Chapter 612 - Dead Of Night(Part One)

612 Dead Of Night(Part One)


Lucas Moonstone had been busily writing away at his desk when a servant had burst through his door. It took a moment for him to catch his breath, but the man had managed to get out; “People! Hundreds! Hundreds of’em headin’ this way, me lord!”

“What?! In this weather?!” Lucas bellowed as he got up, and practically ran to his window.

Astonishment overtook him as he watched men, women, and children heading towards his castle. As his stomach twisted in knots, the servant asked; “What should we do, me Lord? Should we turn them away? Or-”

“Of course not! Fer the love of the gods, there’s children out there! Go! Now! Open the gates! And wake the other servants! Tell them to pull out any blankets or linens they can find! And get the cooks extra help in the kitchens! Move it, laddie! Those people are probably half-frozen ta death!”

“Sh-Should I wake the Lady?” the young man asked nervously.

Lucas shook his head in the negative, then his expression softened; “Na, she be too sick ta help right now. Just do as I told ye, laddie. We’ll get through this.”

After the boy had nodded back and taken off, Lucas leaned against his desk for a moment. The sinking feeling in his gut was warning him that something terrible was about to happen. And he knew, after so many years and becoming rich from it; to listen.

In a sudden rush, Lucas began to rummage through his desk like a madman, grabbing folders and ledgers like his life depended on it. Once he’d gotten everything he thought he’d need together, Lord Moonstone walked over to his bookshelf, and bent down to the bottom shelf.


Along with a stack of extremely old papers, he gingerly pulled out a bottle of whiskey that was made the year his daughter was born. After pouring a glass for himself, Lucas sipped it while saying out loud; “I was savin’ this fer when me first grandbairn was born, but I feel like if I dinna taste it now: I’ll never get the chance..”

He thought about how he’d planned on giving it to Skye after her first bairn was born. He’d imagined sharing a glass with her and Tidas, but it didn’t seem feasible now. Lucas didn’t want to admit it, but the same dreadful feeling that was driving his nearly-frantic actions was also telling him why...

Silently, he sipped his whiskey as the noise from outside grew louder and louder. People were thanking the servants as they were led into the castle, and were put anywhere that they would fit. Blankets, water, and food were handed out as the people were funneled inside, and checked for injuries and frostbite.

Lucas finished his glass, set it down on his desk next to the bottle, then gathered his papers. When he was about to leave, Lord Moonstone took one final look at his office, then walked out without a second glance back..

As he speed-walked down his hallway, Lydia emerged from her room with worry etched into her features; “What’s wrong? What’s all that noise..?”

Lucas gently put his hand on her shoulder while holding his documents under his other armpit; “Ima not sure yet, dear. I’m gonna go find out now. Do me a favor, will ya? Get dressed-in Warm clothes-come downstairs to the kitchens, and start gettin’ some baskets together.”

“What?! Why?! You know how terrible I’ve been feeling-”

Lucas’ grip suddenly hardened; “I ken, Lydia, but just do this, alright?! I...I dinna think those people are here fer a good reason. Something terrible happened, and most likely at Dragonhorn. Tis the closest city with so many people. And if somethin’ bad can happen in the General’s hometown, then we need ta be prepared.”

Fear had overtaken Lydia’s face, but she nodded her understanding all the same. Once she had gone back into her room to change, Lucas continued on downstairs. He needed answers, and the people in his house were the only ones who could give them. 𝐟𝓇𝒆𝐞w𝐞𝙗𝓷o𝘷𝐞𝒍. c𝐨𝒎

He hadn’t even made it down his stairs before Lucas saw that people were sitting on them. He had to watch his footing as he walked passed them, and began seeking out someone with answers. As he waded through the crowds of huddled townsfolk, his theory on where they’d all come from was confirmed.

Lord Moonstone had heard several people wishing to go home, but were unsure if it were safe. A few had mentioned something about a group that had turned back, and were lamenting not joining them when Lucas had spotted Doctor Martin across the room. As he approached him, he also noticed Lydia ducking into the kitchens.

With a small sense of relief, Lord Moonstone walked up to the doctor with a smile; “Martin Martin! Tis braw ta see ya! Although I’d like a wee bit of enlightenment as ta Why Ima bein’ graced wit a quarter of Dragonhorn’s populace.”

Doctor Martin’s expression grew grim before he explained the whys and hows of their circumstances. As soon as Lucas heard that it’d been Maevis and Nicolas who’d evacuated Dragonhorn, the dread building up in his gut increased tenfold. Seeing his distress dramatically go up, the doctor asked what was wrong.

Lucas lightly shook his head; “Tis odd, though. Why Dragonhorn? And what about General Zas? Would he really let anythin’ happen to his town? His family’s livelihood? It just doesna make any sense-”

“My Lord! My LORD! They’re comin’! Hundreds of’em’!” an older guard yelled as he came running into the main hall.

Lucas glanced at the doctor with a confused expression, then back at the guard; “Just direct’em in, and give’em the same supplies and treatment as the others-”

“Tis not townsfolk, me Lord! Tis the military! Hundreds of men in armor be headin’ towards us! They’re comin’ from the same direction as the people here,” the man finished breathily.

The dread in his gut felt like it had turned to acid, and was now eating through his stomach. He was about to issue orders to accommodate the soldiers as well when the guard added; “There’s somethin’ else, me Lord, but I dinna how ta describe it..”

With utter exasperation, Lucas implored him into saying; “Ta be honest, it-it looks like a building wit arms! Listen! Ya can hear it gettin’ closer! The thing looks like a monster! And it’s cuttin’ down trees as it goes! There’s a massive fire behind it, too. What should we do, me Lord?”

Lord Moonstone took a deep breath; “I’ll go out and meet’em, but I want ya ta direct these people, wit the doctor and me wife’s help, out the emergency exit. Gather as many guards within the castle as ya can ta guard’em along the way.”

Doctor Martin quirked an eyebrow at him; “Which direction does it go in?”

Lucas smirked nervously; “The north, towards the outpost town that the RMC used for their base during their defense against the Highlanders’ summer raids.. Tell’em I sent ya, and they’ll direct ya to a safe place, and a warm drink.”

Doctor Martin scrunched his features; “What do you mean ‘tell them’? You have to come with us, Moonie! The Fae said that-”

“They be Fae, whilst I’m Lucas Moonstone, friend of the King. None of those soldiers be daft enough ta touch me. But you lot be another story.. Why are ya lookin’ at me like that?”

Martin’s face had fallen the moment Lucas had mentioned the king, which made his gut wrench all the more. The people around them had stopped talking as well, and were looking at Lord Moonstone with sympathy. As his gut twisted further, the doctor broke the news to his old friend..

“I don’t know how to tell you this, Moonie, but according to Maevis and Nicolas: King Magnus has passed away..”

At first, Lucas didn’t react. The news was so ridiculous sounding that it took him a moment to process that it wasn’t a bad joke. Suddenly, he felt his knees go weak, and it nearly made Lucas fall over in shock.

The first words out of his mouth were denial, saying that he would’ve been notified if Magnus had died. Until Doctor Martin told him that Nic and Mae had informed them that the king had been poisoned. As soon as he was told that, Lucas knew exactly who was most likely responsible; “Marco..”

Doctor Martin’s eyes went wide; “That’s what the Fae were saying, but that’s insane, right?! The crowned prince wouldn’t-”

“Oh aye, that fucker would! I warned Magnus fer years that his oldest was unstable. Dammit! Dammit! ...why Magnus..”

Before Lucas could lament the loss of his friend any further, the older guard from earlier came running back. His eyes were bulging as he frantically screamed, and blood tricked down the side of his face. The second he saw his lord, the guard ran over while shouting his lungs out.

“Me Lord! ME LORRRRD! I was Wrong! We were Wrong! Tis Hell! Tis Hell that comes our way!”

Lucas immediately shot up; “What? Make sense, man! What are ya sayin’ about hell?”

The guard was trembling all over as he stopped in front of Lucas and Martin, and spoke with an equally shaky voice; “Dead They’re all dead! The walking dead, my Lord! The soldiers! They’re not alive! There’s...pieces missing that ought not be! They killed him, me Lord! They Killed Jenkins!”

The guard shuddered like he was frozen half to death; “They, they ripped him apart, like he was a piece of paper.. They tried ta kill me, too, but I ducked before the axe hit me.”

As he listened to his guard, the people around them looked terrified. A heaviness filled Lucas’ heart as he realized what needed to be done. For a moment, he silently mourned the time that was going to be taken from him. Then the Lord of Moonshire stood straight as he made an announcement to his guests..

“Ima sorry that yer rest was so short, but I fear that our time is up! To all servants and guards, Listen Up! This will be me final orders! Yer all ta guide the people here ta the Highlanders, and stay with’em and my wife, until Skye returns! Take what ya can carry now! I will go to the village, and send yer families along their way as well!”

Seeing panic starting to break out in pockets all over his home, Lucas implored everyone to remain calm, and to keep straight after they had cleared the passageway. Many of his servants tried to argue, wanting to go collect their families now, but Lucas knew that it was already too late for them.. ‘I just need ta save as many as I can now..’

“Lucas? What’s happening?” Lydia asked with a shaky voice.

He smiled softly at her; “Everything will be fine, dear. Just a bit of a misunderstandin’.. I’ll go straight to the capital, and hash it out wit Magnus. Dinna worry..”

Lucas shot Martin a look, signaling him to stay quiet about the king’s death for now as he continued to soothe his sick wife; “Ima just evacuating everyone ta make sure the soldiers dinna do somethin’ stupid-”

“I be no fool, Lucas Moonstone, so do not stand there and treat me like I am one. What is happening? Why are there soldiers this far north?! And why are all of these people-”

“Lydia,” Lucas’ tone was a bit more curt than he wanted when he cut her off, but he continued regardless; “I can’t explain cause I dinna ken. But I know somethin’ bad is happening, so I’m doing what I must. Now you must as well..”

His voice softened; “Help these people ta safety, then I will join you once I sort this all out. I’ll be by your side soon, I promise.”

Lydia understood her husband well, and knew that he was lying to her. She had heard the women in the kitchens talking about how terrible they felt for their lord to lose his friend and king, so she knew the situation was dire.. ‘But he’s Lucas Moonstone.. Marco wouldn’t Dare hurt him..’

The thought felt hollow, but Lydia clung to it as she took the last bundle of papers that her husband had kept. They were the oldest ones, and Lydia knew exactly what they were. With surprise all over her face, she looked up at her husband’s as he gently nudged her towards the secret passageway’s entrance.

He looked down at her with a solemn expression as he watched her connect the dots in her mind. Tears blurred her vision as Lydia realized that this would most likely be the last time that she ever saw her husband..

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