Chapter 84 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (2)

Chapter 84 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (2)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

Cheers to all the cuties who got it right It’s rebirth

And I am extremely sorry for not updating the second chapter of the week….I was so busy with my college stuff that I forgot to schedule it. So you guys will be reading three chapters this week

Yuejin underwent rebirth.

His life after the age of fifteen was divided into two distinct soul imprints.

The overlapping timeline of the imprints coincided with the moment when No.00102 executor was expelled from the mission world, leaving no room for a second possibility. It seemed the previous 68 failed cases were likely linked to this variable as well.

Gou Liang was curious about why other executors didn’t notice Yuejin’s anomaly, but for now, examining Yuejin’s memories for valuable information took precedence.

Yuejin’s life before the age of fifteen was the complete opposite of the original host.

Similar to Meng Hui, Yuejin was an orphan. His parents had passed away soon after his birth. Thankfully, due to his prayer power, he was raised by the previous priest of the Moon Fox tribe to become the successor. He was diligent, humble, and grateful. Under the priest’s guidance, he developed a strong sense of responsibility towards the tribe, always ready to sacrifice for its sake.

He grew healthily and remarkably until the age of fifteen. It was during that year that the Beast God unleashed thunder upon every tribe without exception.

Yet, the Moon Fox tribe suffered the most severe damage. It was the only tribe where a beastman was struck and killed by the divine thunder, and the thunderstorm’s duration was longest. The beastmen were terrified. Ultimately, the priest paid with his life during the blessing ceremony, pleading for the Beast God’s forgiveness to quell the calamity. And just then, Yuejin succeeded to the position of the new priest. It was at this point that Yuejin’s soul was inscribed into the memories of the first time loop.

Following the world’s initial trajectory, Yuejin, the young and fragile priest, got injured during the blessing ceremony. Subsequently, the Moon Fox tribe suffered another earthquake, claiming the lives of dozens of their kin, and their settlement was razed.

The Moon Fox tribe was inherently proud and solitary. Despite other tribes offering help, both Yuejin, who prioritized the tribe, and the reluctant patriarch declined. They embarked on a journey of migration, which resulted in many casualties. After wandering the Wobu Plains for three years, they finally found a new habitat.

However, misfortune didn’t stop there.

A raging fire destroyed their new settlement, inflicting immense damage upon the Moon Fox tribe. Moreover, the impending White Moon Season threatened them. The food they had diligently stored and items for enduring the cold were all lost in the fire. With no other options, they sought refuge with the marsh-dwelling tribes of amphibious beastmen like snakes and frogs.

In the previous three years of White Moon Seasons, they had exchanged their food and the Moon Fox tribe’s unique fire-starting ability for shelter in other tribes.

But this time, they couldn’t even provide the fire-starting ability. The marsh-dwelling tribe demanded their submission, otherwise, they wouldn’t be accepted.

Given their circumstances, the Moon Fox tribe didn’t have time to reach another tribe for help. Whether it was the cold of the White Moon Season or the formidable beasts, they were defenseless. And lacking sufficient food, they had no choice but to comply to save the lives of hundreds of their kin.

Submitting to another tribe meant the patriarch would be treated favorably. However, for the priest, there were only two options left.

Suicide, or bearing a child to eliminate his prayer power.

Yuejin chose the latter. As he was still underage, the marsh-dwelling tribe arranged a betrothal with the chief’s son, intending to seal the contract when Yuejin turned twenty during the Red Moon Season.

But even by the end of the Red Moon Season, Yuejin hadn’t conceived a child with the chief’s son.

The marsh-dwelling chief was wary of Yuejin’s priestly power. Despite Yuejin and the Moon Fox tribe’s objections, he forced the unmarried male beastmen of his tribe to engage with Yuejin until he became pregnant.

For an entire year, Yuejin endured humiliation. The marsh-dwelling chief warned him that if he dared to use his prayer power or commit suicide, he would kill his kin. Yuejin could only bear it.

Until another White Moon Season passed, and he finally conceived a child during the Red Moon Season of his twenty-first year.

His prayer power was nullified, so he proposed to the marsh-dwelling chief to terminate the pregnancy. However, this act was disrespectful to the Beast God, and the chief of the marsh-dwelling tribe couldn’t dare to agree. He feared Yuejin might take matters into his own hands, hence had him strictly guarded.

Yuejin hated it, but he was helpless. Until the arrival of the next White Moon Season when he gave birth, but at the cost of two lives.

Upon returning to the migrating tribe, Yuejin was both delighted and surprised. He seized the opportunity during the successor’s blessing ceremony, claiming to have been guided by the Beast God to lead the tribe to the Wolf tribe’s territory. Otherwise, the calamities wouldn’t cease.

Naturally, the Moon Fox tribe resisted this idea, the chief refused to acknowledge Yuejin’s limited powers as a young priest. Yet, earthquakes that followed made the Moon Fox tribe compelled to obey.

The reason Yuejin chose the Wolf tribe was due to a significant event he learned from his caretakers during his pregnancy. It was revealed that the white beastman of the Wolf tribe was not an abandoned child but the Beast God’s son!

The tale of the Beast God’s son was an ancient legend, passed only among the priests and chieftains of each tribe.

So when Yuejin’s caretaker mentioned that the chieftain and priest of the Wolf tribe had visited the Marsh-dwelling tribe, announcing the existence of the Beast God’s son, Yuejin didn’t doubt its authenticity.

The legend stated that the Beast God’s son possessed a red moon flame between his brows, that he had the power to calm storms and move mountains, and he could command thunder… Moreover, any tribe that raised the Beast God’s son would receive the Beast God’s blessing and protection, perpetually thriving without calamity.

This single fact made the Wolf tribe essential to Yuejin.

Furthermore, compared to the cunning and treacherous marsh-dwelling tribe he detested, the Wolf tribe had a stellar reputation.

Indeed, his choice proved right.

In the three years that followed, he lived a life much better than his previous one. He no longer wandered, dealt with hostile beasts, or faced hunger and cold. Instead, he was respected and experienced happiness in the Wolf tribe.

As for the Beast God’s son, he was still an ignored and ostracized white beastman, yet to find a mate. His adulthood during the Red Moon Season was imminent…

Gou Liang, seeing through his favorable plans, sneered inwardly: If you dare to touch my target, don’t blame me for my ruthlessness.

【System: So, Master, what do you plan to do?】

【Gou Liang: Well, you’ll eventually find out. Behave, let’s first claim the rewards from the previous mission. Exotic beast meat, there’s quite a bit among the 1000 points, what should we choose to draw…】


In the priest’s quarters.

Due to the accident at the Silver Moon Festival, the females who were supposed to go out for gathering had stopped their activities outside.

At this moment, they were gathered in the priest’s courtyard as usual. The adults were weaving grass shoes or tanning the hides of strange beasts, while the unmarried females followed the old priest, learning essential skills for females and gaining knowledge about identifying food and herbs. They also helped the old priest sun-dry medicinal plants.

Seeing Ga’er, who had just gone to see his son, continuously glancing at the door, a female who had a good relationship with him whispered softly, “Don’t worry, Priest said that Lang Xi is not in danger of life. He will recover soon.”

“But it’s been so long, and Xi-er still hasn’t woken up…”

At this moment, there suddenly came the sound of crying from inside the room.

—It was Lang Xi’s voice!

Ga’er immediately dropped the grass shoes in his hands and rushed into the room faster than the old priest, who was closer to him.

He saw his son sitting on the bed, holding his stomach, crying in a confused and fragile manner. Ga’er felt extreme heartache and hugged him, comforting, “Xi-er, don’t cry. It’s all over now, you’re fine. Don’t be afraid, don’t be scared…”

“Daddy, little Xi’s tummy hurts so much, wuwuwu, Daddy lied, little Xi hurts so much…” Gou Liang cried, looking at the old priest with a piteous gaze, “Grandfather Wo Qing, little Xi is in so much pain.”

The old priest was taken aback by this long-forgotten “Grandfather Wo Qing,” then let Ga’er step aside and carefully examined Gou Liang’s physical condition. Afterward, he said with relief, “Lang Xi’s injuries are already healed, but the wound on his stomach was severe. For the next period of time, he will still feel pain, and his body will be relatively weak. He needs careful care.”

Saying this, he also muttered a blessing to the Beast God.

Seeing that Gou Liang had fallen asleep quietly after taking the medicine, the worried old priest left to prepare more herbs.

By the time he returned, Ga’er had already calmed Gou Liang down.

Hearing his voice, Gou Liang looked over and then exclaimed in surprise, “Grandfather Wo Qing, why did you become smaller? Oh, I know! You ate that grass you told Xi-er about yesterday, the one that makes you become smaller, right?”

The old priest was startled, facing those eyes that had been washed by tears and were now as clear and beautiful as the sky after the end of the Ashen Moon Rainy Season. The old priest’s hand holding the medicine bowl trembled slightly.

After a few questions, they were astonished to discover—Lang Xi had come back to life but had lost the memories of these years. He had reverted to being a five-year-old child!

“Is it harmful to Xi-er’s health?”

Facing this shocking news, Lang Xiang’s first reaction was this.

At this moment, Gou Liang, who had taken the medicine, had already fallen asleep quietly. The old priest, who was uncertain, said to the tribe leader, “I’ve never encountered this kind of situation before.”

“But,” he continued, “I remember my mentor, the priest, once mentioned that when he traveled to other tribes, he once met a male beastman with a similar illness. That person had been injured in battle and lost his memory of his wife, children, and parents, but he remembered others. Lang Xi should be in this situation due to hitting his head and receiving an injury.”

Ga’er quickly asked, “So how long will this condition last?”

The old priest shook his head, “I don’t know. Tribe Leader, I do remember the name of that person’s tribe. If Lang Xi hasn’t recovered his memory before the Red Moon Assembly, we can ask about that person’s current situation.”

…That’s all they could do.

Lang Xiong turned to inquire about his son’s current condition, while Gou Liang, looking at the blind spot outside the window, who turned and left. Since he couldn’t see the target’s expression, he was a bit anxious about whether his strategy would work effectively against the target.

Soon, Gou Liang would know the answer.

Meng Hao returned to the priest’s back room—after Meng Hui’s injury, the two brothers had moved out from the old priest’s place to live independently, and he went back to live there again.

“Brother, how’s little Xi doing?”

Meng Hui, who was sitting on the bed eagerly waiting, asked anxiously without waiting for him to open the door.

Meng Hao repeated Gou Liang’s “condition.” When he heard that “Lang Xi’s” memories were stuck on the day he received the Beast God’s blessing and left the priest’s quarters, Meng Hui was surprised, but also had mixed emotions—worries and a trace of hidden joy.

If it was the memory of a five-year-old Xi-er, he would definitely not dislike his own legs…

Meng Hui touched his legs, which had no sensation at all, and indulged in a bit of wishful thinking.

Meng Hao saw this and said coldly, shattering his illusion, “Even if he loses his memory now, what about a year, ten years, a hundred years later? What will you do when he recovers his memory? How will you face a partner who despises you?”


Meng Hui’s voice choked, attempting to stop him from telling the harsh truth.

Meng Hao grabbed his shoulder, speaking seriously, “Hui, listen to me. He’s no longer worth your affection. I can take care of you myself for a lifetime, but I will never let you be handed over to him.”

“But I…”

Meng Hao said coldly, “Hui, remember this. He could regain his memory at any time. Even if he can’t, as long as he’s alive, he’ll still grow up and know what’s right and wrong. And your legs, there’s no possibility of recovery. I hope you can see this fact clearly and not hold onto any expectations for him.”

Meng Hui turned his head and didn’t say anything.

Gou Liang: Older brother is so imposing today, but he’s still so handsome. But I want to cry, what should I do? ┭┮﹏┭┮

Meanwhile, during the conversation between the two brothers, the atmosphere among the priest’s group became even more somber and heavy.

Ga’er, who couldn’t accept it at all, said desperately, “Priest, are you saying that Xi-er won’t be able to have children anymore… No, this can’t be possible! Xi-er is about to reach adulthood, he’s about to form a bond… Why would you be so cruel to him, Priest, please save him, you must save him.”

The old priest sighed, feeling helpless as well.

“You all saw Lang Xi’s injuries at that time. His abdomen was pierced, and the pregnancy pouch of the females was emptied. Even under the blessing of the gods, although he looks whole on the surface, it’s not possible… I’ve already tried using the pregnancy stone, but there was no response. You all should understand what that means.”

Upon hearing this, Ga’er sobbed uncontrollably.

Lang Xiong felt both sorrow and worry, while Lang Fei asked, “So, does that mean my brother can’t bond with Brother Meng Hui?”

The three of them fell silent for a moment at this question.

Although Meng Hui was disabled, he was still a black wolf, a child favored by the Beast God.

If this favor couldn’t be continued, it would not only be a great loss for the tribe but could also anger the Beast God…

Seeing this, Lang Fei continued, “Father, Dad, my brother didn’t want to be bonded to Brother Meng Hui from the start. Can’t we avoid continuing an unwanted engagement just because he lost his memory and got injured? Even if he never marries in the future, I’ll take care of him forever. Brother Meng Hui has suffered enough; we shouldn’t add more misfortune to him…”

Ga’er started crying again, and Lang Xiong shot a stern look at his son, who reluctantly closed his mouth.

Meanwhile, Gou Liang, who had been observing the entire scene and had put restrictions on the regeneration item, removing the “extra” parts of his host body, expressed with no guilt: I only want to spend time with my target and have a private world with him. Having children and all that, go to hell.

The next day, Gou Liang woke up from his sleep.

He held his still painful belly without crying, and just like a child, he looked around left and right. When he confirmed that he was in a familiar environment, his nervous expression relaxed.

He made a “as always” movement with his nose and then let out a joyful howl.

The original host grew up with Meng Hao as brothers from a young age, eating and living together. He was greatly influenced by them. For instance, his first word wasn’t “Father, Dad” but the howling sound Meng Hao used to appease him when he was transforming into a beast.

Children are very good at imitation, so when the old priest and Ga’er saw little Lang Xi imitating the little black wolf, sniffing around with his nose, and howling while huddled together, they found it both amusing and touching. Notably, Lang Xi’s sense of smell was much stronger than that of typical females, especially sensitive to the scents of Meng Hao and his brother and Ga’er; he could smell them from a distance.

“Awuu, awuu?”

Howling like a young male wolf, he grew nervous when he didn’t get a response.


Gou Liang rubbed his eyes and sniffed his nose again. Then he called out, “Brother Meng Hao, I smell you! Come out quickly, or little Xi will come to catch you!”

Still not receiving a response, Gou Liang became anxious. Holding his belly, he walked slowly outside.

“Xi-er, what’s wrong?”

Seeing him holding the door, looking sweaty and anxious, Ga’er was startled.


Despite feeling unwell, Gou Liang still managed to show a sweet smile, much like the times when he was young and had been sick but always tried to console his remorseful and sad father.

Ga’er, upon seeing this long-lost smile, felt his eyes welling up with tears but held them back, supporting him and saying, “Priest said your body hasn’t fully recovered yet. You should lie in bed properly during this Silver Moon Season.”

Gou Liang pouted unhappily and said, “I feel fine, just a little bit, a little bit of pain… Dad, I don’t want to go back; I want to find Brother Meng Hao. He’s ignoring me! Hmph, I’ll find him and make little Hui bite his tail.”

He looked pleased with himself, thinking this idea was simply brilliant. He urged Ga’er to let go of him.

Ga’er didn’t want to refuse but also didn’t want to let him move alone.

Supporting his son as he moved slowly, seeing him sniff around just like when he was little, following the scents to find his little companions or his “Father,” Ga’er felt deeply moved.

Meanwhile, Meng Hao was currently planting a precious herb he had dug up in the priest’s medicinal field—since he had the ability to gather herbs, he had been doing this as a way to repay the priest and the tribe.

As Gou Liang walked into the medicinal field, he saw a tall man with white hair and distinctive features crouched on the ground, carefully patting down the soil.

He didn’t notice Ga’er’s attempt to stop him and approached with his nose, crouching beside the man and looking at him in astonishment.

Then he leaned forward and sniffed at Meng Hao’s neck.

Meng Hao, who had been aware of their arrival but chose to ignore it, moved away with a frown. He was about to tell him to leave when he was surprised to hear Gou Liang ask, “Who are you, and why do you smell the same as my Brother Meng Hao?”

Meng Hao: “…”

He pursed his lips and left coldly.

Left behind, five-year-old Gou Liang thought: … Do you believe I’ll cry to show you QAQ?

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