t block my sight! If anyone block my view, I will curse his family!”

This curse is too poisonous. All the surrounding people sit down obediently. All the people who refuse to sit down are beaten and made to sit down by their relatives and friends.

On the stage, Shu Yi is the only non semi-god warrior who hasn't been thrown out of office. At this time, he knelt on one knee and gasps for breath. After a while, he stood up and stares at someone.

He is so far away from this man strength!

Shu Yi clenched his hand. He will not admit defeat. He swore with his soul that he would defeat this man one day! Using his real ability!

Its thanks for Lamo-Na to improve his ability. Just now, how hearty Zhan was and how sluggish and tired he was. If it wasn't for his perseverance, he is afraid that he would not get up on the ground like other warriors who were temporarily promoted.

That's not how that mud man see that before they throw them all down, right?

Shu Yi is in a strange mood. His eyes move from Yuan Zhan to Yan Mo, and his sharp eyes immediately turn into a blazing fire.

Just looking at this man like this, he's all hardened.

He likes this person's arrogance, like this person's strength, as long as he thinks of one day in the future, he can press this strong the priest under himself to do whatever he wanted, he will not help bursting!

Yuan Zhan's Yan Mo radar is up and stared back at Shu Yi.

Bastrd! He shouldn't be merciful. He should make this guy into a disabled man!

Well, he did, but it didn't work. Shu Yi's body seems to be a little special. It can be as metallized as his body. The other side has escaped his pursuit several times.

In the end, he threw all the non semi-god warriors out of the stage, but this kid alone, whose feet seemed to take root, could not be thrown out together.

It will be a difficult enemy. Yuan Zhan has a hunch….

Go back and lock Mo Mo in the temple, and never let him see anyone again!

Of course, this is just Yuan Zhan's wanton desire, one of the wishes that can never be achieved.

He also wanted to go through the whole body of water, wood, sand and get into the body of MoMo. He was afraid of being beaten to death, but he only dared to think about it.

Not to mention Yuan Zhan's many unspeakable wishes for his priest Da-Ren, many of which are bound to never be realized, but also the reaction of all living beings at the moment.

Until then, you can understand why the priest of the Jiu Yuan used the battlefield as a market, made such a serious territory fight like the goods trading scene, and showed so many good things. It wasn't that they thought the Jiu Yuan had already involved a number of forces in advance, but that people didn't care about the fight at all!

“No wonder the Jiu Yuan Mo Da-Ren yelled at the Jiu Yuan chief and told him to stop playing. The Gods Above. It turned out that people were just playing and not really fighting." Someone in the stand lost his mind and murmured.

How many females look at Yuan Zhan and drool, what a strong and powerful male, if only they could snatch it back?

"The Jiu Yuan chief is semi-god, isn't it?"

“I'm afraid not only..."

“By the way, have you found that there are few people who died today?" it's the young man with pigtails. He is very keen and has many problems.

The voice of the youth is not low, and many people have heard it. Once reminded by the youth, everyone has noticed this.

"Really, only three people died! Other people get hurt at most, no, how can they injure so little?”

The braided youth once again said, “More than that, you see, none of the people standing over the Jiu Yuan even got hurt."

Everyone is surprised! A closer look reveals that it is.

"Ho --!" suddenly the voice of discussion and exclamation became louder.

“It's that Mo Da-Ren. I think he has been saving people. As long as he points to the place, the person's injury can recover quickly."

“And the shield! He covered the Mer-people, the Snakes People, the Half-Beasts, and I heard him shout “Protect" at them!”

"What kind of magic power can make the shield last so long? With such a shield, it's almost invincible, isn't it? Who can beat them?”

“If you don't want to say anything else, it's a great help to have Mo Da-Ren!"

"He also killed Kongcheng-Air City's Lord and the priest Chen Lao, with first-class lethality." Braided youth's quiet reminded.

All living beings looked at the Mo Da-Ren on the stage and are mute. Is this the power of the sky transporter? How nice it would be if my family and my tribe had such a sky transporter.

Listening to the comments and sighed from the grandstand, the Jiu Yuan people are so proud that their noses will rise to the sky!

Hey Hey! It's useless for you to be envious. MoDa-Ren is our great Jiu Yuan!

On the map, there is only semi-god of all ethnic groups and forces, plus Shu Yi of Ding Yue.

Yuan Zhan swallowed the flag and offended the public - this guy is arrogant enough to insert the Jiu Yuan flag around the whole map!

It's impossible for the semi-gods to watch the forces they have been protecting for many years being swallowed up by others, all around Yuan Zhan. f𝙧ee𝘄𝐞𝚋𝐧૦ѵeƖ.c𝘰𝓶

"Tell me, do you choose to be beaten up, or do you want to let the occupied territory out?"

Yuan Zhan smiled coldly, raised his arm, touched a simple wide Bracelet like a bone bracelet on his arm, “Mo, let me have a rest first."

Yan Mo swayed slowly. “It's about five minutes before the end of the fight."

Yuan Zhan is very confident: “Enough."

At present, the semi-god on the map includes: Yu Wu of the Mer-people, Old Sa Ma of the Maple Clan, the Pine Clan old Sa Ma of the Mucheng-Forest City, the priest of the Shuicheng-Water City, the Old-man Feng Yu of the Fengcheng-Wind City wearing a transparent ball, the Fire Ants King of the Huocheng-Fire City, the Seven Colors Parrot of Yincheng-Sound City, the shadow of the Ancheng-Dark City, Half-Beast's priest that has not been kicked off, and two of the Jiu Yuan.

Maybe the level of semi-god in the eastern continent is not only these, and some semi-gods don't like to show up, but today's semi-gods are undoubtedly the representative of the most powerful force in the eastern continent.

"Join the United States of Jiu Yuan. It's easy to discuss the territory." Yu Wu sat on a rock.

“Are you the Mer-people really determined to help the Jiu Yuan?" sneered the Sea Serpent priest.

Yu Wu shook his fingers. "You are wrong. It's not that we want to help the Jiu Yuan, but that we are helping ourselves. If you don't join now, you will regret it later. Believe it or not, I'll put my words here and you will look into the future. Well, it won't be long. Maybe in five or ten years, there will be great changes in the Jiu Yuan and the eastern continent. "

After listening to Yu Wu's words, many semi-god are thoughtful, but some of them are sniffy.

Yu Wu's face swept coldly from those semi-gods, unable to even mention the interest of ridicule. He who does not know is fearless, but how pitiful is he?

"Zhan, Eastern continent has always ranked by strength. No matter what you are going to do, take out your strength against us and let us be convinced. If you can really convince us all, what is giving the whole Eastern continent to you, the Jiu Yuan?" said the Seven Colors Parrot.

Other semi-gods look at the other person and think this method is the fairest.

Old-man Feng Yu, "Then we will take a stand. Those who are willing to join the Jiu Yuan will stand here, and those who are unwilling will stand there. If the Jiu Yuan won the war, there is nothing to say. If it was the Jiu Yuan, who won after the war, then we will have another fight to re rank. "

“No way, why should the Jiu Yuan win and have everything all belong to them? If it loses, it can be ranked again?" Seven Colors Parrot disagreed. “I propose that if the Jiu Yuan loses, all the forces belonging to the Jiu Yuan must leave the eastern continent! That's fair."

Old-man Feng Yu smiled, "Why don't you divide first?"

First, first. Seven Colors Parrot did not hesitate to stand on the opposite side of the Jiu Yuan.

Ancheng-Dark City thought about it again and again, and stood in there. Then came the Ding Yue Shu Yi and the Sea Serpent priest.

With a long sigh, the Fire Ants King said to Yan Mo, “If I was alone, I would like to join you in the Jiu Yuan. But Huocheng-Fire City is my responsibility, I have to keep their territory. "

Yan Mo expresses understanding.

The Fire Ants King stood by Shu Yi.

Five to seven, all forces, including all living beings in the stands, also looked at the Half-Beast people Ancestral Witch priest, whose enemies and friends are unknown.

The Half-Beast people Ancestral Witchis a strange beast with golden fur, three eyes on the forehead and three tails behind the thigh. The Three Eyed Golden Beast is not very huge, and its tail is about two meters. His third eye is closed all the time, but then his third eye is open.

He strafed all the warriors on the scene and finally looked at Yan Mo.

“Little guy, if you are willing to help the Half-Beasts wipe out the Ding Yue tribe, the Half-Beasts will be your forever friend."

Those who are still alive roar angrily. Shu Yi only looked at Yan Mo quietly.

Yan Mo first made a courtesy salute of the Jiu Yuan to the Half-Beast people Ancestral Witch, and then said: “I'm sorry, Witch Da-Ren, I built the Jiu Yuan by the order of the Ancestor God, just to unite all the forces that can unite to resist the demons of the sky in the future. The Jiu Yuan will never actively invade other people's territory, let alone kill a certain ethnic group."

All beings are shocked. If Yan Mo said this before, they thought it was just a scene, but now almost all the advantages are in the Jiu Yuan. As long as they win over the Half-Beasts, seven to five, the Jiu Yuan will be almost invincible. But at this time, this Mo Da-Ren refused the Half-Beast's people Ancestral Witch proposal and stated their position again, which must be amazing.

The Half-Beast’s people Ancestral Witch also did not hide his surprise, "Ding Yue is your enemy."

“No, the demons in the sky is our enemy. Ding Yue...” Yan Mo looked at Shu Yi and smiled at him, “For example, there will be ethnic conflicts within your Half-Beasts. Carnivores and herbivores are forever natural enemies, but will you completely eliminate them for this reason?"

The Half-Beast people Ancestral Witch also wanted to fight, "Your chief killed their chief."

"This is a contest for territory. The rules have said that life and death do not matter. What's more, the chief of the Ding Yue attacked me first." Yan Mo said lightly.

The Ding Yue people at the bottom are not ashamed. Sneaking attack is a means of fighting.

No one from other forces accused them of this, but it is also acknowledged that Yan Mo was right. The chief of Ding Yue started the fight first, and he was incompetent enough to be killed.

“Enough! Half-Beasts, this is my battle with you. Do you dare to accept my challenge?” Shu Yi stood up straight, his eyes shot out infinite war, and no matter he was in fact at the end of his tether.

The Half-Beast people Ancestral Witch hasn't answered yet, and Seven Colors Parrot called out again, "Wait! Now our problem is to solve the Jiu Yuan first. Don't forget that our territory is occupied by the Jiu Yuan!”

Yuan Zhan is impatient. He wanted to shout, he wanted to fight. Yan Mo pulled him.

Yan Mo took out a small Wen Tian Sun and Moon Dial to show him. Yuan Zhan doesn't understand what it means first, but when he saw the clock display on the sky question, he suddenly chuckled.

At this time, it's time for the birds to sing!

“Beep! Beep!”

All creatures are sluggish!

The semi-gods on the stage are also stupid. Hey, we haven't played yet. How can you sing now?

Luo Jue couldn't laugh or cry. He watched Grand Witch Xiang in embarrassment.

According to the rules, the eastern continent should now belong to the Jiu Yuan.

"This is the importance of mastering time," said Yan Mo

Luo Jue coughed and reminded them, "Time's up, I'll announce the winner..."

"Wait!" cried all the living beings.

The semi-gods on the stage are all in a hurry, "Doesn't count! The call just now doesn't count!”

"Don't be shameful!" shouted all the members of the Jiu Yuan alliance! Why not! We the Jiu Yuan won! Time has come!”

The semi-god’s almost cried. They are all hot and powerful. Everyone doesn't know how long they have lived. Who cares about the time when they lived for long? A nap isn't that long, OK! Isn't it hard for them to pay attention to the passing of such a short period of time?

Stupefied on the stage, chaotic under the stage, this kind of change and development who cannot think of!

After today, people in the eastern continent will probably care more about the concept of time, but now...

There will be a big fight under the watchtower. Luo Jue clapped his hands continuously and the thunder cracked to warn all living beings, but the crowd is too angry to be suppressed.

The braided youth muttered: "What's more, all the warriors of all forces have been thrown out of office by the Jiu Yuan chief. The forces other than the Jiu Yuan have lost for a long time and can't lose any more, OK?"

Of course, braided youth's words are drowned in all kinds of whistling.

“Bang!" a huge shaking of the earth shook all human beings and non-human beings. Many people were scared and wanted to run.

But the vibration soon stopped, and the voice of the Jiu Yuan chief covered the whole audience: "Don't you agree? OK, I'll fight you! Don't delay, fight now, and in order to convince you, on the side of the Jiu Yuan alliance, only me and Mo Da-Ren will fight! Come on!”

Yu Wu, the first to quit, went straight to the stand.

The Maple Clan and the old Sa Ma of the Longevity Pine Clan didn't say anything. They laughed and pulled up their roots and ran down the map.

"You can guarantee that the territory of Fengcheng-Wind City will not be smaller or worse than the original?" the Old-man Feng Yu asked

Yan Mo nodded. “I promise."

“Good!" the Old-man Feng Yu laughed and went back to Fengcheng-Wind City.

The Half-Beast people Ancestral Witch was in a conundrum. The Jiu Yuan Mo Da-Ren helped the Half-Beasts a lot, but they can't just give up their territory, let alone give their future to others.

Yan Mo didn't have time to explain to the Half-Beasts. He didn't touch the Half-Beasts. He saw that they were in a conundrum and said gently, "Stay here. We, the Jiu Yuan, don't force you to join the Jiu Yuan alliance. This battle is related to your Half-Beast people territory. It's better for you to stay than to quit. As for the friendship between the Half-Beasts and the Jiu Yuan, I can swear by my soul that nothing will change because of this battle."

The Half-Beast’s people Ancestral Witch was silent for a while and said three words: "You, Okay."

The Seven Colors Parrot was very happy. He called all the semi-gods, “Let's kill the Jiu Yuan first! Kill them first, then divide our territory later!”

Yan Mo slapped Yuan Zhan on the arm. “Are you ready?"

Yuan Zhan stroked the bone bracelet on his arm again and smiled proudly, “Look, I will beat them to tears, let’s make them call us dad and mother!" 𝗳𝒓𝚎e𝚠𝒆𝐛𝐧𝐨v𝚎Ɩ.co𝓶

The battle begins again, and all humans and non-humans think it's going to be a horrific super duel, and it's true.

But when the public thought that the battle would last for days, nights and even longer, the super duel between the chief and the priest against the semi-gods was over in just a few minutes.

At the end of the day, more than 70% of human non-human beings will be scared to pee themselves!

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