Chapter 10: preparations

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

「Haruto-san, please wake up . 」 (Lora)

As Haruto opens his eyes, he expected to see a similar pattern to follow . And, as he had thought, Lora is hovering near him .

「Ah, morning, hey, why are you not wearing anything!!」 (Haruto)

Lora is nude . Haruto’s eyes focus on her white skin .

「Because yesterday, I was in my undergarments; today, I thought perhaps Haruto-san is probably tired of seeing me in them . That is why I tried raising the level . 」 (Lora)

Lora giggles . Although she appears calm, her face is red . Naturally, she is embarrassed being nude .

「I wasn’t particularly tired or anything!! Just hurry up and put on some clothes!!」 (Haruto)

Haruto’s face warped as he shouted this . He has never seen a woman naked . Although Lora is 12 years old, still a child, she has quite a developed body that is fairly close enough .

「Should you not say, 『I will never get tired of seeing your naked body』? Oh my, it is embarrassing to hear it being said out loud . 」 (Lora)

Lora blushes .

「Whatever! Hurry! Go put some clothes on!!」 (Haruto)

Haruto yells again . In a reluctant state, she begins to put on clothes .

「Haruto-san?」 (Lora)

While dressed in her underwear, Lora calls out to Haruto .

「What is it?」 (Haruto)

As he looked out the window, Haruto replies to Lora .

「Underwear or nude?」 (Lora)

Haruto feels her hands spreading across his back . The window shows a reflection of Lora in her underwear . In a panic, Haruto turns around and gets a complete view of Lora in her undergarments . It was a regretful action .

「Why only two options?」 (Haruto)

「Should you not be more embarrassed!? That……」 (Lora)

With a reddened face, showing a form more embarrassing than when he saw her naked while being troubled, Haruto gave a reply .

「Well then, underwear . 」 (Haruto)

「I understand, Haruto-san . I see, underwear is more erotic than being nude . 」 (Lora)

Chances are if he had said 『nude』, the outcome would have been the same . Having given an appropriate answer, Haruto changes the topic .

「Yup, it is erotic . Now then, put on some clothes as today is going to be busy . 」 (Haruto)

There is much to do today . Yesterday, Haruto had placed an order for slaves from Wujek . With his blessing, Haruto had bargain down the price and bought 12 young boys for 10,000 & received 3 young girls as a freebie . They are all healthy and none of them are over 10 years old . Of course, Haruto is not ready to welcome them . For that reason, things have not advance pass the agreement stage as he needs to make preparations . Haruto has to get the factory & run-down building repaired and then decide his new place of residences . Although Wujek suggested that the slaves get to work without having any repairs made, Haruto isn’t that much of a fiend to let that happen .

Once more, the factory has to be put into working order . As for the factory, all he really needs is a pot that can be used to boil things and a roof to keep out the rain . On the other hand, Haruto does need to secure a large supply of olive oil, ash, and a few large pots .

「You’re right . My apologies . Let us have the repairs commissioned right away as it could take awhile . 」 (Lora)

Lora made a serious expression as she suggested this to Haruto . He was thinking the same thing . And thus, with Lora’s help, they began their search for a place to commission the needed repairs .


「So, how much will it cost . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto asked the carpenter (man), Domoor (ドモール) .

「Uhh, I can’t give you an estimate without seeing it for myself . I have to see what I’m working with, first . You can drop by again in the evening . I should be able to give an estimate by then . By the way, what will it be used for? The plans can change depending on how it is going to be used . 」 (Domoor)

「For workers……housing for slaves . For about, 15 people . That is why it needs to be able to keep out the cold and rain . Try to keep the cost as low as you can . 」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s reply, Domoor began to ponder something .

「I see, understood . I will keep that in mind . 」 (Domoor)

The matter about the slaves’ lodging has been settled .

「As for the factory, it also needs to be able to keep out the rain . There is no need to do the flooring, just the roof . Fire will be used, so, a structure that will let smoke out it necessary . 」 (Haruto)

「Understood . Leave it to me . 」 (Domoor)

Domoor replies with a smile . This man will complete the job reasonably enough . Haruto is glad that he chose to request the job from Domoor .

「Thank you . I will entrust the job to you . 」 (Haruto)

「Um, have no worries . I will get it done . 」 (Domoor)

Domoor expressed his gratitude upon Haruto’s expression of gratitude .

Haruto leaves the shop along with Lora .

「Well now, that part is done with . Next up is securing the pot . We can try checking out the blacksmith that Wujek recommended . 」 (Haruto)

The two of them head towards the blacksmith’s place . After a short walk, they arrive at a sturdy stone building .

When they opened the door, a hot gust of air blew in their face . It was considerably hot .

「Huh? Who are you, a customer?」 (???)

A boorish sounding man appeared . He had an intimidating air about him .

「Are you Bacchus (バッカス)? I have a job for you . 」 (Haruto)

「I see, have a seat . 」 (Bacchus)

Haruto sat down in the specified chair . As there wasn’t another chair, Lora had to remain standing .

「Well, what do you need made?」 (Bacchus)

While listening to Haruto, the man brazenly crossed his legs and smoked his pipe . Haruto talks about what he had previous thought about on this way over here .

「I want 7 pots, each 1 meter tall . 」 (Haruto)

Six of the pots will be used for making soap while the last one will be used for cooking . To make everything in one go, a large pot is needed . Haruto had taken into consideration that a child will be using the pot; therefore, a pot 1 meter tall would be suitable . All-in-all, it was a necessary item for the slaves . It would also be good if one of the slaves had cooking experience .

「Hmm, that is alright and all, but what do you plan to use it for?」 (Bacchus)

「Manufacturing goods . Please make it as solid as you can . 」 (Haruto)

Upon hearing Haruto’s request, Bacchus stands up .

「Who do you think I am? I’m a craftsman . I will do my job properly . It will cost you 250,000 . Come back in 3 months . 」 (Bacchus)

Despite his appearance, the person has the soul of a craftsman . Haruto pays the 250,000 fee and they exited the shop .

「Scary……」 (Lora)

Lora mutters, after leaving the shop .

「What are you afraid of?」 (Haruto)

Being frightened of Bacchus, she had curled herself up . Anyhow, it is only natural to be afraid of Bacchus’s intimidating attitude .

「Haruto-san, how is it you’re not afraid and are able to converse so fluently with someone you have just met?」 (Lora)

「Do you recall how I told you that both my parents are deceased . I grew up while being raised by my relatives, so, I am used to such social differences . 」 (Haruto)

While his foster parents (father and mother) were kind, Haruto was rather reserved . He didn’t treat his foster parents the same as his real parents . Haruto always took their feelings into consideration . Perhaps, his sudden disappear has caused them trouble .

「Ah, I see……」 (Lora)

The air became slightly heavy . Being wary of the mood, Haruto was quick to change the subject .

「What now, there is still time before evening?」 (Lora)

「You’re right . We haven’t secured a supply of olive oil, salt, or ash yet . What to do?」 (Haruto)

Olive oil, salt, and ash are the ingredients needed for making soap . There is no point in securing the equipment without having the ingredients on-hand .

「Umm, know any place where we can buy olive oil and salt in bulk? Although, securing ash will be a problem . 」 (Haruto)

「Why will securing ash be a problem?」 (Lora)

Ash is fundamentally waste (trash) . Obtaining it is rather simple . Lora couldn’t understand how it would be a problem .

「It would be easy to collect ordinary ash but seaweed ash is a better material to use in soap . If it was for personal use then ordinary ash would do but as this will be put on sale, I plan to use ash made from seaweed . 」 (Haruto)

Naturally, if he plans to use seaweed ash instead of ash from wood, Haruto needs to get into contact with a fisherman .

「Seaweed……we would have to go to a fishing village and make a direct request from them . Although, it is already too late in the day . It will have to wait until tomorrow . 」 (Lora)

「So, we won’t be able to secure the ingredients today…… then, what should we do?」 (Haruto)

「The place (shop) that Wujek lent us could use a good cleaning . We could clean up the parlor room and make it livable . 」 (Lora)

If they continue living at the inn, it would eventually become an unexpected expense . However, if they clean up the parlor, Haruto and Lora could stay there starting tomorrow .

「You’re right, that wouldn’t do . Shall we spend the evening cleaning the place up?」 (Haruto)

The decision was made rather quickly . While holding cleaning equipment, they head towards their shop .

「It sure is dirty . For now, today, we will be focusing on cleaning up the parlor room . 」 (Haruto)

「Yeah . Cleaning up the warehouse today would take too much time . Let’s hurry and get started . 」 (Lora)

With cleaning tools in hand, Haruto and Lora begin to sweep up the dust . As there is no furniture, it was easy to sweep up the dust .

「Haruto-san, what about the bed? I prefer a single bed that we both can lay on . 」 (Lora)

「A single bed for 2 sounds good . But, why does it have to be a single bed when 2 beds can be brought instead?」 (Haruto)

They continued their conversation while Lora scrubbed the floor and Haruto wiped the windows .

「But Haruto, if it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be able to embrace me every night . 」 (Lora)

「Lies . Don’t try to gloss over the topic . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto denies it with a forceful voice .

「It’s true . You would also feel up my breast . 」 (Lora)

He has no memory of doing such things and it left him feeling uneasy .

「Why not? It is warmer that way and it would save us money . 」 (Lora)

「If you say so . However, it will be a double bed as a single bed is too narrow . 」 (Haruto)

Having touched her body, Haruto has no choice but to consent to Lora’s request . Or, so it seems .

「What is wrong with us being closer together . 」 (Lora)

「As it is currently the 4th month, the temperature will gradually become hotter . And, I dislike the heat . 」 (Haruto)

Lora dumps the dust from the dustpan out the window . Haruto finished wiping the windows and squeezed out the rag .

「It is still early in the evening . Shall we go buy a bed?」 (Haruto)



Haruto and Lora headed to a furniture store to buy a bed .

「Haruto-san, this one comes with a closet . Buy this one . 」 (Lora)

「You’re right . We should buy one bundled with a dresser(s) . 」 (Haruto)

Because they don’t have any furniture, he wanted to purchase a set . Eventually, they ended up buying a closet & dresser, desk, and chairs .

「That bed looks good . 」 (Lora)

In the direction Lora is pointing, there is a bed with a pink heart shape sheet cover .

「Idiot, who would buy something like that? We’ll be getting a normal bed . 」 (Haruto)

Saying so, Haruto goes over and purchases a normal bed with a white sheet cover, Lora made a disappointed expression .

「Thank you very much for your purchase . 」 (salesperson)

They are unable to take the furniture with them as furniture is fundamentally heavy .

「Is it alright if I come and pick up the furniture tomorrow morning?」 (Haruto)

Haruto tried asking just in case . Although, this practice is normally acceptable .

「Yes, that is alright . Then please, come back to this store tomorrow morning . 」 (salesperson)

The salesperson expressed their gratitude .


Haruto and Lora exited the shop . Upon leaving the store, before Haruto’s eyes, the scene of a child receiving an allowance unfolds .

「Lora, here . 」 (Haruto)

「Huh? This is…… a silver coin . What is this for?」 (Lora)

She is puzzled by his sudden action . Haruto response with a smile .

「That is your salary for this month . I forgot about it until now . 」 (Haruto)

「Haha, I don’t particularly need a salary but…… thanks, I’ll graciously accept . That’s right! May I use it now?」 (Lora)

Haruto is dumbfounded by how easily Lora switches gear .

「It might be pointless to say this to you but…… it’s your money, use it as you please . 」 (Haruto)

Upon his response, Lora makes a delightful smile .

「Understood . I’ll meet back up with you at Sylph’s pavilion . 」 (Lora)

After parting ways with Lora, Haruto headed to Domoor’s place .

「Oh, you came at a good time . I am preparing the estimate now . 」 (Domoor)

Haruto sits down in a chair and listens to what Domoor has to say .

「The building is broken here & there; however, the foundation only needs a little repair . It will cost about 500,000 . 」 (Domoor)

It was cheaper than Haruto had guessed . He is relieved that the run-down building didn’t need to be rebuilt .

「What about the factory?」 (Haruto)

Haruto wanted to hear the estimate for the factory .

「The floor is okay; the roof can be easily fixed for about 1 . 5 million . In total, the cost of all the repairs will add up to 2 million . Is 400,000 in advance alright with you?」 (Domoor)

Haruto hands over 4 gold coins . A big smile appears on Domoor’s face .

「Thank you . Now that I have received the money, I will get to work . Please, come back in 3 months . 」 (Domoor)

Fast . This person is quite capable . The timing is similar to when the pots will be ready .

「Okay . Thank you . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto thanks the man and then leaves .

「Okay . Thank you . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto thanks the man and then leaves .


「Ah, Haruto-san, have you finished everything up?」 (Lora)

Upon being a few steps away from the entrance, Haruto was greeted by Lora .

「Oh yeah, I’ve prepared the hot water . 」 (Lora)

Lora is as attentive as ever . On a closer examination, her hair appears to be damp . She has probably already washed up .

「Really, thanks . I’ll go get the soap, a towel and a change of clothes . 」 (Haruto)

「There is no need to . It has already been prepared . 」 (Lora)

The set of items is handed to Haruto . He thanks Lora once more and then goes to wash his body .

After he finished washing up, Haruto bumped into Hannah inside the inn .

「Ah, perfect timing . It has been a week since then . What do you plan to do for tomorrow?」 (Hannah)

Incidentally, a week has passed . It was a long yet short week for Haruto .

「I’ve found a place to stay . I will be moving there . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto explained the details to her . Hannah showed a disappointed expression when she heard the news .

「I see . It will be lonely without you here . You’re welcome to come stay here anytime . 」 (Hannah)

「Alright, thank you very much for everything . I’m going to go eat at Undine now . 」 (Haruto)

When Haruto said this, she made a delightful smile .

「Really, I am glad . 」 (Hannah)

Haruto bids his farewell to Hannah and he goes to have his meal . Afterwards, Haruto and Lora returned to their room .

「This will be the last time we sleep in this room . Well, I barely stayed in this room for more than 3 days . 」 (Lora)

「Yup . It is already dark, shall we get to sleep . Tomorrow, we will have to carry in the furniture . And then, in the afternoon we can go secure the ash stock . 」 (Haruto)

Hearing him say this, Lora immediately crawled into bed .

「Understood . We can borrow a dragon-carriage from Wujek-san . Now then, hurry up Haruto-san . 」 (Lora)

Haruto got into bed as he was told . The lamp is switched off and the two of them stare at the ceiling .

「We will be riding the dragon-carriage for a long period of time; will you be alright?」 (Lora)

「I’ll manage somehow . Don’t worry, I will prepare a barf bag . 」 (Haruto)

「So, you are assuming you’ll vomit…… please don’t have lunch . 」 (Lora)

「Of course, now go to sleep . 」 (Haruto)

「Yes, good night . 」 (Lora)

The two of them close their eyes .


Income: 0

Expenses: 1 . 96 Million (total)

Slaves (1 . 2 Million), Pot (250,000), Furniture (100,000), Salary (10,000), Repair cost (400,000)

Debt: 5 Million

Remaining Balance: 3 . 83 Million

(Actual) Assets: -1 . 17 Million

Other Assets:

16 Slaves

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