Chapter 692. Assembling (2)

Chapter 692. Assembling (2)

“The demon emperor, is it...?”

Zhu Gang couldn't help but tilt his head.

'I can never comprehend what these old codgers are thinking of...'

Demon emperor?

Before he could start caring about that suspiciously arrogant-sounding name, Zhu Gang couldn't even wrap his head around its significance. His case wasn't helped by his failure to comprehend the explanations given to him and his peers.

The origin of demons? The cult leader who crossed the time itself to descend? What kind of dogsh*t nonsense was this?

It was true that the martial society treated demonic cultivators like him and his peers as stinking bottom-feeders. However, that didn't mean Zhu Gang's brain was dumb as a bottom-feeder, too. At the very least, he could still tell reality and fantasy apart.

'I'm telling you, it's all bullsh*t!'

Wasn't this story pretty much the same as all those idle chats between old folks in the park during the sessions of Tai Chi or a game of Go? Like, when those folks rambled on and on about how things were better when Mao Zedong was still alive? Or how a brand new era would soon begin?

At least Zhu Gang understood that the 'demon emperor' was a returner. So, it didn't seem so far-fetched for a returner to have mastered the ancient demonic arts before returning to the modern era.

Quite a few of Zhu Gang's peers were extremely excited by that notion. Some even believed that the existence of the demon emperor could transform their wretched reality into something infinitely better. However...

'What a bunch of morons!'

Transform? Into something better? What a hilariously inane sleep-talk that was.

They were living in the modern era. Waaay back in the past, it might have been possible for those hiding in the boonies to train in martial arts with nothing but weeds as sustenance and eventually become strong enough to change their circumstances. However, such a scenario was no longer applicable these days. Everything required money now.

Besides, would the Three Kings sit still if they heard about how the demonic cultivators were trying to gain more power? Even if the Three Kings were vastly different in personalities, and their schools of cultivation were rivals, their hatred toward demonic cultivators was about equal, as if they had made prior agreements or something! They always persecuted demonic cultivators as if the latter group was filled with pests requiring total elimination sooner rather than later.

So, for the demonic cultivators to entertain the notion of growing stronger by mastering new demonic arts?

The old idiom 'disturbing the grass and frightening the snake hidden within' seemed appropriate for this particular situation. If the demonic cultivators really tried that, it could potentially lead to the precarious line of inheritance of demonic arts finally getting severed for good.

Besides, nothing would change even if the Three Kings failed to notice the presence of the new demon emperor right till the end. To grow strong enough to overcome all persecutions, they'd probably need to train for at least two decades. Even then, they still might not rival the strength of the Three Kings and their factions.

Two decades? Only by focusing solely on training for that long without worrying about putting food on the table could they turn this fantasy into reality. However, would such a thing be even possible? Of course not.

'Yup, it's all nonsense.'

Zhu Gang had no thoughts of humoring the old codgers with zero awareness of reality. The same went for his peers, too, since their attempt to chase after their nebulous dream had resulted in their heads firmly stuck in the clouds!

Forget the demon emperor or whatever, Zhu Gang was more worried about making enough money for tomorrow's rent! Unfortunately for him, though...

'Goddamn it! Why did you have to come here, for crying out loud!'

Out of all the potential places in China, that so-called demon emperor just had to be in Sichuan. And Zhu Gang was told to guide this mysterious returner to Beijing.

Zhu Gang wasn't lounging around doing nothing in Sichuan. He had a life here. Even so, he couldn't go against that order.

Demonic cultivators might be persecuted and sneered at by other martial artists, but the solidarity and network joining all demonic cultivators was nothing to scoff at. Maybe all the persecution and discrimination could explain why demonic cultivators were far more united than other groups of martial artists.

So, if Zhu Gang disobeyed the order from the higher-ups, his already-tough life would only get tougher.

“Gimme a freaking break, man! Seriously...” Zhu Gang frowned deeply while driving his car. 'Bloody hell! At least ride in my car or something!'

Zhu Gang was informed that his passengers would not be passengers, after all, since they had their own ride. In that case, Zhu Gang would have to go through the extra trouble of leaving his car in Sichuan and driving whatever they were driving to Beijing, then come back on his own somehow to get his car back.

While thinking that everything was out to make his life more miserable, Zhu Gang angrily stomped on the accelerator.


“Hmm... It's supposed to be around here, so...”

Zhu Gang glanced around to find the vehicle.

'It's a black van, right? A black van... Where is it?'

The meeting place was a roadside rest stop. Or, more correctly, they said they would park their van at this particular rest stop, so Zhu Gang should come find them.

'Geez! The more I think about it, the more it pisses me off!'

How did it make sense in this day and age to drive somewhere and fetch a group of people who already had their own mode of transport? Entering the destination in the satnav should ensure anyone could travel thousands of miles without too many issues!

So, the fact that this cumbersome method had to be utilized... Didn't that indicate the other party couldn't even be bothered to drive?


The wise old 'they' said that knowing one thing about a person could tell you ten more things about that individual. Just from this cumbersome fetch quest alone, Zhu Gang could guess what kind of character this so-called demon emperor possessed. That man must be extremely full of himself and drunk in his own power!

Guessing that much wasn't so difficult since Zhu Gang had already encountered a few returners in the past. Some of them happened to be rather peculiar, while the rest blended in with society so well that he'd have never guessed they were returners without someone telling him first.

Even so, all the returners shared one commonality. And that was... a sense of disharmony.

They all gave off that disharmonious feeling as if their appearance and mental age didn't match. And no, it was different from the concept of 'old soul.' Something about their mindset was noticeably different from people who were born in the modern era and had lived their entire lives here. This difference was more than enough to send a creepy chill down Zhu Gang's spine sometimes.

Worse still, many of them were somewhat displeased by the modern era's atmosphere of relative freedom after living in the authoritarian eras of the ancient past for too long.

Considering all those factors, Zhu Gang had a feeling that this demon emperor dude would be no different. Since that man used to be the demon cult's leader in the past, how much authority would he have enjoyed back then? Without a doubt, he'd demand to be treated just as well as in the past.

'Urgh, I'm tired already...'

Zhu Gang sighed deeply. Once he took his guests to Beijing, he wouldn't have to worry about getting tangled up in some other business. However, imagining how tiring it'd be during the journey was giving him a case of nasty migraine.

That was when something unexpected happened.

“Excuse me, are you a demonic cultivator?”

Zhu Gang instantly stiffened up a little. Did someone say 'excuse me' to him?

He couldn't remember anyone saying that to him in his entire life. Demonic cultivators would refrain from even saying 'de' of 'demonic' in public places like this. Meanwhile, other martial artists would never use any form of polite speech toward anyone suspected of being a demonic cultivator.

In that case... What was going on here? Zhu Gang slowly turned his head to look behind him. He found a man wearing a clean-cut black business suit standing there.

This man spoke again. “You must be.”


Zhu Gang couldn't immediately respond. Was it because he was too flustered? Of course not!

Zhu Gang was no idiot. Since he came here to find the demon emperor, it was obvious that the other party could send someone to find him, too. That much was easy enough to guess. He wasn't a helpless moron who would freeze up and go, 'Ubababa!' at the mere mention of 'demonic cultivator.'

What made him speechless was the existence of the man before his eyes.

They were dealing with the demon emperor. Regardless of whether or not Zhu Gang was ready to accept that as fact, a man arrogant enough to call himself that title would obviously have servants... 'assistants', accompanying him. The problem this time was the class of this assistant. He was... simply too weak!

'Goddamn it! If I get serious, I can wreck this bastard in ten seconds or less!'

There was a saying, 'Know the owner first before kicking the dog.'

It meant one could guess the owner's capabilities by looking at their dog. So, a man with a servant this trashy couldn't be all that amazing. At least, that was the conclusion Zhu Gang had arrived at.

Even the gophers of the Three Kings' factions wouldn't allow such trashy bastards into their entourage!

“Excuse me?” The black-suited man asked again.

“Oh, uh... Yes, I am.”

Unfortunately, Zhu Gang had no choice but to lower his head. Although, it wasn't because of the demon emperor's existence. He was scared of the old codgers getting furious at him for being rude toward the demon emperor's servant. If the story of his transgressions reaches their ears, those short-tempered boomers would probably want to lob his head off or something.

It didn't matter what Zhu Gang's opinion on this matter was. The elders had already acknowledged this black-suited man's master as the one-and-only demon emperor. In other words, those eccentric and vile monsters had already acknowledged the demon emperor's authority.

Regardless of what his actual thoughts on the matter were, Zhu Gang also had to play along and acknowledge that authority.

Zhu Gang finished bowing and addressed the black-suited man. “I've come to guide you. Where is my liege?”

“Please, come this way.” The black-suited man turned around and took the lead.

'What the hell, that son of a bi*ch...!'

Zhu Gang faintly gritted his teeth. How could he not, when he clearly caught the brief glimpse of the black-suited man shooting a glare of contempt in his way while turning around? Those who cultivated martial arts to some degree would always hold contempt for demonic cultivators. It was as if they were viewing something dirty and uncouth.

Even if racial discrimination had been outlawed, modern Chinese martial society still treated demonic cultivators worse than African slaves in the past.

Zhu Gang still got angry at this by-now familiar glare because the man giving him that stink-eye was none other than the so-called demon emperor's servant. A man who should be an ally dared to glare at a demonic cultivator like that?

'Goddamn it. I guess that demon emperor is also a lost cause...'

Since the demon emperor was waltzing around with a servant like that in tow, didn't that indicate he was terrible at judging people? And didn't it also indicate his failure to completely dominate the people around him?

Even though they hadn't met yet, Zhu Gang's disappointment in this demon emperor only grew larger and heavier.

“They are over there,” said the black-suited man.

Zhu Gang looked up... and was treated to a somewhat strange sight.

There was the black van he had been searching for, and two men were standing near it, leisurely drinking coffee.

Zhu Gang's attention was immediately drawn to the giant.

'What the hell? Is that even a human being?'

Well, he had to be. A human being, that was.

The facial features were obviously human, and he had the correct number of arms and legs, so...

However, could a person that large still be called a human being? After all, a small feline creature was often referred to as a kitten, while a much-larger example was called a lion. In that case, was it correct to view that giant as Zhu Gang's fellow human being?

Anyone with functioning eyes would've thought the same thing as Zhu Gang after taking one look at the giant.

'Is he the demon emperor?'

No, that couldn't be it.

That giant couldn't be the demon emperor. The elders would've mentioned it over the phone if the subject of their ardent worship was a giant like that!

Actually, didn't the elders say that the demon emperor had an unexpectedly young-looking face? Didn't they warn Zhu Gang to keep his wits about him and not be rude?

That giant's face could never be described as 'young-looking.' Not by a long shot. Which meant the demon emperor had to be the man with a much-slenderer frame next to the giant...

Sure, the man in question couldn't be accused of being too slender or tiny, but merely standing next to the giant practically had turned him into a dwarf. Everything in this world was relative, after all!

Was that why? The first emotion Zhu Gang felt was disappointment. Yet again.

Yes, a martial artist's physique wasn't the be-all and end-all. He knew that. However, a large physique was still nothing to gloss over.

Zhu Gang had expected a somewhat-more authoritative presence from the so-called demon emperor, but the person in question seemed a little too slender to be imposing. That was the source of Zhu Gang's disappointment this time.

Besides... Didn't that man feel like a normal, powerless civilian?

'Is he really the demon emperor?'

Having zero expectations meant one couldn't get disappointed. Knowing this, Zhu Gang tried to keep his expectations as close to zero as possible, but it seemed his heart still held on to some hope.

And now, that hope was grandly crumbling down.

'What the hell were they hoping for here? What a bunch of f*cking idiots!'

Reality couldn't be changed that easily. Haven't they already learned that painful lesson many times by now? Through all the cruelty, all the humiliation they had experienced?!

Zhu Gang discarded the last vestiges of expectation from his heart and coldly studied the demon emperor. His job was to drive that man to Beijing, and that would be it. He'd obviously remain polite, but being subservient was out of the question. A meekly bitter medicine could often be worse than poison, after all!

That was when the demon emperor suddenly shifted his head in Zhu Gang's direction. And their gazes collided mid-air. Almost at the same time...

Zhu Gang froze up.

That man's gaze... contained nothing. No traces of malice. No anger. Just an uncluttered, emotionless gaze.

Most humans would never see this truth, never mind comprehending it. However, Zhu Gang knew it instantly. Precisely because he was a demonic cultivator! He recognized the absolutely gigantic demonic energy hidden behind that seemingly clear gaze!

Just looking at him instantly paralyzed his heart and soul. That dreadful demonic power seemed to suck him into the bottomless abyss of despair!

That... That evil so pure and bottomlessly deep that Zhu Gang would never dare stare at it for too long!


Zhu Gang fell to the floor. More correctly, he went down on both of his knees. And then... He slammed his forehead to the ground and roared out.

That was a loud and keen roar the likes of which he had never produced in this entire life. An eruption of pure emotion containing decades of sorrow and pure joy!

“We ten thousand demons kowtow in exaltation at the descending demon emperor!”

The powerful, unstoppable whirlpool of emotions beyond Zhu Gang's ability to understand or control hijacked his voice and echoed throughout the surroundings.

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