Book 62: Chapter 9: Contrary to Expectation

Book 62: Chapter 9: Contrary to Expectation

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong came to the sitting-alone-outside-the-main-gate-of-the-Heavenly-Policy-Palace-Hall, on-the-top-step-of-white-stone-steps – Ba Fenghan, and sat down on his left and right. All three were dressed in black nightwalker attire, only lacking black cloth hood on their heads.

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Are you missing Badai’er?”

Instead of answering, Ba Fenghan asked, “Everything went well?”

Kou Zhong said, “It went so well that it was hard to believe. I was worried that the loss of a large quantity of imperial guard uniforms from the guard station by theft would cause alarm, who would have thought the men from the guard station emptied their nest to come out and assemble at the station in the northwest of the imperial city? We have one quarter of an hour now, we must be ready. Where’s Hou kid?”

Xu Ziling watched the frequent maneuvers of the Dark Armored Elite Troops on the public square, continuously entering and exiting the tunnel. Everybody’s morale was high, their formation was neat and orderly, brimming with motive power’s sense of beauty. Yet it was so absolutely quiet, creating a strange rhythm and contrast.

Ba Fenghan answered Kou Zhong’s previous question, he said, “I didn’t think about anything, even whether or not I could have a decisive battle against Bi Xuan suddenly became irrelevant and unimportant. My heart is tranquil, peaceful and in harmony, rather like a bit carefree and without worries, free and unfettered feeling.”

This moment, a large number of Dark Armored Elite Troops in imperial guard uniform were lining up in formation next to the entrance of the tunnel, with Duan Zhixuan giving them instructions, so that they knew exactly what to do after entering the palace.

Kou Zhong said, “This is called a transformation. From what I see, you, LaoGe used to focus on defeating Bi Xuan, and used this matter as the only way to bring disgrace to the Tujue people, because relying on your, one person’s strength, you really are unable to challenge the entire Tujue tribe. But now the situation has changed suddenly, the impossible has become possible, defeating Bi Xuan is no longer a top priority. Huh? What is Ling Shao thinking?”

Xu Ziling said, “I suddenly thought of Shi Zhixuan, I hope he still stays at Yu He An, otherwise I don’t dare to be optimistic about our operation tonight.”

Li Shimin and Hou Xibai, who had changed into nightwalker attire, appeared in the three men’s line of sight, straight toward the stone steps.

Li Shimin spoke cheerfully, “Zhixuan used to be the imperial guard commander in the imperial palace, he is familiar with the operation of the military system inside the palace. With him commanding our fake imperial guards, it could be like seamless heavenly clothes.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “While we still have time, quickly sit down and have a rest. Did afterward someone fish up Duan Jiangjun and take him away?”

Li Shimin sat down next Kou Zhong, he nodded and said, “He lost his post because he offended Yin De Fei [imperial concubine], so he threw his lot to me instead.”

Kou Zhong said, “The problem was not whether he offended Yin De Fei, but because he came from Guanzhong Jian Pai, so sooner or later he would have been expelled anyway. Ha! Xiao Hou, where did you hang around?”

Hou Xibai sat down next to Xu Ziling, he spoke mysteriously, “You guessed it right! I was, not just in name only, but also in reality, hang around somewhere, to satisfy my craving of painting saint.”

Hearing that, the three men were greatly bewildered. Li Shimin explained, “Xibai asked me to show him Fuhuang’s signature and handwriting, saying that he could impersonate Fuhuang’s signature, to use the fake and pass it off as genuine.”

Ba Fenghan spoke cheerfully, “And he was not bragging?”

Li Shimin said, “After practicing a hundred times, even Junji could not tell the genuine from the fake.”

Kou Zhong said, “Hou Junji?”

Li Shimin nodded and said, “Precisely Hou Junji. When he first entered Chang’an, he drafted all Fuhuang’s imperial edicts.”

Greatly delighted, Kou Zhong said, “Since that’s the case, when we get to the imperial study room later, we could get the seal and the paper and issue the imperial decree on his behalf.”

Li Shimin said, “If it involves troops deployment, a military tally is also required. Tonight, Fuhuang will definitely carry the tally with him so that he could issue the decree any moment.”

Coming to the bottom of the steps, Li Jing reported, “Everything is ready, Qin Wang, please issue the order.”

A smile escaped out of the corner of Li Shimin’s mouth, he nodded and said, “Move immediately.”

Inside the Taiji Palace [gong], there were a total of sixteen main palace halls [dian]. The main building was located on the central axis from the Chengtian Gate to the Xuanwu Gate, consisting of four major palace halls: Taiji Dian [absolute/supreme ultimate], Liangyi [two rites: heaven and earth, yin and yang] Dian, Ganlu [sweet nectar] Dian and Yanjia Dian, respectively.

The Taiji Dian was called the ‘Central [imperial] Court’, and the Liangyi Dian was called the ‘Internal [imperial] Court’, used by the master of the Great Tang Li Yuan to handle government affairs and regular office work. The other two main palace halls, Ganlu Dian was usually used for banquets, and Yanjia Dian, which was closest to the Xuanwu Gate, was similar to the Lingyan Ge [Pavilion] and Ningyin [concentrated yin (shady, negative, feminine, moon, the opposite of yang)] Dian, in that it was equipped with qin gong [lit. palace to lie down, bedroom], study room, and halls [ting tang, ting – reception room/living room/office, tang – hall]; it was the place where Li Yuan and his imperial concubines enjoyed pleasure. One must not think that Li Yuan fled to Yanjia Dian with the intention to personally supervise and direct the troops. The fact was that the back of Yanjia Dian was leaning against the Xuanwu Gate, a strategic military affairs place, where the commander-in-chief of the imperial guards was located. It was safer than any place within Taiji Palace. Were it not for Chang He taking care of it, if there was any grass stirring in the wind [idiom: the slightest whiff of trouble], the Xuanwu Gate’s Imperial Guards would come to help, their strength would be enough to quickly smash any surprise attack and invading strike.

After sealing the Yin Mansion exit again, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Li Shimin, Ba Fenghan, Hou Xibai, Yuchi Jingde, Zhangsun Wuji, with Wang Xuanshu and thirty Flying Clouds Guards in the lead, arrived at the Taiji Gong [Palace] exit, and opening door, they entered the Taiji Dian [Palace Hall].

Afterwards, more than 500 men disguised as the Imperial Guard officers and soldiers, including Duan Zhixuan, Qin Shubao, Cheng Yaojin, successively set foot in the vast Taiji Dian via the secret passage. Everyone was nervous and excited, being able to steal into the Taiji Gong the gods did not know the ghosts did not perceive, receiving the half the work, twice the effect – benefit.

Kou Zhong, Li Shimin and the others gathered at the other entrance for a discussion, Kou Zhong said, “Currently, guarding the Taiji Gong are less than 500 men. If our hands and feet [i.e. action] are a bit cleaner, we could inform Chang He, maybe we can control the entire Taiji Gong with no blood on the men’s swords. Then even if we force our way into Yanjia Dian or come to blows [dictionary has this additional note: derived from the term for a type of theatrical fight scene], we won’t alarm other people.”

Li Shimin said, “Notifying Chang He should not be any problem. If the Taiji Gong falls into our hands, we can send someone to see him directly, other people would think it is a routine affair.”

Duan Zhixuan said, “The Imperial Guard Station at the Xuanwu Gate is separated from the Taiji Palace by a heavy gate, and the Yanjia Dian is hidden in the woods, so the sound is not easy to travel far. As long as we can break through the outer palace hall gate, we could strike and defeat the opponent’s defensive force with ten-thousand-jun momentum in one move. Using strong crossbow and sharp blade, attacking from afar and fight a close-combat battle, we can expect success in the first battle, and then calmly notify Chang He. On the other hand, we can surround and seal off the entire Yanjia Dian, no one is allowed to call for help.”

Since he had once held an important position in the palace and knew the situation clearly, other people valued his proposal.

Afraid that Yin Zuwen would precede them in entering the palace via the secret passage, it was only after they arrived at the Taiji Dian that they researched battle strategy and details.

Yuchi Jingde spread out the detailed map of the Taiji Gong on the dragon small table by the dragon throne’s side, so that everyone could see it at a glance. The Flying Clouds Guards and the Dark Armored Troops all sat on the ground to rest for a while. Several hundreds of men, yet there was not half a thread of noise, which increased and enhanced the dense-cloud-about-to-rain tense, suffocating atmosphere before the battle.

Shaking his head, Xu Ziling said, “Doing it this way, there will be heavy casualties, we must avoid it if possible.”

As if relieved from a burden, Li Shimin said, “Should be like that.”

Not accepting it as correct [idiom: disapprove], Ba Fenghan said, “That being the case, the plan will safely come out.”

Putting his hand on his shoulder, Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Those who are smart enough will survive. Look! Yanjia Dian is connected by three-tiered halls, each with a door in the east, south, west and north. In such a big place, Li Xiaogong’s several hundred men must be scattered all over the place, so that on each place, the military strength is so weak to such an extent that they are unable to withstand a single blow. We can occupy the stronghold inside the palace hall [dian] from the outside to the inside. Under normal circumstances, where would the commander be? Li Xiaogong can’t patrol all over the place, otherwise when he patrols to the North Gate, and then there is change at the South Gate, wouldn’t it become distant water cannot put out nearby fire?”

Duan Zhixuan respectfully replied, “When Huangshang stays in the Yanjia Dian, after dark, the main palace hall and the rear palace hall will be closed, leaving only the middle palace hall open. In accordance with usual practice, Li Xiaogong with a group of his men will stay in the middle palace hall. On the one hand, he can look after the overall situation, and on the other hand, it is convenient to answer the call and able to personally protect Huangshang.”

Kou Zhong spoke in delight, “In that case, Huangshang should keep those beloved fei and beloved pin [both means imperial concubine; like I said, if any word has synonym(s), the author liked to use them all], the martial art masters protecting his good self and personal guards, entirely, all of them, will be shut inside the rear palace hall.”

“That’s right!” Duan Zhixuan replied, “The rear palace hall is also known as Shang Huai Ge [lit. appreciating Chinese scholar tree (Sophora Japonica) pavilion], a standalone garden pavilion building, surrounded by a courtyard wall. The wall is three zhang high, built facing the north city main gate, equipped with fire beacon platform.”

Zhangsun Wuji added, “The personal guards closely protecting Huangshang number more than a hundred, they are the most elite squad within the Imperial Guards, every single one is willing to die for Huangshang.”

Sneering, Kou Zhong said, “Willing to die for Huangshang won’t do any good, because they practically won’t have the chance. I, Laozi, am full of big plans now, how about I tell you guys to collate and examine critically? Ha! It’s really interesting.”

Xu Ziling’s countenance suddenly changed, he said, “Listen!”

No one was not shocked.

The sound of a large number of troops marching faintly came from the direction of the Xuanwu Gate behind the Taiji Gong, completely beyond their expectation.

Duan Zhixuan unconsciously wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead, he spoke in a trembling voice, “Not good! It’s the change of guard.”

Kou Zhong was baffled, “Change of guard …” he said.

Smiling wryly, Ba Fenghan said, “We overestimated Li Fazhu’s guts, unexpectedly he transferred the Xuanwu Gate’s imperial guards into the palace to protect him.”

Remaining calm and collected, Li Shimin said, “The transferred men should be Tang Jian’s troops belonging to the West Inner Park. If the entire unit is dispatched, the number could reach up to 15,000 men, which will multiply the defense power of the Taiji Gong several times over, so that our plan is no longer feasible.”

Kou Zhong was the only one who was still able to smile, he calmly said, “What his Niang’s thing is change of guards? Please tell me. Ay! His granny’s! Wei Gonggong and Yin Zuwen did say that they would create a certain situation, could it be that this is it? What good will it bring for their plans?”

Duan Zhixuan replied quickly, “Tang Jian’s men are going to take the imperial guards’ place to guard all parts of the palace, and the imperial guards who have been replaced will go to Yanjia Dian to reinforce their defenses.”

Kou Zhong asked, “How long does it take to change the guard?”

“At least half a sichen,” Duan Zhixuan replied.

Greatly delighted, Kou Zhong said, “Then it is salvageable! We will also have to impersonate the Imperial Guards.”

Shaking his head, Li Shimin said, “We might be recognized, definitely won’t be lucky.”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “What if the one being recognized are Cai Yuanyong and Kuang Wentong who were just on the way to visit Tuyuhun and turning back midway? They are genuine goods at fair prices junior generals of the imperial guards.”

Xu Ziling said, “Even if we can deceive Tang Jian’s men, we are still unable to charge into Yanjia Gong [sic], because we can’t enter Yanjia Dian with a large group of more than five hundred men and horses, and any sound of fighting will provoke a flood of Tang Jian’s men, coming like a tide to protect the emperor’s good self.”

Kou Zhong spoke indifferently, “Cai Yuanyong and Kuang Wentong suddenly appeared, wanting to see Huangshang, I am certain that no one will understand what’s going on? Without any better option, Li Xiaogong will have to personally inquire of us, I have the confidence that I will be able to convince him to throw his lot onto our side, and this is our only chance to obtain victory tonight, there is no other option. No matter how high the risk is, it must be taken. Come! Let them take off their uniforms and let us, this vanguard unit change our clothes, and lower the helmets a little, understand?”

When this unit of fake imperial guards was marching neatly from the fake stone mountain exit of the imperial garden toward the Yanjia Gong, no one, Kou Zhong included, had the confidence that victory was within their grasp.

The others, led by Qin Shubao and Cheng Yaojin, retreated back to the Yeting Palace, leaving only this squad of about fifty men, consisting of the most elites of the Flying Clouds Guards and Dark Armored troops to be the lone army fighting for victory.

Li Shimin, Ba Fenghan, Hou Xibai, Yuchi Jingde and the others who might be easily recognized were hidden inside the squad. As long as they were not recognized one by one, they should be able to pass the barrier.

The timing of their ‘appearance’ was accurate. They were one of the last squads heading toward the Yanjia Gong. Otherwise, the imperial guards who were familiar with the situation in the palace would have noticed the difference, and they would have to exhaust their lips and tongue to explain why the imperial guards defending the imperial city would intrude into the Taiji Gong.

Kou Zhong, in his identity as Cai Yuanyong, walked side by side with Xu Ziling’s disguise, Kuang Wentong, he said, “What are you thinking?”

Smiling wryly, Xu Ziling replied, “I’m thinking of all kinds of worst-case scenarios, but I don’t have any way to deal with it, so that I feel the wisdom-exhausted, strength-drained – helplessness.”

Kou Zhong also responded with a wry smile, saying, “What do you think I’m thinking? How will Wanwan look like now that she is wearing shoes? Ay! People are strange, in this kind of time I can still think of such senseless things.”

Xu Ziling said, “Someone is coming!”

A squad of Tang Jian’s troops stationed on the outside was marching straight toward them, numbering about a hundred men, led by a low-ranked general. The lantern bearers at the front row on both sides raised their lanterns at the same time to illuminate the other side.

Positioned behind Kou Zhong, Duan Shixuan, who was the real commander directing the advance or retreat operations, gained the initiative by striking first, “Unify the world!” he shouted.

When the other side responded with ‘All ages leaving a good reputation’, the two units of men and horses brushed past each other. Sure enough, the other side did not have any doubts, so much so that they did not even pay attention that the shoulder insignia was different from the imperial guards inside the palace.

In this way, they passed two squads of troops stationed on the outside entering the palace for the change of guards, and were still able to pass the barrier without alarm, without danger.

When they reached the surrounding area of ​​Yanjia Gong, trouble finally came. The external garrison troops laid out layer upon layer of defense, guarding all the gates and passes into the Yanjia Dian.

Duan Zhixuan at the back said to the two, “We must stop first and call for the military order! And then report our military rank. After verification, only then can we pass this barrier.”

He had not even finished speaking, one of the low-ranking generals from the other side signaled them to stop and shouted, “Unify the world!”

Kou Zhong replied, “All ages leaving a good reputation. Polo chiefs Cai Yuanyong and Kuang Wentong.”

The whole squad stopped abruptly and stood still, also performed military salute.

After returning the salute, the low-ranking general stepped out of the rank and spoke cheerfully, “It really is Cai Daren and Kuang DarenXiaowei [lit. military officer] Wu Ming, paying my respect to two gentlemen DarenXiashu [subordinate] was fortunate to watch the two gentlemen Daren’s awe-inspiring authority on the ball court, it is still vivid in my mind until today.”

Kou Zhong cheered inwardly. It appeared that they were coming with Fu Qian to Tuyuhun, only a small number of people were privy about that matter, and Wu Ming was definitely not one of them.

Taking a step forward, he gained the initiative by striking first by speaking in a low voice, “We received a secret order from Wei Gonggong to leave the Palace and handle some affairs for Huangshang. Now we are coming back to report to Huangshang.”

Wu Ming did not know much about the Imperial Guard system in the palace, he did not grow suspicious because of the difference in their shoulder insignia, he only knew that Cai Yuanyong and Kuang Wentong were celebrities close to Li Yuan; he spoke cheerfully, “Two gentlemen Daren, please!”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. Passing the checkpoint, they turned left into the imperial road leading to the East Gate of the Yanjia Dian.

However, the feeling of life and death was not foreseen was still lingering in everyone’s heart. In such a situation, once an accident occurred, they definitely would not be lucky enough to escape.

The East Gate was brightly lit, human shadows were flickering. The guards were no longer the troops from outer garrison, but Li Xiaogong’s personal guard system, the imperial guards of the Yulin Jun; they could forget about passing this barrier like before.

Duan Zhixuan spoke quickly and in a low voice, “When Huangshang’s Dharma-self is in, according to the rule, our Imperial City’s imperial guards must remain ten zhang outside the door.”

After pushing forward two zhang, Kou Zhong shouted loudly, “Halt!” The entire squad stood still.

Kou Zhong smiled at Xu Ziling and said, “Success or failure, it will depend on tonight! Xiongdi! We’re going down the arena!”

Xu Ziling composed himself, he stepped out with Kou Zhong towards the East Gate.

The imperial guards on duty at the gate, none did not recognize the two, seeing them suddenly leading a group of imperial guards swaggering over, they were all stunned.

Putting on the air of a high official and Kou Zhong shouted loudly, “Who is in charge here? Kuang Daren and I want to immediately enter the palace to see Huangshang.”

Yulin Jun’s imperial guards were originally the most overbearing servicemen in the City of Chang’an, they never had to give face to the officers and soldiers of the other branches, but they were clear that these two men were the celebrities that their Huangshang favored even more, thereupon they did not dare to be negligence. Someone immediately went in to report.

Shortly afterwards, a military general came out a hurry. Seeing him from a distance, the two were greatly disappointed, while also groaned inwardly. The person who came was not Li Xiaogong they expected, but Cheng Mo’s deputy, their old acquaintance in the palace, the sweet-tongued Liao Nan.

Liao Nan was dressed in a high-ranking military officer attire of the Imperial Guard. Seeing the two men, he was greatly surprised, he even swept his gaze across Duan Zhixuan’s squad. With doubt across his whole face, he said, “Weren’t two gentlemen Daren sent on a diplomatic mission to Tuyuhun?”

This was precisely the reason why the two boys had a big headache; they finally came across someone who knew the inside story, which made it difficult for them to deceive.

Kou Zhong was able to think fast in an emergency, he took two steps forward, came to Liao Nan’s side, and spoke in a low voice, “You must never talk about it, this time we officially went as envoys. However, the fact was that we received Huangshang’s secret order to investigate the collusion between Tuyuhun and the Western Tujue. Now we have important information, we must report to Huangshang without delay.”

Liao Nan couldn’t tell the truth from the fake, he spoke awkwardly, “Huangshang is resting in Yanjia Ge [Pavilion]. Can it wait until daybreak? We could report it to Wei Gonggong, let him make the arrangement.”

Kou Zhong spoke anxiously, “The coalition forces of the Western Tujue and Tuyuhun could arrive any moment, we must report to Huangshang immediately. This matter is of great importance. The Imperial Cavalry Chief Cheng Mo Daren knows this matter best, please ask him to come out, and you’ll know that I am telling the truth.”

Fully aware that Cheng Mo was not here, when there is a wind, naturally he would raise the sail to the fullest.

Liao Nan jumped in fright. Aghast, he said, “The coalition forces of the Western Tujue and Tuyuhun? Ay! Cheng Daren has a business to attend to, he is not here.”

Then he spoke resolutely, “The commander here is Hejian Wang. To enter Yanjia Ge, we must obtain his nod. How about this? I will take you to see him, let him make the decision.”

Kou Zhong mused inwardly, ‘Now, that is obedient’. Signaling Xu Ziling with his eyes, he followed Liao Nan stepping into the East Gate.

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