Chapter 613 - : The Most Famous Item in the History of Warcraft

Chapter 613: The Most Famous Item in the History of Warcraft

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

From a massive tree covering the sky, it instantly turned into an ice pillar covering the sky. Nordrassil’s change stunned all the alliance soldiers.

Especially the night elves, who had lived here for generations and had a naturally close connection with Nordrassil. When they looked up at the towering ice pillar and felt Nordrassil’s life pass away, all of them collapsed!

“No!! How is this possible?!”

The night elves cried in grief and knelt on the ground, looking in despair at the light reflected by the ice on Nordrassil’s body. At this moment, this light was so dark that it could even burn their eyes.

But things that broke their hearts came one after another. Roy gently stomped on Nordrassil’s tree crown, and huge cracks instantly spread across its body.

These cracks quickly covered Nordrassil’s entire body. People stared blankly at the enormous gap in Nordrassil’s trunk that reached the roots.

Then, with a heart-shattering crack, Nordrassil began to collapse…

As though the sky was falling, countless giant pieces of ice wrapped around Nordrassil’s branches fell from the sky. The weight of hundreds or even thousands of tons made the ice have a terrifying momentum when falling. The tree crown of Nordrassil almost covered the entire battlefield. So when it collapsed, it naturally affected the entire battlefield. The alliance soldiers covered their heads and fled in the face of the giant ice pieces, but it was still difficult to avoid them completely.

The ground was shaking, and the rumbling sounds of ice falling were endless. Nordrassil’s collapse was undoubtedly a catastrophe. Seeing Nordrassil disappear with their own eyes was a nightmare of despair and sorrow for the entire night elf race.

During this war, the hearts of the night elves had been full of twists and turns. They had been prepared to lose Nordrassil, but after eliminating Archimonde, they had found that Nordrassil still had hope of restoration, so they had been overjoyed. But this joy did not last long before Osiris appeared. And this time, he directly destroyed the hopes of the night elves.

If they had lost it from the beginning, they might not have been so sad. The most fearful thing was that hope had clearly appeared but had been cruelly strangled again. The hearts of the night elves couldn’t take these ups and downs…

The collapse of Nordrassil stopped. The night elves, who had fallen into deep despair, climbed out of the gaps in the ice without even bothering to wipe the blood off their bodies. They stared blankly at the remaining tree stump on Mount Hyjal. The tree, which had once covered the sky, was now only a short stump, which was the only proof that it had once existed.

However, what made the night elves feel suffocated was that after losing Nordrassil’s cover, light containing rich energy began to radiate out from under the roots. Everyone knew that it was the magic power light of the second Well of Eternity.

The original intention of the existence of Nordrassil was to hide the Well of Eternity. After experiencing the War of the Ancients, the elves believed that the existence of the Well of Eternity was the culprit that summoned the Burning Legion, but Illidan didn’t think so. He felt that regardless of the existence of the Well of Eternity, the invasion of the Burning Legion was inevitable. On the contrary, in order to fight against the Burning Legion in the future, Azeroth needed the energy of the Well of Eternity. So before the Well of Eternity exploded, Illidan secretly hid seven vials of well water. Moreover, not long after the War of the Ancients ended, he created the second Well of Eternity.

This action naturally angered the night elves. They felt that Illidan made a big mistake and was leading the way for the next invasion of the Burning Legion. But Illidan disdained to explain, so he was imprisoned by his compatriots for ten thousand years…

And now, the third commander of the Burning Legion, Osiris, was here. After losing Nordrassil, the existence of the Well of Eternity had been exposed…

Malfurion, Tyrande, and all the night elves tightened their grips on their weapons nervously. Although they had suffered heavy casualties, once Osiris wanted to touch the power of the second Well of Eternity, they had to stop him even if their entire race had to sacrifice themselves here.

In the sky, Roy was frowning as he looked at the exposed second Well of Eternity below.

Unlike the Sunwell of the blood elves, the energy in the second Well of Eternity was purer, much purer!

This was because in the past ten thousand years, the night elves had not absorbed the magic power of the Well of Eternity like the blood elves, and Nordrassil had constantly purified the energy in the Well of Eternity. Therefore, compared to the Sunwell, the second Well of Eternity was closer to its original state.

What was the Well of Eternity? A source of liquefied magic power? No, it was not that simple.

In fact, the essence of the so-called Well of Eternity should be called ‘the materialized blood of a titan world-soul’! It had to be known that this planet of Azeroth nurtured the strongest titan world-soul in history. Back then, when the titans of the Pantheon discovered the existence of one of their own, they also discovered that the Old Gods had parasitized this planet, so the titans killed one of the Old Gods, Y’Shaarj, and pulled it out.

Such a crude parasite removal operation had huge consequences. The titans didn’t expect Y’Shaarj’s tentacles to have taken root so deeply in the planet that the moment they pulled out Y’Shaarj, it tore an immense wound in Azeroth, causing the source of life of Azeroth’s world-soul to surge out as though it was free.

To put it bluntly, Azeroth’s world-soul had lost a lot of blood during the operation, so the titans had no choice but to stop the bleeding. But the blood that had already gushed out couldn’t be stuffed back in. What should they do? So in the end, the titans used a powerful barrier to restrain the blood flowing wildly into one place. Finally, the materialized blood of the world-soul turned into an enormous lake… This was the origin of the Well of Eternity.

This blood was the source of life of Azeroth’s world-soul. It was precisely because of the exposure of this source of life that it provided a large amount of magic power and nutrients to the entire world of Azeroth, which formed the high-magic environment of Azeroth. High-magic environments would lead to the weakening of the spatial barrier and cause the degree of tolerance for foreign beings to be extremely high.

The higher the magic power environment, the more likely it was that powerful external beings would enter without restraint. The titans of the Pantheon were worried that their brethren would turn into a bus and allow those powerful demons and Old Gods to come and go as they pleased. Therefore, they had no choice but to modify the entire planet and set up a planetary protection shield, which in turn turned the planet into a cage and completely trapped the remaining Old Gods.

The state of the second Well of Eternity was close to the most primitive state of the Well of Eternity. In other words, the water in this well could be regarded as the original blood of the world-soul titan of Azeroth. The energy in the well water could be said to contain the energy that constituted all order and matter. The energy of the arcane, nature (life), and elements were all contained in it, and they were in a state of perfect balance. Compared to the Sunwell, which had become unbalanced because the blood elves had continuously absorbed its energy, the energy in the second Well of Eternity was too formidable.

And because of the existence of this Well of Eternity, this place had become an important energy node in the magic network of Azeroth. The energy it could transmit was immense, which was also why Nordrassil could heal the wounds of this world. The order-side energies were radiated through Nordrassil, which raised the magic power level of the world of Azeroth.

After figuring this out, even Roy felt tempted. If he could absorb such a massive amount of magic power energy, even as a demon, it could bring him immense benefits.

After all, demons were creatures of the material world and could also use elemental and arcane magic. Even the nature magic power in the well water could bring benefits to the bodies of demons.

Roy finally understood. He had wondered why the Burning Legion, which used fel energy, coveted the Well of Eternity. Only when seeing this Well of Eternity did he understand that the original Well of Eternity was probably in this state.

Unlike demons who transformed magic power by devouring souls, the Well of Eternity was the most foundational magic power. The magic power contained in such a well was probably equivalent to no less than billions of souls.

Take it away and drain it!

With this thought, Roy could no longer hold himself back. He admitted that he was greedy at this moment, but there was no reason for him to pretend not to see these billions of souls, right?

If it were the contaminated and unbalanced energy like in the Sunwell, Roy might not have cared about it and would have just blown it up according to his initial idea. But now… who did not want magic power they picked up for free?

Roy turned his head and looked at the alliance army regrouping below. He didn’t underestimate the will of resistance of these races of Azeroth, so he directly said to Julia and Benia, “Fuse together and summon Junia. Malygos and Sindragosa, go down together. I need you to maintain the suppression on the battlefield and buy me time!”

Julia and Benia were stunned for a moment before looking at each other. But they understood that Roy attached great importance to what he was going to do next, so they nodded, took out the Potara Earrings that Roy had given them, and put them on.

The next second, their bodies were instantly pulled together, and an intense light burst out from the place where their bodies fused.

After the light dissipated, accompanied by a lazy and charming murmur, the angelic demon Junia appeared again. f𝗿𝚎eweb𝗻o𝐯𝐞l.𝚌om

On one side were black fallen angel wings, and on the other side were demon wings. Junia was wrapped in a black battle dress, and blazing destruction flames enveloped her entire body. Her long, upright hair fluttered in the flames. As soon as she appeared, her red and black dual-colored eyes saw Roy.

“Darling, why did you take so long to let me out?” She flew to Roy, hugged his waist, and looked up at him unhappily. “And every time you only let me, it’s only to fight…”

“It can’t be helped. Who asked you to have stronger combat strength than Julia and Benia?!” Roy reached out to touch the demon horns on Junia’s forehead. “Be good and get down to business first!”

“Okay. Is it those little bugs below?” Junia looked down at the battlefield below, and a bloodthirsty fighting spirit gradually rose in her dual-colored pupils. She stretched out her pink tongue to lick her flame-like lips and giggled. “Then, I’ll have a good time…”

With that, she flapped her wings and swooped down, with Malygos and Sindragosa following closely behind.

When Julia and Benia were still high-rank demons, the angelic demon Junia they summoned after fusing was already a demon lord. Now that Julia and Benia had become demon lords, Junia’s strength had also become stronger. Although she couldn’t break through to the demon king level without a divine spark, her strength was at the highest level among demon lords. She led the main attack without Roy even needing to do anything.

I don’t know how many cubic meters this Well of Eternity has… I’ll just take it all away!?Roy thought as he opened the system interface.

He still had some souls in his hands, but not many, not even a hundred thousand. But these souls were more than enough to create a spatial item, so he quickly made a crystal clear water bottle.

It was unknown if it was a coincidence or not. If Illidan were at the scene, he would be surprised to find that Roy’s water bottle looked exactly the same as the bottle he had used to steal the water of the Well of Eternity…

After making the water bottle with a huge volume, Roy hooked his finger at the Well of Eternity below. Then the well water quickly emerged from several gaps in Nordrassil and rushed into the sky. They intertwined to form an enormous stream of water that was sucked into the water bottle in Roy’s hand.

Taking away the night elves’ well water right in front of them, how could the alliance soldiers tolerate it? They desperately tried to stop Roy’s actions, but unfortunately, a crazy and strange female demon blocked them. She was incredibly powerful, and the flames she released were not the fel flames commonly used by the Burning Legion but flames with much greater destructive power! Those touched by these flames almost instantly turned into ashes, and the priests and druids of the alliance army couldn’t even save them in time!

While fighting, Tyrande and the others recognized the identity of the leader of the blue dragonflight, Malygos, which shocked them even more. Even an Aspect had turned into a dragon lich. This fact dealt a tremendous blow to the night elves. It had to be known that Nordrassil had received the blessings of the Aspects to protect the entire night elf race…

This was actually why Roy had attacked the Aspects as soon as he came. Although the various races had their own faith and beliefs, the existence of the Aspects was a pillar of support and confidence for the races of Azeroth. Now that even an Aspect had fallen, this psychological blow to the races of Azeroth was fatal.

Junia, Malygos, Sindragosa, and hundreds of dragon liches were wreaking havoc on the battlefield. They were so powerful that the alliance army had no time to care about anything else. The alliance army could only watch helplessly as the energy in the Well of Eternity was continuously taken away by Osiris but be powerless to stop it.

Grief, despair, hatred, and countless negative emotions were accumulating among the alliance soldiers. As the King of Despair, Roy naturally felt these negative emotions. While taking away the well water, he also absorbed the power of despair invisibly and continued to strengthen his divine spark…

About half an hour later, Roy finally finished draining the water of the Well of Eternity. During this time, the alliance army had tried several times to break past the dragon lich army to stop him, but they had failed.

After absorbing the well water and putting the water bottle back into the system space, Roy clapped his hands in satisfaction. While transmitting to Junia to prepare to return, he used the power of his divine spark to detonate the power of despair below!

The moment he attacked, countless alliance soldiers screamed and fell to the ground. Their flesh and blood were collapsing, and all their cells were disintegrating. Not only their lives, but even their souls were doing the same. They were walking toward self-destruction in despair, and this process even stained their armor, weapons, nearby rocks, trees, plants, and even the ground. Everything visible to the naked eye entered the process of self-destruction!

Tyrande, Malfurion, Jaina, and Thrall were all shocked when they saw this scene. After returning to their senses, they shouted hysterically to get their people to retreat. They could tell that this strange power of self-destruction had enveloped all of Mount Hyjal. But it was too late to escape…

The surviving alliance soldiers could no longer care about fighting the dragon liches. They threw down all their equipment and supplies and scrambled to escape. But many of them couldn’t escape because the more terrified and desperate they were, the faster the process of self-destruction!

Thrall could see the peculiarity of this strange power, so while leading the orcs to escape, he kept shouting to get his people to maintain their faith. Not only him, but Jaina, Tyrande, and the others were the same. As leaders, they played their roles at this moment. Under their constant encouragement, a small portion of the alliance army finally maintained their faith in survival and was able to retreat from Mount Hyjal…

Tyrande was currently enveloped in hazy moonlight. As the Chosen of Elune, she had the blessing of the true god Elune in her body. This blessing protected her from any harm, but this blessing was only a small portion of Elune’s strength after all. It didn’t allow her to sweep away all troubles, so she was powerless to stop all of this from happening. While riding her white tiger, she turned around unwillingly to look at Mount Hyjal, but what she saw was the entirety of Mount Hyjal in the process of turning into flying ashes…

The World Tree Nordrassil was gone, the Well of Eternity was gone, and now, even the sacred Mount Hyjal was gone! Tyrande looked at the figure of Demon King Osiris in the sky with reddened eyes. Roy happened to sense this gaze, so he looked at her from afar.

“Osiris!!!” Tyrande gnashed her teeth so hard that they were about to shatter as she said this name hatefully. Then she suddenly took out something from her pocket and threw it at Roy. She roared, “I swear in the name of Elune that the night elves will take revenge!”

With a whoosh, the thing Tyrande threw flew a distance and fell to the ground. Then it began to disintegrate because of the power of despair.

But Roy’s sharp eyes saw what this thing looked like before it disappeared, and he was instantly stunned.

Because the thing that Tyrande threw out was actually… a dried banana?!

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