Chapter 103

Chapter 103


儿 | er |(lit. child) diminutive marker used as a form of endearment

江湖 | word |community of martial artists

The Ruan clan already had a residence in Lan Zhou. It was the large, seventh building located in the city’s wealthy district and had, since the beginning, been managed by Steward Yang and a few servants. Ruan Yu had disliked the cheerless atmosphere, thus had been living in Guan Ju Villa these past few years. Now that she had heard her father was soon to return, she pulled her older sister back to the residence, planning to carefully tidy everything with the intention of moving in once their father had returned.

Ruan Zhu arrived at the Ruan residence and scrutinized the red walls and yellow roofs. The multi-colored beams and general appearance gave the building a luxurious and noble air, and it was really only lacking a few amenities. Scribbling down a list of items to be purchased, she handed it to Steward Yang and also called a slave trader to lead in several dozen honest and well-behaved servants. The trial period for the workers would be one month; those that did well would remain while those who didn’t would be sent out.

Once everything had pretty much been put in place, Ruan Zhu decided the main room lacked some small ornamental decorations and had people bring over famous calligraphy and paintings, Ru ware, the four treasures of the study, and other such items from Guan Ju Villa.

But Ruan Yu felt that wasn’t enough and pulled her sister with her to personally go buy more.

Every woman had a habit of window-shopping and Ruan Zhu was naturally up for the task.。

Seeing that she had gone through several harrowing experiences, Zong Zhi had set aside four imperial bodyguards that were to follow his wife no matter where she went.

Ruan Yu took Lian Xi, who had originally been her bedwarmer. As the two of them had grown up together, they held deep feelings for each other, and he had been promoted to the level of a secondary husband several years earlier. Because Ruan Yu was finally turning nineteen this year, there had been a never-ending stream of matchmakers and proposals since a few years back.

Ruan Zhu had thought they could no longer wait so she had sifted through Zong Zhi’s colleagues and had found some renowned, young generals with good characters and from the upper stratum to be her younger sister’s concubines. However, the position of Ruan Yu’s principal husband had continued to remain empty. Ruan Zhu knew her sister had an inflexible mind and absolutely insisted on waiting for Shen Zhong Yun.

But how could a man who carried the stigma of a courtesan be qualified to enter the Ruan residence’s doors? And then for him to absolutely have to be the legitimate husband? Don’t even mention how unwilling Ruan Zhu and the several husbands were–she was only afraid that if Ruan Zi Xu was to know of the matter, he would ignite in fury. Because of this topic, Ruan Zhu had frequently grumbled with her sister but Ruan Yu always had an argument to refute her.

“He’s merely carrying the title of being of the Four Great Masters. It is not as if he is actually a courtesan.”

“Yu’er, you’re too confused. His name is known so even if he isn’t a courtesan, what of it? In the eyes of an upstanding person, he is one that will forever carry a stain.” Ruan Zhu patted her shoulder, patiently persuading.

“Then what about Brother-in-law Zong Zhi? Was he not also previously one of the Four Great Masters?” Ruan Yu really hoped her sister could offer her support on this topic and looked at her with a face full of innocence: “Nowadays, Brother-in-law Zong Zhi is high above and respected by everyone. Who still remembers he had still stayed in that sort of place before?”

“There is the noble imperial household as Zong Zhi’s backing. What does Shen Zhong Yun have?” Ruan Zhu’s eyes shone with justification and her words were somewhat sharp: “Shen Zhong Yun only has a father who opened a brothel and still operates his business by exploiting male bodies. Yu’er, Father will definitely disagree. Our family has paid too much because of Wei Rong. Don’t tell me you want to continue the tragedy? In the future when you have children, what will you do? Will you let your children also be shamed?”

Wei Jia and Ruan Ju had lived very disgracefully precisely because their father had came from a brothel.

Ruan Yu remained silent. She had suffered so many wrongs when young that even now, thinking of how their mother had affectionately held Ruan Ju so many times caused her heart to overflow with pain.

“Yu’er!” Ruan Zhu softened her voice: “If you still insist on having Shen Zhong Yun be a bedwarmer or an escort, Older Sister will follow you. But being the principal husband is absolutely not possible, and I can only say that giving him the position of a concubine would, with great difficulty, barely be allowed.”

Young lasses of the ancient world were quite blind when it came to matters of love. Just like in dramas where young misters and ladies would pledge to marry each other without their parents’ approvals, if a wealthy young miss and a poor scholar eloped, it would be regarded by busybodies as a romantic and beautiful endeavor. But a string of matters would arise after marriage, such as figuring out what to do for their daily needs and the fearsome gossip mill, that would always drive the newlyweds into the cold abyss.

Love was very romantic, but marriage was about living out the rest of one’s life together.

A sheltered, ancient lady had no worries. If she didn’t spend her days watching plays, then it was to read and became bewitched by the stories weaved by swindlers. On the other hand, the women of the twenty-first century were very realistic. When they looked for a spouse, it was standard that they first looked at their potential husband’s economic condition. A house, a car, banknotes–not a single one could be lacking.

“Yu’er, all of the new concubines you have just accepted have rather good qualifications and also treat you sincerely. If a courtesan from a brothel was to enter their circle, it is very likely animosity would arise. At that time, a home won’t be like a home, hatred would form between husbands and wife, and the children will also suffer. It isn’t without reason that people pay particular attention to how marriages must be between families of equal standings.”

It seemed like Ruan Yu had finally been persuaded as her expression turned contemplative.

“Eldest Sister, I am already nineteen years old and am no longer that headstrong, young girl. You should be at ease. I left the position of principal husband empty not because of Shen Zhong Yun; it is because I have yet to meet one who deserved the position and my investment.”

“Those words had better not be heard by my brother-in-laws or else they’ll throw a tantrum.”

“Your sister isn’t that foolish. I would not say that in front of them.”

Ruan Zhu took four imperial bodyguards; Ruan Yu took Lian Xi–the entire group chattered as they went out.

The most flourishing street in Lan Zhou was Yu Street. Mei Yan Ying Ying Chu and Yun Shi Yi’s Tian Yi Pavilion were specifically situated here.

While Yun Shi Yi wasn’t in Tian Chu, all of the properties of the Yun and Ruan residences were being managed by Master Yun and Madam Yun of the Yun manor. When Ruan Zhu was free, she would go over and give some assistance. However, today’s main objective was to have a stroll and window-shop so there was no point in going to her own shops to make things hard for herself.

With the exception of the imperial palace, Yu Street had the most refined buildings in all of Lan Zhou. Pedestrians moved in groups through the rows of buildings decorated with vermilion pavilions and flying eaves, the atmosphere one of peace and happiness. The shadow of the prolonged drought that had previously devastated half of Tian Chu could already no longer be seen thanks to the years of management that had followed.

The two sisters shopped at several stores and bought several luxury goods, handing them over for the imperial bodyguards to carry.

“Not only do the bakers in these snack stores know how to make pastries, they can also make them in such different styles. I’ve also never seen you love food this much. Why is it that you can’t move your eyes away now?” The two women had just exited a pastry store after buying some but Ruan Yu then stopped in front of a stall selling maltose sugar. All of the items sold there were common and unsanitary but the girl asked for two catties as soon as she opened her mouth. Ruan Zhu nagged but still let her have her way.

After taking the candy, the money was handed over. Ruan Yu ate two chunks, found them tasteless, refused to eat any more, and threw the paper bag to Lian Xi for him to carry.

Ruan Zhu felt something was fishy and blinked her eyes as she took in the scene. Laughing, she teased: “This girl, could it be you’ve got a bun……?” Ruan Yu saw her sister beaming as she mocked her and asked in confusion: “Have what? What could I have that Elder Sister is not aware of?”

Ruan Zhu bubbled with laughter: “Silly girl, there’s a baby in your belly. It’s not like I’m the baby’s father so what am I supposed to be clear about, ah?”

“Baby?” Ruan Yu felt her abdomen in astonishment. Thinking about it, she had indeed been a little strange recently. Not talking about how she’s been feeling dizzy and weak, she had even been picky with food and it really resembled the time when her older sister had been pregnant with her sweet little nephew.

“You’ve become a mother yet you still don’t know. How is the baby supposed to be properly born with you carelessly running around all over the place? The first two months of pregnancy are the most crucial and you must not be negligent. Hurry and follow Older Sister in returning home so you can rest.”

“I am not that frail; my health and body are both good.” Ruan Yu was like all mothers who had just discovered their pregnancy. There was unbounded joy found within her astonishment, but also a little bit of embarrassment.

“Then let’s stroll around a little more. When we return, I’ll have the kitchen stew a pot of chicken broth for you to supplement your body with. It’s all right if no one else eats it, but the baby in your stomach must not go hungry.” Ruan Zhu laughed and pulled on her sister’s hand. But her words had only been said halfway when a clear voice rang out from the side, immediately interrupting her. “Zhu’er.” From listening, it was Wang Jing Yan who had spoken.

The two sisters turned towards the source of the voice, their gazes passing through the bustling crowd and landing on two tall men that were currently making their way towards them from a distance that wasn’t far. In front was Wang Jing Yan; behind him was his fifth brother, Wang Shen Yan. The two brothers both had stately airs and outstanding appearances, like sparkling pearls that shone amidst the common crowd that was a myriad of rubble.

“Who would have thought the both of you had also come out for some shopping? Are you looking to buy something?” Wang Jing Yan stepped closer and revealed a sweet smile. Thinking of the lingering emotions from last night, he gazed at his wife with eyes completely full of gentleness.

“Isn’t it because Papa is almost home? We’re hurrying to tidy the residence for Papa’s return. Oh right, Jing Yan, why are you here?” Ruan Zhu saw the tenderness on her husband’s face and a syrupy sweet feeling seeped into her heart.

“It will be Father’s birthday in a few days. I came out with Fifth Brother to see what we should buy as his present.”

“Father?” Ruan Zhu stared blankly at him before abruptly realizing: “Ah, Sir Prime Minister. His birthday is coming up? Why haven’t you told me? If I was to miss it, how discourteous would it look?”

“Weren’t we too busy last night?” Jing Yan lightly laughed, his eyes glued on his wife since the beginning: “Telling you now is not too late.”

Ruan Zhu became embarrassed and whispered to him: “Lord Husband, you shouldn’t blab like that; others will laugh.” She was afraid to see mocking eyes and lifted her eyes to glance at Shen Yan and Lian Xi. Lian Xi was born a slave so even if he thought one way inside, he could never express it outwards.

But that was hard to say for Shen Yan. However, the scene that she witnessed once she raised her head left her gobsmacked. Shen Yan currently had an arm wrapped around Ruan Yu’s waist and had lowered his face to gaze in the other’s eyes. And, the two people’s faces were nearly touching.

Ruan Yu was softly leaning against Shen Yan’s chest with her eyes half closed, tranquil and content.

“Oh my god!” Ruan Zhu was so shocked her hand flew up over her mouth and she whisper-screamed: “What in the world are the two of you doing in such a crowded place! Other people are staring!” It was true–the commoners passing by were all throwing over peculiar glances.

Hey you two, Tian Chu wasn’t so open-minded as to allow a man and a woman to openly embrace each other in the middle of the street, ah! Ruan Zhu forcefully coughed twice.

It was only then that the two involved felt it was inappropriate and hastily broke apart, keeping a one meter distance between them.

Ruan Yu’s face flushed from embarrassment and she stammered: “Someone almost knocked into me earlier and I thought……I thought it was not good for my health……so I quickly tried to avoid them, but nearly stumbled. Fortunately, Mister Shen Yan steadied me.”

“So it was like that!” Ruan Zhu’s tone was normal, but she was inwardly thinking: Sweetie, you think I can’t see through your excuse? Who steadies someone and never lets go? Had he been stuck to you with glue?

Nevertheless, it wasn’t the least bit strange that Shen Yan would have a favorable impression of Yu’er.

Yu’er had been born beautiful. With eyes that were both large and bright like two pools of spring water, and skin like glossy jade, she resembled a lovely porcelain doll. She had increasingly blossomed into a mature and beautiful woman over the years. It was precisely because she was so beautiful that her several secondary husbands unswervingly followed her.

“Shen Yan, many thanks for helping my younger sister.” Ruan Zhu faced him as she gave her gratitude. Yu’er was pregnant, and it really would have been disastrous if something had happened so it was even more fortunate that he had caught her.

“A small matter.” Giving a calm and beautiful smile, Shen Yan accidentally glanced at Ruan Yu. The latter was smiling with her eyes lowered, exposing distinct and shallow dimples on her cheeks–A truly graceful and elegant person after his own heart.

Ruan Zhu was suddenly struck with an idea. With limpid eyes, she pretended as if she didn’t know anything: “Shen Yan, my younger sister does not feel too well. May I trouble you to send her back to Guan Ju Villa? Your elder brother and I will stroll a little more and return after we finish purchasing some things.”

“All right. I also happen to be free.” Shen Yan’s clear voice rang out and he slightly cupped his hands towards Ruan Yu: “Younger Miss Ruan, please.”

“Eldest Sister, how could you abandon me?” Ruan Yu pouted.

“Yu’er, Jing Yan and I would like to be alone. You should already know what is meant by ‘couples are most annoyed by bystanders that disturb them,’ so don’t be like a door god[a] and get in our way. Jing Yan, let’s go.”

Ruan Zhu’s voice was indifferent and firm. OMG–Yu’er really wanted to impede her good deed. Having said that, she called out to her husband, turned around, and continued walking along the street in a speed that was neither too fast nor too slow……Her four imperial bodyguards kept pace behind her.

Mister Shen Yan was similar to his older brother with his steady temperament and patience. It would be a good thing if such an outstanding man like him was to be with Yu’er. If it would also cause her to forget about Shen Zhong Yun, wouldn’t it be great? Ruan Zhu was looking forward to it–looking forward to it very much.

“Jing Yan, don’t you think Fifth Brother and Yu’er are very promising?”

“When did Zhu’er begin to like being a matchmaker?” Jing Yan faintly smiled and pulled on his wife’s delicate wrist: “Don’t judge Shen Yan on his easy-going personality; that guy is rarely moved by maidens. Actually, it should be said his heart is originally cold. Several years, Father forced him to get married and he actually fled into the mountains to be a Daoist priest, even giving himself an honorific title of Wan Kong Zi or something.”

“Why is Shen Yan not moved by maidens? Don’t tell me he doesn’t like women?” If he didn’t like women, then he could only like men–it couldn’t be! Although she only seen this Fifth Brother of the Wang clan a few times, from her observations he shouldn’t be that kind of person.

“Wife, where have your thoughts gone?” Jing Yan had followed his wife for a while now and had long realized and accepted that she had several strange ways of thinking. “Fifth Brother is only emotionless; I have never seen him put anyone in his heart before. His birth father is my mother’s fourth concubine, and he died of an illness when Shen Yan was three years old. He has a reclusive nature and since small, wasn’t sociable, so he has always been lonely.”

“Pitiful child.” Ruan Zhu sighed, sympathy flashing in her watery eyes.

However, many examples proved that the colder a man’s outward appearance was, the more passionate his heart was. Once that string at the innermost of his heart had been struck, a fiery spark would burst out. He would protect that emotion for the rest of his life and steadfastly follow and treat his lover.

“Jing Yan, weren’t you also incredibly lonely when you went deep into the mountains during your childhood to learn martial arts?”

“Master treated me very like, just like a father. After his death, I drifted around the jianghu, more or less traveling to all parts of this country. One day, a letter from my father, who had become the Prime Minister, arrived, beckoning me to return home. Afterwards, while the capital was moving, I met you.”

“Pitiful Jing Yan. Don’t feel sad, I will treat you well for a lifetime.”

Jing Yan’s heart moved, and he tightly gripped his wife’s hand.

The couple continued to chat as they walked. Strolling toward a jewelry and accessory store, they had yet to reach the entrance when they saw a group of shop assistants brandishing sticks as they drove out a stench-ridden man.

“Young Boss, the Master and Madam made it clear they have already severed any and all familial ties with you and have forbidden you from ever entering anything of the Liu clan’s. Young Boss, you should hurry and leave Ming Xiang Cui Yu!”

“Manager Yu, I beg you to allow me to just say a few words to Father and have someone treat me. I will definitely change; I will not be as intemperate as I was before.”

A man with an appearance of a manager stepped out of the jewelry store, his expression pained: “Young Boss, begging you to not make things hard for this small one. It is also not easy for this small one to be the manager of Ming Xiang Cui Yu, and this small one does not wish to throw away this livelihood. You also have to consider the type of illness you have. All of the customers have been scared off by you.”

The ugly man loudly cried: “My illness can be treated; it can definitely be treated as long as you give me money.”

It was only at this time that Ruan Zhu noticed that the entirety of the pleading man’s face and arms were full of sores and there were even some that oozed pus. The stench precisely came from those abscesses.

What a terrifying face! Ruan Zhu was a little scared and immediately gripped her husband’s hand, taking tiny steps as she retreated backwards and hid behind him.

“Zhu’er, it’s all right.” Wang Jing Yan flipped their hands over so that it was in a more comforting hold.

The ugly man dejectedly staggered a few steps. Turning around, he caught sight of Ruan Zhu and blankly stared at her before yelling: “It’s you! The eldest miss of the Ruan clan!”

Ruan Zhu dazedly looked at him before suddenly thinking of a person! That year in Mei Yan Ying Ying Chu, the lascivious man who had drugged her with an aphrodisiac……Liu Fei Xu!

No doubt, it was absolutely Liu Fei Xu, the most romantic character out of the Four Great Masters! How had he now turned into someone with an abscess-covered face? What exactly had happened?

[a] 门神, translated literally above, is a deity that guards entrances to exorcise evil spirits and protect the home and its inhabitants. In this context, it’s the same meaning as a third wheel.

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