Chapter 248. It’s Fine Even If You Can’t Speak English (4)

Chapter 248. It’s Fine Even If You Can’t Speak English (4)

— Have you read the news, Yoo-Jin? Have you read about how The Breath became a bulletproof vest? Have you read how The Breath saved a person’s life?

Eden asked a string of questions in excitement, not giving Chae Yoo-Jin a chance to answer for a brief moment.

— I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t expecting anything upon hearing Mr. Jae-Gun sending a gift to Michael. But wow, I didn’t imagine this at all. Ben is going crazy right now; he’s even doing an old-school dance. He will have a sit down with me at the salary negotiation table after he’s done.

“Congratulations, Eden. Make sure to ask him to double your salary.” Chae Yoo-Jin couldn’t stop smiling and even held her cheeks in happiness. As written in the news article headline, the entire situation was a miracle. Eden seemed to have read her thoughts as well.

— Any other writer may have overlooked that incident, but Mr. Jae-Gun did not. He sent him an autographed book, examined his living conditions, and even bought him a laptop. Michael is really touched by his considerate actions, which touched not just him but many Americans. Oh my goodness! Jesus!

“Calm down now, Eden. Just relax, and talk to me. How’s the situation there now? Do you feel any changes happening?”

— I was just about to talk about this. There are a lot of calls coming in asking to order the book, and the sales on the internet have exploded. Our employees have been running around, visiting printing shops. The Breath will be selling in the hundreds of thousands—no, millions going forward.

Chae Yoo-Jin subconsciously clenched her fist, thankful that it wasn’t a one-off hot topic and that it had translated into actual sales.

— So there’s something I would like to say, Yoo-Jin.

“What is it? Tell me.”

— L.A. Times contacted us, they would like to have an interview with Mr. Jae-Gun and The Breath.

“Really? Why did you only say it now when it’s so important?!” Chae Yoo-Jin gasped in excitement. An interview with the L.A. Times? Getting 10th place on the bestseller list seemed attainable now.

“I’ll arrange a time with Mr. Jae-Gun and let him know that we'll soon have a video interview.”

— Thank you, Yoo-Jin. The marketing was done well in New York; I’m really grateful to you, Yoo-Jin.

Chae Yoo-Jin hung up and then immediately dialed Ha Jae-Gun’s number.

The weather outside looked exceptionally sunny.


“I understand. I’ll visit you at your residence sometime soon. No, you shouldn’t travel so far; you’re pregnant, after all. Yes, I’ll be waiting for your call.” Ha Jae-Gun hung up the phone, putting down his phone.

Lee Yeon-Woo was browsing the internet when he commented, “Wow Jae-Gun hyung, this is no joke. The Breath, There Was A Sea, and even Gyeoja Bathhouse were mentioned because of Michael, saying that they were all written by the same author.”

“You said that earlier, too, before I answered the phone.”

“News really creates more news. Wow, hyung! The company that bought the $1.8 million license to Gyeoja Bathhouse, Paramountain, has been quiet all this time, right? Three hours ago, they finally announced that they've cast the actors!”

“Lower your volume. Are we alone here?” Ha Jae-Gun calmly slurped another mouthful of udon. They were currently in a restaurant along the arcade near the office.

Ha Jae-Gun had worked throughout the night and finally came out for brunch with Lee Yeon-Woo.

“The Breath is getting popular, so news about you and related companies is being released. They must recognize your character, and Michael is cool as well. What an amazing kid.”

“He wouldn’t be as good as you are.”

“Are you for real, hyung?”

“Yes, so this meal is on you if you’re happy to hear it.” Lee Yeon-Woo opened his chest and nodded happily.

“Feel free to order more, hyung. Is just a bowl of udon enough for you? I’ve just received my royalties, so you can order everything on the menu.”

Ha Jae-Gun only replied with a smile and ate his udon silently. He felt thankful that Lee Yeon-Woo had finally gotten back on his feet. It seemed like Lee Yeon-Woo’s life as a writer had fallen after his father’s passing, but now, he didn’t seem to be having any mental struggles and was even writing consistently regardless of his novel’s performance.

He still had nightmares, but his condition was improving.

“But these haters are everywhere,” Lee Yeon-Woo grumbled, his face unpleasant. ”I would love to overlook them, but I still see some who post negative comments. You should sue all those cursing at you and your family. Sue them for personal attacks.”

“The lawyer will handle them, so don’t worry about it.”

“What are you going to do today?”

“Of course, I need to go home. Once I receive the email from L.A. Times, I’ll have to write up my answers for the interview, then work on Human’s Malice.”

Lee Yeon-Woo scratched the back of his head and spoke carefully, “Honestly, even after reading the manuscript you showed me, I still can’t understand what it is about.”

“I’m not sure what I’m writing either. I haven’t organized it at all.”

”Plus, I feel uncomfortable and scared whenever I read it. I felt scared when reading Gyeoja Bathhouse, but that one feels different. Hmm, anyway, I think I’d prefer if you could write more fantasy or martial arts novels instead of those.”

“I'm writing them as well. Let’s go if you’re all done. You should go back and rest, too.” Ha Jae-Gun did not return to the office but parted with Lee Yeon-Woo in front of the building. Ha Jae-Gun had a change of heart after he boarded the subway, looking out the window.

‘I’m not that tired, so maybe I should drop by there instead.’ Ha Jae-Gun alighted at his destination and headed in the direction where The Breath was born. The signboard of the cafe was the first that came into his view in the distance, and then the cafe owner wiping down the ceiling-to-ground glass windows came into view.

“Hello, how have you been?” Ha Jae-Gun greeted first.

The cafe owner turned around, smiling brightly. “Aigoo, Mr. Ha. It’s been a while. What brings you here?”

“Well, I’m back here for the same reasons.”

“I think it’s the first time seeing you here this early. Welcome in.” f reeweb

Ha Jae-Gun stepped into the cafe and spotted his framed autograph hanging on the wall in the hall. He walked past the frame and took a seat at a table in the corner. He didn’t need to place his order; the cafe owner had automatically prepared his usual Iced Americano and served it to him.

“The Breath is going viral in the U.S.,” the cafe owner said, placing Ha Jae-Gun’s drink on the table. “I’ve been looking up articles in the U.S. every day recently, curious about what they have been talking about The Breath. I look just like a cafe owner, right? But my cafe was where The Breath was born. Hahaha.”

“I’m grateful to hear that.”

“You’ve improved by leaps and bounds too. Many aspiring writers like Mr. Ha would come over to have a coffee, work on their writings, and even do reviews. I was worried since my turnover wasn’t as good before, but you’ve really saved the lives of many, Mr. Ha.”

Ha Jae-Gun scratched his nose lightly, smiling in embarrassment. The cafe owner walked away for a moment, then returned with a book. It was the English version of The Breath, which had been released in the U.S.

“I have been waiting for you to come. Please sign this for me.”

“You bought the English version, too?”

“I bought it through Amazon on the day of its release. I’m an English Literature major after all. Hahaha.”

The cafe owner received their signed book and returned to the counter happily. Then, they no longer bothered Ha Jae-Gun. They even turned down the music volume so as not to disturb Ha Jae-Gun while he worked on his writing.

‘Now, shall I dig into Human’s Malice?’ Ha Jae-Gun pulled out his laptop in this comfortable atmosphere. He thought that it was a great idea to come to the cafe to work as soon as he started on the first sentence. It was much easier for him to focus whenever he was sitting in a familiar area. On top of that, he no longer had to worry about The Breath and Records of the Modern Master, so he found it relaxing to write.

Tadadadak! Tadak! Tadadak!

How long had he been working? A sudden sound made Ha Jae-Gun look up.

An elderly man in a custom-made hanbok sat next to him.

“Oh? Hello, sir.” Ha Jae-Gun was so shocked that his fingers stopped working. It was the same elderly man he had met not too long ago at Seo Gun-Woo’s grave. “Why are you here?”

“I come here occasionally since I live nearby. It seems like you visit this cafe often too.”

“I focus better here. Would you like a cup of coffee? I’ll buy one for you.” Ha Jae-Gun stood up.

However, the elderly man waved his hand dismissively, rejecting Ha Jae-Gun’s goodwill. He looked at Ha Jae-Gun’s laptop and asked, “Forget about the coffee; what are you working on?”

“My work?”

“The one you’re writing now. Can I read it?”

“Ah... it’s not anything proper yet.” Ha Jae-Gun moved his laptop to the elderly man’s table. He would have rejected if it was someone else, as it was an incomplete manuscript with no proper characters yet.

“I'm not good with technology. Please help me scroll.”

“Okay, please let me know when to scroll.”

The elderly man began reading the manuscript for Human’s Malice. He would gesture with his head every time he needed Ha Jae-Gun to scroll. The manuscript was dozens of pages long, but the elderly man quickly read the entire manuscript.

“I see that you’re trying to create the characters first, then trying to make a leap,” the elderly man commented after reading the manuscript.

“...!” Ha Jae-Gun flinched in shock as if his thoughts were read.

“You’re not sure how this will turn out yourself, right? This character that you’ve created will follow the story development, and you’re trying to have this fictional character take up all the responsibilities of the novel?”

“Y-yes, you can see it that way... Yes, you’re right, sir...” Ha Jae-Gun stuttered.

The elderly man hit the nail on the head without using any difficult or technical terms.

Ha Jae-Gun couldn't help but think that the man might also be a writer.

“Is this all the malice you’ve felt throughout your life?”

“Yes, that’s about it.”

The elderly man then looked back at Ha Jae-Gun and asked, “So this isn’t your journal, but a novel, right?”

“Yes, sir. It is a novel.”

“So, the readers should understand what they’re reading, right?”

“Of course, sir.”

“Then focus on communication. And don’t be too immersed in this character you’ve created, or you’ll be distraught. All right, then. I'm going to the washroom.” The elderly man left Ha Jae-Gun.

Ha Jae-Gun fell into deep contemplation over the elderly man’s review.

Meanwhile, the elderly man did not return from the washroom.


“Ughh, no...! It’s not my fault...!”

“Father, are you alright? Father.” Oh Myung-Hoon shook his father’s shoulders, waking him the latter up.

Oh Tae-Jin's eyes shot wide open and gasped with his hands in the air.

“Did you have a nightmare?”

“Haa...!” Oh Tae-Jin sat up, drenched in sweat. He had been having nightmares more often lately. He breathed in ragged pants as he looked at the clock. It was already morning.

“Was I yelling in my sleep?”

“Otherwise, why would I hear it when I’m in the living room? Have a glass of water.” Oh Myung-Hoon handed him a cup of lukewarm water. Oh Tae-Jin downed the entire cup and finally calmed down.

“Are you not like this because of hyung?”


“You seem to become disturbed after he left the house. Father, you should forgive him now.”

Oh Tae-Jin only remained silent. He might pretend to lose and forgive Oh Myung-Suk if the latter brought Chae Yoo-Jin along with him to ask for forgiveness.

However, Oh Tae-Jin could not bear to reach out first.

“Stop with the nonsense, and go do your work. You should go to work.”

“Yes... Please come out for breakfast.”

After breakfast with the family, Oh Myung-Hoon stepped out of the house first and headed to his car. As he started the engine, the radio broadcast began playing.

[...Here’s some news on Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s fantasy novel, The Breath: Dragon Rider. According to the announcement made by Open House, the novel has sold two million copies and has also been listed on the L.A. Times’ bestseller list...]

Oh Myung-Hoon changed the radio frequency. He couldn’t believe he’d start the day listening to news about Ha Jae-Gun. He had to stop listening to it, or he might get into an accident.

‘Damn it...!’ There was nothing he could do now since Ha Jae-Gun had become too popular. Even with OongSung Publication Group’s power, there was nothing he could do to suppress Ha Jae-Gun.

Oh Myung-Hoon was in pain. Aside from the power he had obtained from being a member of a chaebol family, he was inferior to Ha Jae-Gun in anyone else. Just then, the pop song playing on the radio ended, and the DJ’s calm voice echoed from the speaker.

[I’m sure everyone knows Oprah Nightly. She’s a famous celebrity who has reigned over 20 years as the queen of talk shows. She’s now a globally successful black woman who has even created her own cable channel named the Oprah Nightly Network.]

Oh Myung-Hoon turned up the volume, interested in the topic raised over the radio. Of course, he knew the name Oprah Nightly. When he was young, he had made countless vows to become as successful as Oprah Nightly.

[Oprah’s comment on TV has recently become a hot topic. It was about the new word, Oprahization, which could bring about social repercussions. The self-improvement book written by a certain author in the past had also become a world-class bestseller thanks to Oprah’s introduction on TV.]

The traffic light turned red at the intersection. Just as Oh Myung-Hoon stepped on the brakes to come to a stop, the DJ’s voice traveled through the silence.

[Now, let me get straight to the topic. Everyone knows of Writer Ha Jae-Gun, right? The fans with us for the morning book cafe know him, right?]

“...?!” Oh Myung-Hoon’s face distorted, and he glared at the speaker. The talk about Oprah Nightly suddenly became a topic about Ha Jae-Gun. The question was quickly answered.

[I’ve brought this up because Oprah has mentioned Ha Jae-Gun on her own social media, along with the story of how the novel by a certain Asian writer saved the life of a student dreaming of becoming a writer. The number of retweets has since exceeded 50 million. Oprah herself will also be officially introducing Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s novel through her show soon...]


Oh Myung-Hoon smacked the power button with his fist, turning off the radio. Oprah Nightly’s recommendation? Just how long did he have to listen to Ha Jae-Gun’s success stories? The tears of anger that he had been holding back threatened to spill from his eyes.

‘Let’s say I’m defeated as a writer...! But it’s still not the end for me as a man, Ha Jae-Gun...!’

Oh Myung-Hoon ground his teeth as he gripped tightly on the steering wheel. He decided that he would either get what he wanted or he would chase after it until he died.

The traffic light turned green, and Oh Myung-Hoon slammed his foot on the accelerator.

Updated from fr𝒆ewebnov𝒆l.(c)om

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