Chapter 24

Slave’s trading system . I’ll write it before you point it out .

Luxury Slaves(Beautiful appearance, have a good head)

Police Officer → Country → Auction → Merchant → Consumers

Normal Slave

Police Officer → Country → Merchant → Consumers

In the case of Roa

Police → Country(Eugene’s Agency)→ Eugene → Haruto

Eugene is a Congressman, so it’s a bit unreasonable .

「Here . This is the 8 million interest」

Haruto gave Eugene a bag full of gold coins .

A year has passed since Haruto has moved to this world . It’s April now . The annual interest is 40% . It’s considerably higher than Japanese banks .

「This is the 10 million that I borrowed . Please confirm it」

He took two more bags and gave it to Eugene . Eugene has a fake smiling face .

「Thank you for this . You could have paid your debt slowly」(So I can squeeze you dry)

I heard his real intention .

「So, do you want to borrow more? Is your profit 5 million a month? Considering your income, I can lend you 100 million . And since you returned the money . I’ll give you a cheaper interest rate next time」

Naturally, Haruto never told Eugene his revenue . He’s just worried how much he’ll be investigated .

「It’s fine . I’m stable right now . I still have 10 million to go」

Haruto stood up after saying so .


「Ah! Has it been repaid? 」

「Aah . Even so, 8 million is expensive」

When Haruto is complaining, Roa had a bitter smile .

「Haruto’s is cheaper because Eugene trusted you . He lends money to the poor with 100% interest rate」

「Can we repay a 100% interest rate? 」

Roa shook her head .

「We can’t return it . I guess Eugene would like to make them a slave, so he lent it」

Haruto recalls Eugene’s black smile . He would definitely go to hell .

「But I’m defending the line that barely touches the law . And I like Eugene who lends money to the poor . So no one can criticize」

「Haruto!! A letter came from my grandpa . He’s going to arrive this month!! 」

Aisha run up while saying that .

「Really . Then we have to prepare for this one too」

They already have palm oil and castor oil from Branch . They’re going to sell out this month . It’s also necessary to teach the slaves the proportion for compounding .

「Ne~, should we celebrate now that the loan is paid? 」

「What are you saying . We’re opening right now . You should go to the factory as soon as possible!! 」

Haruto tried to drive away Aisha . Aisha inflated her cheek .

「So mean!! Even if you don’t work once in a while, you’ll live! 」

「Haruto-san . Actually, I want to go somewhere……」

Roa raised her hand a little .

「Nn? Where do you want to go? 」

「To the jewelry exhibition……can we go on the next holiday? 」

There are no particular plans for the holiday . And Haruto has no problem with it . Moreover, there is some truth in Aisha’s complaint .

「Well then, let’s go」

「Hurray!! 」

Aisha jumped up to rejoice . Roa also laughed happily . With two beautiful girls smiling, Haruto got a happy feeling .


「Look!! It’s beautiful」

Roa happily eyed the pieces of jewelry through the glass . He hoped that she’d be happy since he paid one silver for admission .

「Even so, it looks like wearing money . How much did it cost? Also this venue? 」

Haruto thought while looking at the pieces of jewelry . The jewels themselves are expensive, the case is also made out of glass . Glass is somewhat costly in this world .

「I guess there’s also the money for security」

Haruto looked behind him . There are guards lined up at 10-meter intervals over there . It’s probable that some mercenaries are mixed in since they’re short of people .

「It’s because it’s managed by the Congress . It’s a joint venture of Claris’ rich people . So this much can be prepared」

Roa looked back at Haruto and answers .

This jewelry exhibition is held annually, and it is managed by the Congress . There are two meanings to this exhibition . One is to show off Claris’ national strength to others in the City State Union . The other one is to promote the work of Claris’ craftsmen . If anything, the second one is close to an extra .

「Even so, why do they have to do that in the same country? Are they balancing each other? 」

「That, I’m also anxious!! Can they not just get along? 」

Aisha is in sync with Haruto’s question . Roa explains to the two people .

「The City State Union are not friends . Because relationships are bad, it took the form of a 『Union』 . Since the relationships are so bad, there are borders . Particularly the Southern Cities like Alto is especially bad with Claris . Conversely, the main point of trades with the Empire and Kingdom are Reim and Shufelt on the North which thrives in agriculture . They are relatively friendly with Claris」

Roa teaches the two people while smiling . Talking about one’s knowledge is fun .

「I see . Is the relationship between the North and South so bad」

「Yes . The South has always been prosperous, and there are many countries there with a long history . Conversely, after the North was conquered by the Empire, the Empire introduced agricultural technology, and it developed rapidly through trade . Claris is the best example . Since becoming the base of Emperor Anders the 6th, it was quickly expanded . Now the northern part is more affluent . The Southern Kiricia doesn’t like it . Honestly, mutual hostility is also nice」

That’s Roa’s way of saying that she hated the South . Like the conflict between the North and the South, it seems to be intense .

「He~, that’s amazing!! Roa knows everything!! 」

That said, Aisha holds Roa’s hand . Roa scratches her head with the other hand, acting shyly .

「Iya~, but, it hurts!! Please don’t swing so much! ! 」

Aisha speaks while releasing her hand in a hurry . Roa took back the hand that was swayed .

「Please go easy on me……」

「S, Sorry……」

The three of them came back to themselves and looked at the jewels . Haruto is not interested in gems, but the two looks like they’re having fun .

「Is it really that fun? 」

「Un, it’s beautiful! 」

「Every girl likes jewelry . Girls who dislike jewelry are not girls」

「Isn’t that too much to say? 」

Haruto turns his head at Roa’s remarks . Some girls didn’t like jewelry very much in his world .

Haruto turns his head at Roa’s remarks . Some girls didn’t like jewelry very much in his world .

(I’m prettier than jewels . What is a stone compared to me? Why? Don’t you think of me that way)

Haruto thought about such a thing and shook his head . Indeed, all girls must like jewelry .

「I dreamed of seeing lots of gems . It was something impossible until a year ago」

The air froze for a moment . Roa is absorbed in looking at the jewels so didn’t notice that the air has frozen .

Haruto winked at Aisha, hinting to ignore Roa’s remarks .

「Look!! There, platinum and diamonds has been used! How much do you think it is? 」

Haruto looks at where Roa points . There was a platinum ring with a diamond on display . However, compared to the ruby and sapphire ornaments , he had quite a dull impression .

「Is it so amazing? Di……diamonds are small, and the accessories themselves are small . Isn’t that one with the cane better? 」

Haruto pointed at the exhibited cane . It was made of gold with a large emerald fitted to the top . Besides that, it was also studded with other jewels such as rubies and sapphires . Although not practical, it’s more flashy than the ring Roa pointed out .

「Haruto-san . You know that platinum and silver are different, right? 」

「I know that much……」

Haruto furrowed his eyebrows . That much is common sense . There would be no Japanese who would equate platinum and silver . Much less distinguishing it .

「Do you know what is different? 」

「In the first place, it’s a different kind of material」

When Haruto says so, Roa sighs . To be honest, she was considerably disgusted .

「I’m not asking you about that . I’m asking how they’re different in nature! Silver and platinum has completely different melting points . Platinum is harder to dissolve . In other words, platinum is more difficult to process . And it has overwhelmingly less output . That’s why it’s worth more than silver . It is not melted but is processed only by the method called powder alloy」

Roa has a proud face . Of course, Haruto knows about this . But if he answered that he knows it, it will only look like blowing wind . Haruto suitably chimed in .

「Amazing . As expected of Roa」

「Why do you sound monotone……」

Roa suspiciously gazes at Haruto .

Meanwhile, Aisha’s eyes shone as she looks at Roa .

「Amazing!! You’re really knowledgeable, Roa!! 」

「Iya~, it’s not much」

Roa happily scratches her head . Aisha tries to grab Roa’s arm, but Roa retreated in a hurry .

「Dangerous! ! Why do you always grab my hand and swing it so forcefully! ? 」

「Sorry……it’s a habit」

Aisha apologizes to Roa . Roa composed herself and once again explained the details to Haruto .

「Next is about the diamond . The greatest feature of the diamond is its hardness . Because it’s too hard to polish, until 200 years ago, it was not attracting much attention as jewelry . But 100 years ago, a method was devised to polish diamonds so the value of diamonds jumped up . Also, the gems are produced in the East . It’s very expensive as it only comes through trade」

「Now that you mention it, is Ruby also from the East? 」

Haruto suddenly thought back . Roa nodded to Haruto’s words .

「Yes . Or rather, most of the jewelries are from the East . Besides jewelry, there’s silk, ivory, spices, and tea leaves . The majority of luxury goods are produced by Toho . Claris and the desert people are profitable because of that」

「I see . So what is Claris exporting? Indeed, I know that Branch is selling wine and olives……perhaps only that? If that’s so……」

「Yes . We’ve had a case of excess imports here in the West . This excess of imports is one of the reasons for the decline of the Empire」

Roa’s words are followed by Aisha .

「The ones in the West are not very popular . We can sell wine and olives because it is unusual……but it doesn’t stand against silk because there are oil and wine in the East too . And the West also had to pay with gold . However, silver is used more than gold in the East . We desert people also mainly use silver . So even if the West sells something, it will only be paid through silver . While the gold is washed away . I feel sorry for them」

She is the daughter of the chief of the desert people and seems to know about the trade . It’s probably because Haruto is a foreigner that he has an optimistic view .

「But in recent years, the surplus of input and outflow of gold has been eased」

Aisha continues .

「But in recent years, the surplus of input and outflow of gold has been eased」

Aisha continues .

「The West side is far ahead of the East in terms of magic . Magical tools are only manufactured in the West . So the Western spells sell higher than the East . And recently, Claris’ merchants started to use silver in their records . Because silver is more convenient in trading」

「By the way, it’s Adonis-san who sells magical equipment . Eugene-san exchanges gold and silver . They both watched the trend and made more money than the other merchants! ! 」

Roa interrupted the conversation . For the time being, Haruto strokes Roa’s head .

Roa looks very happy . Very cute . Haruto’s face also relaxed .

「As expected of the daughter of the Patriarch . Isn’t it detailed」

Haruto tells Aisha while stroking Roa’s head . Aisha scratched her head while acting shy .

「It wasn’t much . But this much is common sense . It’s no big deal」

Aisha continued while laughing .

「I also wanted to be stroked when possible . It’s unfair to only just stroke Roa」

Roa reacts to those words .

「Why is that so! ! 」

「Because it’s true . Even when my information is just that important, I can’t beat Roa . And Roa is just sly . In the desert, all wives must be loved equally」

Roa reacted flusteredly at the word wives . Roa stared at Aisha as if she could not concede it .

「Don’t fight in such a place . Since I’ll also pat you, don’t agitate Roa」

Haruto said so and patted Aisha’s blond hair .

「And I’m not going to make you my wife」

Haruto says so while stroking, Aisha just laughed .

「In the desert, the act of stroking is to engage you」

As soon as Aisha said so, the expression of Haruto and Roa froze . Aisha laughed at the two frozen people .

「That’s a lie . I already said that the desert people doesn’t have the habit of marrying」

Haruto has a blue vein on his temple . Haruto lightly hit Aisha’s head .

「It hurts! ! 」

Aisha holds her head . Then she looked up at Haruto and said .

「I didn’t think that you would use violence to a woman」

「It does not fall within violence . Besides, the wounds in my heart that I received because of you is not like this」

Roa follows Haruto’s words .

「Ya~y . You got scolded! ! 」

Aisha has a frustrated look on her face . It’s probably because she realized that she was wrong that she did not refute .

「Speaking of which, what are we talking about? 」

「E~tto, we were talking about the value of platinum and diamond . It was a story that derailed and then you were stroking my head while talking」

「You derailed too much」

Haruto laughed in spite of himself . Roa and Aisha are also affected and laughed . A peaceful atmosphere flows between the three . Roa told Haruto with a happy face .

「I’m happy right now」

「That’s why it’s heavy」

Haruto reflexively answered in his heart .

「That’s why it’s heavy」

Haruto reflexively answered in his heart .



Haruto didn’t know how many times he’d uttered those words today . There are few customers since it’s raining today . But still, 200 pieces has been sold .

「Three soaps」

「Thank you very much」

Haruto handed out the soap and received the money . The sales of soap have been steadily increasing . Because the population of Claris is about 300,000 (excluding second-class citizens and slaves), there is still a lot of demand .


The next customer comes in . That customer was wearing a black suit . It turns out to be a pretty high quality product . He understood at a glance that it was not a customer who wanted to buy soap .

The man approached Haruto and gave his name .

「Please pardon me . Can you tell me where I can find Haruto Asuma-sama? 」

『Before you ask for a person’s name, you must introduce yourself first』Although Haruto thought that, he responded to the man’s question by sticking out his hand and smiling .

「I am Haruto Asuma」

When Haruto says so, the man widened his eyes .

「That was rude of me . I didn’t expect you to be so young……oops, I haven’t introduced myself yet . I am such a person」

The man handed his business card to Haruto . In it was written something like this .

『Samaras Chamber of Commerce, Claris Branch Manager, El Smith』

It seems that the rain will be more intense .

January to March(haven’t paid the debt yet)

Income about 67,500,000(135,000 soap pieces)

Expense 42,780,000 + 2,020,000 (Sales tax) + 6,750,000(Income tax)

Income – Expense = 15,920,000

Liability 20,000,000

Remaining Money 22,730,000

Real Property 2,730,000

Other property: 60 slaves


Accounting Officer and Slave Director Roa Samaras

Mercenary Rusk & Pudding & Aisha

I feel like I don’t need the information on the warehouse so I stopped it .

City State Union

Alto……City State Union’s oldest city . Number one population . Leader of the Union .

Ringa……have a large port . Where the Empire’s products gather . On good terms with Claris . Has the largest navy among the City State Union . Population is number 3 .

Shufelt……thriving agriculture . Especially the bubble-berry fruit . Famous for Samaras Chamber of Commerce . Population is so-so .

Reim……in contact with the kingdom just like Claris . When the Kingdom invades, it is friendly with Claris . Because of their wide plains, it will always be attacked by the Kingdom’s cavalry . For this reason, the country is serious about practicing martial arts .

Lenbard……Roa didn’t describe it . Borders with the Empire . It can be a part of the Empire or a part of the City State Union . Fence-sitter . It can’t be ignored since it has a strong camel cavalry .

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