Chapter 57 - - : Returning the favour

Chapter 57: Chapter - 57 : Returning the favour

Leyla ran through the thick vegetation of the forest, eyes frantically darting from one branch to the other. The thick leaves allowed only small rays of the sun through, letting her see clearly whether or not her precious bird was safe and sound.

She could feel the thundering beat of her heart against her chest, her heavy breathing as she grew more frantic at finding her missing bird. Her baggage clattered along with every stride she took. She was the only one disturbing the natural stillness of the forest.

She was practically heaving by now. The wind was chilly, but the temperature was quite humid, an indicator that the autumn season had finally reached its peak and winter would soon begin to set in. Leyla was beginning to feel the chill in her bones, making her body stiff, draining her strength quicker than usual.

But she couldn't stop, not when the continuous gunshots echoing in the forest only served to remind her that she was still yet to find Phoebe, her beloved pigeon.

With every gunshot she could hear, another blood-soaked image of Phoebe would run through her mind. Each one worse than the last, breaking her sanity bit by bit.

'What if she'd already been shot? What if I'm already too late?'

She couldn't help but think, her chest aching at the thought.

You would think that with every step she took she'd be more confident to find her bird alive, but it only made it worse. Her steps began to falter as exhaustion was making its way into her joints, and the air running out of her lungs. The faint scent of gunpowder wafting in her nostrils as the smoky scent surrounded her as she inhaled huge bouts of air.

Matthias had promised her he wouldn't touch Phoebe, that he would not shoot the bird. And she had foolishly accepted his word as it is. Looking back now, she should have thought of the possibility that perhaps he was only promising it to appease her. Now she can't help but imagine him breaking that promise as he aimed his gun and shot at innocent birds, Phoebe included, just to get her to pay more attention to him.

'How could I have blindly believed him?!'

She thought incredulously to herself as she kept running,

'That promise probably meant nothing to him, brushed it off as something so trivial for him to really keep!'

Leyla scolded herself for placing her trust in him blindly like a fool, despite already knowing he was a vicious person.

She could feel the tears threatening to fall by the time she had reached the end of the forest's tree line, ending up by the road near the Schulter River. Should she fail to find her precious bird, she would go find the Duke himself and seek answers to Phoebe's fate.

It didn't matter to her whether or not he would grant her an audience, she was prepared to do whatever it took to make sure, even if she had to go down on her knees and beg him for mercy.

It was shortly after she stopped to take a breath, did the autumn breeze sweep past her softly. The skies were painted radiantly by a pale blue hue, her eyes closed shut as she soaked in the breeze and wished for a miracle. Leyla snapped them open once more, sweeping one last look around her surroundings before she finally found him.

He was standing there....

Just there, on the other side of the forest trail. He sat atop his steed, all confident and unbothered as he was surrounded by his peers and fellow comrades.

The moment Leyla tried to call out to him, she found herself devoid of a voice. She tried to; she really wanted to call out to him but all the breath had left her lungs, and her voice stuck in her throat due to the lack of air. It had been too long since she had started running, and now exhaustion was taking over her, replacing her previous adrenaline rush.

She took one last deep breath, before pushing her legs past their limit as she resumed her sprint towards the nobles on horseback. It was only when she neared them enough did she spot one of them had poised their gun at an aim towards one of the branches.

A split-second later, she recognized it was him,

Duke Herhardt...

Her eyes trailed from the end of the gun to see what he had been aiming at, and felt her breath hitch as her heart stuttered in fright.


Her pace picked up as she tried to stop him from pulling the trigger, her legs screaming in protest at the overexertion. She tried to regain her voice to let out a scream, but only managed a strangled gasp out as a resounding gunshot echoed throughout the sleepy forest.


The end of Matthias' gun was smoking, as soon as he let go of the trigger, and Phoebe was no longer perched on top of the branch.

Time seemed to stop after that one moment, until Matthias moved and broke the silence.

He slowly lowered his long silver rifle, the sunlight glinting as it slid off, it's shimmer bouncing off the air, twinkling through the forest. Meanwhile, Riette and the other nobles looked at him in a mix of bewilderment as well as amusement on their faces.

"Well, colour me surprised Matthias." Riette exclaimed, "What the hell was up with that shot?" he teased, it wasn't long before the other nobles followed suit in teasing the Duke.

"I can't believe the Duke Herhardt actually missed!"

"Well I certainly saw something interesting today."

"There's always a first for everything I guess."

They all started to remark, the easy laughter and banter flowing between them naturally.

Though Matthias did take the shot, it had only grazed the end of the branch on which the pigeon had perched upon. After that missed shot, the bird fluttered away from the hunting nobles as a piece of the wood broke off and landed on the forest floor.

Matthias took all the teasing in pride, smirking knowingly to himself as his sharp eyes trailed intensely after the bird. It seemed to him it was flying towards the east wing of the estate.

"Huh, why is she here?" Riette wondered out loud, having managed to catch sight of a woman who was standing stock still not too far away from the group.

Matthias slowly turned, following the trail of his cousin's gaze, before finally spotting her. He grinned minutely to himself when he noticed he held all of her attention now.

"Le-Leyla!" exclaimed a couple of the servants when they finally took notice of the unexpected guest.

Despite the commotion she caused, Leyla stood frozen as she regarded Matthias in a dumbfounded manner, as if he was the only one she could see.

"Leyla!" a servant grabbed her arm, which shook her out of her frozen state, "It's dangerous to go out today! Didn't you hear from Mr. Remmer? I specifically informed him of the Duke's plans for hunting today."


Leyla gulped, eyes wandering back to the Duke's, before going back to look at the person talking to her, "I'm sorry, he did inform me, but I must have gotten the dates mixed up." She apologised, "Truly, I am sorry."

Leyla slowly bowed her head, her hand coming up to rest against her chest, still able to feel the thundering beat of her heart as she lowered her gaze to her feet.

Shortly after scolding her a little more of her recklessness did the servants return to their posts, leaving her alone. Meanwhile Matthias acted like he was above the small commotion that had just happened. He pulled on his horse's reins, nudging it to move along as he directed it towards the west wing of the estate. Which had been opposite of the direction she knew Phoebe had flown off to.

Her tears threatened to fall once more, but only made her eyes shine as the water built up within them. The overwhelming astonishment she felt was too much for her to bear.

She was no stranger to the Duke's aim.

Throughout her years here, she had witnessed with her very own eyes shot after shot he made. His aim, his posture, his concentration, and his skills with shooting; she was so familiar with, she was certain of this one fact.

It was not a missed shot.

Today, he purposely aimed the branches and scared the bird off, to fly away from their hunting party so that others could not take a turn at her. And now Phoebe was safe, far away from their bullets and silver guns.

As Matthias was leaving, he expertly tilted his head back, eyes meeting with her before treading the curved evergreen trail. Though they were quite some distance apart by now, Leyla instinctively knew that the Duke knew she could see him back.

As soon as the hunting party disappeared from her line of sight, she hiked up her skirts before turning around to go back the long way she came from.

Only then did her final strength leave her, the exhaustion fully settling in as she felt herself relax. She felt so weightless, like a ghost floating adrift aimlessly, even though she knew exactly where she was headed. She couldn't help but recall a similar instance where she also felt this weightlessness.

Images flashed through her mind as she recalled fragments of events long past, but she thought nothing more of it. Leyla can't believe she remembered as much as she did from back then.

Gripping her bag tightly on her shoulder, she began to slowly trek through the forest this time. There was no need to rush anymore. Her worries were appeased now. By the time she finally reached her cabin, she felt herself get lightheaded, her vision turning blurry. Leyla no longer had the strength to reach her bed for much rest, so with her last strength, she plopped down on the nearby chair by the porch.

Matthias kept his promise.

A promise he made to her in particular.

And that, that was another fact she was certain of.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound echoed inside the quiet room. Sitting in front of her desk by a lantern, Leyla instinctively rose from her seat at the familiar sound and ran immediately towards the front windows. Excitedly she opened it up with a bright smile!

"Phoebe!" she exclaimed before her smile froze.

Leyla immediately muffled down her scream at the sudden sight of the Duke outside with a hand to her mouth, wary of Uncle Bill, who was just outside, chopping up the firewood by their front yard. Had he heard her shriek in alarm, he would have abandoned his task to immediately check up on her. And she didn't want that.

In a hurry, Leyla moved to lock her bedroom door before turning back towards her open window.

Matthias was still decked in his hunting gear. The dust and grime of his day's activities adorning the expensive clothing, while the faint smell of blood lingered on him. She could see some specks of blood by his sleeves, and the front of his red hunting jacket.

"Your pigeon is over there."

Matthias raised his head lightly to point towards the other end of the window frame where Phoebe, her precious bird, was calmly resting.

She held in her cry of relief at seeing the bird, focusing back on the Duke who was standing outside her window.

His noble steed, who stood patiently behind him made him look all the more intimidating for her. However, the backdrop of the soft glow of orange sunset and slowly darkening skies also served to make him look more alluring, bringing out the colour of his eyes. She can't help but feel slightly mesmerised by his figure.

"Have you thought about it?" Matthias interrupted her thoughts unknowingly, "On how you plan to return the favour?"

He inquired, gesturing once more towards Phoebe, while his gaze held onto Leyla's, with one pristine brow rising up at her.

Leyla gulped nervously, eyes fleeting towards her bird momentarily before looking back at Matthias.

"I, I don't think this counts as a favour," she softly began, before slightly gaining more confidence, "After all, you were only keeping your word."

Leyla pointed out anxiously, but Matthias only smirked at her in a rather smug manner, making her retrace a few steps back.

"Though I am very grateful." She added, lowering her gaze.

"Grateful, you say?" he smirked, "And what could I do with gratitude?" Matthias prodded further.

"W-well," Leyla stuttered slightly, "I think it means you are an honourable gentleman, who keeps his word."

"Oho," he lightly scoffed, taunting her in a subtle manner, "Are you then retracting your words from before?" Matthias asked, tilting her head, smirk still firmly in place.

Leyla frowned in confusion. What words?

"You described me as the furthest thing from a gentleman, if I recall correctly." said Matthias as he leaned on the window frame, after seeing her confusion.

Leyla flushed in embarrassment as the memory resurfaced.

"I, forgive me," she immediately spewed out, "I had been too imprudent at that time!"

Leyla bowed her head further, she felt as though she was digging herself further and further deeper into a grave. But no matter what was done, all she needed to do now was damage control.

"First you say I'm a gentleman, then the next I'm not, and now I'm once again one." Matthias hummed, cocking a brow at her once more, "So which is it?"

"Y-you're a gentleman." She stuttered. He then pursed his lips in thought, as he regarded her slowly, raking his eyes up and down her person.

"Then does that make you the queen?" Matthias scoffingly asked.

Leyla blinked in confusion, brows furrowing as she racked her brain for a reason how the conversation had turned out this way when a memory resurfaced from when she yelled out at him by the stream in frustration...

"If you're a gentleman, then I'm the Queen!"

She had meant it sarcastically of course, but now she found her words being used against her. Leyla wanted to deny it vehemently, but she could tell by the knowing smirk on his lips that her face was already too flushed in embarrassment at the memory.

Of course all this could have been prevented had she managed to let a few offhanded comments of his slide, but for some reason, Leyla at that time had failed to control her temper in front of him. Sure when it came to others she could play the perfect, polite girl act, but whenever it came to the Duke, something in her just seemed to do the opposite. It was a struggle to even keep her calm around him.

"I apologise for that day. And I sincerely thank you for keeping your promise. I mean it."

Leyla apologised to him, though the hesitancy in her posture spoke in volumes. Silence reigned between them once more, the sound of Bill Remmer's chopping axe the only one filling the void between them.

Matthias continued to regard her calmly, before sighing in feigned resignation.

"Ah, what should I do with you, Leyla?" His hand suddenly reaching out and gripping her chin to force her to look up at him. Matthias clicked his tongue as he pulled her closer to him, "I don't need your gratitude after saving your bird."

Feeling as though she was doused with a cold bucket of water, Leyla tried to shake his grip away from her, but he was much too strong. Matthias was stronger and faster, and not a second later did her vision blur as he too yanked her glasses off...

He had kissed her.

She tried to shake away from him, but too late did she realise that his other hand had come up behind her head and grabbed a handful of her hair when she felt a sharp pain as he lightly yanked her head back.

Leyla gasped out in pain, and that was the opportunity Matthias took to slide his hot tongue inside her mouth.

His tongue darted inside, exploring her mouth ravenously, before sensually entwining around hers. Leyla couldn't help but moan at the sensation. In the background, she could still faintly hear Bill Remmer's grunts loudly as he split some more firewood.

Leyla' hands shifted, moving from the window sill and up to Matthias' shoulder, trying to shove him away. But it only served to deepen their kiss instead.

This kiss now was quite different from the kiss she remembered having from last summer's final day. The kiss that scarred her deep in her heart. Instead of the fierce devouring kiss he let her taste before, it was now firm, but gentler; demanding but more delicate against her lips.

It wasn't long before his grip on her hair loosened up, allowing her to break free of his grasp. As she gasped for air, Leyla's nose picked up his body scent; a blend of the blood of prey along with his minty fragrance.

She bit her lips defiantly as Matthias still held onto her chin resolutely, not letting her go just yet.

"Just a kiss?" he whispered in a sultry voice, "Is your precious bird's life just this much?"

Such a seductively coercive tone fell on her ears. Unfortunately, she neither had time or the strength to think past her current panic. All she could feel was the way her body locked up in place as she stared at him in a flushed manner, her mouth agape as she continued to breath in air. Suddenly, she was yanked forward, her face now a hair's breadth away from his.

"Ackh!" Leyla exclaimed.

Matthias regarded her face a little bit, eyes flitting around her features. The grip on her chin was tightening up, she feared he would crush it sooner. Leyla let out a quiet gasp as the grip pained her, before his tongue dove back in her mouth...

All she could think about then was how she'd much rather be in pain instead. However, Matthias was persistent in his efforts, his tongue resuming their previous ministrations, dancing expertly around her own tongue as he tasted every nook and cranny in her mouth.

Their bellicose kiss continued, coupled by the loud grunts of Bill, alongside the splitting firewood. Each time Matthias intertwined his tongue with hers and sucked on it, she gasped for breath, squeezing his shirt, letting out involuntary moans that seemed to have been scraped up from the depth of her throat with every brush of his tongue against hers.

With every noise she made, Leyla felt so ashamed of herself. She could feel herself grow dizzier with each passing moment, her body moving in response to whatever he was doing.

Even her hands, who were tirelessly pushing him away, can now only hang limply on his shoulders. She could feel the prickling of tears begin to form, willing them not to fall...

Finally, Matthias let her go, letting her gasp for air when he felt her cheeks grow wet, and a sob mixed with her moans.

Their lips were now moist with each other's saliva, making it glisten in the dark. Leyla felt her knees go weak, but she caught herself before she fell to the floor completely at the thought of how the two of them looked like right now.


Uncle Bill's voice shook Leyla from her unforgiving thoughts.

"Leyla! Could you bring me a glass of refreshing water?" he requested.

'Answer Leyla,'

She thought to herself,

'I must answer quickly!'

She urged, but her movements were sluggish as she dazedly stared at the way Matthias took out his handkerchief. Leyla watched him slowly bring it up to his lips and wipe off the evidence of what they had done.

It was only when he slightly tugged her face forward did she remember he was still gripping her chin. Next he brought the same handkerchief he used, to wipe off the evidence from her lips as well.

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Calmly Matthias picked up her glasses he had discarded earlier and replaced them back to where they should be until finally releasing his grip on her.


The sound of Bill chopping firewood suddenly stopped when he began to wonder why there was no reply.

"Wash it and bring it back."

Matthias ordered, taking hold of her hand, making her fingers grasp the used cloth firmly. He rubbed a few small circles on her wrist before swiftly letting her go, and turned around to ride atop his steed.

"Leyla, child! Is there something wrong?"

Uncle Bill's footsteps shook Leyla out of her daze as she noticed them grow closer. Hurriedly, she shut the windows, and drew the curtains closed. Immediately, she rushed back towards her door and swung it open, just before Uncle Bill's hand, which was raised to knock, was about to hit it.

"Sorry, uncle. I... I was sleeping for a moment." she lamely excused, making a show of fixing her hair, which Matthias had been gripping not too long ago.

"Hmm, I did wonder why you were taking so long." Uncle Bill told her.

"I, I'll get started on dinner right away!"

"No need to rush lass," he placated her, "Make sure you're properly awake first. You can slow down." He reminded her, smiling at her fondly.

Bill gently patted her on the head before turning around back into the front yard, picking up a glass of water on his way out, before leaving her alone.

As soon as she heard the front door shut, only then did Leyla allow herself to feel faint, and unceremoniously dropped to the floor...

Matthias's handkerchief, which was in her weakened grip, fluttered around her as it too fell, and innocently sank in front of her crestfallen form.

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