Chapter 210: A New Path

Chapter 210: A New Path

Yael grimaced as he stared down at the corpse of the third prince. Guard duty was rarely glamorous, but this was rather morbid and also quite sad…

When the news came down, Yael was sent to guard the body during the first shift. The reasons were that his commander, the Silver Maiden Vuria, said his family might want to visit, and there was also a tiny chance the assassins might try to tamper with the corpse.

Yael glanced down at the corpse and felt this pang of pity. He guarded this body alongside the royal guard for an entire day, and not a single family member came to visit. Not his friends, not his allies in court, no one. Just some soldiers tasked with guarding his corpse.

He died alone, most likely poisoned by his close attendants. Yael glanced at the door and saw his replacement arrive.

“Hey, Yael.” Yael’s close friend and training mate said as she approached.

Like most cherubim, she had a small, petite body. Cherubim were about the same frame and size as adolescent humans. She had short blonde hair and amber eyes.

“Hello, Alari.” Yael greeted with a tired nod.

“I’ll take over; you get some rest.” Alari said with a warm smile.

Yael nodded gratefully at her before heading off. He left the palace and decided to head to the slums again. A bed was reserved for him in the Cherubim Militia Outpost there, but he also had a bed available in the palace.

But without being able to fly, if something were to happen in the slums, he would be exhausted from running all the way back. So, despite his tiredness, he felt it would be best to rest at the outpost.

As Yael walked down the once-beautiful streets, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of grief at the horrible sights around him. The streets were dilapidated, and many windows were broken from robberies. Most businesses had collapsed due to the ruined economy, and the food supply was falling to critical levels.

Yael sensed a commotion nearby, and he saw what looked to be an old man being robbed. Yael was about to step in when he saw a pair of skinny teenagers ripping bread from the old man’s hand. The old man didn’t even resist, and when he offered his coin purse to the would-be thieves, they didn’t even take it. They just ran off with the bread.

It turns out money wasn’t that useful when you couldn’t buy food. Yael didn’t have the heart to stop those teenagers. What was he to do? Save the man from starving just to let those two starve? There just wasn’t enough food, so any shred of justice had no meaning. One way or another, someone was going to starve.

Yael approached the old man and he calmly stowed the coin purse back into his belt.

“Hello, Cherubim. I hope you can look the other way for those youngsters. It’s not their fault they are starving.” the old man said as he steadied himself on his gnarled wooden cane.

It was then that Yael noticed that this old man carried himself with the poise of a seasoned soldier. He reminded Yael of the older instructors in the academy; they had the same poise and razor-sharp gaze.

He had a head of pale blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He wore a wide-brimmed hat and wore a wide billowing jacket-like robe over a set of simple cloth clothes. Yael noted that the jacket he wore was of the style of the Mugummans. It was called a Haori if he recalled correctly, it allowed freedom of movement while hiding anything on their person.

“These sights are quite common in recent days, what with the food shipment supply being lost in the landslide.” Yael muttered in response.

“Ah yes I heard about that, at times it seems that fate itself is conspiring against this place.” the old man said as leaned more heavily against his cane.

“Yes it does seem like that doesn’t it?” Yael replied with a rather dark chuckle.

“We just do what we can with what we have.” Yael added with a small sigh.

“Yes, that is the case in most things.” the old man chuckled.

Th𝗲 most uptodate novels are published on ƒгeewё

“Do you need an escort back to your place of residence?” Yael asked in attempt to shift the gloomy topic.

“No, I have survived this long. I will manage back to my tent in the slums.” the old man replied with a gently and serene smile.

“I’m heading back to the slums as well. We can head over together.” Yael said with a smile and the old man just responded with a grateful smile.

The two headed out, and as they walked Yael noted that the old man was surprisingly nimble for someone his age. The cane seemed more cosmetic rather than practical.

“May I ask what you were doing before we met?” Yael asked as he glanced at the old man.

“Fetching this.” the old man said as he revealed a bag under his wide jacket, revealing a bag filled with bread.

“I just offered them the remaining coins, I had spent the rest on bread.” the old man said with a sly smile.

“Who are you?” Yael asked as he glanced at the sack full of bread. This old man must have been carrying the bread around in his hands to act as a red herring. Robbers won’t think he will have anything more if he offers the bread in his hands and his coin purse. They won’t realise the real treasure is hidden under his cloak.

“Just an old man, I do some favours for the Averlonian Embassy and they give me an allowance. I don’t eat much so I spend the rest on food for the children.” the old man said as he covered up the sack of bread.

“They must pay you quite well for you to afford that much bread. The price of food in the city has shot through of the roof.” Yael commented.

“Indeed, not surprising considering most of it has been stolen.” the old man said.

“Stolen?” Yael asked as he raised a brow at the old man.

“Why yes. Have you ever been in a city under siege?” the old man asked suddenly and Yael did a small double take and the sudden pivot in the conversation.

“Can’t say I have sir.” Yael replied.

“Yes I would imagine not. Has heaven ever been under siege?” the old man asked.

“Not to my knowledge.” Yael replied as he tilted his head in confusion.

“Well young Cherubim, in a siege there is shortage of food, which means it is not that much different from what is happening now. When food runs low the nobles start selling their jewelry for food. As soon as things start getting bad, the thieves steal all the food and rob everyone blind with sky high prices.” the old man said with a laugh.

“But surely the guards will step in.” Yael responded.

“Why would they? There isn’t enough food to go around, the guard’s rations get cut when food shortages begin. They also have families to feed, and with food prices skyrocketing how will they feed them on their meagre salary? Even the nobles are selling thier priceless possessions. What hope does a guard have to feed his family?” the old man said as he glanced a pair of guards who were idling by the side of the road. It was then that Yael noticed how well-fed they were. They didn’t have the gaunt hungry expressions that plagued the citizens.

“I must let my commander know of this. This cannot go on.” Yael said as they turned a corner.

“You can try, but honestly the guards are just the buyers and enforcers. The real ones behind this are the nobles who pay the guards. They are told to look the other way and at the same time they buy from the criminal underworld.” the old man said.

Yael just sighed in response.

“No need to lose heart young one, just do what you can.” the old man said with a gentle smile.

“No I’m not losing heart…” Yael replied as he glanced at the old man.

I just really hate talking to Inquisitors…

“Inquisitors?” the old man asked, his voice going slightly soft.

“Yes, the Inquisitors have been looking for corrupt government members,” Yael said as he scratched the back of his head.

“I’m going to have to report this, old man your words might just save alot of the citizens. I just wish more would step forward.” Yael said as they finally reached the edge of the slums.

“The burnings and crucifixions probably make people fearful to step forward.” the old man commented as he glanced at a nearby scorched corpse atop a cross.

“Perhaps you are right, but corruption must be scoured from the world.” Yael replied resolutely.

“I see. Well, it is time we part ways. I am sure the children are eager for the food.” the old man said as he bid Yael farewell.

Yael nodded and continued on his way. When he arrived at the command post, he noticed a group of wagons packed to the brim filled with food stuffs and even medical potions. He glanced up and saw them flying the banner of the white phoenix.

Yael approached and he saw his commanding officer, Militia Captain Andrias ordering the nearby Cherubim to get ready to unload the the wagons.

When Yael approached Captain Andrias he turned to look at Yael.

“Ah Yael, there you are, come with me a moment.” Captian Andrias said as he glanced at the command tent.

Yael nodded in confusion before following after him towards the tent. As he walked, he saw the Cherubim around him giving out food to some of the starving people in the slum.

When he entered the tent, he saw a group of four other Cherubim. He recognised them to be other high performing militia members. Yael nodded at each of them in turn and getting the message he stood in formation with the rest of them.

Captain Andrias walked in front of the five of them and stared at them with a bored expression.

“Archangel Uriel has expressed appreciation for your unyielding dedication to High Heaven. Given recent developments, the five of you will be given new responsibilities. In light of these new responsibilities, Archangel Uriel has determined that the five of you are no longer presentable in your current uniforms.

Thus command has seen fit to grant you these as a reflection of your new rank.” Captain Andrias said in a bored tone as he uncereminously handed each of them a box.

Yael tentatively opened the box and saw an ampulent bearing the stripes of a Third Sergeant.

“Consider yourselves field promoted, now the four of you I need you to coordinate the distribution of the food rations given by our Averlonian… acquaintances…” Captain Andrias said begrudgingly.

“As for you Yael, head over to the Embassy, the Ambassador is looking for you.” Captain Andrias said as he turned away without even a salute.

“Dismissed.” Captain Andrias droned as he walked out of the tent.

“So much for ceremony.” one of the Cherubim grumbled.

“Come on, let’s go.” Yael said as he turned and headed out of the tent. Yael would have preferred some sleep first, but alas duty calls. He absentmindedly fixed his ampulets to this uniform before heading towards the embassy.

As he walked he saw his fellow Cherubim all doing their best to either unload the food or give it out. He noticed the boxes of food were filled with these strange brown bars.

Out of curiosity, he approached a nearby wagon where he spotted an Averlonian soldier helping to unload some of the odd bars.

“Excuse me good sir, may I know what those bars are?’ Yael asked as he shouted up at the soldier.

The soldier paused as he looked down at Yael. The soldier’s eyes glanced at his new rank and gave him a respectful salute.

“Greetings Sergeant. I am Corporal Sulli.” the soldier said with a neat salute.

“Sergeant Yael.” Yael said with a respectful salute.

“Never seen the Ration Bars before I take it?” Corporal Sulli asked amicably.

“No, we don’t use these.” Yael replied.

“Ah makes sense, I bet you lot eat fancy.” Corporal Sulli send with a laugh.

“Not overly so.” Yael replied with a smile of his own.

“Haha, well these Ration Bars a new thing the Empress came up with. Useful things these bars. They don’t go bad easily and if you stick them someplace dry and cool these things can last years.” Corporal Sulli said with a prideful grin.

“Oh really? How long do they last exactly?” Yael asked.

“Can’t say, none of them have gone bad yet. The oldest bars we have are just over a year old. Really nifty things, they don’t taste that good but one bar is as good as a meal. Just chow down on a bar and drink a cup of water and you can keep going for half a day.” Corporal Sulli replied.

“Really?” Yael asked incredulously.

“Yep, we almost had famine a year ago, the Empress managed to avert it, but the danger is always there. So the Great Beast came up with this thing, its really nutrient-rich and two bars a day can keep a soldier going.

From what I hear, we have enough bars to stave off five years of failed harvests.” Corporal Sulli said and Yael’s eyes widened at those words.

“Wow.” Yael replied in surprise.

“Yeah, I hear we have entire underground storehouses of the stuff. The ambassador sent word to the Capital with concerns for the people here so the Empress sent a ship filled with supplies to help these poor souls out.” Corporal Sulli responded.

“That can’t be cheap.” Yael said as he furrowed his brow.

“No it usually won’t be.” Yael heard a familiar voice say from behind him. He turned and saw Ambassador Tsarkov standing there with his usual mild smile.

“Ambassador, greetings.” Yael said with a salute.

“Good day to you too Sergeant. Congratulations on your promotion.” Tsarkov said with a smile and nod.

“Thank you, I hear you wanted to speak with me?” Yael said.

“Yes, but I think we have time for some casual conversation. I believe you and Corporal Sulli here were in the middle of something.” Tsarkov said.

“Oh its nothing Ambassador, Sergeant Yael here just wanted to know more about the Ration Bars.” Corporal Sulli said from atop the wagon.

“Yes, it would normally not be small sum given the market conditions. But I sent a letter to her grace the Empress with concerns for the good people in this city. In her benevolence and wisdom she deigned to send a ship filled with supplies to aid the people here. From what I hear the arrival of the ship timely considering the recent landslide blocking access to food supplies.” Tsarkov said.

“Yes, it seems word got around.” Yael replied with a sigh.

“Yes, the price of bread doubling does tend to raise a few eyebrows.” Tsarkov said with a bitter smile.

“That’s very charitable of her.” Yael said.

“Many refugees have started to trickle into the Empire. Their stories have not fallen on deaf ears. The collapse of the Divonian Empire would not profit the Averlonian Empire. Without prey, demons will simply find a new target. It's better to aid Divonia than to fight on home ground, wouldn’t you agree?” Tsarkov said and Yael furrowed his brows at those words.

“I would say then that you lack the proper reasons for aiding the people. Helping for your own personal self-interest is immoral,” Yael said.

“Perhaps but it is also prudent, a prudent ruler ensures a good life for its citizens and there is also another reason.” Tsarkov said.

“Another reason?” Yael asked.

Perhaps the Great Beast himself could tell you…

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