Chapter 577

577 Preferred Company(Part Two)

When Genie had woken up that morning, the first thing he did was seek out Skye. He wanted her to accompany him while shopping for Mei and the others, as well as get an idea about what she might like for Yuletide. Humming a tune as he walked, it took Genie an hour before he had ran into Peggy, and learned of their early departure.

Slightly annoyed at his pointless searching, he grumbled about not being told. Peggy had heard his whining, and promptly chided him for already monopolizing a goodly portion of both of their time lately. Genie had tried to explain away the importance of the tasks that they were each helping with, but Peggy wasn’t having it..

“And do ya work the rest of yer representatives like ya do those two? Or is this some twisted form of ‘special treatment’? Cause, I’ll tell ya: ya seem ta not have a single wee care about the fact that those two be a Grown, MARRIED couple now. And Require time alone on occasion.”

Genie sighed irritably; “As if you are one to say that to me!”

Peggy smirked as her hands went to her hips; “I learned ta loosen me grip, especially since I want ta see grandbairns before I go. You be the one not ready ta acknowledge reality now. And after that grand ol’ speech ya gave me when Skye’s match ta that Fowler bastard was announced..”

Genie clicked his tongue as exasperation covered his face; “This was different, and I am Not keeping them apart on purpose!”

Peggy balled up her fists as her tone turned serious; “Then why have ye nae talked ta them about schedulin’ a day fer them ta have to themselves each week? Canna be that hard: we all live under the same roof!”

“To be fair: we are trying to keep Sai safe. Or rather, do you think that Tokuga would make an honest and fair emperor?”

Unable to counter her reasoning with anything more than flimsy excuses: Genie frowned in defeat. The thought had crossed his mind that he was monopolizing the bulk of their day, everyday, but he hadn’t realized that it was a problem. However, thinking on it from Peggy’s point of view made him reconsider what his true motives were..


The longer Tidas stayed away from Skye, the more time Genie had with her. Generally around the time that she went to see Zazzy was when Genie would meet up with her, and they’d usually stay together until her late afternoon tea with Mei and Rukia. It was a comfortable routine they had developed at his estate, but that wasn’t going to be as likely at Bai Lei’s. 𝑓𝑟eℯ𝒘𝗲𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚𝒍.𝒄o𝐦

Genie felt an impulse to frown at the thought, which only made him feel worse.. ‘Have I been subconsciously separating them? I don’t think I have, but my gut is telling me that Peggy’s is right: I have been keeping them apart.. But why? I know that I’m attracted to Skye, but I wouldn’t-would I?’

Conflict was apparent in his eyes as Peggy stared at her long-time friend. Genie was considerably younger than her, but was mature beyond his years, even at a young age. Had Tidas truly died, then Peggy honestly would’ve suggested that Skye marry Genie..

She knew that he had feelings for Skye, even if her tunnel vision had been focused on Tidas. She wasn’t sure if he’d realized it back then or not, but Peggy Never doubted Genie’s intentions towards Skye when they were left alone. Even if he had known back then, Peggy still would have trusted him with her bairn..

‘Jin’s a good man, so I dinna really think he ken what he was doin’.. But I can also tell when that lad is irate, and I ken exactly why.. I just hope that me words get through to him..’

As Peggy watched the gears turning behind Genie’s eyes, she added; “If ya hold on too tight, then yer gonna watch Both of ’em start ta resent ya.. And I think ya ken that it’s already startin’ wit him..”

Genie nodded while keeping his brows creased in thought. He understood that Peggy was referring to Tidas, and had a general idea why.. ‘The carriage incident..’

Jerking his head up, Genie looked at Peggy with a quirked eyebrow as he asked; “Where did you develop such astonishing observation skills?” f𝓇𝘦e𝑤𝘦𝚋𝒏૦ѵℯ𝒍.c𝐨𝒎

Peggy grinned; “I raised bairns! I can tell when someone is actin’ off, especially someone I ken well.”

Peggy chuckled lightly, then chatted with him about the outdoor decorations that they were setting up for Zazzy’s party tomorrow. She was just about to offer to go shopping with Genie in place of Skye after she’d finished when Bai Lei came practically jogging over. An utterly distraught expression covering his face..

“Thank goodness that I found you two. We have a problem concerning the party tomorrow, and I need your help..”

“What kinda problem?!” Peggy asked with a tense voice.

Bai Lei sighed heavily; “You know how I had ordered a special string of lights that I was delivered today? There’s a lightbulb out on it somewhere, so we have to switch out every single one to figure out which is. Then we have to test it to make sure that it really is just a lightbulb issue.”

“You have plenty of servants to help with that,” Genie commented.

“I need Peggy to help coordinate which lights have been switched out, and I have a special request for you, Brother. I need you to distract Zazzy while we test the lights. We can’t risk her flying overhead while we’re testing them.”

“Or it will ruin part of the surprise, I understand. Although, I will need help shopping for gifts tomorrow. Since you’re basically forcing me to wait until then.”

Bai Lei clapped his hands together; “Deal! I will send as many servants as you need-”

“I want Skye to accompany me,” Genie replied.

Peggy shot him a look, which Genie promptly ignored as he waited for his brother’s answer. Bai Lei quirked an eyebrow at him, then sighed heavily; “I will ask her, but if she already has plans, then it is out of my hands, okay?”

While Genie stood looking pleased with himself, Peggy glared at him disapprovingly.. ‘After the discussion we just had! That fool is gonna get stabbed in his sleep by Tidas, if he ain’t careful.. He be a good man, but he be one fer Skye’s sake.. I dinna wanna even think about what he’d do ta the man tryin’ ta take his love, not that he could..’

“Remember our talk, Jinny lad. And dinna push him any more, ya ken?”

Without waiting for an answer, Peggy took off towards her bedroom to get warmer clothes. Genie watched as she left with a slight furrow to his brow, but otherwise he looked unperturbed. Bai Lei studied his face for a few moments before asking; “What could you have possibly done to earn her anger?”

Genie sighed; “Why do you think that she is mad at me?”

Bai Lei stepped closer to his brother; “Because Peggy is honest with her feelings, unlike some.. How have you not given up yet, Jin? If I can tell how much they love each other, then so should you-”

“How am I suppose to find Zazzy if she isn’t flying around?” Genie cut him off with a stern tone in his voice; “If she’s not flying, I’ll have to look for her. And if I miss her because I’m looking for her, then the surprise is ruined.”

“...Okay, then. We won’t talk about your inappropriate infatuation now. And what I’m about to suggest may aggravate your...situation.”

“Why?” Genie asked.

Bai Lei sighed heavily; “Aside from you, I think Skye and Tidas are the only ones who will know where to look. I suggest that you go find them, and explain what is happening. They may not like stopping their shopping, but I know they’ll help.”

“Why do you think they’ll know?”

Bai Lei grinned; “They’re her parents: they’ll know where she goes.”

Genie flashed him a disbelieving expression, but he flew off to track them down all the same. He was flying about, scaring random people by asking them if they’d seen the two from above them. It wasn’t until Genie felt Tidas’ magic, did he actually find them..


Tidas was beyond annoyed that his day out with his wife was being interrupted, and by Genie, none the less. He couldn’t keep his ire from seeping into his face. Genie could see how pissed off Tidas was, and tried to explain the situation in a way that made it seem like Bai Lei had, more or less; ordered him to take Skye away.

The fact that it was all being done for Zazzy made his anger abate a bit, but not enough to stop Tidas from trying to come up with alternatives. He suggested things like sending out the ninjas, or using him magic to find her. Genie shot down everything except what Bai Lei had said.

He backed up his judgment with sound reasoning, but it still seemed overly dismissive to Tidas not to consider any other alternatives. As the two men argued, Skye stop back watching with an irritated expression of her own. Fed up with them talking about her like she wasn’t even there, Skye snapped at both of them..

“OY?! The Hell?! Ima standin’ Right HERE! How about ya actually Ask the person Involved what She thinks?! Or does the woman nae get a say?”

Tidas instantly apologized, but Genie chose violence instead..

“This is what’s needed for Zazzy’s party. Or do you not want to have it?”

Skye looked at him like he’d grown a second head as she put her balled-up fists on her hips; “Dinna try that shite wit me, Genie! I raised her from a wee hatchling, and have loved her like a human bairn from the get-go! So dinna try ta guilt me into a decision I disagree wit by playin’ wit me love for her!”

As she narrowed her eyes on him, Skye added; “Ima quite disappointed in ya fer tryin’ that, Genie..”

Feeling like his heart and head were breaking apart, Genie tried his best to maintain his neutral expression; “I didn’t mean it like that. I am sorry, but I need your help to find her, or there won’t be any surprise.”

Skye nodded as she let her arms drop to her sides; “Oh, I ken that. But I willna be goin’ wit ya.”

“Good,” Tidas muttered low, but Skye had heard him.

“And you, husband,” Skye paused until Tidas had finally locked eyes with her; “Are partly ta blame in this, too. Ya talked about me like I wasna here: just like Genie did. So guess what I came up wit?”

The two men shared a wary look before turning back to Skye; “How about You Two go find Zazzy together instead? Cause it sounds like a grand idea ta me!”

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