Chapter 64 - - : Glance
Chapter 64: Chapter - 64 : Glance
Once the snow had started to fall, it fell down heavily. Already, the roads were thickened of white frost, making it difficult for the carriage to move faster than it could. Leyla couldn't help but look out the window, worry clear on her face.
"You don't have to worry too much, my dear." a kind gentle voice interrupted her. Leyla looked in front of her to see Madam Norma Catharina von Herhardt smiling for her, eyes wrinkled kindly as she regarded the young teacher sitting across from her.
"Oh, no, it's not, um," Leyla began to stutter, but Norma graciously cut her off with a soft laugh.
"I know this might be a little uncomfortable for you, but please, there's no need to be so nervous." she comforted the young miss, "I don't wish for you to be so tense in this ride. Especially since I extended the invite myself."
Leyla found she could not begrudge the esteemed woman. She radiated so much warmth, she couldn't help but feel a little bit at ease with her around. Norma sighed as she finally spared the outside a little glance.
"Just the first day of snow, and already the roads have grown thick with snow. I expect this winter to be colder, don't you think so as well, Matthias?" Norma asked her grandson, turning to look at him for a response.
Leyla, too, followed her gaze to spare the Duke some attention. They spared each other just a glance, but already she could feel her heart beating loudly against her chest.
"I think so as well, grandmother." he agreed readily. It was clear for Leyla that Norma was a tactful conversationalist. She took charge with the small talk, asking her about her school life, and even praising the latest charity event. Which of course led her to a conversation Leyla was hoping to avoid.
Her class' play.
"You seemed so flustered up there, but I want you to know you did marvellously." Norma said, eyes glinting in amusement as she recalled how much she enjoyed the play. Leyla felt her cheeks flush at the praise. Somehow, it sounded a lot more comforting than the other praises she received earlier.
"I thank you so much, madam!" she thanked profusely. Her cheeks felt hotter, the tip of her ears turned red at the praise, giving her pale skin a vibrant colour akin to a ripened fruit.
Matthias fought to hold back his laughter at her expression. It was very reminiscent of her face when she had been up on the stage. She sat up straight in front of him, hands demurely clasped on her knees as she fidgeted restlessly with her fingers.
She was not good at acting indifferently. She can't hold in her emotions very well. Not to mention how terrible she was at lying, which was probably why her acting ended up being so hilarious during the play.
He leaned back against his seat, stretching his legs a little further, gently grazing the tip of his shoes against her heels discreetly so his grandmother wouldn't notice. Leyla felt him graze her foot, and moved her feet farther from him, but he wasn't giving up easily.
The carriage rattled as it began to rock due to the unevenness of the well-polished road before. Leyla couldn't help but feel as though she was about to cry. She tried so hard not to let him touch her, but she could only move so far in a small carriage.
And now his feet were firmly pressed against hers. The contact wasn't much, but it was enough to make her feel as though he'd just stripped her naked.
"For such a young lady, you seemed to handle the children well." Norma praised again, making Leyla raise her head back up to look at Herhardt's matriarch. As much as she'd like to avoid the small contact Matthias was forcing on her, she didn't want the matriarch to be suspicious, and thus reluctantly ignored it.
"Tell me, do you like children, Miss Lewellin?"
"Of course madam." Leyla answered earnestly. She wouldn't have chosen to work as a teacher if she didn't like kids.
"Well then, I reckon you'd be a great teacher in the long run," Norma smiled, as she leaned back, "You are both intelligent and love children, two qualities that's important to being a teacher. Don't you think so, Matthias?" she turned to her grandson again, prompting him to join in on the conversation.
"I completely agree, grandmother." Matthias replied, quickly sparing Leyla a glance before giving his grandmother his full attention.
Leyla on the other hand, couldn't help but feel so perplexed by him tonight. She knew it was a general answer, some polite courtesy on his part, but his behaviour by far was so polite compared to how he was before.
If it were anyone else, he would have just nodded and given monosyllabic responses before leaving it at that. That was how she knew him, that's how she thought he would be. Just then Matthias' eyes slid back to her.
"The semester break is coming soon, isn't it, Miss Lewellin?" he asked her directly this time, making her jolt in surprise before hastily averting her gaze away from him.
"Yes, it is, Duke." She tried not to act too flustered by him, mentally berating herself to keep her composure and just pretend as though she was just like any other family member of her Uncle Bill.
"How are you planning on spending your vacation off school?"
"Uh, pardon that's, uh," she fumbled for words. Matthias had asked it so nonchalantly but Leyla could see the slight curve up his mouth. He was having fun with her.
"Uh, I mean to perhaps help out Uncle Bill with his workload..." the foot pressed up against hers slid up slightly, almost making her gasp in the sudden movement but managed to continue anyway, "and also prepare for the next semester!" she finished, raising her voice slightly at the end of it due to embarrassment.
Norma couldn't help but laugh at the strange behaviour Leyla had. She had been watching with apt attention, and noted as though she was trying to make a quiet declaration of what she wanted to do.
It was a refreshing sight to see for the matriarch.
"Those are very good activities over the break Miss Lewellin," she told Leyla, "Bill Remmer raised you very well indeed." she smiled brightly, making Leyla flush in appreciation at the way Uncle Bill was commended.
"I'm flattered you thought so, Madam." she replied softly, voice now dropped to a whisper as she now wanted to crawl into a hole. Matthias then shifted, crossing his legs as he looked at Leyla rather smugly, from beside his grandmother.
"Yes, you would make a fine teacher one day yet, Miss Lewellin." Matthias added and Leyla looked back at him, "And I can't wait to see more of you." he finished.
Leyla can't help but want to trample his nearest foot with her heels, but resisted to do so. For now, she would have to give him the same respect she would with Madam Norma.
"I thank you for your words, Duke." she politely responded. Satisfied the conversation was over, she looked back outside, deciding to not look at the Duke any more tonight. Then again, it was a tedious task to do because of the small carriage.
When their eyes met again, Leyla couldn't help but flinch away. His eyes were now dull and held no emotion, as though to compensate for the various expressions he'd shown her before.
Those eyes...
Those eyes reminded her of that summer day when the river engulfed her.
The journey back took twice as long, no thanks to the growing snow before they finally turned towards the road that led straight to Arvis.
The rest of the journey had also taken a quiet turn not too long ago, when the Herhardt matriarch fell asleep along the way. The only sounds that could be heard was the stomping of the horses' hooves outside, along with some rattling the carriage made.
Matthias had looked out the window long ago, before finally turning his gaze towards Leyla, wondering what she was doing to pass the time, when he saw her fast asleep as well. He noted that not too long ago she had been awake, trying to be vigilant within his presence. Though it seemed at some point she fell asleep anyway.
His eyes now unashamedly trailed along her figure, his gaze stopping right by her shut eyes. Even in the dim light inside the carriage, he could see the way her necklace gleamed beautifully, reflecting the moonlight that managed to seep in.
His eyes trailed further down, watching the way her lips parted, the slow and gentle rise of her breathing, down to her heeled feet. They looked so small compared to his own, now that they lay side by side with each other. Her feet almost reminded him of a doll's.
He found himself amazed by how such small feet could carry such a majestic woman as though it was nothing.
Suddenly, the carriage pulled into a stop, shaking Matthias away from his thoughts.
"Bill! Why are you out here?" Mr. Pat, the coachman exclaimed, when he saw his friend waiting around in the cold. At the sudden halt, Leyla jolted awake, looking around in a daze as she rubbed the sleep from her eye.
"I saw the weather beginning to look bad, so I got worried about Leyla." Bill replied to the coachman.
"Leyla's fine, she's right inside here with the Herhardts, thanks to Madam Norma. I'm certain she was well taken care of."
"Oh? She rode with you?"
The muffled sounds of the conversation outside filtered towards the occupants of the carriage, that it was enough to awaken Norma Catharina von Herhardt. Seeing her awake, Leyla quickly fixed her appearance, before gently taking the madam's attention.
"Uh, Madam Norma?" she called out softly, with a soft smile. Norma need not hear the words, for she understood completely what Leyla wanted and nodded, smiling back at her.
"Well then, this is goodbye for now. Off you go, Leyla. Bill's waiting for you."
Leyla bid them both adieu before taking leave, leaving both Herhardts in the carriage behind.
"She's lucky to have been raised by Bill Remmer," Norma said as soon as the carriage began to move.
"I agree, grandmother." Matthias responded, having practised his responses for her with ease over the years, eyes staring outside, watching the way Leyla ran up to her uncle with a tight embrace.
For now, he could only stare uselessly at her back as she continued to grow smaller the further they got. He didn't like this feeling in his chest; this feeling telling him he was leaving something important to him.
"Hmm, I'm surprised Bill has a soft side to him," it seemed like he wasn't the only one looking back, "I can't even act like that around my own child. I doubt even God predicted such a side from him as well." Norma continued on as she stared wistfully at the old gardener and his foster child.
Matthias remained silent, unsure of what answer to provide his grandmother to show he was listening.
"I hoped she'd stay forever by Bill's side. But I didn't expect her to want to leave Arvis." his grandmother grumbled, making Matthias' thoughts halt at the new information he just heard.
"Transfer? Leyla Lewellin wishes to be transferred away from Arvis?" he asked, a frown burrowing in his brows and his grandmother nodded in confirmation, oblivious to the troubling thoughts of her grandson.
"Oh yes, I received word she requested to transfer to a different city, something about broadening her experience." Norma can't help but scoff, "Young women these days are never content to stay close. Don't they know home is the best place for them?"
She tutted softly beside Matthias, before continuing with her tirade. Matthias only opted to remain silent, attentively listening by now.
"I only heard about the transfer a while ago, when the Principal told me. She tried to dissuade the girl, but she was quite adamant to go." Norma shared, "Even the Principal was shocked she wanted to leave. All her students love her after all, including their parents!"
The frown on Matthias' face grew deeper as he listened to the next part of his grandmother's news.
"Though maybe her leaving has something to do after she broke off her engagement with Kyle Etman, which is understandable to me; though that doesn't explain why she wants to move so far away from Bill." she sighed finally finished. Matthias jaw clenched as he slowly fisted his hands in quiet anger.
"I see." he finally said, eyes glaring at the snowfall outside.
"Of course the Principal told Leyla she still has the rest of the year to complete, and should she change her mind not to hesitate in telling her so." she added as an afterthought, "Though personally, I want her to stay." Norma sighed wistfully once more, looking somber at the thought of Leyla leaving Arvis.
And then a sudden thought struck Norma.
"Come to think of it, doesn't the Principal have a distant relative nearby who owns that big grocery store downton?" Matthias wordlessly nods, "Yes, I remember she mentioned wishing for Leyla to meet and hit it off with him. Which would work perfectly!" she cheered to herself.
"Think of it, she might not come from a good background, but with her pretty face and her brain, she'd be a catch to anyone. After all, it's quite common for engagements to be broken off nowadays. Though I wonder if marrying someone would be enough to change her mind..." Norma wondered out loud. "The Principal seems to want to match them up."
"I completely agree." Matthias took a deep breath, trying not to make his irritation noticeable.
"Ah well, even if Bill disapproves of the merchant, I can always ask Hessen for a decent, young, unmarried man who lives nearby and present him to Bill." Norma said, content with her recent plan so far, "After all, it's best for someone like her to marry young and have a family while she teaches. Not to mention still manage to live near Bill. Don't you agree, Matthias?"
Just in time, the carriage halted to a stop, signifying they've arrived at their mansion. Wasting no time, Matthias immediately opened up the carriage door, and got off, trying to compose himself, before schooling his expression.
He turned around, fixing his lapel underneath his coat and gave his hand to his grandmother, who gratefully took it. "Shall we, grandmother?" he asked, as polite and graceful as ever.
"Thank you, sweet boy." she smiled at him as he helped her down the carriage. With their conversation officially over for the night, the only sounds left were the click and clacking of their shoes against the polished floors as they walked inside the mansion's halls.
When Bill and Leyla pulled away from each other after they hugged, they held hands as they continued their walk back home after seeing the Duke's carriage had finally left the entrance of Arvis.
Bill had immediately asked Leyla about the charity event, who after being sworn by Leyla not to laugh, eagerly listened. Leyla told him about the people, how the play went, before one of her students broke down crying that she had to stand in as their substitute. The rest of the evening then went downhill for Leyla as she was humiliated.
Bill couldn't help but laugh out loud at her story!
"You promised you wouldn't laugh!" whined Leyla, flushing red in embarrassment, which only served to make him laugh more. Leyla harrumphed defeatedly, before resigning herself to the fact at least one more person was laughing because of her.
Bill's laughter soon died down as he wiped a tear from his eye, before patting Leyla on the back comfortingly.
"There, there now Leyla, I have no doubt you looked absolutely adorable next to the children. No doubt at all." he grinned at his foster daughter. Leyla pouted before hugging him from the side, as they both huddled for the warmth each other brought.
"I doubt the rest of the audience thought so as well." she grumbled, resting her head on her uncle's shoulder as they continued to walk. Despite the growing ache in her feet, Leyla couldn't help but feel all is better in the world once again now that her uncle's here.
They reached as far enough as the outskirts of the roe garden before Bill let out a cough and stopped to look at Leyla's feet. "Do you want to ride on my back, Leyla? It would make you feel better to be off your feet."
"What?! There's absolutely no need for that!" she chuckled, denying vehemently the offer, "Besides, I'm no longer a child, uncle. I'm fine, really."
"Are you sure?" he asked her sceptically, "Because I've noticed for a while now you've been limping. The heels must be uncomfortable by now." he pointed out, making Leyla squirm. He sighed, knowing just how stubborn she was, but he was equally stubborn too.
He crouched down in front of Leyla, waiting no further reply as he wordlessly encouraged her to get on his back.
"Uncle..." Leyla murmured, touched by the caring gesture he's given her.
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"Well, it's either a piggyback ride, or I carry you like a sack of potatoes, your choice." Bill further prompted when Leyla made no move. Leyla couldn't help but pout at the suggestion.
"But you'll get tired." she protested, making Bill chuckle.
"Just how old do you think I am? I'm not that old, girl." he reminded, "I'm only still a middle-aged man, I can carry loads twice as much as you with no problem." he boasted. Sighing deeply, Leyla gave in and climbed on his back.
Bill hoisted them both up, Leyla grabbing him by the shoulders, as he supported her from under her knees and resumed their trek back to their house. Bill strode down the forest path with ease, and Leyla couldn't help but smile as she felt like a child once again.
It didn't take long for her teeth to begin chattering, as short, white puffs of air began to escape her. Bill noticed this, and couldn't help but laugh at Leyla once more, who lightly thumped his back in indignation. Bill only laughed harder, and Leyla pressed her body to her uncle's back looking at the pair of footprints turning into one behind them .