Chapter 75 - - : Right choice
Chapter 75 - - 75 : Right choice
Matthias was awoken by the sound of his canary's song. His eyes fluttered open, wincing at the bright light before it landed on the sight of his bird, merrily fluttering inside it's elaborate cage as it sang merrily.
It seemed to be happy today, Matthias noted to himself, and continued watching it for sometime, content on laying on his stomach for the time being. It flew down, landing by its water bowl, dipping it's beak on to the water slightly, before dipping down once more, submerging and reemerging it's entire body this time.
It shook as it perched back on the bowl's ledge, scattering rivlets of water. Matthias felt himself smirk, sitting up before leaning his back against the headboard. Once it was done bathing itself, the canary began to groom itself, spreading its little wings, nosing at its feathers with its beak.
He can't help but be reminded of his woman.
Soon, the bird was done, and fluttered back up to its flush nest, when Matthias decided it was time for him to get up. He picked up the bell from his bedside table, ringing it to summon Hessen inside.
Not a moment later, his butler came in, carrying a silver tray with coffee, and the day's mail. Matthias sat on his desk, waiting for Hessen to finish setting the coffee down. The butler then proceeded to inform him of the progress in their preparations for the crown prince's visit with his wife, along with the list of guests they expect to host.
"I was also informed that Lady Brandt would be arriving this afternoon, master." Hessen added, the empty tray tucked neatly at his side. Matthias took a sip of his coffee, nodding along with the new piece of information.
"I see," he hummed.
"Also, the Marquis Lindman sent word he'd arrive no sooner than tomorrow afternoon. Since I know the master would be absent in the next few days, I took the initiative of informing both families in advance that you'd be unable to greet them personally." Hessen helpfully supplied.
Matthias gave him an appreciative smile to be polite as he opened up the morning's newspaper. Him, the crown prince, and even Riette were of the same age, Matthias idly thought, it wouldn't be strange to know that they were closer compared to the other dukes and lords in the country.
Subsequently, Claudine was also one of the few ladies who grew close with the crowned princess. Which also meant she would be spending more time in Arvis during the royal couple's visit.
"Master, shall I start preparing for your departure? If you leave around ten o' clock, you'll be on time to board your train." Hessen suggested, and Matthias nodded.
"We shall," Matthias replied, giving him another polite smile. Hessen bowed his head respectfully at his master, backing out a few steps before moving aside to let Matthias walk ahead of him.
With the crowned prince's upcoming visit, Matthias would have to quickly settle his business affairs in the capital city, which in turn made his schedule all the more hectic before the royal couple's arrival.
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After bathing, Matthias was quickly aided by Hessen, and was suited up promptly as he continued on with his usual calm demeanor.
News of Kyle Etman's return spread like wildfire in Arvis, reaching him in less than a day of the doctor's son's arrival. It wasn't even through a formal relaying of information, but through the murmurs of his servants he discovered Kyle had returned.
He couldn't help but scoff to himself at the thought, Kyle's return leaving a nasty taste in him. He didn't know, nor cared why Kyle chose to return to Arvis now. It didn't bother him even if Kyle and Leyla had lingering feelings for one another.
After all, Leyla was undeniably his already. And it was because of that, he knew Leyla would never accept Kyle back, even if he groveled and poured his heart out to his mistress. He was confident in leaving Leyla behind.
Just as the last of his buttons clicked to a close, Matthias' mouth curled upwards in a subtle smirk. Hessen assisted him in buttoning up his sleeves, pinning an elaborate cufflink on them, making him look all the more regal.
As for Leyla, well, he did admire her chivalrous morals, no matter how foolish they were in his opinion. Which was why he trusted that having laid claim on her was the wisest action he could take.
And so as he left his room, he reached a single conclusion. There was no further need for him to think about Kyle Etman, in fact, he would sooner wipe his existence off his mind, and planned to enjoy the rest of his trip away.
There was an onslaught of conversation amongst the servants in Arvis as they gathered around the reception room. Despite the hectic schedule they incurred from the royal couple's pending visit, they couldn't help but dilly-dally as they gossiped about Kyle and Leyla's reunion.
"But is it really because of Leyla?"
"Do you think they're together again?"
"Surely there must be another reason he's back in Arvis."
"I heard he was supposed to be traveling the southern continent."
"So it really must be Leyla! Oh I knew they wouldn't split so easily!"
"Yes, especially since they've been together so long! They got along splendidly since their childhood after all."
"Ah, what a match-made in heaven!"
There were more swooning and sighing as they all fantasized about what would happen between the past lovebirds. Most were gunning for the fact they'd be back together as soon as they saw one another again.
After all, they've watched both of them grow, and seen how the two grew closer through many years. At this point it wasn't just a simple gossip, but well-wishes and hopeful thinking among the servants.
"Hmm, perhaps it's time I visit Leyla once more later." Mrs. Mona, one of the kitchen's chefs, said to herself softly as she stirred a simmering soup. Her ability to cook was only rivaled by her ability to sniff out a gossip or two and spread it, she should hardly be behind the news!
Yes, with Mr. Remmer not home, it was only expected she'd be a little worried for Leyla, and how she's faring on her own. Perhaps she should bring along some food as well for the girl.
"Yes, it'll also give me a piece of mind to see her with my own eyes." she further hummed to herself, and began to continue her chores for the day.
Leyla spent the rest of her day in her cabin, doing nothing and staring into space. The sky grew darker, but Leyla couldn't find it in herself to continue being productive as the sun began to sink in the clouds.
"Leyla!" a familiar voice called out for her, suddenly breaking the silence. Leyla jolted in surprise, and blinked back into focus, "Leyla are you home?!"
It was Mrs. Mona. She was right in front of their yard, bellowing out her name.
"Y-yes I am, Mrs. Mona!" she hastily replied. Leyla hurriedly fixed her appearance, before swinging open the door to greet her nosy neighbor. Mrs. Mona beamed at the sight of her, and they exchanged pleasantries before Leyla invited her inside.
"Oh thank you dear!"
"Shall I get you some tea?"
"Oh that would be lovely, thank you." Leyla nodded, letting Mrs. Mona sit by one of the kitchen stools as she busied herself in heating water for some tea. Just as she finished, Mrs. Mona began to speak up.
"Are you alright dear? You look rather pale." she worried as she carefully looked over Leyla's general appearance. Leyla only laughed embarrassingly, nodding in a placating manner.
"I'm just alright Mrs. Mona." she replied, smiling politely at her, but Mrs. Mona hardly looked convinced. "I just haven't been sleeping well." she added, knowing she had to give Mrs. Mona a little something to leave her be. It was just in her neighbor's nature to meddle in things after all.
"Couldn't sleep?" Mrs. Mona frowned, "Ah, have you been up studying again? While it's good to learn, it's also good to know when to rest." she gently admonished, sounding so sure she was right.
Leyla felt no need to correct her.
"Ah, yes, I brought you some cake!" Mrs. Mona announced, and made to prepare some slices from them. Leyla got up along with her, and began to fix both of them with some tea when the kettle began to whistle.
Mrs. Mona cut the cake into equal slices, bringing out two plates and forks as she set one slice on them a piece, and placed them beside their cups of brewed tea.
"You should really learn to take better care of yourself Leyla, just think of how terrible Mr. Remmer would feel if he finds you neglecting yourself." she continued to admonish her. "By the way, when will he be returning?"
"Ah, I just had a word from him saying he won't be back in fifteen days."
"Oh well, I guess that makes sense," Mrs. Mona hummed, taking a dainty sip of her tea, before setting it back down, "It must be difficult for him to find all those rare and precious plants in need of replacing. Still, it was so kind for the duke to have dropped the charges, and let him work in Arvis again." she praised.
"Y-yes..." Leyla smiled stiffly, "How kind indeed."
"He truly is one of a kind you know," Mrs. Mona proceeded, completely oblivious to the discomfort of Leyla, "If it were any other aristocrat, they would have left Mr. Remmer to rot in jail!"
Leyla opted to take a bite out of the cake instead, not wanting to contribute such false praise for the duke. The cake tasted like nothing in her mouth as she continued to listen to Mrs. Mona speak.
And so Mrs. Mona spoke, with Leyla occasionally making agreeing sounds and hums as though she was listening attentively to her. She mentioned something about the crowned prince and his wife arriving sometime next week, and the grand party Arvis would be celebrating in their honor!
It was really a life of luxury that Leyla hardly knew anything, nor cared about.
"Oh yes," Mrs. Mona paused, clearing her throat as she looked nervously over Leyla, "Did you hear about Kyle? He's just returned to Arvis."
"Ah," Leyla piped up softly, feeling a little more at ease with the change of subject, "Yes, I did hear about that." she replied, smiling at Mrs. Mona, yet it did not reach her eyes.
"Well, I suppose that is a given, what with the whole place talking about it!" Mrs. Mona chuckled nervously, drumming her fingers against her cooled cup of tea, "Have you had the chance to welcome him back?" she asked curiously, finally getting to the point of her current visit.
"No, not yet." Leyla answered with an air of finality, but Mrs. Mona wasn't known as a nosy person because she respected boundaries...
"Well, personally, if I were you, I'd have eloped with Kyle by now." Mrs. Mona carelessly remarked, and Leyla stared at her with a foreign look on her face. "Sure Mrs. Etman will be humiliated if that were to happen, but it's clear the boy can't be without you, so wouldn't it be in both of your best interests to just run away from here?"
Leyla pressed her lips into a thin line before giving her another stiffened smile.
"Mrs. Mona, Kyle and I no longer have that kind of relationship." she calmly reminded, but Mrs. Mona only scoffed.
"Of course I know that! But my point is, that he most likely returned here for you. The least you could do is actually consider still being with him." she insisted, "If it were any other man I would be advising against it, but..." she trailed off, looking at Leyla who was intently staring at her own cup of cold tea.
Mrs. Mona reached out, and grasped her hand, squeezing it in a comforting manner.
"It's Kyle, Leyla, and we both know that Kyle is different from the rest of the men in this world." It was the best she could do, because how could she really describe Kyle? He just is, wholly himself, and that was his best description.
Mrs. Mona finally let her hand go, but still did not move to leave her alone.
"Anyway, I've talked it over with Mr. Remmer before," she continued, "I asked him whether it was the right thing to do, both of you breaking up the way you did."
Leyla wanted to move on from this topic already, but Mrs. Mona was relentless. And so she resolved to just sit across from her in silence, plastering a fake smile on her face. After all, she had nothing more to say in this matter.
She's made her bed, and she'd lie in it.
She'd broken it off with Kyle, and now he's returned for her, or so everyone says. She suspects it has an ounce of truth, after all, she's read his letters. But how could she just go back to the way they were?
Even if she wanted to, there was no way she would ever drag Kyle into the mess she found herself in. She had already agreed to be the Duke's mistress. And there was no place for a woman like her on Kyle's side.
There was a sudden pang in her heart as though it was being ripped apart in two! Her fists clenched in her lap, hidden from Mrs. Mona's view, as it's knuckles turned white. It wasn't long before the growing pain in her heart was replaced by her deep hatred in one Matthias von Herhardt.
"Oh silly me, look at the time!" Mrs. Mona gasped in surprise, "All I did was talk and talk and talk, I'm so sorry." she apologized, "Well, I better be going now."
Both women stood up as Leyla escorted Mrs. Mona out the cabin, thanking her for both her visit and the cake. Suddenly Mrs. Mona paused, and turned back towards her once more.
"Oh I almost forgot, I heard Lady Brandt would be coming, so everything's just getting busier by the second!" she sighed in complaint, "Anyway, she's going to be staying in Arvis this entire time, just until the crowned prince and his wife leaves."
She proceeded to complain how she couldn't see the relationship between the Duke and Lady Brandy working out long-term, if the way they kept delaying their wedding was of any indication.
Leyla only politely nodded along, waiting for her to finally leave. With one last goodbye, Mrs. Mona finally walked away, leaving Leyla alone in the frosty white forest, and silence enveloped her once again.
There was a strange sensation coming over her at the mention of Claudine. It made her throat feel dry, as she struggled to keep her calm composure. And so, she numbly went back inside her cabin, and tried to finish the cake she had begun eating.
Truthfully, she had no appetite, but she hadn't been eating enough either. She didn't want to worry her uncle by the time he arrived back home, he'd be so exhausted by then. She couldn't, mustn't add up to his worries.
Oh how she really loathed that man. Who did he think he was?! Making her lose her faculties at the mere thought of him?!
She swallowed down the rest of the cake, washing it down her throat with the cold tea, before piling more of the food Mrs. Mona brought onto her plate.
She just kept eating, and drinking; one bite, swallow, drink and then repeat until all that's left was an empty plate. Memories of how the duke insulted how skinny she was made feelings of shame and humiliation resurface.
She'd bear it anyway. She wanted to live a normal life after this, and she'd make sure of it. She needed only to endure for a little while.
She washed the dishes, did her chores, and then continued to read her book, slowly clearing her mind of all the negativity piling over her in the last few weeks.
On the bright side, the Duke was going away, leaving for the capital and wouldn't be back until the weekend. It gave Leyla some room to breathe, though she was disappointed the only reason she was given such freedom was because he wouldn't be around.
'When will this nightmare end?' she wondered. She snapped her book shut, and looked around. All she could see was nothing but loneliness...
She couldn't help but feel as though the walls were closing in on her. Her breathing grew ragged, and echoes of flesh slapping and guttural moans circled in her mind...
She could feel Matthias' hands all over her..,
She needed to get away! She couldn't stand it anymore!
Hurriedly, she ran out of her cabin, grabbing the bare minimum to keep herself warm in the chilled weather. She grabbed her bicycle and began to pedal, aiming for nowhere, just as far away from the confines of her mind's prison!
She sped through the streets, before pausing in front of the library. Thankfully she had the foresight to bring some books and other necessities, and went in to return them. Her next stop was by the grocery store, and went on to buy things she needed for cleaning like powdered soap and brushes.
She even made time to stop at a nearby cafe to drink some sweet hot chocolate, feeling the warmth seeping back into her body. She breathed in the cold winter air, smiling softly to herself as she began to relax...
Up until she met the eyes of the one person she wanted to avoid most, next to the Duke.
"Leyla..." his warm voice breathed out her name. It sounded so good to hear, yet equally mortifying as well.
Everything seemed to stand still as Leyla stared at him in shock and the world deafened to a silence around her. It was really him...
Right in front of her, stood no one else but Kyle Etman himself, who was smiling beaming brightly at her.