Chapter 66 - - : Ruined heaven

Chapter 66: Chapter - 66 : Ruined heaven

When the mailman came to deliver their letters, Bill came out to receive it. He sifted through the letters before spotting another one from Kyle. The only difference was, this one's thicker than the previous ones that came.

"What are you going to do about that, Mr. Remmer?" the mailman asked, his voice dropped in a whisper. Through the past fall and winter seasons, he had been an accomplice of Bill from keeping Kyle's letters to reaching her. Making him just as guilty as Bill.

"You can't keep hiding them forever." the mailman couldn't help but point out. Bill sighed, placing the letter between his pile of mail, nodding to the mailman.

"I'm well aware of that." he looked out to the road, breathing deeply as he stared at the direction towards Leyla's school, "I'll tell her soon." he admitted, the mailman appeared relieved with the news.

"Yes, it should come from you. I promise I won't say anything."

"Much appreciated," Bill thanked, "I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

"Hey, it's alright, I know you're only looking out for Leyla." the mailman assured him, "Though it must be troubling you greatly." he smiled sadly at the gardener, as though he understood how he felt.

He loved to think he knew Bill better than anyone in Arvis. After all, he was the one responsible for bringing Leyla Lewellin to Arvis as a child. He watched Bill change with Leyla in his life. It was that love for the child that made Bill happier than he was before.

They bid each other goodbye, leaving Bill as he returned back to their cabin. Leyla had gone to work earlier, which made him alone right now.

Bill tossed the letter onto the table, looking at it strongly, before impulsively pulling out all of Kyle's letters, tied into a bundle. There were so many he prevented from reaching Leyla, he suspected she'd be rather angry and distrustful of him once the truth came out...

But it didn't matter how scared he was of how she'd respond. What mattered was he couldn't keep doing this to her. The guilt of lying and keeping such a huge thing as this was getting too much for him.

And so he sat down, untied the current bundle, arranging them properly by date, before adding in the latest one. He wrapped the string back around to keep them secure, before placing them down to the edge of the table.

There. Maybe if he'd see it as he returned, he would be reminded of the guilt, and be unable to talk himself out of coming clean to Leyla.

He had thought about it before, trying to ease his guilt by saying what he was doing was best for Leyla, but really, the only choice that mattered in that department was Leyla. She was the only one who could choose what was best for her, and whatever her choice, he'd support her fully.

With his mind made up, Bill got up from his seat and exited his cabin, locking it as he left. He neared the chicken coop, scoping out his target. Once he chose which among them would be their dinner tonight, he went towards the greenhouse, owned by the Duke. As soon as he entered, a familiar voice greeted him.

"Good day Bill!" the zookeeper called out to him as he crouched down on a nearby flower bed to get started with his work.

They'd been colleagues for a long time now. Bill liked to think they were friends by now. He waved back, giving the flowers a once over, before getting up and headed to the warehouse to chop up some firewood.

The zookeeper approached him not soon after he did so.

"By the way Bill, the butler made a request not to stack the firewood right next to the generators." he informed him, making Bill frown at the new instructions. Bill grumbled about how the new machines were dictating his job.

The generators were a new instalment, which supposedly provided the mansion with this thing called an electricity, which they apparently produced. Bill had no idea what the fuss was all about, all he knew is it was a massive headache to learn.

"Thank you for telling me." Bill replied, sighing as he looked around, "I think I can manage this one on my own, no need to worry." he assured, letting the zookeeper leave to do their own job.

He walked back towards the warehouse, and pulled the doors open, before being greeted with loud whirring sounds. He winced as he strode in, the sound making the ground vibrate whenever he neared the operating machine.

He cursed under his breath, complaining about how loud it was every time he had to be in the warehouse. He shot the machine a glare as he passed by. Things were so much easier before, and a lot less hassle than these infernal devices!

His distaste for modern technology was something he shared with the Herhardt matriarch, Madam Norma.

He mourned the days where he once worked silently in the warehouse, without the fuss of technology. He looked up, and was surprised to see Madam Norma, who was probably taking a stroll around the greenhouse. He greeted her respectfully as she asked him how work was.

"Nothing much, madam," he replied, "It's just this thing is making more of a fuss today." he observed, and began stacking some firewood right next to them.

Perhaps making a physical barrier between him and the generator would make it quieter. It would certainly help his sanity. He shook his head and brought more of the firewood he collected inside to pile right next to the machine.

"Things were much easier back in the day." Madam Norma hummed thoughtfully as she watched Bill work. Of that statement, he couldn't agree more.

There was a loud cacophony in Leyla's class, as the children portrayed mixed reactions. Some had broken off into their respective groups, others opted to stay in their seats. There was a mixture of children laughing, while there were those who were despairing.

Among the latter, was little Monica.

Leyla had just informed the students of her decision to transfer away from school, and thus was saying goodbye to them. She was most concerned for Monica, who might have taken the news too hard. Still, it was better to prepare them for their parting ways this early despite the remaining few months she still had with them.

After making sure each of her students were alright, and understood she was only moving away and not abandoning them, she deemed her job finished and dismissed them. School was done for the day, so all she had to do was go back to her desk by the classroom to gather up her things.

She still has dinner to prepare for after all. Perhaps she could cook them some roasted chicken tonight.

As she was getting ready to leave school, and back to their cabin, she found herself busy with whether she should buy Uncle Bill either some new socks, a sweater, or a nice bottle of wine to share. She pedalled absentmindedly, wondering how he'll take the news of her moving to another city by the next semester.

'He'll be heartbroken for sure,' she thought to herself, 'Perhaps a nice drink will be a better consolation gift after all.' She slipped out of her school slippers, before putting back on her shoes, tucking the slippers into the lockers properly, before smiling to herself in satisfaction.

"You really think that's going to stop me?"

Matthias' words to her during that night at the charity event echoed through her mind as she put on her shoes. The more she recalled his words, the more she found it incredulous he would say such a thing. He wasn't the type of man to be throwing around such empty threats. Leyla always thought he would remain the ever serious duke, even to his grave.

'Is it because of winter that he's like this?' she couldn't help but wonder, 'Is the cold getting to him after all?'

She hadn't had much interaction with him at all since the season started. At first she had been so anxious by his absence, but eventually grew relieved with her newfound peace. She really hoped it would stay that way...

That one day, his interest in her would fade into nothing, and she could go back to the way her life was before she even met him.

She grabbed her coat by the entrance of the school, tucking it around herself and closing all it's buttons. She pushed the doors open with her free hand, carrying a box of her belongings with the other as she went to where her bike was. She secured her things first on her bike's basket, before finally pedalling back home.

She went through her usual route, passing by downtown to buy some additional groceries. Once she was done, she tied it to the back of her bike instead as her basket was already full of her belongings.

"Give my regards to Mr. Remmer!" the owner called out just as she was about to leave, to which she only nodded back with a smile.

"I will! Thank you!" She replied.

"Oh, and be careful on your way back! Bill might cry if the wine breaks once you get home."

"I'll be careful," Leyla laughed, "Good bye!" She bid him goodbye and went on her way.

Despite the cold air, the sun provided her with enough warmth for the clear day still left. She sped up as the skies turned orange, giving the afternoon a golden glow as the sun began to set. It has been a good day so far. Nothing was amiss.

At least, nothing until she entered the streets leading to Arvis.

"Leyla! Leyla!" a shrill voice called out to her, making Leyla halt in alarm, just in time for a fire brigade to pass her by, and straight towards the Duke's mansion. "Leyla!"

She looked around, before seeing a frantic Mrs. Mona, who was practically in tears, held onto her hands as though she was holding on to dear life! Leyla grew alarmed.

"M-Mrs. Mona, what is it? What's wrong?" she quickly inquired, "Why did I just see the fire brigade?!" she frantically looked around, before spotting the smoke trail...

Leyla couldn't help but feel her heart constrict on her chest when she realised the smoke was coming directly from the Duke's greenhouse.

"No! It can't be!" Leyla exclaimed, turning back to ask Mrs. Mona, "The greenhouse is on fire?!"

"Oh it wasn't just a fire Leyla!" Mrs. Mona wailed, tears streaming down her face, "I heard the electric generator practically exploded, taking half of the greenhouse with it in the process!" Leyla gasped in alarm, "But the worst part of it, they say it's Bill Remmer who was to blame!"

"What?!" she asked incredulously, "Why uncle?! What happened?"

And so Mrs. Mona talked.

She told her how she couldn't understand fully what they had been saying, but from what she could piece together was that Bill had done something to the generators which was why it exploded. But the worst part of it all was not the explosion itself...

It was the fact that Madam Norma had been there during the explosion.

"She's only gotten injured thankfully, but practically the whole mansion is in a disarray!" Mrs. Mona paused, catching her breath, "Right now the police had been combing through the vicinity looking for-"

"Uncle!" Leyla called out, cutting off Mrs. Mona as she saw her uncle being escorted by policemen. She quickly ran towards him. Bill looked up at the sound of her voice, surprised to see her. "Uncle are you alright?!" she quickly asked but was halted by the other police from going near him.

She took in his appearance. He was covered in soot, parts of his clothes were singed, and he had some cuts and bruises all over him. Leyla felt her heart breaking.

"Uncle what's happening?! Why are they saying it's your fault!?" She called out to him as the police held her back as they dragged him away from her, "Uncle, it's not true right?! It can't be! It's just a misunderstanding!"

Bill tried to smile comfortingly at her, but it was difficult to look back when the police were adamant he had to go.

"I'll be alright Leyla, I'm sure this will all be over soon." he told her comfortingly, but it wasn't enough to ease the cold chill in Leyla's chest. "I'll be back shortly. Okay Leyla, I'll be back-"

"Start moving." the police grunted as they pushed Bill to keep moving, Leyla tried to get away from the police holding her back, but she was pushed away, and right into Mrs. Mona's embrace who quickly held back Leyla in a comforting hug.

"Uncle!" she called out, tears now streaming down her cheeks as she watched the police load Bill harshly into their car, slamming the door on his face, cutting off whatever it was he wanted to tell her. He only looked back at her silently, smiling comfortingly all this time.

Leyla crumpled to the ground when the police left with their cars, and Uncle Bill with them before disappearing from the streets of Arvis.

People rushed about to Leyla's side, trying to help her stand, when she stumbled and collapsed in their arms. Leyla's resounding cry echoes throughout Arvis' winter night, before being drowned by the surrounding sounds of worry by the servants.

But right before she passed out, she could have sworn the duke was there, standing right on the mansion's front porch, atop the staircase.

And then her world turned black.

Leyla arrived in Arvis with a sunken face as she stared blankly at the road in front of her. When she regained consciousness, she immediately went to the police station and demanded to know what happened to her uncle, and what she could do.

Unfortunately, there was nothing, the police informed her.

The explosion had happened because of the many firewood that had been stacked beside it, which ultimately collapsed about half of the greenhouse. The glass around it cracked and shot out to everyone nearby, including Madam Norma, who was admiring the flowerbeds by the greenhouse at that moment.

It was fortunate enough that the maid with her shielded her from the explosion, but the Herhardt matriarch still sustained broken bones from the impact of the explosion when the debris struck her. Add to the fact that the greenhouse, which was hailed as the most beautiful one around and home to various rare plants, was irrevocably irreparable.

The police knew it was all an accident, but even if her uncle Bill hadn't intended to do so, the accident took place, and someone must be held responsible. Especially a prominent figure in the community as Madam Norma had been injured in the accident.

The police did take pity on her, allowing her to speak with Bill on her visit, but it only led to more despairing words before she had to say goodbye.

"Perhaps if the Duke were to lessen the charges against him, he could get out sooner," the police told her just as she was about to leave, "However, as of now, there's nothing else for him to do but to serve time for his current charges."

They helped Leyla up, who had been begging on her knees for anything she could do for them to release him. She had failed in getting her uncle out. None of the police in the station were able to look her in the eyes after that. That's when she knew there was really no other way they could show her.

'Should his sentence be final, would uncle really go to jail?!' she thought in despair as she walked the lonely road in Arvis.

She's not certain what exactly the procedure was for such incidents, but she knew it would need a lot of time and money for a lawsuit to be filed. She can't even pay the bail for her uncle right now.

She was unsure as to how she managed to reach Arvis, but she knew the only way she could help Uncle Bill was to beg mercy from the Herhardt household. All she could do was cry in the dark, her body moving in autopilot for her. But how could she do that?

Madam Norma had gotten hurt during that explosion, not to mention their precious greenhouse was in shambles. Should she present herself in front of Madam Elysee, all crying and begging, she might make the problem worse for her uncle...

And then she caught sight of the mansion, the only source of light in the dark neighbourhood. And then a thought struck her!

'Duke Herhardt! If it's him, then surely...' her thoughts trailed off as she began to pick up her pace despite her staggering steps.

The Duke was ultimately the owner of the household. Sure he made her uncomfortable, terrified and bullied her relentlessly, made her confused with his actions over the past autumn season, but perhaps he would help her.

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She clasped her hands together in prayer as she passed by the still rose garden, and through the forest path. The river streamed restlessly once she passed through the riverbank, her breath quickening as she drew closer to the mansion.

She could see the annex up ahead despite her white puffs of breath. The lights were still on!

And so Leyla broke out into a run, heading towards her light at the end of the tunnel.

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