Chapter 41

「So this is Shufelt」

Haruto and Roa came to Shufelt . There are large walls in front of their eyes, but it’s still lower than the walls of Claris .

「I felt it was bigger when I was a child……it’s somewhat lower」

What changed was not the wall of Shufelt but the height of Roa .

「For the time being, let’s enter」

Haruto and Roa head towards the gate . In the gates, there’s a long line of people waiting for entry .

「It’s long . Isn’t it longer than in Claris? Claris should have more people coming and going……or is the efficiency inferior」

A large horse-drawn carriage passed by such Haruto and Roa . A picture of a tree was drawn on the carriage .

「……it’s a carriage of Samaras Shokai」

Roa unconsciously hid behind Haruto . The horse-drawn carriage enters the carriage-only entrance, quickly completed the inspection and entered the gates .

「Samaras Shokai’s inspection is strangely short . Is it VIP treatment?」

Now he can see the power of Samaras Shokai in Shufelt .

After waiting for a long time, it was finally Haruto and Roa’s turn . The soldiers methodically began a physical inspection of Haruto and Roa .

「Nn? What is this」

The soldiers took out the soap from Haruto and listened to Haruto explain .

「It’s soap . Don’t you know?」

The soldiers frowned their brows . They don’t know about it . A soldier makes a dog sniff the soap . The dog shook its head sideways .

「Fumu . It does not seem suspicious」

The soldier returned the soap to Haruto . After that is the long physical examination of Haruto and Roa .

「Fumu . There does not seem to be a problem . You’re good to go! 」

Haruto and Roa entered the city of Shufelt .


「There is little traffic compared to Claris . Well, isn’t it funny to compare it to Claris? How is it? Did something change from ten years ago? 」

Haruto asked Roa . Roa said while frowning .

「I feel that something in the air is heavy . There are also many vagrants . Haruto-san, can you ask someone」

「You can just ask」

「It’s embarrassing」

Haruto sighs . He asked an old man who passed nearby .

「Excuse me . I was here at Shufelt ten years ago, but I feel that it’s gloomier than that time……what happened? 」

The old man answers Haruto’s question .

「Actually, drugs, and kidnapping have been rampant since 10 years ago . What are the police doing at all」

The old man begins to complain . Haruto rewarded him after saying thank you .

「It seems to be that」

「I see . So that’s why the inspection was strict . Even so, kidnapping and drugs . We must be careful」

Roa braced herself .

「I will search for accommodation now . I wonder if there’s a good place」

Haruto and Roa started searching for an inn .


「I’m glad we found a good place」

「I agree . It seems safe here」

Haruto and Roa found an expensive hotel that is 800,000 Doria overnight . Security is perfect because of the price .

「So, what should we do first? 」

「In my opinion, I would like to see grandfather . He’s supposed to be a powerful Congressman, so he has some power . But I wonder if he’ll believe me……」

「Isn’t there something? Like the birthmark shaped like a star at the base of your neck」

「What’s that? That’s not it . I should have brought my mom’s watch」

Roa drops her shoulders .

「But don’t you look like your mother? It’s your grandfather on your mother’s side . Isn’t that good enough? 」

Even Eugene figured it out . Roa’s face right now should be like her mother . Haruto shows a hand mirror to Roa .

「Here, how is it? Don’t you look like your mother」

「U~n, it certainly looks like mother……but I am more beautiful . Dad’s features are mixed in to make a good combination」

「Then that’s good」

Haruto bitterly smiles . It’s a good thing you can still afford to say such nonsense .

「Anyway, it’s not good if we can’t see him . For now, let’s go towards his mansion . Do you remember the place? 」

「Yes . Since the view of the city has not changed much」

Roa and Haruto headed to Roa’s grandfather’s house .


In conclusion, they could not enter the mansion . They can’t meet without an appointment . When Haruto tells the Butler about his status as a Congressman, he was supposed to be there three days later .

「So then, let’s investigate Samaras Shokai . It might be helpful regarding establishing a branch office」

「I agree . Because there are things that you won’t understand with just the documents alone . Let’s go quickly」

Haruto and Roa took off to the main branch of Samaras Shokai . The main branch is a luxurious store .

「Welcome, what business do you have today」

The clerk welcomed Haruto and Roa with a smile . When Haruto said he wants to buy a bubble-berry fruit, the clerk responded with a smile .

「First of all, here’s the S-rank . This is A-rank . This is an A-rank bubble-berry mixed with rose perfume」

「He~, there’s a lot of kinds」

Roa said while looking at the price of bubble-berry . It’s priced higher than the soap but cheaper than normal bubble-berry .

「How can you offer it so cheaply? Is there a secret to cultivation? 」

A clerk answers Haruto with a smile .

「U~n, I agree . My best guess is that they want to provide customers the best quality product at the lowest price」

He’d been evaded . However, Haruto did not expect them to tell him . He’s just wondering what kind of response they’d show .

「Well then, I’ll have this」

Haruto properly purchased a bubble-berry . Casually saying when he’s paying .

「Recently, there seems to be something called soap……what do you think about it? 」

The clerk answers with a bitter smile .

「The bubble-berry is higher in quality and safety . In any case, bubble-berry has been used for over two thousand years」

「I see, thank you」

Haruto bowed and left .

「Is that what Samaras Shokai want them to say? Well, the quality is higher than ours」

「Dunno . But for safety . I never thought about it」

Haruto muttered . For Haruto, soap is a normal thing, but in this world, it’s a new thing . It may be natural that there’s a consciousness that it’s dangerous .

「I hope that image can be wiped out over time . Well, let’s see how this bubble-berry works」

Haruto looked at the bubble-berry fruit they bought on impulse . They brought soap, so they didn’t have to buy it . However, he had no choice but to buy it since he asked inappropriate questions .

「Would you mind if I use it? It’s a waste」

「Would you mind if I use it? It’s a waste」

Roa said . In fact, they purchased the bubble-berry with S-class quality . If they don’t use it, it would be a shame .

「I see」

Haruto put the bubble-berry fruit in his bag .


Haruto and Roa investigated Samaras Shokai for a whole day . The image of Samaras Shokai in this town seems pretty good . Of course, the support for bubble-berry is thick . On the other hand, few citizens knew of the existence of soap, and many people think that bubble-berry is better even if they knew .

Since the investigation of Samaras Shokai has completed the first stage, Haruto and Roa headed to an upscale restaurant to take a late dinner .

「They have quite a solid foundation . It seems it will be difficult to take it down」

Haruto brought the steak to his mouth while complaining .

「I suppose it would be tricky . What do you want to do tomorrow? Are we going to pull out」

Roa struggled with the shell of the shrimps . The ruby that Roa got from Haruto is shining on her chest . Since it’s a costly item, she can only wear it at such times .

「Let’s not . We’d better not move until we can be assured that your grandfather will cooperate . It would be dangerous」

The enemy killed Roa’s parents . They can’t afford to be careless .

「That’s true . Well then tomorrow, let’s go sightseeing」

They discontinued their talk of business and concentrated on their meals .

With the two people continuing to eat, there was noise at the door as it opened . It became noisy at that moment .

「Nn? Is a celebrity coming」

Haruto and Roa look toward the door in concern . There was a big man over there . His age is about 50 or 60 . The most distinctive of all is his fiery red hair .


「What happened? Roa? 」

Roa turned stiff with her eyes wide open as she looked at the man . A steak was stuck in the fork .

The man asked the waiter to guide him to his seat . He passed by Haruto and Roa on the way .

「Nn!? 」

The man suddenly looked back after passing by their place . And opened his eyes wide .

「Helen? 」

The man and Roa’s eyes met . And stared at each other for a while……

「Roa!! 」

「Grandpa!! 」

They hugged each other .

「Haah!? 」

Haruto cried out at the rapid development .


They suddenly became three people . They ended their meal and headed to the house of the Albertini family . They can’t talk in an area where people might hear them .

Roa’s grandfather, Bertrand Albertini talked through his tears .

「For the time being, I’m glad you’re alive……」

「Yes . Grandpa seems to be doing well . What should we talk about first? 」

「How about who’s the man over there? 」

Bertrand wiped his tears away and glared at Haruto . Haruto stood up and greeted him with a smile .

「Hello . Asuma Shokai’s chairman, and a Claris Congressman, my name is Haruto Asuma」

「What is your relationship with Roa? 」

「Hello . Asuma Shokai’s chairman, and a Claris Congressman, my name is Haruto Asuma」

「What is your relationship with Roa? 」

「I am her fiancee」

Haruto immediately answered . Bertrand reeled back .

「Whaa-t, fiance–eeee」

Bertrand was puzzled . When he thought about it, his cute grandchild whom he thought was dead yesterday suddenly came back alive and even brought a fiancee . It’s impossible for him not to get confused .

「I’ll never acknowledge it! 」

「Don’t be like that, grandpa」

「Who’s your grandpa! 」

Bertrand screamed while his face turned red . Roa entered between Haruto and Bertrand to appease them .

「There~ there~, for the time being, let’s talk about what brought us here . Then you can continue your ‘please give me your grandchild’ battle」

After saying so, Roa explained to Bertrand .

Knowing the cause of death of Roa’s parents made his face go red . After listening to Roa’s life of begging afterward, he shed tears . When he heard the part of Haruto helping her, he had a complex face . After listening to the story, he said while looking appraisingly at Haruto .

「Let me thank you for assisting Roa . But I won’t approve of your marriage! 」

Bertrand asserted .

「But we already slept together」

「What did you say! 」

Bertrand leaned forward . He’s not lying .

「If Haruto-san did not take responsibility at this stage, my reputation……」

Roa looked at Bertrand with upturned eyes . Bertrand squeezed out while clenching his teeth .

「It can’t be helped . I’ll retreat 100 million steps and acknowledge it」

「Thank you very much, grandpa」

「Stop calling me grandpa! It’s annoying」

Bertrand glared at Haruto .

「Even so, I can’t forgive him, that man! Being so shameless just to get the position of Chairman . I’ll beat him up! 」

Bertrand murmurs in hatred . His face is red with anger .

「That’s the thing, grandpa」

「Don’t call me grandpa . What is it? 」

Bertrand said while glaring at Haruto . Haruto tells while confronting Bertrand’s line of sight .

「We, Asuma Shokai, will be the one to crush Samaras Shokai . Can you help me? 」

Bertrand snorted .

「That’s natural . You don’t have to ask me . I don’t like you, but I don’t like that man even more . So, what should I do? 」

Haruto answers .

「For now, could you disseminate information about soap which is the product of our Shokai? It seems that it’s not yet widely known in this country . At the same time, can you gather those from the Samaras Shokai who are dissatisfied with Reinard? 」

「I don’t care . That’s about it . It would probably take three days to find out . In the meantime, you better stay here」

Bertrand smiled and said that . Haruto lowered his head .

「Thank you very much . By the way, the room……」

「Of course you’ll be in separate rooms! See here, I won’t allow it until after the wedding! 」

Bertrand raised his voice .


Haruto and Roa stayed at the Albertini family and three days passed in no time .


Haruto and Roa stayed at the Albertini family and three days passed in no time .

「This is Samaras Shokai’s employee list . Blue is Reynard’s faction, yellow is the neutral faction, and red is the anti-Reinard faction . Those who are especially dissatisfied are black . Please use it effectively」

Haruto looks at the roster given by Bertrand . An impressive 60% is yellow, 30% are blue, and 10% are red . There is only one black color .

「Ah! I know this person . I often got candy from him! 」

Roa points to the name painted in black . There, Leon Glaser was written .

「Aahh, that man was a friend of Rivas . He was suspicious of Reinard like I am . That guy is definitely on our side」

「I see……well then, we’ll meet this person first . Can you call on this person」

「Aahh, I understand . You probably won’t get suspected if you meet him directly」

So we decided to meet Leon Glaser .

When Leon Glaser first met Roa, he shouted「Helen-san? 」 . But after that, he shouted「Roa-chan! 」three seconds later . When Roa nodded, Leon widened his eyes .

「How are you alive? 」

Leon asked Roa after calming down . Roa said the same story she told Bertrand to Leon .

「So that’s it……it must have been hard . Even so, that guy, I always thought that he was shady……still」

Leon’s face distorted . And turned around to Haruto .

「Asuma-san . I will cooperate with you . Let’s send that guy to the guillotine . Iya, I wonder if tearing him up as punishment is alright? 」

Leon smirked as he said that . Haruto said while pulling back a bit .

「Thank you very much . But more importantly, how could Samaras Shokai produce bubble-berry fruit so cheaply? 」

「I’m sorry . That man seems to be wary of me……so I don’t know . I will investigate a little . By the way, can I call on some friend of mine? 」

Haruto agreed . It’s better to have more people .

The next day, Leon brought ten employees of Samaras Shokai . The ten people were surprised at seeing Roa’s face and wept happily .

「So, what can we do? I can go there right now with my resignation」

One of the employees said . Haruto shook his head .

「No, you guys at the Samaras Shokai, please investigate how they’re producing bubble-berry . We will also examine them from the outside . Please be careful . After doing that, immediately come to Claris . I will help you」

That day, they celebrated at seeing Roa while drinking . The drunk Roa stuck to Haruto . There was also the happening that Bertrand stuck to Haruto for some reason . They enjoyed a lot .


「U~n, what should I do? It looks important though . I wonder if I should tell the Chairman」

The man with unkempt hair, Serius muttered while pressing his ear against the walls of the Albertini mansion . Serius rushed to the East so as not to get caught in the civil war and finally arrived at Shufelt . However, if he didn’t have a job, he couldn’t eat . When he was looking for work, he met Reinard Samaras . Reinard saw through Serius’ skill and hired him with a lot of money .

Serius is now eavesdropping because he saw Leon sneaking out . Remembering that Reinard ordered him to trace Leon if he’s doing suspicious things, and thus he arrived at the Albertini mansion .

「Although it will be interesting if I kept silent at this rate . What should I do」

Serius is a strong person as an ally . As far as he’d heard, Reinard seems to be the bad guy . But he doesn’t know that yet .

「In such situations, let’s do a coin toss . Front, tell the Chairman . Back, wait and see」

Serius throws a copper coin in the air . The copper coin fell on the ground with its back facing up .

「So wait and see . Let’s pretend I didn’t hear anything . It just so happen that the walls are too thick . With that in mind」

Serius went home while swaying like a drunk .

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