Chapter 114

Chapter 114

With unexpected persistence, the crew waited outside the whole day.

Shi Jin sat on the walkway’s end. Munching on snacks bought by Gua Two, he asked, “Why are they so dead set on our beach? I mean, the island isn’t small and it’s mainly living from tourism, so there are definitely other places with suitable scenery.”

Gua Two leaned against the walkway’s decorative railing, playing with the binoculars in his hand. “According to what they told Gua Six, everywhere else is swarmed with tourists and it would interfere with the shooting,” he said. “What’s more, the ‘falling into the sea’ scene is supposed to be set in an isolated, deserted place, but this island is a popular tourist area and there are boats and yachts everywhere. Because of our beach’s location, however, there are not many ships passing by, so they pretty much wouldn’t have to worry about this issue.”

So this was the reason.

Shi Jin nodded to show that he understood, and stuffed another takoyaki into his mouth. Glancing at the binoculars Gua Two had been tossing around in his hand, he asked curiously, “What did you bring this for?”

“To watch the fun, of course,” Gua Two replied. He went over to Shi Jin and squatted down next to him, offering him the binoculars. “Jun-shao said that you’re interested in the film crew, so here you go. The crew seems to live on that small cruise ship over there. If we look from here, we might be able to see what they’re doing.”

Speechless, Shi Jin pushed the binoculars away. “That’s not called ‘watching the fun,’ that’s called ‘voyeurism.’ And it’s not that I’m interested in the film crew, I’m just a little curious about how a movie is filmed.”

“Isn’t it the same thing?” Gua Two took the binoculars back and stood up, preparing to “watch the fun”. At that moment, however, Gua Six appeared, striding onto the veranda from the outdoor corridor on the side of the villa, then coming in their direction with quick steps.

“What’s up?” Gua Two turned to greet him, lowering the binoculars.

Gua Six ignored him and walked up to Shi Jin. “Shi-shao, just now, the film crew sent someone to discuss the matter of renting the beach again,” he said with a slightly odd expression. “Jun-shao allowed him to come in and asked me to call you.”

“Call me?” Shi Jin was puzzled.

Gua Six nodded. “The person that came is Rong Zhouzhong,” he said dryly.

Shi Jin stared at him blankly for a moment, then rubbed his ears as if he suspected he heard wrong. “What? Who did you say came?” he asked in shock.

Shi Jin rushed back to the villa and went straight to the living room. Seeing a familiar figure sitting on the sofa, he raised a hand to massage the bridge of his nose. It’s true when they say the world is small…

Today, Rong Zhouzhong wore a slim-fit, light gray casual shirt. His hair was dyed brown and styled into loose, natural curls, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses sat on his nose. He looked gentle and intellectual, which was quite different from his usual image.

But Shi Jin was sure he wasn’t mistaken—the person sitting on the sofa in his living room was none other than Rong Zhouzhong.

Death Progress Bar is translated by Betwixted Translations. Read on the original translator’s site to get the fastest updates!

Rong Zhouzhong was a little irritated. An old director he was friendly with had invited him to make a guest appearance in his movie, playing a teacher who dies midway through. Because it was just a cameo role, he’d intended to get it over and done with quickly. Unfortunately, his plan went up in smoke—when he was about to film his last scene, a staff member accidentally revealed his itinerary, which resulted in a large number of fans and paparazzi flocking over. Because of this, they were unable to finish the shooting in the original location and had no choice but to look for another one.

Every day of delay meant a loss of money. The whole situation was his fault, so when he heard the crew had trouble borrowing the location, he immediately volunteered to try to persuade the owner.

According to the quick inquiry he made before coming here, the owner of this place was in business. The film crew’s request was refused, but perhaps if he mentioned Shi Weichong or Fei Yujing’s name… They were his brothers, so it wasn’t like he couldn’t use their names if he needed to! Anyway, he had to borrow… no, rent this beach no matter what! He couldn’t let the crew lose even more time and money because of his own staff’s mistake.

He should be polite and respectful and use a gentle approach. The crew didn’t plan to take advantage of the owner; they didn’t mean to borrow the beach for free but rent it for a high price—something along these lines… It was all the fault of that stupid staff member! If that idiot hadn’t made such a low-level mistake and leaked his schedule… No, no, don’t think about this, calm down, calm down…

He took a few deep breaths, suppressing the irritability caused by the stupidity of his staff, being chased by intrusive fans and paparazzi, and having to lower his head to some stranger. He took a sip of tea on the coffee table, a vein popping out on his forehead. He’d said he would act respectfully, but wasn’t the owner of this villa too rude?! What’s up with this treatment of guests?! The first time, the crew members hadn’t even been allowed to come in, and though Rong Zhouzhong was let inside, he was left sitting alone in the living room. What the hell, was this an attempt to show him who was boss or something?

…Once he went back, he would fire that damn idiot whose stupid mistake caused this whole trouble in the first place!

Pat, pat, pat. Suddenly, a sound of flip-flaps stepping on the wooden floor could be heard.

Rong Zhouzhong immediately restrained his emotions. Schooling his face into the expression he used to face the media, he turned in the direction of the footsteps and began politely, “Please forgive me disturbing you, I’m… Xiao Jin?”

Halfway through the sentence, the gentle voice snapped like a broken guitar string, replaced by a familiar prickly tone.

Yep, it was Rong Zhouzhong, no mistake.

With a sigh, Shi Jin walked over and plopped down opposite his brother. “If you’re Xiao Jin, then who am I?” he quipped. “Is it your crew that wants to borrow our beach, Third Brother?”

The expression on Rong Zhouzhong’s face was almost comical as he stared at Shi Jin, his gaze sweeping over the teenager’s comfortable home clothes and the snacks in his hand. It took him more than ten seconds to react. “Why are you here?” he asked in shock. “Don’t tell me, are this villa and beach yours? You live here?”

“No, they’re Annihilation’s property,” Shi Jin replied, putting the snacks he was carrying on the coffee table. “Is it your crew who wants to borrow the beach?” he asked again.

Rong Zhouzhong nodded. He focused on Shi Jin, frowning. “Have you been here ever since you took a leave from school? Is Lian Jun here too? What about those other people? You…”

“Stop, stop!” Bombarded with questions, Shi Jin hurriedly raised a hand to interrupt him. “Calm down and wait here for a moment, okay?” he said, getting up. “Lian Jun should’ve finished his meeting with Gua One already. I’ll go and ask him if you guys can borrow the beach.”

In a daze, Rong Zhouzhong watched him leave. A moment later, he blinked as a certain realization cut through the shock, surprise, and disbelief spinning around in his mind. The beach was Annihilation’s property. He came here to beg the owner to borrow it. The owner of the beach was Lian Jun…

That was to say—he was here to beg Lian Jun.

Lian Jun, the person who snatched Shi Jin away.

His face turned black. Feeling as if a blazing fire was scorching his whole body from inside out, he pulled out the phone and called his agent Long Shi. “Fire the idiot who leaked my itinerary!” he growled through clenched teeth. “Immediately, right this moment! I never want to see his face again!” He hung without waiting for an answer, picked up the teacup from the table, and drained it in one gulp.

He really wanted to just get up and leave, but he couldn’t—the crew couldn’t afford any more delays. And—his fingers clenched on the teacup as his gaze fell on the snack bag on the coffee table—and Shi Jin was here. He had to borrow this beach no matter what! Even if he had to agree to some ridiculous demands in Shi Weichong and Fei Yujing’s name!

If you’re seeing this notice, you’re reading this chapter on pirate site – the original translator of Death Progress Bar is Betwixted Translations.

Shi Jin came back a few minutes later, accompanied by Lian Jun. Behind them followed Gua One, whom Rong Zhouzhong had met before.

Ready for a battle, Rong Zhouzhong immediately sat up straight, his eyes full of fighting spirit. He decided that he would respond with grace no matter what attitude Lian Jun took or what conditions he set, as not to lose face for their family. However, Lian Jun spoke before he could properly assume his identity of “Shi Jin’s older brother.”

“You can use the beach, on the condition that the crew members undergo a security check before coming in, and they aren’t allowed to approach the walkway and the villa,” Lian Jun said, surprisingly accommodating.

Rong Zhouzhong: “…Sure, that won’t be a problem.” It was as if his punch hit cotton. He felt uncomfortable and aggrieved.

Lian Jun nodded, as if the matter had been settled, and motioned for Gua One to push him back into the study.

“Wait a moment,” Rong Zhouzhong called out. “Give me a bank account number. I’ll pay the rent on a daily basis.”

Lian Jun stopped and glanced back at him. He wanted to say that since it was Shi Jin’s request, something like that wasn’t needed, but meeting the other man’s fierce, unhappy eyes, he closed his mouth and turned to look at Shi Jin.

Shi Jin waved his hands to show he wouldn’t get involved in this matter. The place belonged to Annihilation, and the sides in the deal were Annihilation and the film crew, not him and Rong Zhouzhong. He was willing to help Rong Zhouzhong out since they were brothers, but he would never let Lian Jun suffer a loss because of it. It was Lian Jun’s choice whether to accept money—he wouldn’t interfere.

Seeing him like this, Lian Jun’s chest filled with warmth. He looked at Rong Zhouzhong and said, “If you’re determined to pay, then just give the rental fee to Shi Jin. Now excuse me, but I must leave, I still have some work to do.”

Shi Jin hurriedly grabbed the wheelchair to stop him. “Why did you say to give it to me? I don’t want it,” he said with a frown.

“What’s mine is yours.” Lian Jun took his lover’s hand and squeezed it soothingly, then raised it to his lips to kiss it.

Coaxed with sweet words until he felt his insides were full of sugar, Shi Jin let Lian Jun back to the study in a daze. After returning to his senses, he let out an embarrassed cough and went to sit in his previous place opposite Rong Zhouzhong. “Okay, then this matter is settled. You’d better hurry back and let your crew know—I’ve heard from Gua Six that they’ve been waiting without being able to do anything for several days already.”

Rong Zhouzhong’s teeth nearly cracked from clenching them as he watched the two’s interaction. Silently cursing Lian Jun for being shameless, he growled out, “How much is the rental fee?”

Shi Jin replied, “I’ve no idea either, this—”

Rong Zhouzhong’s face was serious to the point of sternness. “One should keep clear accounts even with his brothers. Just give me the number and I’ll transfer the money to you.” If not, he would lose to Lian Jun! Anyway, if he had to be in someone’s debt, he would much rather that person be Shi Jin, not Lian Jun!

Shi Jin saw through his brother’s thoughts at a glance since they were pretty much written on his face. He kept silent for a few seconds, then said, “Then… just give me the market price.”

Rong Zhouzhong immediately stretched out his hand. “Your account number.”


Shi Jin looked at the door of the study, which was closed again. Recalling how busy Lian Jun and Gua One were when he came in a moment ago, he was loath to disturb them again. He took out his phone, pulled up Rong Zhouzhong’s number in the contacts, and sent him a text message with his personal bank account number.

Rong Zhouzhong left right after he got it. For some inexplicable reason, his back as he walked away gave off an intimidating impression.

Gua Two, who popped out from who knows where, had a hard-to-describe expression on his face. “You know, I think your brother will definitely pay you twice the market price,” he said.

Shi Jin couldn’t even refute, since Rong Zhouzhong’s expression had practically screamed ‘I this master don’t lack money for some measly rental fee, let me show you.’ It was so glaringly obvious that he would have to be blind not to notice it.

After Rong Zhouzhong left, Gua Six instructed the security guards to open the passage in the security fence on the beach. He also sent a team to contact the crew and conduct a simple security check.

After the check, Gua Six sent a boat to guide the small cruise ship that the film crew used as a base into the beach bay. Once it was moored, the crew immediately rushed to move all kinds of equipment over to the beach and into the temporary work sheds.

The beach became lively in an instant. Afraid that someone would ignorantly barge in the villa, Gua Six deployed the security personnel to the area around the wooden walkway, completely cutting off access to the villa.

As the sky got darker, the beach gradually became quiet. After checking the time, Shi Jin called Rong Zhouzhong and invited him to the villa for dinner.

Rong Zhouzhong accepted the invitation, feigning nonchalance. Then he grabbed his assistant who happened to pass by, and asked, “My brot—I’ve been invited to someone’s house for dinner. What do I need to pay attention to?”

The assistant, who knew his employer’s true personality all too well, was shocked. “Someone invited you to their house for dinner? Which poor soul failed to see through your disguise?”

Rong Zhouzhong gave him a death glare. Voice murderous, he said, “You know, I’ve been quite in a bad mood recently.”

Feeling a chill run down his spine, the assistant replied hurriedly, “Bring a gift, remember to mind your manners, and by no means lose your temper and expose your true nature or you’re going to be hated! Absolutely!”

What do you mean by ‘you can’t expose your true nature or you’re going to be hated’! You have a death wish?!

Angry, Rong Zhouzhong threw him out of the room and slammed the door.

About an hour later, Rong Zhouzhong knocked on the door of the villa exactly at the appointed time, carrying a bulging shopping bag.

“What’s this?” Shi Jin asked as he took it.

“Food. My personal assistant is afraid that my stomach couldn’t adapt to the local dishes, so he bought me a lot of food. It’s so much that I can’t finish it all by myself,” Rong Zhouzhong replied, hiding his expression by bending down to change out of his shoes.

Shi Jin glanced in the bag, at the food packets with labels printed in unfamiliar writing. “Why are they all snacks?” he asked, frowning. “Your assistant is too inexperienced. He should’ve bought you some ready-made meals or something. Snacks can’t replace proper food, you know.”

Rong Zhouzhong’s movements became stiff. “Uh… He’s new, he’s still learning.”

“Why don’t you come to eat with me as long as you’re filming here? It’s not like it’s far,” Shi Jin invited casually. He turned around to put the bag with snacks on the table, missing the sight of Rong Zhouzhong stumbling as he nearly tripped over the threshold.

After a natural and ordinary welcome, Shi Jin led Rong Zhouzhong to the dining room. Lian Jun was already there. Seeing Rong Zhouzhong come in, he took the initiative to greet him.

Rong Zhouzhong instantly switched to combat mode. He returned the greeting with a polite nod, then, in the most elegant and graceful way he could manage, took the seat Shi Jin indicated.

Shi Jin: “……”

Dinner was excellent, but the atmosphere at the table was strange. To be exact, it was strange because of Rong Zhouzhong. He was like a different person: all his actions were elegant, his conversation sparkled with charm and wit, without a trace of his usual testiness. Coupling this with his exceptional good looks, his whole person seemed to shine. It was as if… he competed with Lian Jun, trying to outdo him in every way.

Shi Jin felt his stomach beginning to ache.

He was perfectly clear what kind of character his third brother had, both through the ‘original Shi Jin’s’ memory and his own interactions with him. The person who usually was bad-tempered, petty, had a venomous mouth, and never forgot a grudge, suddenly became polite, restrained, amiable, and considerate—the contrast was just too big. Adding to this his gentle and scholarly appearance today… This guy wouldn’t really be possessed or something, right? Because this felt kind of like watching a horror movie.

After the horror-movie-like diner finally ended, Shi Jin was tasked with seeing Rong Zhouzhong off.

Rong Zhouzhong lived on the cruise ship with the rest of the film crew. Shi Jin led him to the living room’s balcony, and from there to the veranda and the wooden walkway. “Next time, you don’t have to go through the gateway on the beach, you can come directly through here,” he said as they walked. “I’ve asked Gua Six to notify the security guards, so they won’t stop you.”

Rong Zhouzhong let out a quiet “mhm” to indicate agreement, then thanked Shi Jin politely. His attitude was humble and earnest.

Shi Jin couldn’t take it anymore, so he stopped and turned to look at him, a serious expression on his face.

Rong Zhouzhong didn’t react in time and almost ran into him. He quickly stepped back and steadied himself, then asked, “What’s wrong?”

“That’s what I want to ask.” Shi Jin’s gaze swept him up and down like a searchlight. Suddenly, he reached out and took off the older man’s glasses, moving closer to stare at his face.

Rong Zhouzhong instinctively leaned back. “What are you doing?”

“Provoking you,” Shi Jin replied. “Let’s have a fight. If you win, I’ll give this back to you,” he continued, waving the glasses in his hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll be careful not to hit you in the face this time.”

Veins popped out on Rong Zhouzhong’s forehead, a crack appearing in the mask he’d worn all evening. “I don’t want to fight with you.”

“But I want to,” Shi Jin said, throwing a punch at him at the same time. Pupils shrinking, Rong Zhouzhong hurriedly sidestepped to avoid it.

The first hit didn’t connect, so Shi Jin immediately followed with the second.

Rong Zhouzhong didn’t want to fight with Shi Jin—rather, what he wanted was to get close to him and make up for the past. He no longer intended to do things that would annoy or hurt his younger brother, as he had before. However, Shi Jin seriously tried to beat him up and kept goading him with provocative expression and remarks. He even called him a vase, which was like a red rag to Rong Zhouzhong.

“Stop trying to annoy me,” he warned, holding back his temper, doing his best to stop his gentle mask from breaking.

But Shi Jin stubbornly continued to attack him. “Vase,” he repeated.

“I said, stop trying to piss me off!” Finally, he couldn’t bear it anymore and reached out, trying to grab Shi Jin’s fist to stop him. His mask shattering into dust, he said in his usual irritable tone, “Shi Jin, I don’t want to hit you!”

Shi Jin avoided his hand and punched him in the abdomen. “What’s your game this time? Are you trying to make me fall for your ‘good brother’ pretense so you can get benefits from me? After all, Ruixing is now back in my hands.”

Rong Zhouzhong’s eyes opened wide with disbelief, the pain in his body and the pain of his sincere heart being stamped on amplifying each other. His lips pressed into a tight line, and his expression sank. “Take those words back, Shi Jin,” he forced out through clenched teeth.

“Take them back? Why should I?” Shi Jin twisted his arm and pushed him face-down on the ground. Looking down at him, he said, “Rong Zhouzhong, that ‘polite and friendly’ character just now was acted out very well. Your movie emperor title is well deserved. Well, after more than ten years of acting practice, it would be weird if your skills weren’t up to par. Speaking of which, I never had an opportunity to ask you—have I done well as your practice dummy? I should’ve been quite easy to use.”

Rong Zhouzhong’s attempts to get free came to an abrupt halt. His hair became disheveled in the struggle and fell down his forehead and over his eyes. The hazy moonlight and the walkway’s dim lights were only enough to make out the lower half of his face with tightly clenched lips.

“Shi Jin, is this really what you believe?” he said in a rare serious, dispirited tone.

Shi Jin reached out and brushed the hair out of his forehead. Looking into the eyes full of emotions his brother was too late to conceal, he asked, “Are you scared?”

Flustered, Rong Zhouzhong closed his eyes and turned his head away. Pressing down on the wound in his heart, he gritted his teeth and said, “Scared of what, of you? Kill me if you can, I dare you!”

“At that time, I felt exactly like you’re feeling right now.” Shi Jin released him and continued, “Rong Zhouzhong, do you remember how many nasty, ugly things you’ve said to me? Stop playing a nice, caring brother, it’s just too fake.”

Rong Zhouzhong’s body stiffened. He closed his eyes again, a sour, painful feeling rising in his heart, making him choke. “You…” he began, his voice barely a whisper.

“If you really want to repair our relationship, don’t approach me wearing a fake mask. It makes me remember things I’d rather not.” Shi Jin withdrew his pressuring aura and plopped down cross-legged beside his brother.

Rong Zhouzhong turned his head away so as not to look at him. After a long silence, he said, “Today, I wasn’t pretending, I… I just didn’t want you to lose face! You asshole that doesn’t understand anything!”

“Why are you calling me names? As if you weren’t an asshole.” Frowning, Shi Jin stretched out his leg to kick him lightly.

Rong Zhouzhong grabbed his ankle. “Yeah, I really am an asshole,” he said, looking up at him. “If you’re angry, continue beating me up, I deserve it. Just don’t hit me in the face, I have a scene tomorrow.”

Without hesitation, Shi Jin kicked him again, then stepped on his back with one foot like a villain, rocking him back and forth as if playing with a ball. “That’s right, Rong Zhouzhong, you’re a complete and utter asshole,” he drawled.

When had Rong Zhouzhong ever been subjected to such “torment”? His forehead was full of bulging veins, but it was indeed him who was in the wrong first, so he closed his eyes and endured, letting his younger brother vent.

“Your heart is smaller than the tip of a needle. I can’t believe that you’ve really been holding a grudge for something I said when I was nine years old.”

This did happen. Before the whole truth about Shi Xingrui’s family came out, Rong Zhouzhong really held a grudge against Shi Jin for agreeing with Shi Xingrui’s ‘Your brothers are your servants’ words. Aggrieved but unable to refute, he could only keep silent and listen to the scolding.

“And you’re childish enough to actually give me cucumber pillow in revenge. What are you, a preschooler?” Shi Jin ridiculed.

Rong Zhouzhong turned his head to glare at him. “Are we really doing this? Who’s the preschooler here?”

“Quiet! When the creditor speaks, the debtor shouldn’t interrupt!” Shi Jin stomped on his butt. Showing no mercy, he continued, “You’re not only childish but also oversensitive, bad-tempered, conceited, don’t think before you speak… There’s no good place at all!”

Suffering both physical and mental humiliation, Rong Zhouzhong felt like he was suffocating. “Little bastard, don’t push it,” he said through clenched teeth.

Shi Jin retracted his leg, then grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. Looking him straight in the eye, he asked, “What if I push it? Are you going to kill me? Go on then, here’s the gun.” He took out his gun and thrust it into his brother’s hand.


Rong Zhouzhong was so angry that he wanted to curse out loud.

Are you serious? Haven’t we been through this once already?!

He threw the gun away and grabbed Shi Jin by the collar, glaring at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but as he looked into Shi Jin’s emotionless eyes, his heart trembled and he swallowed back the words on his tongue. Annoyed, he let go of Shi Jin and turned to lean on the walkway’s railing, growling, “If you want to beat me, then beat me, if you want to scold me, then do, just don’t show that half-dead look! Fuck! Shi Xingrui, you old sleazebag, what did you do to raise this kind of troublesome bastard!”

Shi Jin smacked him on the back of the head. “You’re the troublesome bastard!”

“You fucking…” Rong Zhouzhong turned his head to insult him back, but seeing Shi Jin’s face, the words died in his throat. He punched the top of the railing several times in anger, then closed his eyes and collapsed on the walkway without strength like a dead body.

The world suddenly became quiet. Shi Jin didn’t hit Rong Zhouzhong or scold him again.

He’s probably gathering his strength, Rong Zhouzhong thought, suppressing his temper. Body tense, he waited for the next “torture.”

One minute, two minutes… More than ten minutes passed, but the “torture” did not come. Instead, the surroundings became quieter and quieter, as if he was completely alone.

Shi Jin wouldn’t have just left him here, right?

A frown appeared on Rong Zhouzhong’s face. He couldn’t help but open his eyes and turn to look at the place where Shi Jin was sitting before.


The sound of a shutter came from a mobile phone hanging right in front of him.

After pressing the camera button, Shi Jin retracted the phone that almost touched Rong Zhouzhong’s face. He admired the photo he took, humming with satisfaction, and gave his brother a bright smile as if his previous antagonistic attitude was a lie. With his other hand, he took a bag of dried fruit snacks out of his pants’ pocket. “Hehe.”

Rong Zhouzhong looked dazed.


“Your impression of a salted fish just now was simply perfect, Third Brother,” Shi Jin said, munching on a piece of dried fruit. “Considerately,” he took out another piece and stuffed it into Rong Zhouzhong’s mouth. “Thank you for your hard work, Third Brother, it was good after-dinner entertainment. Good night, Third Brother, sleep well. See you later.” Then he got up, patted the dust off his ass, and headed back to the villa.

A foolish expression on his face, Rong Zhouzhong chewed the dried fruit as he watched Shi Jin walk away. Thinking back on Shi Jin’s various actions this evening, he realized that he’d been played by the other party. He was so angry that he jumped to his feet in one move and rushed after Shi Jin, shouting, “Little bastard, how dare you to fool me! Don’t run! Delete the photo! Delete it right now!”

He’s finally back to normal.

Shi Jin ate a piece of dried fruit with satisfaction, turning to wave at Rong Zhouzhong who was chasing after him. He stepped into the bedroom, closed the French window behind him, then pulled the curtains closed right in front of Rong Zhouzhong.


Rong Zhouzhong’s expression distorted; he was so angry that he almost died on the spot. He stomped around on the veranda for more than ten minutes before reluctantly leaving.

In the bedroom, Lian Jun put down a document and looked at Shi Jin who was peeking at Rong Zhouzhong through the gap in the curtains while eating dried fruit. “Is it fun?” he asked.

Shi Jin nodded. “Yeah, it’s fun.” Out of all of his brothers, Rong Zhouzhong was the most fun.

Author’s P.S.:

Rong Zhouzhong, pushed face-down on the walkway, aggrieved [crossed out]: “I wasn’t pretending, I… I was just afraid that you’ll hate me [spoken too quietly to be understood]. You asshole that doesn’t understand anything!”

Translator’s Notes:

“Shi Jin stuffed another takoyaki into his mouth” – not a mistake. Apparently, it’s very popular in Taiwanese cuisine due to the historical influence of Japanese culture (and the island is close to Formosa/Taiwan). “He even called him a vase, which was like a red rag to Rong Zhouzhong” – 花瓶, a person who is pretty but otherwise useless, particularly a young and attractive but untalented actress. “Your impression of a salted fish just now was simply perfect” – 鹹魚 – slang for a dead body.

“Being a man without a dream, what is the difference between you and a salted fish?” was one of the lines in a 2001 Hong Kong sports comedy film “Shaolin Soccer.” Since then, “salted fish” also became a metaphor for someone who doesn’t want to do anything, doesn’t want to move, and doesn’t have dreams.

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