Chapter 32

「Now then, how do you like this? 」

Domoor shows the house plan to Haruto and Roa . Haruto moved his line of sight to Domoor after checking the position of the bath and toilet .

Meanwhile, Roa takes the floor plan and thoroughly looks at it .

「If possible, please do this side」

「Here? Then, like this……」

Roa and Domoor are talking, modifying the floor plan many times . Haruto looks at it without interest .

「Okay, I guess this is alright . For the house estimate……roughly 100 million Doria」

Domoor laughingly says to Haruto and Roa . Haruto opens his eyes wide .

「Expensive . I wonder what’s wrong? 」

「Iya, this is the price of only the house . If you include the bath, that’s already 80 million」

「What! That’s funny . Is it so expensive to make a bath」

Haruto raised a voice of protest .

「Iya, didn’t you tell me to make a bathroom that automatically draws water since doing it manually is troublesome? And a toilet . Your order is a lot . A system to wash your butt with water . The idea is amazing . And remember the open-air bath? You have to plant a lot of trees to make it invisible to the outside . Although I think it’s a luxury to have two baths, indoors and outdoors . Really amazing」

Domoor talks on and on . Haruto had no choice but to be convinced that it’s because of his orders .

Haruto looks at Roa . Roa stares at Haruto with sparkling eyes . Haruto sighs .

「I understand……This is fine」

Domoor had a big smile on his face . He takes out two pieces of paper .

「Do you want furniture? I’ll give you a letter of introduction . You should be able to get a discount」

Haruto sees the document that Domoor handed out . One is a major furniture company that Haruto has heard of . The other is Wolfstan Chamber of Commerce .

「I see . You are working together with the Congressman . You’ve got a good relationship」

Claris’ merchants seem to get along well with each other . As long as their products don’t suffer, they are mutually cooperating . Actually, Haruto is also cooperating with Eugene, Branch, Adonis, and Domoor . He’s also on good terms with Bacchus .

「Ma, because they’re the same . It’s Bacchus-san who makes the nails that our company uses, and Eugene is the one who sells the land」

Domoor replied with a smile .

「By the way, as soon as possible, I want to ask you for a project」

「Nn? What」

Haruto changes the topic from the house .

「I want a part of the factory to have a wall . Not necessarily a strong one . Because it’s enough as long as it blocks visibility」

He decided to produce the alkali with the electrolyzer . The electrolyzer is a secret weapon . He would like to conceal it from the Samaras Chamber of Commerce if possible . At the very least, to prevent crime, there should be a wall .

「Ma, that? If there’s one million, I can do it in three days」

Domoor listens to Haruto’s explanation and says a simple quote .

「There also another one . 」

「What? 」

Haruto retrieves the map . A place a little bit away from Claris……the land previously purchased by Haruto and Roa is circled .

「I want to make a factory here . How much will it take?」

When he heard Haruto say so, Domoor says, a little worried .

「The factory itself is simple . After all, I just need to add a roof . But, it’s probably an abandoned field, right? It’ll likely take too much time to level the land . But I only need to install the roof……ma, 5 million」

As usual, the factory is cheap . But because he’s thoroughly cutting corners .

「I’m counting on you」

Haruto lightly bowed his head to Domoor .

The story of the house is at a later date, then they left Domoor .


「Is it over? That’s fast」

「Ma, because it’s just a thin board even though I said it’s a wall」

Domoor, as written in the contract, finished the construction in no time . He just made a thin wall so that it can’t be seen from the outside . In the first place, the fencing area is just so narrow that they finished it early .

「With this, we can finally unveil the electrolyzer . Aisha, can you take it out from the warehouse? 」

Haruto called out to Aisha who was next to him .

「That’s fine……but what is it? 」

「It’s a little magic tool . Carefully handle it」

Although Aisha tilted her head, she brought the electrolyzer from the warehouse . The desert people, young or old, everyone is strong . In the blink of an eye, five electrolyzers were brought out of the warehouse .

「Now then, let me explain this」

Haruto gathered the children in front of the electrolyzer .

「This is a magic tool called electrolyzer . It’s a tool to make alkali . Put salt water in this bathtub, and pure water in this bathtub . Then alkali is produced after you start it up」

The children listen to Haruto’s explanation with a serious face . Haruto continued the explanation .

「Exiting from here is sodium hydroxide……in short, it’s alkaline . What you need is this . Although hydrogen and chlorine gas exits from here, because it’s not necessary, throw them out」

Hydrogen aside, chlorine is poisonous . Haruto is troubled a little bit about its disposal . But the chlorine generated by the five units is very small . It won’t be a problem to let it out . He decided to worry about its effect on the environment when he could afford it .

「There are things to note . Chlorine and sodium hydroxide are toxic . You must always use a mask when you handle it . Sodium hydroxide will strictly be managed in three barrels . And be sure to ventilate it . Don’t neglect it on rainy days . ……take a day off if you didn’t aerate it」

The children had joyful expressions to Haruto’s words . It seems they’re more pleased that the holidays increase rather than when the danger increases .

「The next is the milk soap that you will make from now on……they way of making it doesn’t change much . Just add milk to the oil」

Haruto said all this information to the children .

「Well then, immediately begin working」

Haruto disbanded the children .

「Ah, Sol-kun . Just right . You’re free now, right? I want you to go out with me」

After Haruto left the factory, he called out to Sol who came back from the soap delivery .

「Go out? But I’m fine……」

Sol is a slave of Haruto . If Haruto says go out, then there’s no choice but to go out .

「Really . Well then, come with me . I’ll increase your pocket money later」

In this way, Haruto and Sol went out by themselves .


「So what you want……me to do? 」

Sol once again spoke . Sol is from the Northeast . He’s not very fluent in the Kiris language .

「I’m good at Northeastern language . Since I can talk it . It’s not a big deal . I want you to look at a horse」

「Horse? 」

Sol tilted his neck .

「Until now, aren’t all the carriages rental? It will cost money if it’s rental . So I decided to buy a horse」

Haruto explained to Sol .

「But why me? 」

Sol asks Haruto .

「Aren’t you from an equestrian tribe? You know which is a good horse . But I’m only an amateur」

As Haruto says so, Sol makes a face as if convinced .

Before heading towards the horse shop, Haruto listens to the work and life environment from Sol . He sometimes spoke to Haruto in the Northeastern language, telling Haruto detailed information .


「I have a reservation, Haruto Asuma . I want to choose a horse」

Haruto went to the store and said to the clerk, the shop owner appears immediately .

「Oh my oh my . I have been waiting for you . This child? 」

The shopkeeper looks at Sol who is beside Haruto and say so . Sol’s look is a little different from Kirician . It’s quite noticeable .

「This guy is my slave . As you can see, he’s from the equestrian tribes . He seems familiar with horses, so I decided to let him choose」

As Haruto says so, the shopkeeper makes a consenting face .

「Please come in here」

「Please come in here」

Haruto and Sol were guided to the back of the shop . There are the stables, and there were a lot of horses .

「Please choose」

The shopkeeper said while smiling .

「Do you mind if my slave touched them? 」

Haruto tentatively confirms . Some people don’t like their items being contacted by a slave .

「Eehh, does not matter」

The shopkeeper approves it readily . It seems there are human beings who don’t mind .

「I reserved 10 horses . Please choose a good horse」

Haruto tells Sol . Sol nods and runs up to the stable .

After a while, Sol picked 10 horses .

「So these 10 . We will deliver it at a later date」

The owner slowly lowered his head, seeing Haruto and Sol off .


「Here, it’s the promised pocket money」

Haruto passed three large copper coins to Sol . Sol put it in the bag attached to his waist .

Sol suddenly stopped walking after a while . In front of Sol, there is a store selling accessories .

「Eh!? You like this kind of thing? 」

Haruto unintentionally drew back . Sol is a man . Moreover, from the equestrian tribes . It doesn’t suit him at all .


Sol violently shook his head and denied it . He passed the bag of coins to Haruto .

「……I want to give a present to a girl . Can you buy it, please? 」

「He~, a fellow slave? 」

As Haruto says so . Sol nodded while blushing a little . Haruto smiles .

「I see, I see . That’s fine . But you should choose the gift yourself . So come with me also . It’s okay with me」

Haruto forcefully pulled Sol’s arm into the store .

Nonetheless, Haruto did not enter the store just to meddle . But also to buy a present to Roa . It’s to make up with Roa about the electrolyzer thing . It’s the strategy of buying something to ease her bad mood .

Haruto and Sol looked at the accessories together . Sol is fidgeting and restless . He had never entered such a store .

「Roa has……it this okay . The price is……20,000 . The furnishings are good」

Haruto bought a red stone necklace . Roa has a ruby necklace, but, it’s too expensive, so she only uses it on special occasions .

「Have you also found it? 」

Haruto called out to Sol . Sol shook his head .

「Money, not enough……although this is the cheapest one, it’s not enough with my entire fortune」

「How much do you need? 」

「One large copper」

Haruto took out one large copper coin from his pocket, passing it to Sol . Sol looks at Haruto’s face .

「I will deduct it from your salary . For the time being, use it」

Haruto smiles . Sol bowed deeply to Haruto .


「Even so, to be in love . That’s nice . Being young」

On the way home, Haruto made fun of Sol by raising him on the shelf . Sol looked down and blushed .

「Don’t make fun of a child? I feel tired」

Haruto says with a laugh . Sol raises his face .

「P-please don’t tease! 」

「My bad, my bad」

「P-please don’t tease! 」

「My bad, my bad」

Haruto apologizes with a smile .


Special Episode

「Ne~, do you want to drink? It’s for three people」

Aisha told Haruto and Roa .

「What’s wrong, so suddenly? 」

Haruto asks Aisha .

「Iya, I got a discount ticket . To a pub . Since there’s three, let’s go」

Haruto and Roa looked at each other .

「Ma, sometimes, it’s not wrong to drink at places besides Undine」

「I agree . Shall we go」

Three people headed for the pub .


「Recently, my breast growth has stopped!! 」

Roa cried out while drinking . The other guests’ line of sight was instantly on Roa . Roa is not aware of it, and start talking loudly .

「My butt growth also stopped . Why! 」

Haruto tells Roa while sipping on high alcohol content liquor .

「How old are you? 」

「It’s 14 . 14 years old! 」

「Breast growth seems to stop at the age of 15 . Or about six months after that……hang in there! 」


Roa lies down on the table . And still drinking alcohol, she hatefully looks at Aisha’s chest .

「Why is my chest smaller than Aisha!! 」

「Iya, even if you say that……it’s not even the ultra big ones since it’s about D-cup? 」

「I’m also not small since I’m about C-cup!! 」

The two people started speaking in riddles . They seem to be drinking a lot .

「Do you know a way to make your breasts bigger? 」

Roa drew closer to Haruto .

「E~tto, you’re supposed to drink milk? 」

Haruto shows off some knowledge he’d heard somewhere .

「I heard it’s going to get bigger if you rubbed it!! 」

A guest from the next table said to Roa . The customer next to them is also considerably drunk .

「Is that true!! Haruto-san! Please rub it!! 」

「How nice . Rub me too! 」

Roa and Aisha blatantly asked Haruto . The surrounding customers raised an even louder voice .

「Niichan, I’m envious!! 」

「If you don’t massage it here, you’re not a man!! 」

「Share it with me, you bastard!! 」

「Riajuu, explode! 」

Haruto sighed .


「I want to asleep . It was loud and noisy」

「But you’re half the cause of the commotion」

After drinking a lot, the three people arrived home . Haruto is carrying Roa who fell asleep .

「Ne~, Haruto……」

「What? 」

Haruto turned towards Aisha .

「Do you hate me? 」

Aisha told Haruto face to face .

Haruto turned towards Aisha .

「Do you hate me? 」

Aisha told Haruto face to face .

「……ma, I don’t hate you . But instead, I like you」

Haruto answers .

「Then, why won’t you make me your mistress? 」

Aisha heard that and said to Haruto while looking at his face .

「I feel bad for Roa」

Haruto quietly said .

「Well then, I wonder, if you’ve met me before Roa, would you have liked me? 」

「……I don’t know . Maybe I will . Perhaps I won’t . The only thing I can say is that I can’t make you my mistress」

「I see……」

Silences flow between them .

「Ma, i~ya」

Aisha raised a loud voice . Haruto involuntarily looks at Aisha . There were Aisha’s lips .

「N ~tsu! 」

Haruto opens his eyes wide . Aisha grabs Haruto’s head so that Haruto can’t escape .

After three seconds, Aisha released Haruto’s lips .

「I’m not giving up!! 」

Aisha screams so and runs away .

「……what to do」

Haruto said with a big sigh .

A/N: Since recently, Aisha has few turns . It’s quite a dangerous thing, imagining that he is kissing someone with drunk Roa on his back .


Income 165,000,000 (30,000 luxury soaps + 150,000 ordinary soaps)

Expense 40,000,000 (material cost of soap) + 4,500,000 (material cost of luxury soap) + 50,000 (milk for 3,000 milk soap) + 30,000,000 (new factory) + 500,000 (wall) + 180,000,000 (house) + 115,000,000 (electrolyzer) + 5,000,000 (slave maintainance expense) + 4,000,000 (second-class citizens) + 7,000,000 (Carriage) + 900,000 (mercenary) + 450,000 (employees) + 4,950,000 (sales tax) + 16,500,000 (income tax) Total……408,850,000

Sales-Expense = -243,850,000

Liability 300,000,000 (10% annual interest rate)

Balance 208,390,000

Real Balance -91,610,000

Slaves 160


Accounting Officer and Slave Director Roa Samaras

Assistant Accountant Dennis

Supervisors Ash Brothers (Sisters)

Mercenary Rusk & Pudding, Rang, Tart

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