Chapter 286: You Are Leaving When They Are Applauding? (5)

Chapter 286: You Are Leaving When They Are Applauding? (5)

[In China for the movie opening of Records of the Modern Master, Ha Jae-Gun and Park Do-Joon enjoy free pass into China without immigration procedures]

[China expert: The person who gave them a free pass must be a high-ranking Chinese official]

[Ha Jae-Gun and Park Do-Joon sighted checking out of the 5-star hotel, Wang Fu Jing, next destination unknown]

[After winning Prix Goncourt, will The Malice be the final nominee for U.K.抯 Man Booker Prize?]

It was just past noon, and the restaurant near the arcade in the city center was brimming with office workers. Nam Gyu-Ho and Lee Soo-Hee came to a popular grilled fish restaurant and found themselves a table.

揟he internet is in chaos again with brother-in-law抯 news, Nam Gyu-Ho muttered as he looked at his phone.

Lee Soo-Hee didn't respond. She was busy finishing the tasks at hand on her laptop.

揌ey, Team Leader Lee, Nam Gyu-Ho called out, but there was still no response. It was when he rapped the table top that he finally got Lee Soo-Hee抯 attention.

揧-yes, Director. What did you say?

揂t least take a rest during lunch break. You抮e not feeding yourself now, so you should take extra care of your body. Nam Gyu-Ho抯 voice was filled with worry. His worries were valid, as Lee Soo-Hee even refused to spare time to have even a cup of tea just to focus on the final inspection for The Breath Online.

揑抦 sorry. Ms. Hye-Mi and the rest of the planning team are skipping lunch just to complete the final inspection, and I抎 feel apologetic if I didn抰 give them feedback on time. I抦 almost done now.

Lee Soo-Hee pressed on the touchpad a few more times before putting her laptop away. Just then, their delicious meals were served up.

揟hank goodness it came on time, Nam Gyu-Ho said as he picked up the spoon.

Lee Soo-Hee nodded, immediately understanding what he was trying to say. Nam Gyu-Ho was referring to how The Breath Online was able to officially launch immediately after the movie抯 release in the U.S..

揟here抯 no need for us to worry about China or Taiwan, as you've established a solid foundation there so well.

揑 didn抰 do much; it抯 all thanks to you, Director.

揌ow are you feeling? I抳e mentioned this a couple of times like a broken recorder, but please use your leave if you抮e feeling sick.

揌ow can I do that when everyone is working so hard? There抯 not much time left now until the launch, so I抣l just work a little more, Lee Soo-Hee said before asking, 揌ow is unni doing? Is she okay?

掽i>Huh? Yeah, uh匋/i> well, she抯 doing great. Nam Gyu-Ho replied between chews as he quickly became embarrassed. Lee Soo-Hee was asking about Ha Jae-In抯 pregnancy, who got pregnant around two to three weeks earlier than Lee Soo-Hee.

揙ur babies will be born around the same period. I hope they抣l get along really well in the future. Wouldn't that be great?

揧eah, yeah. That抎 be great, Nam Gyu-Ho said, and then he put a huge spoonful of rice into his mouth. It was without a doubt an embarrassing topic for him to discuss with Lee Soo-Hee.

掽i>Ah, the principal sent me a message. Nam Gyu-Ho read the message excitedly. Ha Jae-In抯 message came in like a savior. 揟eam Leader Lee, you remember that you can抰 work overtime tonight, right?

揚ardon? Why?

揥hy? Because we agreed to watch Records of the Modern Master today, and then we'll have dinner afterward.

揙h right. Lee Soo-Hee looked down. Her long and thin eyelashes were trembling. She very much wanted to work overtime today, so she found it regrettable that she couldn抰 do it. Of course, the movie based on her husband抯 novel was precious, but since it had already been produced, she could watch it anytime she wished.

Meanwhile, the game wasn't complete yet.

揧ou don抰 look happy at all. It抯 your husband抯 work.

揝eriously, Director. Stop teasing me. Lee Soo-Hee replied cheekily as she picked up her spoon. But before she could take a spoonful of food, the planning team called.


I抦 sorry for calling during your meal, Team Leader Lee. The graphic team leader said there seems to be a problem with the Abandoned Farm instance dungeon.

揥hat problem? But didn抰 we finish all the inspections for it?

The fourth area, Well of the Abyss. I heard that casting long-range spells from the corner would make the character go out of bounds. Sorry, but I couldn抰 understand the rest of the message.

揥hy would you apologize for that, Mr. Beom-Suk? You抮e in charge of scenarios and quests, so it抯 natural that you don抰 understand it. Anyway, this is something to be discussed with the server team. Is there anyone from the team in the office now?

Lee Soo-Hee wedged her phone between her ear and shoulder before turning on her laptop once more. Seeing that, Nam Gyu-Ho let out a sigh internally. Clearly, he抎 be watching Records of the Modern Master with Ha Jae-In alone tonight.


The wave of popularity that started in China soon inundated Korea as well. In the first week of release, Records of the Modern Master had surpassed seven million viewers, and its popularity in China was still going strong. Matching the fact that China occupied the largest land on Earth, the movie was on the verge of surpassing a ginormous record of 80 million viewers.

Proving the strong box office success, the imports from countries all over the world were also increasing by the day.

揟hey抎 really bump into each other if this goes on.

揥hat would? Yang Hyun-Kyung asked, with his hands on the steering wheel. They were driving somewhere with the old car that he had purchased just a few days ago.

Looking at his phone in the front passenger seat, Lee Yeon-Woo continued, 掽i>Records of the Modern Master and The Breath. If they begin to screen both movies long-term, they抎 appear in the cinemas at the same time.

揂nd here I thought we抎 crash into some car. But even if that抯 the case, the hype of Records of the Modern Master is going to be relatively weak, so I don抰 think it抯 right to say that.

揃ut still, they抮e both Jae-Gun hyung抯 works, so things like scores and viewership will definitely be compared on many levels. Isn抰 that right? I hope they抣l make a new record in the Korean film industry.

揧our love for Jae-Gun hyung must definitely be acknowledged. You never said thank you when I抦 driving you to see houses.

掽i>Ah, hyung. Why are you doing this? I said I抣l treat you to tripe today.

揥hatever. Just know that I抦 going to have ten portions today. They soon arrived at a shabby-looking apartment complex. Regardless, Lee Yeon-Woo抯 dreamy eyes scanned the apartment complex.

揥hy are you standing in a daze? Let抯 go already.

掽i>Ah yes, hyung.

The two of them took the elevator all the way up to a higher floor, and the real estate agent who had already arrived greeted them at the lobby.

The agent began immediately with laughter as soon as they stepped into the unit, 揟here抯 no better unit than this in recent days. It抯 really rare to find any unit with this yearly rental price. You抣l definitely regret this if you miss out on it.

Lee Yeon-Woo looked around the place calmly, ignoring the agent's pretty words. He was told that a couple and their son had lived here for twenty years. It seemed like they were careful while living in this house, as he could barely find any flaws in it.

揌yun-Kyung hyung, what do you think?

揟he condition is good and all But wouldn抰 it be slightly small if you're going to live here with your mother? Yang Hyun-Kyung carefully shared his opinion as he opened the bathroom door.

The unit was 13 pyeong wide, consisting of a living room, a large room, and a smaller room. Lee Yeon-Woo laughed as he shook his head. 揑抦 already feeling grateful for this unit of this size. And I抣l still be commuting to and from the office, so I won't be able to work at home. It抯 going to be fine.

Lee Yeon-Woo went to the balcony to look at the view outside and choked up. Although he wasn抰 going to buy it, it was still a house that he was looking forward to living with his mother. The days throughout his career as a writer flashed by his eyes, and tears started welling up in his eyelids.

Yang Hyun-Kyung suddenly asked, 揂re you crying?

?..I抦 just feeling proud of myself.

揌ow honest. At least you抮e different from Jae-Gun hyung in this aspect. He would give an excuse that something had gone into his eyes. Yang Hyun-Kyung then patted Lee Yeon-Woo on the shoulder.

Lee Yeon-Woo smiled awkwardly as he wiped away the tears. 揙h and Epic Sphere said he抎 schedule a lecture for me.


揧es. He said there are a couple of places like the reading club for office workers and a few other small-medium enterprises looking to hold lectures, and they recommended me to them, saying that it抎 help with the essay sales as well. But I抦 not so sure. What topic should I talk about?

掽i>Hmm, I agree with you taking them on.

揧ou agree?

揧ou watched the lectures that Jae-Gun hyung did when you were following him around, didn抰 you? I'm sure you gained some experience and learned the know-how from them. you抮e relatively good at talking as well, so I think it抎 be great if you could give it a try. Yang Hyun-Kyung grinned and added, 揂nd the lecture fee will be a huge sum, too. Since you want to be a good son, you should earn more money."

揥ell, earning more would be great but it feels like I抦 getting out of touch with my life as a writer.

揇idn抰 Jae-Gun hyung say that a writer isn't necessarily a novelist? Chill out and let your talents flow toward where they should.

The agent, who had stepped out briefly to answer a call earlier, finally returned.

Before Lee Yeon-Woo expressed his intention to sign the lease contract, he sent a message to Ha Jae-Gun first. This house was almost as good as a gift from Ha Jae-Gun. He had to crinkle his nose as much as possible to hold back his tears.


Knock, knock, knock.

揅ome in.

Oh Myung-Suk opened the door and stepped into the study to see Oh Tae-Jin抯 back.

Oh Tae-Jin's fingers were typing away diligently on the keyboard.

揟hey抮e almost here. Please take a rest while writing, Father.

揑抳e rested a lot so don抰 worry. Wait a while, just a few more minutes. Unlike what he said, Oh Tae-Jin did not stop writing even ten minutes later.

Oh Myung-Suk waited quietly, without making a single breathing sound so as not to disturb his father, who was completely immersed in his work.

掽i>Aigoo, I抦 sorry.

Oh Tae-Jin finally put the period to his last sentence for the time being and turned around in his chair. Oh Myung-Suk抯 heart ached as he watched his father turn older in just a few weeks.

揝o, what do you think?


揗y draft. It抯 only 50,000 characters long, and I think it抎 be sufficient if given another week more. Writer Ha also said he抯 done reading it.

掽i>Ah匋/i> Yes. I抳e finished reading it as well. Oh Myung-Suk took a while to organize his thoughts. He had been careful before, but now, he had to be even more careful with his choice of words. He wanted to boost his father抯 confidence, who had returned to writing after his retirement as CEO.

揧ou don抰 have to be careful with your words, Oh Tae-Jin said with a meek smile.

Oh Myung-Suk flinched in surprise.

Oh Tae-Jin added, 揑 know very well that you抮e worried about me, but I hope you抎 be honest with me.

揊ather, it抯 not because of that厰

Oh Tae-Jin slowly shook his head, cutting off Oh Myung-Suk. He then signaled to the laptop with his chin. 揇o you know what results appear when you search 慦riter Oh Tae-Jin on the internet?


揟he reviews of the critics are weak and biased.

揊ather, why are you saying that? Flustered, Oh Myung-Suk straightened himself in a hurry.

However, Oh Tae-Jin continued, 揧eah, your father is a decent figure in the publishing industry. That抯 an undeniable fact. But if you ask anyone if I抦 a decent writer梟o, it抯 absurd to even talk about that厰

Oh Tae-Jin revealed a mocking smile. Then, he let out a heavy sigh and looked down on the floor. 揘o one critic said bad things about me. Of course, it抯 not that my writing was flawless and perfect, but they would emphasize the good parts repeatedly and sing high praises of them.

"However, they never mention the bad parts of my writing at all, as they're being careful around me.

揥hy are you saying that? No, Father? the books you抳e published so far are all good.

揟hank you, but I've had enough of such politeness.

揊ather, I抦 not sure why you are choosing to suffer when you抮e supposed to be enjoying your retirement. Please, if you could share with me what exactly is bothering you棓

Knock, knock.

揈xcuse me, Chairman. The guests have arrived.

揂h, is that so? We抣l be there soon. Oh Tae-Jin held on to the armrests and stood up with a grunt.

Oh Myung-Suk was upset, as the conversation had been interrupted. Moreover, how could he greet the guests in this state of mind?

揑抎 like to hear feedback from my eldest son first, but I guess we抣l have to delay it.

Oh Tae-Jin and Oh Myung-Suk then headed to the reception room.

The guests stood up as the father and son entered and bowed with a gentle smile.

揌ello, Chairman.

掽i>Aigoo, Writer Ha. Welcome, welcome. I抦 really happy to see you coming here at my invitation. Oh Tae-Jin hurried over to Ha Jae-Gun and held his hands.

Oh Myung-Suk smiled, concealing his worries about his father before saying, 揟hank you for coming, Mr. Ha.

揘o, it抯 been a while since the Chairman stepped down, but I抦 sorry to only be visiting now.

The three men moved to the dining room to enjoy a table of traditional Korean food. As they enjoyed the table of delicious food, they naturally exchanged small talk as well.

揜ight, are you not going to the U.K., Writer Ha?

The topic at the table soon moved to the Man Booker Prize, which The Malice had gone into the final nominees list. The award would be presented in May at a historic museum in London. The award ceremony would be held together with an official dinner, and Ha Jae-Gun had been sent an invitation as well.

揧es, I抦 worried about my wife, so I抦 trying not to leave the house as much as possible until she gives birth.

掽i>Mm, I see. Seems like you抣l have another reason to have a proxy accept the award for you this time. It抯 fine; you抳e won the award after all.

揌earing your words feel like I抳e already won the award without even having gone to the U.K. Thank you very much.

The three burst into laughter, but Oh Tae-Jin felt a little cold instead. His novels did not perform well overseas, despite the company having poured a huge amount of capital into its marketing.

Meanwhile, Ha Jae-Gun had just turned thirty, but he had already achieved dazzling success at such a young age.

慄i>That friend of mine would go crazy wanting to keep him as his student right away if they ever meet.

Their meal soon ended, and they returned to the reception room.

Oh Tae-Jin had been waiting for this moment for the longest time.

揚lease enjoy your conversation while I get on the phone for something about work. Oh Myung-Suk excused himself.

It was time for his father to hear Ha Jae-Gun抯 feedback on his novel. Ha Jae-Gun wasn抰 the type to beautify his words, so it was his calculated move to stay away.

揇o it later if it抯 not urgent.

揑抦 really sorry, but I won抰 take too long. I抣l end it quickly and come back down soon. Oh Myung-Suk then took the stairs up to the second floor.

Whenever he took a step up, his heart would pound as heavily as his steps. Oh Myung-Suk desperately pleaded in his heart, hoping that Ha Jae-Gun would not say the same thoughts he had when he finished reading the draft.

He hoped that his father, who had grown weaker than before, would be able to end the day with a smile.

? so.

Oh Myung-Suk barely heard Ha Jae-Gun抯 voice. He had stopped in the middle of the stairway unknowingly. His mind told him that he should go farther up the stairs, but his body wasn抰 listening to him.

揑抦 not sure what the story is trying to say. I think it抯 a much-regressed work that cannot be compared to The Last Trip.

?..! Oh Myung-Suk wanted to cover his ears so much.

However, Ha Jae-Gun抯 next words echoed vividly in his ears.

揂ll in all, the story is too boring.

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