Chapter 371

Chapter 371

In the debate that ensued, the first to be eliminated were those who advocated the ‘Flat Earth Theory’.

Those who had recently entered the research institute and a group of alchemists argued for the ‘Flat Earth Theory’.

“Since ancient times, it has been said that ‘the sky is round and the earth is square.’ Isn’t the world naturally flat?”

Lee Soonji stepped forward to refute their claim.

“Don’t you remember the words of Zengzi recorded in the ‘Da Dai Liji’? Don’t tell me you haven’t read it yet?”


“Oh dear…”

Shaking his head, Lee Soonji continued as if admonishing them.

“The ‘Da Dai Liji’ says, ‘If the sky were truly round and the earth square, the sky would not be able to cover the four corners of the earth.’ And didn’t the Huntian theory already emerge during the Later Han dynasty?”


“Why do you think the armillary sphere is called the Huntian Yi?”

“But didn’t the Huntian theory also state that the earth is flat?”

To the researcher’s point who argued for the flat earth theory, Lee Soonji briefly went out and came back in with dozens of books.

“These are the records we made when we first climbed the Baekdudaegan mountain range for astronomical observations. We confirmed it while observing the arc-shaped horizon of the East Sea, and not satisfied with just that, we recorded and examined the shape while documenting solar and lunar eclipses.”

As Lee Soonji’s rebuttal silenced the Joseon researchers, Marcos, an alchemist, countered.

“The ancient Greek philosopher Thales said that this world is like a round disc in the shape of a shield.”

In response to Marcos’ words, Angelo stepped forward to object.

“Thales? Have you forgotten that the great Aristotle refuted that theory? What about the illustrious Pythagoras? Didn’t those great men already prove that the earth is spherical?”

“It’s not empirical evidence!”

“Empirical evidence? Didn’t Eratosthenes already calculate the diameter of the earth? Shouldn’t we consider that empirical evidence has already been completed?”

After such an exchange, Hyang intervened.

“Then why don’t we empirically verify it ourselves?”


And so, the empirical verification proceeded. The verification was nothing more than reviewing the data accumulated so far – data from observing the horizon when climbing high mountains for astronomical observations, observational data obtained during civil engineering works such as road construction, and so on. However, the researchers debated and calculated fiercely. And as a result, a conclusion was reached.

“This world is spherical!”


Once those arguing for the ‘Flat Earth Theory’ were eliminated, now the fight between the ‘Geocentric Theory’ faction and the ‘Heliocentric Theory’ faction began.

It started, of course, with the time difference issue.

“In my opinion, the time difference problem seems to be because this world rotates.”

At Hyang’s opening statement, all researchers, both Joseon and foreign, nodded.

“That’s the most likely explanation.”

“Based on calculations centered on navigation records, if we divide the time zones at regular intervals, it will be easier to grasp the time of the corresponding regions. Of course, there will be some margin of error.”

The researchers put forward their opinions one after another based on the research results they had conducted so far.

‘Now the stage is set, and I need to throw in the spark!’

Hiding his dark intentions deep inside, Hyang continued his act nonchalantly.

“But you know, doesn’t rotation require a center?”

“Y-yes, that’s right?”

The researchers stammered in response to Hyang’s question. As they answered, the same question arose in all the researchers’ minds.

‘Why suddenly bring up the center?’

Knowing the researchers’ doubts, Hyang pointed out the main problem.

“Then where is that center? Is it this world? Or is it somewhere else?”



At Hyang’s question, the researchers momentarily fell into confusion. Shortly after, Angelo and Lee Soonji, who had escaped from the momentary cognitive dissonance, answered simultaneously.

“Of course, isn’t this world the center?”

“Of course, isn’t the sun the center?”



The two who answered looked at each other.

“Did you say the world is the center?”

“Did you say the sun is the center?”

Hearing the other’s statement that differed from their own, both shouted simultaneously.

“You’re wrong!”

And Hyang, who had caused this commotion, was doing his best to hold back his laughter.

‘It’s finally exploded!’


Thus began a fierce debate as the researchers split into factions supporting the geocentric theory and those supporting the heliocentric theory.

The researchers at the institute were divided into two factions engaged in a heated argument.

Of course, they weren’t exactly divided into just two factions. Besides the two large factions, there were also minority factions.

One was the observing faction represented by Jeong Cho and Jeong Inji.

“If we support one side, it will become a political issue, so we’ll just observe until the results come out.”

Another was the fence-sitting faction. These people moved between the two factions whenever they thought one side sounded plausible.

Another was the indifferent faction. The main proponent of this faction was Jinpyeong.

“What does it matter whether the earth rotates or the sky rotates? Just shut up and lay down railroads and research iron horses!”

Hyang gave a bitter smile at Jinpyeong’s reaction.

“This consistently single-minded guy…”

Lastly, there was Hyang.

The researchers from all factions gave Hyang a nickname.

‘The Arsonist.’

This was because he calmly observed the situation and occasionally threw in controversial topics, and each time, the two factions flared up more fiercely.


In this fierce debate between the two factions, the central focus was the ‘orbit of the sun’s movement’.

“When comparing the winter solstice and summer solstice, the sun’s altitude is extremely different. If the sun revolves around this world, this orbit cannot be explained. It’s too unreasonable.”

To Lee Soonji’s argument, Angelo immediately responded.

“According to the law discovered by the great Ptolemy, the orbit in which the stars move is…”

Angelo explained Ptolemy’s theory.

Thanks to being refined for nearly 1,300 years since Ptolemy systematized it, it showed considerable completeness.

As Lee Soonji’s side seemed to be pushed back by Angelo’s explanation, Hyang subtly intervened.

“I’ve heard your explanation well. But as I was listening, I became curious about something.”

“What are you curious about?”

To Angelo’s question, Hyang threw in another spark.

“Looking at not only the records of our Joseon’s Bureau of Astronomy but also the records of the previous dynasty…”

Hyang posed a question about ‘apparent retrograde motion’.

To Hyang’s question, Angelo answered without delay.

“Ah! That is… According to Ptolemy’s research…”

Angelo explained using the concept of epicycles. After hearing Angelo’s explanation, Hyang still wore an expression of incomprehension.

“Why is it so complicated?”


At Hyang’s question, Angelo felt confusion and wariness.

The reason Angelo became wary was that Hyang’s tone had changed.

The king and crown prince of this country called Joseon had a very peculiar speech habit.

They maintained polite manners when their subjects were working properly. However, when work wasn’t done properly, the politeness in their speech disappeared.

To be precise, they maintained basic courtesy, but respect disappeared.

As a result, it was customary for the officials of this country to immediately turn pale and check their assigned tasks when the tone of the king and crown prince changed.

For this reason, looking at Angelo’s tense face, Hyang continued.

“As far as I know, I’ve heard that truth and providence are never complicated. The ancient sages said the same thing. But the theory you’re talking about now is too complex. Isn’t this rather moving away from providence?”

‘E=mc2, how simple and nice!’

To Hyang’s point, Angelo stammered in response.

“But, Ptolemy’s theory is like that, and the doctrine is also…”

“As far as I know, this Ptolemy was a person from more than 1,000 years ago. How much has the world changed since then, and how much has knowledge increased? Isn’t it right to examine everything from the beginning again?”

Feeling rather rebellious at Hyang’s point, Angelo said to Hyang.

“If that’s the case, what is Your Highness’s thought?”

At Angelo’s words, Hyang looked at Lee Soonji and continued.

“It’s a thought I had while watching the discussions so far, it’s not an exact theory but more like a concept.”

Hyang erased one side of the blackboard and picked up a chalk.

“Instead of complicating things with eccentric circles and epicycles, what if the orbit isn’t a perfect circle but an ellipse, and we place the sun at one of the two foci of this ellipse…”

As Hyang quickly drew the diagram, Lee Soonji jumped up from his seat and shouted.

“Then the problem is solved! We can create a very simple formula without epicycles or eccentric circles!”

True to his character who had argued for the spherical earth theory and heliocentric theory even in the history before Hyang’s intervention, Lee Soonji immediately grasped the core.

However, Angelo couldn’t easily agree.

“But if it orbits in an elliptical path, the orbital speed must constantly change. This means that even the same 1 hour should keep changing.”

To Angelo’s point, who still couldn’t let go of the classical uniform circular motion orbit, Lee Soonji interjected.

“What if this orbit doesn’t revolve once a day, but once a year, and instead this world itself rotates once a day?”


At that moment, Angelo closed his mouth. If the concept of rotation was introduced, the problem of uniform motion could be solved. Looking at Angelo who suddenly closed his mouth, Lee Soonji turned to Hyang and shouted.

“This world rotates while revolving! Then everything falls into place! And if it’s an elliptical orbit! Even the parts that were difficult to explain when revising the calendar before become possible to explain and calculate!”

Lee Soonji excitedly wrote his theoretical formula all over the blackboard.

As numbers, formulas, and diagrams filled the blackboard, Lee Soonji continued his explanation with an extremely excited voice.

“…and this is how we place the sun at one of the two foci of the elliptical orbit, and this world revolves around that elliptical orbit!”

Having finished his explanation, Lee Soonji looked at Angelo.

Angelo, analyzing the formula, felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

Rationally, Hyang’s concept and Lee Soonji’s theory were more reasonable. However, emotionally, it was hard to accept.

The moment he accepted it, he felt like his belief in God that he had held until now would crumble.

In the end, Angelo had to keep finding fault.

“It’s difficult to explain the occurrence of seasons and solar terms with that theory.”

To Angelo’s point, Hyang intervened.

“What if the axis of rotation of this world isn’t standing straight but is tilted?”


To Angelo’s question, Hyang rolled a paper into a cylinder and pierced it with a gold needle.

“It’s a bit crude, but let’s say this paper is the world and this gold needle is the axis. And let’s say my left fist is the sun. If this axis rotates like this…”

Hyang explained while spinning the gold needle around his left fist.

In the end, Angelo had to concede.

“The opinion that this world revolves around the sun seems more reasonable, but according to the doctrine…”

As Angelo mentioned the doctrine, Hyang cut him off.

“Can you be certain that the providence of the God you believe in aligns with the doctrine?”


“From the scriptures and books of yours that I’ve read, it seems that what was originally passed down orally was recorded in the language of a different race, and then transcribed into Latin. Can you be confident that there wasn’t a single mistranslation in that process?”


Angelo couldn’t answer Hyang’s question with certainty.

Seeing Angelo like this, Hyang drove the final nail.

“Let’s say the providence of the God you believe in is infallible. Can you be confident that your scriptures and doctrines are also infallible?”

In the end, Angelo and the monks had no choice but to answer that they would positively review the heliocentric theory.


Note 1) A story about ‘Round Heaven, Square Earth’ and money. Seoul Today. 2019.01.11.

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