Book 63: Chapter 9: Brotherhood

Book 63: Chapter 9: Brotherhood

By the time the falcon flew back to the camp, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, wearing nightwalker attire, were already crouching on the top of a small hill facing the Wei River, from which they could look down at the enemy camp in the distance.

The enemy camp was widely spread in the hilly area on the north bank of the Wei River, about fifty li west of Wugong. The camp was built following the terrain, lantern lights flickered, from time to time they could hear the neighs of the horses and voices of the men. On the surface it appeared exceptionally tranquil.

Kou Zhong looked at the camp where the falcon had dropped, he laughed and said, “Xieli probably never thought that from the falcon, we can, as easy as blowing off dust, find where his Khan tent is located.”

“What’s your plan?” Xu Ziling asked.

Shrugging his shoulders, Kou Zhong replied, “I have no specific plan, I don’t want to see the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall become the dehumanized defeated army we encountered before, killing and burning along the way, raping and looting, taking prisoners as they are defeated and returning to the territories beyond the Great Wall – even more. That will bring about dreadful harm to the people.”


From inside the sparse forest on the side of the Wei River about ten li away, fireworks rocket soared into the sky, bursting into an orange light high in the sky.

Kou Zhong said, “Here it comes!”

Ba Fenghan and Hou Xibai were the ones setting off the fireworks. The four men split up into two groups to separately monitor any sign of activity in the enemy camp.

Xu Ziling smiled and said, “We summoning the reinforcements with fireworks ought to remain fresh in Xieli’s memory. Seeing the fireworks now, he should know what is happening without anybody reminding him.”

This moment, two teams of men and horses separately rushed out of the camps located in the middle and on the north side. In the dark night, they did not make any noise, like a cavalry unit that was made of ghost, but naturally they could not hide from the two boys’ acute vision.

Kou Zhong raise his hand to release two fire arrows in succession, Xu Ziling was in charge of lighting it. Two brilliant sparks of different colors burst out from the top of the small hill, adding color to the starry sky. It was fleeting, but beautiful and pleasing to the eyes.

The three fireworks had more persuasive power than thousands of words, making Xieli’s side understand that the Golden Wolf Army’s movements were completely under their surveillance, their wonder troops were no longer wonder troops.

The two boys’ gaze fell on the eastern end of the Wei River, where a fleet of the Great Tang Navy, consisting of more than twenty warships, was sailing, upright and unafraid – to the west.

Kou Zhong spoke cheerfully, “Ma Chang is setting off!”

‘Boom! Boom! Boom!’

The war drum was sounded on a hilltop in the direction of Wugong. Combined with the fireworks rockets released earlier and the advancing fleet, it created an enormous pressure. Anybody, even Xieli – would still have to think thrice about his operation.

Sure enough, the bugle horn sounded, the enemy troops who had just left the camp to mount a sneak attack were called back into the camp.

Kou Zhong released another fire arrow. After informing his side, he laughed and said, “By lighting fireworks, we can scare away the crisscrossing-over-the-world-unhindered Golden Wolf Army. If you tell it out, I guarantee that no one will believe it, yet it is the absolute truth.”

Xu Ziling said, “Last night, Xieli’s army retreated because of Bi Xuan retreated without attacking, and was forced to pull back twenty li. Their morale and confidence have suffered serious setbacks. Their counting-the-chicken-before-they-are-hatched plan to take the three cities of Chang’an was dead-on-arrival even more. Now Xieli only has the decisive battle on the plains option left, the prerequisite is that they must wait for the troops of various tribes to assemble together first, your plan to delay the enemy is expected to succeed.”

Shaking his head, Kou Zhong said, “Tonight’s trick is not going to be effective tomorrow night, because Xieli will come up with a way to deal with it. The best way is to split apart the coalition forces from within. Now is the time to have a heart-to-heart chat with Tuli and the other brothers.”

Knitting his brows, Xu Ziling said, “It’s hard to fathom a person’s mind, especially if the interests of the survival of his own clan are involved, don’t you think it’s too risky?”

Kou Zhong spoke with determination, “This risk cannot but be taken. The current situation shows that the allied armies are at a disadvantageous position. I am most afraid that they will abandon their march to Chang’an and attack the western cities instead, then it will be our turn to have no room to advance or to retreat.”

After muttering to himself irresolutely for a moment, Xu Ziling nodded and said, “Very well! Be careful!”

Kou Zhong patted him on the shoulder and said, “Relying on my Moon in the Well, if I’m determined to escape, magnificent army with thousands of men and horses still can’t stop me, see you tomorrow at Wugong City.”

Kou Zhong climbed the mountains and leaped over the mountain range, crossing nearly forty li of unbroken chain of peaks, ascending onto the summit of a mountain peak from which he was able to look down on the open country and hills leading to the Wei River. The moon was hanging at an angle in the sky.

A cavalry team of nearly fifty-thousand men appeared among the forest trees on the northern horizon, rapidly advancing in the direction of the Wei River. Only from its marching formation, Kou Zhong knew that it was Tuli’s Black Wolf Army. Before that, he encountered another unit of Golden Wolf Army of sixty-thousand men. Together with Xieli’s troops on the north bank of the Wei River, the total military strength of the Golden Wolf Army alone reached a hundred-thousand men, enough power to turn any city into ruins, which made him even more aware of the sacred mission he was carrying on his back. Only by persuading Tuli, Pusa, Gunatai brothers and the others could the Central Earth remain intact and welcome the arrival of the new era of great reunification.

Heroic feeling, strong pride welled up in Kou Zhong’s heart, letting out a long whistle, he went down the mountain at full speed, ran towards the Black Wolf Army without fear, and shouted in Tujue language, “Kou Zhong is here, asking for an audience with Tuli Khan.”

Warhorses neighing wildly, people stood up immediately. The leading high-ranking military officer of the Black Wolf Army reined in the horse, ordered his attendants to light up torches, and spoke in astonishment, “It really is Shaoshuai, halt!” His subordinate immediately blew the bugle horn.

The high-ranking military officer urged his horse to rush forward, with a somersault, agile like a leopard cat, he dismounted from the horse’s back, opened his arms wide and laughed heartily, “Does Shaoshuai recognize me, Luogulesidu?”

Kou Zhong vaguely recognized him as one of the tribal chiefs under Tuli’s command, his cordiality was greatly beyond his expectations, hurriedly he responded with the same cordiality, giving him a Tujue-style hug, and then laughed and said, “Of course I do, who does not know that Luogulesidu is a strong and courageous man of the Tujue.”

Thousand times bore through, ten thousand times bore through; horse’s fart does not bore through [meaning “Anything gets through me except horse fart” (Courtesy of Sunnysnow during Eagle Shooting Hero translation project)]. Greatly delighted, Luogulesidu said, “I will immediately take Shaoshuai to see Khan. Khan is worrying about how to contact Shaoshuai. Still not presenting a horse?” The last sentence was shouted to the men behind him.

Flipping over onto the horses’ back, the two men, one in front of the other, galloped along the space between the troops, toward the rear of the army.

Ahead, a group of men and horses came to meet them, the leader was surprisingly Tuli, whom he had not seen for a long time. Behind him was Tuli’s younger brother Jieshelu and more than a dozen tribal chiefs that Kou Zhong recognized.

Tuli laughed aloud and said, “Xiongdi! We meet again!”

The two sides reined in their horses, Kou Zhong slowly approached Tuli, he said, “Are we still brothers?”

Tuli reached over from the horse’s back, grabbed his hand tightly, and spoke with solemn expression, “Shaoshuai and I are brothers for life.”

The crowd of tribal chiefs shouted ‘Good!’ in unison, the emotions were intense.

Tuli spoke happily, “Did you see that? They all support you, as long as you say the word, we will seize Chang’an for you.”

Having a headache, Kou Zhong said, “You, LaoGe do not seem to know why I came to you?”

Revealing a brilliant smile, Tuli said, “Let’s talk on the side.”

The two men rode side by side up a hill to the east, while on the vast plain and open space, the fifty-thousand-man Black Wolf Army’s troop arrangement at its peak, were waiting quietly for the outcome of their talk.

Tuli dismounted the horse, Kou Zhong followed suit, the mountain wind blew, their clothes produced rustling noise, it still carried the remnant of the winter chill.

Tuli pulled his arm and said, “Of course I know why you came to look for me. The situation in Xieli’s side has already been reported clearly to me, we even encountered Bi Xuan’s cavalry returning to the prairie. Your saber technique is getting more and more formidable, unexpectedly even Bi Xuan is unable to do anything to you. Bi Xuan is finished! Xieli has lost the backing he relied on.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “Then you are teasing me.”

Tuli said, “I’m not teasing you, but I don’t understand you. Hasn’t the unification of Central Earth always been your goal? It’s Song Que’s expectation for you. Even if you kill me, I still cannot believe you are willing to make Li Shimin the new master of Central Earth.”

Kou Zhong reached out to put his hand on his shoulder, he spoke sincerely, “That is a matter of the past, the Kou Zhong now only hopes that all matters in the Central Earth will be undertaken by Li Shimin, and when my service is complete, I will retire, to pass some ordinary, free and unfettered life together with Ling Shao, to enjoy the real interesting things in a life without war and vendetta.”

Tuli’s brows greatly furrowed, he said, “The kind of situation you dream of will never happen. Before our eyes is Xieli, a good example. He will never let the matter drop.”

After a slight pause, he looked at him, his pair of eyes twinkling brightly in the dark night, he spoke heavily, “Shimin is also my friend, you and Ziling support him, I have no objection. But if you hope that the Central Earth can have days of peace and happiness, there is only one way, and that is to prevent Xieli from returning to the prairie alive.”

Kou Zhong understood, Tuli was willing to join hands with Xieli to invade the south, he was pressed by the situation. Now that Bi Xuan had gone, the whole situation had been reversed. This brother of his, who was brimming with ambition, gave birth to the intention and desire to take Xieli and replace him instead. He asked, “How many men and horses does Xieli have?”

Tuli replied honestly, “The total number of troops coming to the Central Plains this time is more than two hundred thousand men. Xieli’s Golden Wolf Army accounts for a hundred thousand, I have fifty thousand guys [er lang, youths], Gunatai brothers ten thousand, Pusa fifteen thousand, Abaojia of Khitan twenty thousand, other tribes combined are more than ten thousand. If you and I, brothers join hands, Xieli will be consigned to eternal damnation.”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, “If Xieli suffers defeat and dies, the Golden Wolf Army will be scattered in all directions, they will flee and roam all over the place, you, LaoGe ought to know how much destruction they are going to bring about.”

Tuli spoke indifferently, “Naturally there will be a little sacrifice.”

Kou Zhong said, “How about this? When Xieli returns to the prairie, we will deal with him again. Shimin will fully support you.”

Tuli spoke in displeasure, “The issue is in the past, and the situation has changed [idiom], you are a person who knows the troops, how can you miss this once-in-a-thousand-year golden opportunity for nothing?”

Kou Zhong said, “Actually, I’m giving thought to you. Your, LaoGe’s foundation on the grassland is still not stable, even if you take this opportunity to put Xieli in order, the Golden Wolf Army’s remaining momentum still exist, surely there will be other tribal chief rising abruptly and contending for supremacy and fighting for victory with you. The Eastern Tujue will be caught in continuous war, all-split-up-and-in-pieces situation. And the Gunatai brothers, Pusa, Abaojia, and so on, none is a lay practitioner of Buddhism, certainly they would take advantage of the chaos between you to expand their power. And you, due to continuous war with the Golden Wolf Army, will suffer wear and tear, powerless to look after them. Bai Ziting incident will continue to recur, and the Western Tujue will seize the opportunity to go east to invade and usurp the land. In the end, there is a great chance that the beneficiary may not be you, LaoGe.”

Tuli revealed a thoughtful look, he was silent for a moment, and then shook his head and said, “The matter between me and Xieli must be resolved eventually, and now is the best opportunity, you are my brother, how can you see me sit and waste a good opportunity? As for the future, as long as you are still willing to support me, I have a great chance to unify the grasslands, only then will the beginning of true peace come.”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “Borrowing our strength, under such circumstances we kill Xieli, the people on the grassland will not accept wholeheartedly. I am really giving thought of you. Think about it! Xieli coming back without success, Bi Xuan returning with dishonor, the Golden Wolf Army’s prestige will be like rivers pour away by the day [idiom: deteriorating], Tongyehu will definitely not let Xieli off, then let them fight until you die, I live, you, LaoGe will take advantage of this opportunity to expand your power, Shimin will support you in all aspects, as far as his capabilities extend. Bright prospects will be waiting respectfully for your good-self in the days to come.”

Tuli finally showed a moved expression. After a long silence, he nodded and said, “You see farther than I do. I wish to see Shimin and talk.”

Greatly delighted, Kou Zhong said, “You are indeed my good brother. Before the secret meeting with Shimin, you’d better hold back your troops without moving in here, wait for me to visit all the brothers one by one, and then I will accompany you to Wugong.”

Smiling wryly, Tuli said, “In the end, I can’t beat you. Your brothers are not far behind, let me accompany you to see them! They are willing to join the coalition, on the one hand, they are forced by the situation, on the other hand, they have the heart to help you. Now you, Kou Zhong want to get another form of help, they should have no objection.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “We all are brothers, since you have come, I won’t let you to come back empty-handed, there will be considerable rewards.”

Tuli put his arms around his broad shoulders and rebuked him, “We all are brothers who treat one another with absolute sincerity, why should you talk about reward? Xieli’s meticulous plan to attack Chang’an completely fail, he can’t advance or retreat, even Abaojia grew timid. You, Kou Zhong are willing to let them go, they are already very grateful. On the prairie, your name can be used to scare children from crying at night.”

Kou Zhong laughed heartily and said, “I’m not that scary, am I?”

Early morning. The main hall of the Wugong City Zongguan Mansion.

Ba Fenghan, Xu Ziling and Hou Xibai were having breakfast together. Li Shimin came back from patrolling the city, he sat down and said, “I haven’t seen Kou Zhong’s trace yet.”

Ba Fenghan laughed and said, “Huangshang, set your mind at rest, on the prairie, brotherhood is the most important thing, not to mention that whoever dares to disrespect Kou Zhong will have endless troubles, how could he be easy to push around? Current situation shows clearly that it is not favorable to the allied armies, at least on the surface it is so, hence the reason last night the breeze was still, the waves were quiet.”

Hou Xibai laughed and said, “Did I hear it wrong? Fenghan unexpectedly called you Huangshang.”

Smiling slightly, Li Shimin said, “For Fenghan, Huangshang is just my latest nickname, just like Xiao Hou’s ‘Passionate Prince’.”

“How is the situation in other places?” Xu Ziling asked.

Li Shimin replied, “I just received the report that the defeated Tujue army retreated to the mountain area north of Jingyang to join Xieli. The threat to Jingyang and Xianyang was lifted. Our men set off via the land and water, two routes after sunrise. The night before we cut off the Golden Wolf Army’s small hill by establishing stronghold and setting up camp, to suppress Xieli, to show him our strength that we are not afraid of head-on confrontation against him. But until this moment Xieli has not shown any sign of activity. Another unit of Golden Wolf Army of more than fifty thousand men arrived at Xieli’s camp, increasing his military strength to a hundred thousand men, while the other four armies still have not shown any shadow, any trace.”

Ba Fenghan nodded and said, “Huangshang is indeed proficient in grasping the fortunate timing. Last night the Golden [Wolf] Army did not sleep well, and the newly arrived army is extremely exhausted and could only watch us establishing stronghold and setting up camp. By the time Xieli has the strength to launch an offensive, the marching route into Wugong will already be cut off, so he will not dare to act blindly without thinking.”

Hou Xibai laughed and said, “Huangshang is good at defending, Shaoshuai is good at attacking. This is a seamless heavenly clothes perfect match, Xibai receives the instruction!”

This moment a personal guard came to report, Kou Zhong, leading Tuli, Gunatai and Pusa, four men came to ask for an audience.

Hearing that the four men you look at me I gaze at you, they nearly did not dare to believe their own ears. Kou Zhong could return safely was admittedly a gargantuan good news, now unexpectedly he achieved such an impressive success, how could they not be pleased beyond their expectation?

‘Ding! Ding! Ding!’ Nine wine cups collided in the center of the round table, followed by thunderous laughter, and everyone drained his cup in one gulp.

Li Shimin spoke with serious expression, “Inside the Great Wall, outside the Great Wall, although social custom and environment are different, but friendship is the same. As long as we respect each other deeply, not be suspicious and jealous of each other, we could love and be deeply attached to each other. Being suspicious and jealous and view each other as the enemy, this blood relation will inevitably turn into enmity. Zhen have personally suffered from this. In the past, Yang Guang was tyrannical, he already lost the heart of the people. When he went on various military  expedition beyond the Great Wall, people cut off their hands to avoid being recruited into military service, and life was ruined. In the year that I am alive, I, Li Shimin, will never follow the tracks of Yang Guang’s overturned cart. This is Li Shimin’s commitment to all gentlemen.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “What Huangshang has promised, it never does not count. Our Great Tang, Black Wolf Tujue, Huihe, and Shiwei will forever be brothers’ nations, to be kind and love one another, respecting and helping each other. Brothers who have been through life and death side by side, how could we kill each other? Fortunately, all misunderstandings are eliminated now, everything can be discussed nicely.”

Tuli spoke cheerfully, “Our three troops, seventy-five thousand men, have made up our minds to withdraw from the allied armies, we will leave for the grassland tomorrow morning. Furthermore, we will notify Xieli, Abaojia, Tiefuyou and the others, respectively. In my guess, apart from Xieli, the other major tribal chiefs have long had the intention to withdraw, so seeing this situation, they have no choice but to follow us advancing and retreating together, otherwise on the road back home they will be unable to move a single step.

Pusa said, “Tang Zhu [Lord of Tang], please bestow us the necessary provisions and send your people to lead the way. That way, not only we will greatly increase the pace of the march, but also avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.”

Li Shimin smiled and said, “In this regard, gentlemen can totally feel reassured, Zhen will make proper arrangements. Gentlemen are guests from afar, Zhen will not let gentlemen to return empty-handed and not be able to explain to your clansmen.”

Tuli and the others were greatly delighted, they promptly thanked him for the favor of the emperor, clearly showing their willingness to be Li Shimin’s ministers, from Tang Zhu, they changed to Huangshang.

Kou Zhong explained to Li Shimin on Tuli and the others’ behalf, “Turns out they never knew about the alliance between us, two sides, until Xieli was blocked on the shore of the Wei River. Ultimately, paper can’t wrap fire, it caused my brothers extreme outrage for being deceived.”

Tuli spoke heavily, “Our original intention was to vow loyalty and devotion to Huangshang, to help Huangshang to encircle and annihilate Xieli, to kill him until not a single piece of armor remains. After Shaoshuai analyzed the pros and cons, we decided to let Huangshang deal with it. Leave Abaojia and the others to us. If they are not tactful, they will never get to the Wei River, and they can forget about returning north of the border.”

Li Shimin was shocked, he was afraid that Tuli and the others would make any excuses to put Abaojia and the others in order, he hurriedly said, “Under current circumstances, Zhen believe it is not advisable to raise the weapons of war against Abaojia, Tiefuyou, and the others. If they refuse to comply, Zhen have another way to deal with them.”

Ba Fenghan spoke coldly, “They don’t have the right to say no.”

Bielegunatai smiled and said, “We understand Huangshang’s intention.”

Kou Zhong sighed inwardly, although both men were his brothers, but Bielegunatai’s ambition was not under Tuli’s. Only this sentence has won Li Shimin’s good opinion towards him, that he views him in a new light. After the allied armies returned north of the border, the inter-tribal situation would become more complicated, its rise and fall would depend on its relationship with Li Shimin.

Pusa said, “How would Huangshang deal with the Golden Wolf Army?”

Li Shimin looked at Kou Zhong, he said, “Shaoshuai will have full authority to deal with the Golden Wolf Army.”

Stretching his waist, Kou Zhong said, “I will drag Xieli here for ten days, half a month, until my brothers return to the prairie safely, and calmly make the arrangement to welcome Xieli, little kid home.”

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