Chapter 588

588 Tears And An Ambush

Skye stayed in bed for the majority of the following day. She went with Mei and Rukia for their morning ride, but that had to be cut short due to a storm rolling in. After doing her rounds at the clinic and checking up on the shady doctor, Skye went straight back to her room.

She tried to read at first, but her mind was in a haze of sorts. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but the books on electrical engineering she’d borrowed from Bai Lei’s library just weren’t distracting enough. Memories of watching movies in the Highlands made her regret holding the mundane paperback in her hand, but they did inspire her to go and look for something else in the library.

After finding a short romance tragedy book, Skye immediately went back to her room. It had Mei’s name in it, so Skye assumed that she was the actual owner, and wouldn’t mind her borrowing it. After snuggling down in bed, she opened up the book, and began her reading.

The first few chapters painted a fairytale-style love story, until the woman was poisoned, and died in the main character’s arms. It wasn’t the best-written scene she’d ever read, but the description of the depths of the character’s sadness made something inside Skye snap..

She started to cry uncontrollably as icy sleet started to rain down from the darkened sky. A pain ripped through her chest like someone was tearing into her, turning her subtle tears into full-blown sobs. It didn’t make any sense to her head, but Skye’s heart sang for the relief that her sobbing had brought.

It was at least two hours before Tidas was supposed to be back, and she was still crying when he walked through the door in a panic. He’d instantly gone to her, sat down, and asked what she needed from him. The rush of affection for her husband gave Skye a moment’s reprieve, but that was all.

With her shoulders shaking from her attempt to hold back her emotions, Skye said; “I dinna ken why I’m cryin’ like this.. It just started, and I canna get it ta stop..”

Skye’s voice quivered as she finished, making Tidas’ urge to hold her no longer bearable. He wrapped his arms around her, and held her while she cried. Until she’d finally run out of tears.

Tidas let his wife take her time collecting herself before he asked; “Are you okay? Can I get you anything?”


Skye shook her head; “No thank ya, and Ima fine now. I...I don’t ken what that was. I was readin’ in bed, and I just started ballin’..”

Tidas glanced at the book next to her before picking it up, and reading a bit of the page she had open. His expression changed from vexed, to understanding after about four seconds..

“This is quite a tragic scene, but you’ve seen and heard worse. Did this trigger something having to do with-”

“Na, tis not that,” Skye replied, cutting off her husband; “Yer right, I have seen much, much worse. I honestly dinna ken why I started cryin’ so hard.”

“Are you okay now?” Tidas asked with trepidation.

“Aye, I think. But I dinna wanna get up today. Me time is upon me, and I dinna wanna burst out into tears in front of anyone else but you, and Peg.”

“Ohhh,” Tidas said with a knowing tone; “That time of the month, hmm? No wonder you cried at that book. Remember the commercial you saw in the Highlands?”

Skye narrowed her eyes at him; “That was different! It was an advertisement fer an animal shelter! They showed Sick puppies And kittens! Who Wouldn’t cry at that?! And this...this was different..”

Her demeanor completely shifted back to nearly solemn before her said; “I was thinkin’ about that dream.. About me Da, so I went and got the book. I thought it’d distract me, but..”

“It did the opposite?” Tidas added.

Skye nodded in agreement right as their doorknob twisted, and Peggy entered the room with a massive tray of food. Two other servants were following behind her with more food and drinks, as well as a few medical packets. Even though Skye could heal herself, Peggy just wanted to cover all of her bases.

The two spent the rest of the day fussing over Skye, which she loved. There was still an odd, almost heavy pain in her chest whenever her dreams began to creep back into her mind, but she pushed it away with the help of her loved ones. Whom all decided to check on her periodically throughout the day. 𝐟re𝐞w𝐞𝒃𝓃𝒐𝐯𝚎𝒍.c૦𝚖

Tidas held his wife until she fell asleep, and cuddled her every time she stirred. A peaceful smile would bloom on her face every time as well, and she’d fall back into a deep sleep. Knowing and not caring that he would most likely be cranky the following day didn’t stop Tidas from comforting Skye all night..


Skye awoke the next morning feeling much better, but she still felt a dull ache in her chest. She didn’t understand why it hadn’t faded with the rest of her symptoms from her cycle, which made her anxious as she showered and dressed for the day. In a daze, Skye almost didn’t notice the unfamiliar clothes that Peggy had set out for her.

“Umm, Peg?! Did ya grab me pajamas instead of day clothes?!” she hollered through the door.

Peggy opened the door to poke her head in, and said; “Nope! That’s what Genie gave me ta give ta you. There’s one here fer Tidas, too. He wants ya two ta meet him in the trainin’ grounds as soon as yer done eatin’.”

“What about me trip to the clinic?” Skye asked with a slight annoyance to her tone.

“Genie sent four Shamans ta cover for ya today. He said that ya two would discuss yer new schedule when he saw ya,” Peggy replied, unperturbed by Skye’s attitude.

She understood how vexing her bairn’s monthly cycles could be, and this one seemed to be particularly harsh on Skye. Taking her lassie’s bite with a grain of salt, Peggy ignored her small mutters and complaints as they ate together. Tidas did the same thing once he had joined them, fresh from the shower.

He hadn’t questioned the clothes, having heard the conversation between Peggy and his wife earlier. But he did wonder what they were made of. The fibers were soft and stretchy, but it didn’t tear when he had shoved his foot in the wrong hole.

Half-curious, half wanting to give his wife a distraction; Tidas asked Skye if she knew what the clothes were made of. She tried to ignore him, but Peggy helped him by guessing several types of fabric that she knew weren’t right. It annoyed Skye to the point of making her investigate it herself.

“This is odd.. It’s got bamboo and silk fer the base fibers, but they’re coated in somethin’, too.. Somethin’ I canna put me finger on.. The hell is this?!”

Tidas and Peggy shared a smile between themselves before going back to the meal, and discussion at hand. Skye had become thoroughly distracted from her unusual mood swing, giving her closest loved ones a much-needed breath of relief. They were used to Skye crying wherever her emotions became too extreme, but this had seemed different.

Peggy watched her bounce between her fixation and breakfast with a sigh. Skye’s reaction had reminded her of when she was a child of seven, and one of her cats had passed from old age. It wasn’t unusual, considering the mother cat had been over the age of eleven when she’d gone, which was old for a barn cat.

But Skye had taken it very hard, and her unexplained reaction today had reminded Peggy of that grievous day.. ‘Grief! That’s what her reaction reminded me of.. But why? Over who? It just doesna make any sense.. Unless she’s just overreactin’ due to her cycle..’

Peggy saw the book that Skye had taken from the library. Since it wasn’t one of her bairn’s normal reading choices, it had stuck out to her like a sore thumb on the nightstand.. ‘I hope it’s just her overreactin’ ta that bloody book.. And the gods help us if it isn’t..’

After they’d finished eating a filling breakfast, Skye and Tidas headed to the training grounds. As they rode in the carriage to the far end of Bai Lei’s estate, Skye resumed her sour mood. She was angry that Genie had made plans without even talking to her about it, and that he hadn’t even waited for them at the main building before taking off.

“It’s just a dick-move, husband. That’s all Ima sayin’. He acts like we’re still wee kiddies half the time! He shoulda came and Asked us if we wanted ta scratch our whole day, like he woulda done with any other adults.”

Skye had crossed her arms over her chest as she’d spoken, letting Tidas know that her ire was still rising. Technically, when it came to Skye; anger over tears meant progress. It was a sign that she was getting a hold on her emotions, she just couldn’t fully direct them to go to other places yet..

‘Sorry Genie, but better you than me..’

The thought stuck out in Tidas’ mind as they arrived, and exited the tiny carriage. He didn’t see the point in using one when the training grounds were only ten minutes away- five, if he and Skye would’ve used their Tank traits. The carriage in question was only used to get around the property during the winter months, but Tidas still found it pointless for them to use. 𝙛𝐫e𝚎wℯ𝗯𝒏𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄o𝚖

The only reason they had was because Genie had instructed the driver not to let them leave unless they took it. The driver rambled about them conserving their magic, and that he was going to get into trouble if they didn’t use it. The audacity of Genie’s choice to specifically have the driver tell them that had infuriated Skye before they’d even stepped out of the door.

Tidas silently followed after his irate wife up a small flight of steps, and into the partial building. The ceiling was gone, but the walls remained completely intact, giving the training ground a familiar feeling.. ‘Reminds me of a smaller version of the area in Alcon..’

As the thought crossed Tidas’ mind, they caught sight of Genie, standing near a fountain similar to the one in Mei’s courtyard. Skye immediately started to go off on him, but her harsh words were cut short when six ninja dropped down from out of nowhere. Both Skye and Tidas had readied themselves for a fight when they heard Genie chuckling..

“Excellent reaction! I would expect nothing less from my students..”

“Former students,” Skye snipped at him.

The grin on Genie’s face stretched to arrogant levels as he replied; “Not anymore! It’s time that you two learned the difference between a knight, and a shinobi. And these six are here to help with that..”

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