Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Mo Qi Qi does not know why he would suddenly ask her that . She smiles at him, “Chenqie believes that no one will be able to harm anyone that you truly intend to protect . ” What she means by that is that she is aware that the one he wants to protect is not her . He is only saying all those mushy things because he wants her to give birth safely .

“Zhen will not let anyone hurt you two,” promises Jun Qian Che earnestly .

She nods before quickly getting up and away from his embrace . She looks at him while smiling sweetly, “It is late, Your Majesty . You should go to rest . Chenqie is pregnant and cannot serve you tonight, you should go to others’ palaces . ”

Jun Qian Che looks at her, knowing very well that she is kicking him out . He helplessly gets up .

“Good night, Your Majesty,” Mo Qi Qi curtseys in front of him .

Jun Qian Che suddenly stops in his steps and looks at the plate of pastries on top of the table, “Empress, the pastries that Chun Fei made seems delicious, zhen would like to take them back to Yu Jing Palace with me . ”

Mo Qi Qi picks the plate up and hands it over to him, “Go on and have it if you’d like . ”

Eunuch Lin takes it on his behalf .

Jun Qian Che then leaves .

She watches his retreating silhouette, a smile slowly forming on her lips . “You must not blame me, Chun Fei . You brought this upon yourself . ”

Ban Xiang walks over to her, utterly confused, “Did His Majesty really like those pastries that Chun Fei made? If he really wants them, he could’ve asked Chun Fei to make it for him . Why would he take yours? Those should have gone to the little prince that you are carrying . ”

Mo Qi Qi smiles mysteriously, “Silly girl . Do you really think Chun Fei would be that kind to bengong? Why on earth would she make pastries every day just to flatter me?”

“Could it be that it isn’t so?” Ban Xiang is still confused .

“Of course not . She put something inside those pastries,” reveals Mo Qi Qi . Although she came from the modern times and does not know how to participate in harem fights, she did managed to get some exposure from those dramas and novels that she took up on . She still knows what pregnant women should or should not do .

“What could she possibly put in there?” Ban Xiang has a hard time believing her . “This servant checked all the pastries that she sent over, there wasn’t any poison in them . Besides, all the concubines ate it that day in the imperial garden . ”

Mo Qi Qi’s smile becomes cold, “She added musk in them . Musk promotes blood circulation and eliminates stasis . If pregnant women take them, they will suffer a miscarriage . It is the worst possible thing a pregnant lady could take . However, it is not poison; that’s why your silver needle didn’t pick it up . That’s why it’s safe for the other concubines as well . It will affect them if they consume it for a long period of time, though . As for pregnant women on the other hand… . . It would be dangerous for them to eat those pastries . ” If Chun Fei had used any other poison, Mo Qi Qi probably wouldn’t have known . But since she used musk, Mo Qi Qi smelled it’s distinctive scent from the get-go .

In her other life, her grandfather suffered from chest pain and had to use muscone which helped to dilate arteries to increase blood flow . That’s how she’d become so familiar with the smell of musk . Chun Fei did try to mask the smell with the smell of her pastries . She also limited the amount she used so that it wouldn’t be obvious; however, Mo Qi Qi detected it either way .

Ban Xiang immediately becomes worried, “How on earth did that happen? If I remember correctly, you ate some of it in the imperial garden that day . You also ate one in front of Chun Fei earlier today! Let’s invite a physician to do a check-up!”

Mo Qi Qi laughs, “Don’t worry, Ban Xiang . How could I eat it after knowing the truth? I didn’t eat any of them . I blocked the view with my sleeve and pretended to eat them, but I secretly threw them inside my handkerchief . ”

Ban Xiang immediately sighs in relief, “You’re too incredible! You scared this servant! This Chun Fei is too despicable! I thought she was nice for making pastries for you . Who would have thought she harbored ill-intention underneath her kindness . Your Ladyship, since you already know, why didn’t you tell His Majesty?”

Mo Qi Qi smiles sneakily, “Do you think Jun Qian Che is an idiot? I purposely served him the pastries so that he could see something is off . Bengong didn’t say it out loud because bengong wanted to see how Jun Qian Che plans to punish Chun Fei . This is His Majesty’s first child . No matter how jealous someone is, no one would dare to blatantly make a move to harm the child . He or she would offend both the Emperor and Mo Clan . No one would be that foolish . However, Chun Fei actually did it . Someone must have instructed her from behind . ”

Ban Xiang immediately understood what she has been trying to say, “Your Ladyship, are you suspecting His Majesty? You think he is the one who instructed Chun Fei to harm you? Your Ladyship, this is his own child!”

“Although this is indeed his child, I can never bring myself to believe that he truly intends to keep it . Perhaps he was just giving me a show, with all those grand words about wanting me to give birth safely . What if he secretly ordered people to harm us? By the time something truly happened, no one would be able to point a finger at him . That’s why I want to take this opportunity to gauge Jun Qian Che’s reaction . If he keeps quiet, it means he really is the one behind Chun Fei’s actions . If it’s really him, I will be careful with everything he sends me . I will never trust him again . ”

“But what if he punishes Chun Fei?” asks Ban Xiang curiously .

“Then, we’ll have to look at the weight of the punishment before making judgement . Alright, I’m tired . I want to go to bed . ”

“Yes . ” Ban Xiang immediately escorts Mo Qi Qi to her bed . She gets afraid whenever she remembers about what Chun Fei tried to do .

Jun Qian Che, on the other hand, takes a detour after leaving Feng Yang Palace . Instead of returning to Yu Jing Palace, he heads to Chun Nuan Palace .

His arrival takes Chun Fei by surprise . She makes sure she is presentable before leaving her chamber to greet him, “Chenqie greets Your Majesty . ”

“Get up,” Jun Qian Che’s voice is as icy as ever .

Chun Fei is already used to his tone . In fact, all the concubines in the palace are already used to his indifference .

Jun Qian Che sits down while Chun Fei happily regards him, “Your Majesty, it is not often that you visit chenqie here . Chenqie is very happy . Your Majesty, chenqie have been trying to learn how to make pastries, lately . Would you like to have a taste?”

“There is no need for that,” Jun Qian Che calmly stops her, his voice leveled and calm . “Zhen came here to bring you a plate of pastries . Bring it in, Eunuch Lin . ”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Eunuch Lin walks in, carrying the plate from Feng Yang Palace .

When Chun Fei sees what Eunuch Lin is carrying, her heart sinks while she maintains a calm façade outwardly .

Jun Qian Che looks at her, “Look at the pastries that zhen brought and go on and compare it to yours . ”

Eunuch Lin puts the plate in front of Chun Fei .

Chun Fei obviously could tell that these had been the ones she had given the Empress, but she cannot tell what the Emperor is trying to do and whether he has discovered what she has done . She could only put on an act and pretends to scrutinize the pastries, “They look so scrumptuous . They must be made by the imperial kitchen . ”

“Really? Then my beloved consort should give it a taste,” Jun Qian Che’s eyes are cold .

Chun Fei takes a bite and gathers her courage to say, “The flavor is not bad . It’s really good . ”

Jun Qian Che narrows his eyes, his tone intimidating as he say, “You made these yourself . Could it be that even you cannot stomach them?”

Despite her shock, she managed to maintain a calm expression, “These were made by chenqie? How did you get them?” Could it be that the Emperor really found out about her little tricks?

Jun Qian Che replies her coolly, “Zhen saw these in the Empress’ palace . Zhen thought they looked nice so zhen asked the Empress for them . The Empress said that they were made by you . ”

Chun Fei laughs, “So these are from the Empress’ palace? Chenqie indeed sent some to the Empress earlier this morning . No wonder they looked so familiar . Chenqie didn’t say a word because chenqie never thought you would take away the pastries from the Empress . If Your Majesty wanted them, you should’ve asked . Chenqie would’ve made you some . These were meant for the Empress and the little prince . ”

Jun Qian Che gets up and approaches her with a cold look in his eyes . Then, he angrily throws the plate that Eunuch Lin is holding to the ground .

The plate lands on the floor noisily .

Chun Fei and the maids who are assigned to Chun Nuan Palace immediately kneel in fear .

“The rest of you can retreat . Zhen has something to say to Chun Fei,” orders Jun Qian Che coldly .

The maids who were originally happy for Chun Fei are now frightened to death . They originally thought the Emperor had planned to grace Chun Fei for the night; who would have thought he would throw such a huge temper tantrum instead? What exactly did Chun Fei do that angered him to that extent? The maids quietly retreats, completely terrified of his outburst .

Chun Fei puts on an innocent and confused face as she faces him, “What’s wrong, Your Majesty?”

“Chun Fei, are you going to continue acting in front of zhen? You clearly know what those pastries contain,” reprimands the Emperor . She actually dares to harm his child! She truly wishes to seek death .

“Your Majesty, chenqie has no idea what you are talking about,” Chun Fei continues to feign ignorance .

“Alright, since you don’t understand what zhen is talking about, zhen will explain everything to you one by one . Those pastries contain musk . If zhen remember correctly, Chun Fei’s specialty is not in baking, but in perfumery, so you must be aware of the effects that musk have on women, especially pregnant women . You clearly know the Empress is pregnant, and yet you laced her food with musk . What exactly are you trying to do?”

Chun Fei shakes her head, “Your Majesty, chenqie did not… . ”

“You are still trying to shrug off blame! Are you trying to say that you didn’t make these pastries?” Jun Qian Che has never been this furious before .

Realizing that she has no way to escape this, Chun Fei could only admit everything, “Fine, chenqie did it . Chenqie- Chenqie was jealous of the Empress! She is pregnant with your child! Chenqie had a burst of jealousy and momentarily lost my mind! Your Majesty, chenqie is wrong! Please forgive me!” Chun Fei grabs the corner of his sleeve as she begs .

He kicks her away, “Momentarily lost your mind? Zhen heard you had been sending her these for many days . You dare call it momentary?”

Chun Fei helplessly sits on the floor, smiling bitterly, “Since Your Majesty saw through it, chenqie will not hide it from you . You’re right, it wasn’t a momentary thing . Chenqie planned this through and through . Chenqie hates the Empress and envies her so much . We are all your women, yet only she gets to carry your child? What right does she have to carry your child? She’s arrogant and jealous . She keeps bullying the rest of us . You used to hate her, so we used to only resent her at worst . But now, you have started treating her better and better . You even let her carry your child . Chenqie becomes jealous . In what way is chenqie inferior to her? Chenqie does not lose to her in any way, be it in looks, talents or physique . Why would you treat her well while refusing to even glance at the rest of us? Chenqie refuse to accept it! That’s why chenqie wants to kill the baby . If that child is born, the Empress will be even worse and will make it hell for the rest of us . ”

“Zhen heard that the Empress has been treating all of you well . She even taught you singing and dancing . ”

Chun Fei scoffs, “Hahaha, everyone has been deceived by the Empress . She was just pretending to be nice, so that others would call her virtuous and kind . That’s the only way she could win your affection; and as expected, she becomes pregnant not long after that . The Empress sure has a lot of tricks under her sleeves . She used the rest of us to get what she wants . Your Majesty, the Empress is not as simple as she appears to be! You need to keep your guard against her! I only did this for your own good . Mo Clan is already too powerful on it’s own . Duke Zhen keeps offending you . If you let the Empress give birth to the child, Mo Clan will get oven more arrogant . Chenqie did this for you!” After her long rant, she bursts into tears .

Jun Qian Che sneers, “Nonsense . Do you think zhen would believe you? If you were really worried about zhen and Mo Clan, you wouldn’t have done this . Tell the truth, who ordered you to do this?”

Chun Fei looks at him firmly, “Your Majesty, no one told chenqie to do anything . Chenqie simply hates the Empress . ”

“You can keep quiet if you’d like . But you must remember what happens to those who try to poison an Empress and an imperial child . ”

“Your Majesty, chenqie knows what awaits chenqie, and chenqie is willing to accept them . The only thing is chenqie feels guilty towards Your Majesty and towards the kingdom for failing to kill the Empress’ baby . ” Chun Fei expresses her regret .

Jun Qian Che’s eyes flash murderously, “Do you think everything will be alright as long as you take all the blame? Do you genuinely believe that the one behind everything will be able to protect your family?”

Chun Fei looks at Jun Qian Che in shock .

Jun Qian Che smiles coldly, “As long as zhen wants to kill someone, no one will be able to save them . Zhen will give you one more chance to fess up . Who told you to do it? If you tell the truth, zhen might spare your life . ”

Chun Fei is shaken . She only did all this to protect her family . If she really ends up harming her family instead, she would be the treacherous one who ruined her clan! No, she must tell the Emperor the truth . She must not let anything happen to her family .

She looks up and faces him with a remorseful look on her face, “Your Majesty, chenqie will tell you everything . The one who instructed chenqie is–” Before Chun Fei even finishes speaking, she vomits blood and falls to the floor .

Jun Qian Che helps hold her up and checks her, “What’s wrong with you, Chun Fei?”

“Y-Your Majesty, chenqie… . ” She slowly closes her eyes, without ever getting the chance to expose the real perpetrator .

Jun Qian Che turns to Eunuch Lin, “Bring Yang Guifei over . ”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Eunuch Lin immediately goes to do the bidding .

Yang Guifei soon arrives . She cannot help but complain when she sees Jun Qian Che, “It’s late at night, Your Majesty . Why did you sneak chenqie into Chun Nuan Palace?”

“Chun Fei died after getting poisoned . Check what kind of poison it is,” replies Jun Qian Che calmly .

Yang Guifei is surprised to hear that . She approaches Chun Fei’s body that is lying on the bed before quickly checking her . She receives her answer fairly quickly, “Your Majesty, she has been poisoned with Wei Xin Poison . ”

“Wei Xin Poison? Is it highly toxic?” asks Jun Qian Che .

She sighs, “Definitely . It is very rare as well . It’s not easy to obtain this poison because it uses the Art of Gu . It’s called the Wei Xin Poison because whoever eats them will swear allegiance to the one who gave it to them . If they break their allegiance, the poison will spread, and they will die . ”

(TN: The Art of Gu is when you put several poisonous creatures in one sealed container . They will start eating each other and it is believed that their poisons will mix, making the surviving creature more poisonous than ever . )

“How cruel . No wonder Chun Fei collapsed the moment she tried to expose the perpetrator . The poison acted really fast . ”

“That is the power of that poison . Sometimes, the victim doesn’t even know they had been poisoned . The poison is odorless and tasteless . They could lace it in one’s tea, one’s pastry . They only have to trick the victim into the swearing allegiance afterwards and the poison will immediately begin to take effect . ”

Jun Qian Che clenches his fist, “The perpetrator sure tried his best to erase his traces . ”

“Your Majesty, why did you come to Chun Nuan Palace tonight? And what perpetrator are you talking about?” asks Yang Guifei .

Jun Qian Che walks out of the chamber, “Look at the pastries on the floor . Then, you’d understand . ”

Yang Shi Han walks over to the scattered pastries and picks one up . She sniffs it, “They contain musk . ”

“Zhen took all these from the Empress . Chun Fei had been giving these to her for the past couple of days,” Jun Qian Che’s tone begins to calm .

Yang Shi Han shakes her head while laughing, “I was wondering why Chun Fei had been so kind towards the Empress! Turns out she had her own motive . ”

“Chun Fei didn’t have that courage . Someone forced her to do it,” remarks Jun Qian Che calmly .

“How do you plan on dealing with Chun Fei’s matter? How should we say she died? We need to give a proper answer to the harem and her family,” says Yang Shi Han .

“Eunuch Lin, make an announcement tomorrow, saying that Chun Fei has died from sudden illness,” instructs Jun Qian Che .

“Yes,” replies Eunuch Lin respectfully .

“Do you think Chun Fei’s family will believe it?”

“Chun Fei almost killed zhen’s child! They are in no place to question anything . Zhen will talk to them about this,” a certain light flashes in Jun Qian Che’s eyes .

“It is late . You can all go back,” says Jun Qian Che before leaving .

Yang Guifei leaves as quietly as she came, shaking her head in regret at the beautiful Chun Fei’s early death .

The next morning, Chun Fei’s death has been announced throughout the back palace . Everyone is shocked . Yesterday, they were all envious of her because the Emperor visited her, and now, she is actually dead .

Rumors about her death begin to circulate . Some says that she offended the Emperor and was put to death .

Other says that she had committed something wrong and when the Emperor came to question her, she committed suicide .

Another says that she had been ill recently and when the Emperor came to visit her, she became too happy and excited and died .

In other words, a lot of theories are out there . They could only discuss it secretly because as far as everyone is concerned, Chun Fei died from sudden illness .

As for Mo Qi Qi, after she gets up and gets ready, she picks up a cup of water as per her habit .

Just as she takes a sip, Ban Xiang rushes in, “Your Ladyship, something bad has happened!”

Mo Qi Qi looks at her casually, “What is the rush? Is the Emperor dead?” She then takes another sip of her water .

“Chun Fei is dead,” informs Ban Xiang .

Poof—- Mo Qi Qi sprays the water that she has been drinking to Ban Xiang’s face .

The corner of Ban Xiang’s lips twitches as she looks at Mo Qi Qi in grievance, “Your Ladyship, I had just finished doing my makeup . You ruined it, and now I have to do it again… . Wuwuwu—“

Mo Qi Qi puts down her cup resolutely, “Come . Let’s go to Chun Nuan Palace . ”

Ban Xiang rubs her face, “But my makeup is ruined . Can this servant fix them first before going?”

Mo Qi Qi impatiently snaps, “Look at the situation around you! Is this the right time to do your makeup? Don’t do it . In fact, it’s better for you to go looking like this, as though you’ve just cried . People will think you were mourning for Chun Fei . Let’s go . ” She drags Ban Xiang away without giving her chance to refuse .

Ban Xiang feels aggrieved, but did not dare to refute her master and simply lets Mo Qi Qi drags her off .

When they reach the entrance to Chun Nuan Palace, they are greeted with the sound of weeping .

Mo Qi Qi lets go of Ban Xiang before gracefully walking in .

“Wuwu, how could you just leave, Chun Fei?” one of the grieving people weeps .

Other concubines from the harem also attend the mourning, “You left so suddenly, sister . We did not have the chance to meet you for one last time . ”

Mo Qi Qi walks in . There is a coffin in the middle of the receiving hall, which is left uncovered .

She walks on .

When the other concubines sense her presence, they quickly go to comfort her, “Your Ladyship, you are pregnant . You must not let your grief overcomes you . ”

“Your Ladyship, we know how good your relationship with Chun Fei was . She always made you pastries . Now that she is suddenly dead, you must be heartbroken . However, you must restrain your grief for the sake of the child that you are carrying . ”

Mo Qi Qi steps towards the coffin . There is a white piece of cloth that is covering the dead body . She picks it up, intending to take one last look at Chun Fei .

Ban Xiang immediately tries to stop her, “Your Ladyship, Chun Fei is already dead . Let her leave peacefully . ”

The other concubines agree with her, “Yes, Your Ladyship . Don’t look . It will only break your heart even more . ” The truth is, they are too scared too look .

Mo Qi Qi lets go of the white cloth before heartbrokenly saying, “Bengong did not think you would simply just leave . It’s all bengong’s fault . ”

“You must not say that, Your Ladyship . You treated her really well . You couldn’t have possibly known that she would contract sudden illness and would die,” one of the concubines say .

“Yes, it’s not like you possesses medical skills . You couldn’t possibly conduct a health check-up for us everyday . It’s not your fault that Chun Fei’s life is short . ”

“Your Ladyship, you are with child, you must not be too emotional . Why don’t we leave first? If we stay here, you would only get more agitated,” says Ban Xiang .

“Yes, she’s right . You should go first, Your Ladyship . We will keep her company on your behalf,” agrees another concubine .

Mo Qi Qi nods, “Alright . All of you must stay strong . ”

Everyone nods .

Mo Qi Qi leaves Chun Nuan Palace while sighing deeply, “She was just fine yesterday . Who would’ve thought she would suddenly die?”

Ban Xiang is not as sympathetic, “Your Ladyship, Chun Fei brought this unto herself . She shouldn’t have tried to harm you . Serve her right . ”

Mo Qi Qi stares at Ban Xiang before smiling bitterly, “Who would have thought that you, who usually cries a lot and is softhearted could also be merciless . Looks like you are not as weak as you appear to be . ”

Ban Xiang looks at her, aggrieved, “Your Ladyship, this servant only thinks that it’s unfair to you . This servant can be softhearted in all matters regarding you, but if someone tries to hurt you, this servant can be merciless as well . This servant wouldn’t mind them dead if it means protecting you . ”

Mo Qi Qi smiles, “Bengong knows that you are loyal . It’s just that Chun Fei died so suddenly that it surprised me . Bengong thought that Jun Qian Che would only question her; give her a house-arrest or something, or demotes her to the position of a Daying or a Meiren . At worst, he would just send her to the Cold Palace . Bengong didn’t expect him to directly kill her . ”

Ban Xiang smiles, “It means His Majesty cares about you and the little prince!”

“But why do bengong feels like His Majesty is only doing this to shut her mouth once and for all?” As in he was afraid that Chun Fei would expose him, and so he decided to get rid of her .

“You are overthinking this, Your Ladyship . ”

Mo Qi Qi looks at the sky grievously, “Why is it so hard to live inside the palace? Wuwu, who can tell me who the good and bad people are?”

“Your Ladyship, this servant thinks you should believe in His Majesty . After all, he is your husband . Now that you two are having children, you should be even more united in the face of all your trials and tribulations . His Majesty will protect you from any form of harm,” says Ban Xiang earnestly .

Mo Qi Qi sighs, “But could I truly count on him? Although a married couple should be united, we are not your normal married couple . There are power and Mo Clan standing between us . Could I truly count on him? And would he truly be willing to stand beside me?” There are too many things standing between her and Jun Qian Che . Other than Mo Clan, there is the 7th Imperial Uncle . There is also that man from the viewing tower . All of these are detrimental to their relationship . And that child she is carrying; she does not know if giving birth to the child would be a blessing or a curse . Life is too hard . Every step proves to be surprising .

Hearing her master’s words, Ban Xiang’s heart sinks as well .

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