Chapter 19

March 5, 2018curiosOZ

「Amazing!To be able to read it。」

「Oh well、I am good at memorizing words。」

Haruto had come to the library with Aisha。As a result of going to the library in his spare time for a month、Haruto was able to entirely remember the words of the desert people。

「Saying that you’re good……you must be kidding。Maybe it’s a blessing……。Am I wrong?」

Aisha narrows her eyes。

「Is that so?Because I was good at memorizing since long ago。That might be the case。」

When Haruto was playing dumb、Aisha looked at Haruto’s eyes。

「Your eyes moved a little just now。Your heart rate also went up slightly。You can’t trick the senses of the desert people。」

Lies do not seem to pass。Haruto gave in、so he raised his hands。

「Oh well、I don’t mind you not sharing it since the blessing is usually hidden。In exchange、I’ll also tell you my blessing。My blessing is『Divine Protection of Conflict』。It’s a blessing that boosts my physical ability to dozens of times that of an ordinary person。It’s not uncommon since all the desert people have it。」

Aisha smiled and said that。Haruto sighs。

「Isn’t that cheating?I understand I can’t lie。That’s killing a merchant。」

「Well。But some people can tell a lie that even we can’t see it。Some of the merchants of Claris who are doing business with the desert people are very good at hiding their hearts。」

「Is there a way to hide it……。Can you train me?Because I might also do business with the desert people。」

Aisha smiles bitterly。

「I am a desert citizen too, you know……。OK。Let’s try an intensive training。That’s right……Try lying。」

「I am from the kingdom。」

Haruto tells a lie、Aisha shook her head。

「That’s not all bad, but it’s worse than before . The crucial thing is not to be conscious of lying、think of it as not a lie。Mixing truths in the lie will also work。」

Haruto after thinking for a while、said a new lie。

「My debt is 30 million。」

In this case, it’s true that he’s in debt、but it’s a lie since it’s only 20 million。

「Ah!It looks good。Shall we continue with this condition?」

「Practicing lying can be done at home as well。More than that, tell me more about the desert people。I can somehow read a book in your language to some extent。」

Haruto absolutely want coconut oil。Coconut oil has the effect of hardening the soap。But coconuts are native to the East。He can only get it by trading with the desert people。There is no loss if you have knowledge about the desert people when you purchase。

「That’s fine。What do you want to ask?」

「I see。It’s written that you are making a living through hunting and trading……。What are you hunting in the desert?」

When Haruto speaks、Aisha answers pleasantly。

「We’re hunting a dragon。We can have meat to eat、while scales and fangs become ornaments。Ah!A dragon is that type of carnivorous dragon。It’s not the one with a goofy face that can walk around here in Claris……excuse me、it’s not a mild herbivore。」

Haruto thinks of the dragon that Eugene owns。Indeed that dragon had a face that looked stupid。He was doubtful why it wouldn’t attack a man、but it seems that it was herbivorous。Certainly, that mouth will not eat meat。

「It’s not just hunting and trading either . We also do agriculture and stockbreeding at the oasis。Recently, we’ve excavated mana stones . 」

「Are you mining too?」

It’s hard to imagine the sight of desert people digging the ground like in the mines。Haruto thought unintentionally。

「Just a little。Because we have few techniques in mining。I know it’s a big vein since quite a bit comes out and only at the moat。There was also talk about the Western people teaching us technical skills、but since we had a conflict with Claris……。」

Aisha mutters regretfully。

「Is that why there was a conflict between Claris and the desert people?They were still trading so it shouldn’t be such a lousy relationship?」

Aisha answers to Haruto’s doubt。

「It’s because of the territory of the Great Forest . The desert people used to use the resources of the Great Forest since long ago . But the Great Forest is also the territory of Claris . Since the desert people have a thin concept of private ownership rights, they have not realized Claris claiming territorial rights so far . Claris’ people as well、they did not think about using the Great Forest’s resources until they crossed the mountain range . They did not even know that the desert people were using the resources of the Great Forest . It’s a stupid story, isn’t it? But as the population of Claris increased, they have reached out to the Great Forest . The population of the desert people also increased, and they have the opportunity to get the resources from the Great Forest to sustain it . That’s why there was conflict。」

The desert has scarce resources、especially with less water and wood。The resources from the Great Forest is their life line。Claris also has a population large enough to enter the top five of the west。Claris also wants to secure the abundant resources from the Great Forest。

「The vast mountain range is Claris’ territory、and the Great Forest was settled as the desert people’s territory。How far from the large mountain range can be considered the Great Forest? Just at that time when they were discussing it, the kidnapping incident of the desert people occurred……that’s why the peace treaty was broken off。」

That is terrible luck。Haruto sympathizes with the congressmen of Claris。They should have conceded a lot to the desert people and made a lot of concessions because a foolish Claris man made a slavery hunt which ruined all their hard work。

「Since then、the desert people have refused to talk to Claris。Since the old man is stubborn……。」

Aisha has a distant gaze。She is thinking of the leaders of the desert people in her hometown。Haruto is also wondering。Since the desert people refused to talk with Claris、it’s in a state where the diplomatic relations are severed。How can Claris trade with the East?Haruto thought of that and asked Aisha。

「The desert people are having trouble trading with Claris。In any case, most of their income is through trade。So there are a lot of people who secretly trade。The Patriarchs tolerate it。If you crack it down, there would be many people starving。Besides, the luxury goods that the Patriarchs eat are generally obtained from Claris。」

The desert people seem to have circumstances。They’re not stupid to hold a particular stance . Haruto, who came from a different world, thinks that profit is made through mutual concession and mutual prosperity, probably because he’s an outsider。

「I see……。O~tto、it’s about time to go home……。Let’s go back。」

「Yeah。That said, didn’t you buy new slaves?」

「Ah。I have to go pick them up。」

Haruto stood up and closed the book、leaving the library with Aisha。

「Because I’ll head to Eugene’s place、you go to the factory。Wear your hood。It’ll be troublesome if you’re found out by slave hunters。」

「Un (yup)。I know。」

Aisha said so and covered her head with the hood deeply、breaking up with Haruto。Haruto sees Aisha off and went to the slave trading post。


While walking for a while、three people who wore green clothes passed Haruto as well。They’re desert people。

(Speaking of which, I haven’t seen them recently……。They may have something to do with Aisha。)

He thought about such things while arriving at the slave trading post。Opening the door、he told the receptionist to call for Eugene。Eugene appeared after a while。

「Asuma……。The slaves are this way。」

The Eugene who said so was quite haggard。Worse than a month ago。It took place one month ago, the『various』things seems to have not been settled yet。

「You did not sleep lately。」

「Ah、there are many things……many。」

That’s why Eugene’s face was blue。Although he couldn’t help no matter how hard Haruto worried。

They walked for a while and arrived at a prison。

「Look, slaves。Check them。」

Eugene negligently passed the documents to Haruto。Haruto compares the documents with the imprisoned children。

「I have certainly received them。」

Haruto carried the 15 slave children to the factory。


「Now then、the number of slaves increased to 60 people。I would like them to group up to improve work efficiency。」

Haruto is gathering the children and declared so。

「First of all is the cooking group。There are four people now so add 2 more。Emil、I’ll make you the leader。Perfectly command 5 people。」

「Wa~, yes。」

Emil responded with tension。

Emil responded with tension。

「Next is the wagon team。Up to now 9 people from the northeast had been helping to move the carriage、I’ll have you specialize in that from today . The leader is Sol。」

「Yes……。I will do my best。」

Sol answered in an awkward Claris language。

「The remaining 50 people are divided into 5 groups。Leader is In、Urs、Kil、Chlor、and Saul。You can make the soap as usual。For the members of the team with the largest number of production, I will increase their salary by one large copper coin。」

When Haruto says so、the children’s eyes shone。When Haruto ordered them to dissolve, they started making soap at once。

The working speed is faster than usual。It’s as Haruto intended。

Cooking、wagons、he organized the work into three parts of manufacturing。He urges competition in the production team by dividing it into four groups。With this, soap production efficiency would take a leap。

「Haruto-san……。You have a face like Eugene-san。」

Roa pointed it out、Haruto returns to his usual face。Aisha smiles and says。

「Eh、why not?For me、I love the crappy face that Haruto makes。」

Haruto just smiled at it。He did not know whether it’s praise or not。But he wondered if he was probably praised。

「Well then, I also want to eat a late lunch、do you want to go to Undine。Roa, are you coming as well?」

「That’s right。I will go too。」

「That’s unfair。I want to go too。」

Aisha whines wastefully。Aisha cannot go to a place that is public。

「It can’t be helped。The slave hunters will give up in one month。Let’s go at that time。」


When Haruto says so, Aisha looks a bit lonely . Haruto wondered . He broke up with Aisha as Roa pulled his sleeve。


「So then、do you have something to tell me?」

After entering Undine, sitting on a seat and completing an order、Roa said abruptly。

「Well, I didn’t say anything yet。」

「I can understand what Haruto-san thinks。In a situation where Aisha could not eat、us going to Undine where Aisha can’t、I wouldn’t say anything if it’s the usual Haruto-san。」

Indeed, it is as she said。It may have been a little unnatural。Haruto reflected a little。

「It’s not a big deal……Didn’t you see the desert people recently?」

「Indeed there are quite a lot recently。」

With Haruto’s reminder、Roa also remembers。Recently she often sees green clothes。

「I definitely think that it has a relationship with Aisha……what do you think?」

Roa answered after being troubled for a while。

「I think so too。But why would Aisha not say anything to us?Aisha should have noticed it。」

「I guess she ran away from home?That would explain it。」

If Aisha’s claims are correct, then she can go home with the desert people . But Aisha did not attempt to come in contact with the desert people . Rather, she’s avoiding them . In other words, she doesn’t want to go home . If Aisha was a runaway girl, and the desert people came to bring Aisha back, then Aisha is trying to escape from the desert people。

「When it comes to it、it’s a lie when she said she’s running away from slave hunters。」

「It’s still early to draw a conclusion。Later on, we can ask Aisha。」

Roa said that and bit into a skewer。The juice sticks down her mouth、Roa keeps eating without noticing it。Haruto was strangely curious about it、he wiped Roa’s mouth with a handkerchief。

「N!I will do it myself if you told me!」

Saying so, she took the handkerchief from Haruto、wiping the edge of her mouth herself。Her face is red。

Saying so, she took the handkerchief from Haruto、wiping the edge of her mouth herself。Her face is red。

「You’re blushing。」

「It’s unnecessary concern。」

Roa’s face became even redder。Because the situation was interesting、Haruto deftly laughed。

「Ah!Oniichan、oneechan。long time no see!!」

Raising a loud voice、Maria came closer。She’s as energetic as usual。

「Oi。You’re inside the store。Don’t let out a loud voice。」

Haruto cautioned。Maria had a fed up look for a moment、nodding as if convinced。Her training is perfectly in place。

「Maria-chan。Recently I saw desert people、do you know something?」

Roa asks Maria。A 10-year-old child would not have known such circumstances、there is no loss in listening。

「It seems that they’re looking for someone!Even if you come to a shop、they’re busily looking around。Even in the central square in front of the fountain, they’re watching the crowd all the time!」

We got a lead information。These further raised the possibility of Aisha runaway theory。

「What’s the matter with you?」

Maria is curiously tilting her neck。It was pretty cute。

「No、it’s nothing。I was just a little worried。」

Aren’t you interested in that、Maria does not pursue deeply and changes the topic。

The state of her recent studies、her impression on soap、and as it continued to talk about the condition of the business、Maria suddenly asked Haruto。

「Speaking of which, how can I get a baby?」

Haruto spits out the water he was drinking。Maria’s face showed no hint that she was joking . It seems to be from pure interest since her eyes are sparkling。

「Stork-san will bring you one。」

When Haruto is prepared to deceive her、Maria sighed。

「Not the transportation route、I’m talking about the manufacturing method。」

(This damn brat!)

It came annoyingly unexpected。Where on earth did you learn such a cheeky word……。Probably Roa。

「Maria is already 10 years old so I don’t think it’s a good idea to misrepresent it。Haruto-san。」

「Well then you explain。」

Haruto retorted、Roa nods and says。

「I understand。I will explain。」

Haruto seems a bit surprised at that light response。If it’s Roa she would have a red face while saying、「What are you trying to make a maiden say!」he thought that she would show such a reaction。

「That’s okay。The baby in the womb is created when the male sperm and the ovum are linked together。」

The explanation is in full swing。Maria was interested。

「How does a sperm of a man enter a woman’s womb?」

Asking with pure eyes while looking at Roa。How will you respond to this、Haruto unconsciously looked at Roa’s face。

「That’s it……it’s a kiss!」

Haruto unexpectedly fell off the chair。Haruto whispered to attract Roa。

「You、are you really saying that?」

「E(Huh)!Is it different?」

To have a blank look on her face。Haruto unintentionally put his hand on his forehead。

「E(Huh)!Is it different?」

To have a blank look on her face。Haruto unintentionally put his hand on his forehead。

「Oh!As expected of older sister。You know!Ah!I have to go since I have to work!」

Maria energetically leaves。Haruto watched Maria go away、saying to Roa again。

「Do you really think that you can make a kid if you kiss?」

「My father told me。There is no mistake。Ah!After kissing Haruto、I’m not pregnant because I have a proper menstrual period。」

Haruto wondered if he should say the truth。But Roa is already 14 years old。As expected, it would be a problem if she didn’t know at this age。

「Listen well。Children are……」

Haruto lightly told about sexual activity。Roa’s face turned red like a boiled octopus。

「You didn’t know that you have been provoking me on bed?Even when Aisha said it was shameful、you still told her that we’re not in that kind of relationship?」

「No, that……somehow。」

「Somehow。Amazing。You are a natural pervert。」

Haruto teases、this made Roa’s face even redder。With a sheepish look、she stared at Haruto。

「Haruto-san is……that……do you want to do that with me?」

He was asked a difficult question。If he said yes, then he’ll be seen as a pervert . If he said no, then it means that he does not see her as a woman。Haruto answered while carefully choosing his words。

「Uhm~……I want to, but I won’t do it if you don’t want it。Because I am a man。But if you don’t want me to do it, I’m not evil enough to force you。Even though we had been together for a while, I haven’t touched you yet so please trust me。」

Listening to Haruto’s words、she was convinced and had a peace of mind。

「By the way Haruto-san。」


「Please do not massage my chest while I am asleep。It’s painful now that I’m in my growth period。」

I wonder if there’s no problem if it doesn’t hurt?Haruto wonders a bit。

「Sorry about that。It’s not in my memory。Maybe I’m doing it unconsciously。But you also suck my ears and neck。So we’re even。」

Especially in the summer, it was terrible。Perhaps she was having a dream of eating ice cream。

「I agree……Well then, we’re both even。It’s been a long while。Let’s get back to work。」

Roa and Haruto got up。


That night。

「Hey、Aisha。You do not have to hide it with us?」

Haruto straightforwardly asked Aisha。Aisha responded while trembling。

「W-what is it?」

Her eyes are swimming。It might be better to look back。


At the time when Haruto tried to question、there was a noise of knocking on the door。Haruto instructed Aisha to hide in the closet、then opened the door。

「Yo, Asuma。Sorry it’s late at night。」

Eugene, with a haggard face, was there。

「I am in a hurry so I’ll finish my business here。」

Eugene walked in。

「I am looking for a desert people called Aisha。Do you know?」

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