Chapter 90 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (8)

Chapter 90 - Pineapple Flavored Beastman Gong (8)

Translated by Hua Li ^_~

The massive white-winged wolf soared through the sky at high speed, its outstretched wings causing massive whirlwinds. Its limbs maintained a running posture in mid-air, and every muscle and strand of fur displayed a remarkable level of “awesomeness.”

However, its tail was not swaying in the wind to accelerate its flight as it used to. Instead, it was firmly pressed against its back, guarding something.

Faint sounds emanated from beneath its tail, quickly drowned out by the howling winds, as if they were mere illusions.

“Wuwuwu, you big liar! You promised me last night that I could have a look!”

“Really, just one look, please, Meng Hao? Meng Hao gege? Uncle Meng Hao?”

“Don’t pretend like you can’t hear me, I know you can!”

“Meng Hao, I’m going to bite you, I really am!”

“Meng Hao, you’re mean! Wuwuwu!”

A faint smile appeared on the noble and cold face of the white wolf, but when a horde of ferocious orcs charged toward it, the warmth in its eyes vanished instantly.

With a fierce flap of its wings, the white wolf used its powerful gusts of wind to keep the opponents at bay while accelerating forward.

A rapid streak of brilliant white light shot through the sky at an astonishing speed, akin to the swiftness of an aurora. Though imperceptible to most, it didn’t go unnoticed by some perceptive creatures. They were thrust into an excited frenzy by the dazzling white radiance and gave chase in the direction of the white wolf. As for the extraterrestrial birds soaring above, they vehemently defended their territory, refusing to let the detested white beastman intrude upon it.

Because of the numerous dangers they encountered on their journey, Meng Hao dared not let Gou Liang take even a glimpse of the scenery. He couldn’t afford to linger here for even an extra moment.

True to his word, Gou Liang bit onto Meng Hao’s tail… well, more like the hair, and kept his eyes glued to the peculiar creatures in the sky and on the ground that were fervently “chasing” like a bull fixated on a red cloth, as indicated by the system’s monitoring. He couldn’t help but marvel inwardly.

This spectacle was truly magnificent.

It was a bit of a letdown, though. After his hard work last night and finally securing a resounding victory with the tactic of “If you don’t agree, I’ll cry,” Meng Hao had initially promised to give him a bird’s-eye view from high in the sky. Little did Gou Liang anticipate that his lofty expectations would actually materialize. It seemed that even the mighty could have their moments of “saying one thing but meaning another.”

After soaring through the sky for nearly two days, Meng Hao eventually led Gou Liang to their intended destination.

“Have we arrived?”

Finally released from the tight grip of the wolf’s tail, Gou Liang, not the least bit shaken by the “wolf” experience, eagerly hopped up and bounded around on the back of the white wolf. He moved with the agility and speed of a flying creature.

In no time, he flung himself onto Meng Hao’s head, clutching his hair tightly.

Before he could voice any complaints about Meng Hao breaking his promise, he was struck dumb by the breathtaking scenery that stretched before him!

They stood on the edge of a cliff, overlooking a river nearly twenty meters wide that flowed by, bisected by the cliff, and cascading down vertically.

Surveying the surroundings, Gou Liang found cliffs and mountains on all sides. The basin below resembled a valley, one-third the size of the Wolf tribe. Even from their vantage point, the sheer beauty of the vast fields of rosy-red moonflowers in full bloom, the luxuriant green foliage, the colossal waterfalls tumbling down from the cliffs on both sides, and the serpentine course of the babbling stream left him in awe. It was an instant realization that, in the face of nature’s extraordinary craftsmanship, the human imagination appeared rather lackluster and modest.

“Wow! This is incredibly beautiful!!”

The mountain’s summit was buffeted by a strong wind, carrying with it the misty water vapor from the waterfall’s spray. Still, Gou Liang endeavored to stay atop Meng Hao’s head, fully immersing himself in the captivating scenery.

However, when Gou Liang tried to stand up on Meng Hao’s head, the wolf suddenly shook its head slightly. While the movement was small for Meng Hao’s size, for Gou Liang, it felt akin to a small boat being tossed around in a storm. He let out a startled cry and, with great effort, managed to clutch onto Meng Hao’s long hair for stability. Fuming, Gou Liang stomped on Meng Hao’s head a few times to vent his frustration. “You did this on purpose – ahhhhhhhhh!!”

Caught unaware, Meng Hao dipped his head, causing Gou Liang to tumble down from the top of his head. As he rolled, he twisted around hastily, only to be met by a pair of “enormous” ice-blue wolf eyes at an uncomfortably close distance. In those eyes, he saw his own distorted and screaming expression reflected back at him. It was like a scene out of a horror movie, utterly terrifying!

Unintentionally, Meng Hao’s sudden movement caused Gou Liang to lose his footing, and he tumbled down toward the cliff below. Reacting swiftly, Meng Hao clamped his jaws around Gou Liang and descended rapidly towards the valley.

“Ah! Ahhh!”

The most instinctive sound came from his throat.

Gou Liang’s screams, along with the sound of Meng Hao’s wing flaps, were drowned out by the deafening roar of the waterfall.

At an altitude of several thousand meters, they descended vertically without any protective gear. Gou Liang clung to Meng Hao’s fangs with all his might, unaware that Meng Hao’s tongue was gently securing him against the fangs.

The powerful wind rushed through the partly closed teeth, nearly lifting the hair off Gou Liang’s scalp. He promptly acquired a pair of invisible goggles from the system, ensuring he didn’t miss the heart-pounding experience of plummeting towards the ground, with the breathtaking scenery rapidly expanding before his eyes.

It was an exhilarating sensation!

The extreme sports he had experienced in the C-level world now seemed like child’s play in comparison!

Even though it lasted for only a few seconds, it left him exhilarated.

Finally, just as they seemed about to plunge into the deep pool beneath the waterfall, Meng Hao abruptly transformed back into his human form. He caught Gou Liang in his arms, executed a mid-air somersault, and gently landed on the shore.


Gou Liang, still in shock, hadn’t realized they had come to a stop.

A trace of satisfaction flashed in Meng Hao’s ice-blue eyes as he thought, “This lesson should be enough to make the little female remember for a lifetime. He won’t dare to cry and demand to see the scenery while I’m flying anymore. Finally, I can have some peace and quiet—”


Gou Liang, with his legs wrapped around Meng Hao’s waist, firmly held his face. Before Meng Hao could react, Gou Liang planted a kiss on his prominent nose. “Hahaha! That was amazing! Meng Hao, let’s do it again! Take me for another ride!!”

Meng Hao:…

For a moment, his expression was utterly blank.

Seeing him silent, Gou Liang clung to his neck, pouting. “Won’t you agree? Meng Hao, Meng Hao gege, pretty please~”

Meng Hao suddenly shivered.

He forcefully peeled Gou Liang off himself, straightened him, and then coldly threatened, “If you don’t want me to throw you into the water to feed the aquatic beasts, then be quiet.”

He roughly covered Gou Liang’s mouth and directed his attention to something not far away in a water basin.

Once Gou Liang saw it clearly, he gasped and took a sharp breath. “Water… a Water-winged Dragon?!”


Seeing him realize the seriousness of the situation, Meng Hao released him and nodded calmly, as if breaking into a Water-winged Dragon’s nest was not a big deal.

The Water-winged dragon, an amphibious creature, thrives in both water and air. Its favorite pastime involves soaring through waterfalls. While its land combat skills are moderate, it reigns supreme among the alien beasts inhabiting both water and air. With Meng Hao’s current strength, even a single Water-winged dragon posed a significant threat.

Gou Liang wore a speechless expression and asked, “What’s your plan?”

Meng Hao observed his “anxious” expression with amusement before responding, “No need to worry. Currently, there’s only this lone Water-winged Dragon here. If we wait until sunset then the others will return from their hunting. Plus, this dragon is currently underwater, unable to detect our presence. The timing is perfect.”

He glanced at the sky and added, “Time is of the essence.”


Watching Meng Hao approach the water pool where the Water-winged Dragon resided, Gou Liang couldn’t help but let out a low exclamation and quickly followed him.

—Meng Hao was, in fact, here to steal a Water-winged Dragon egg!

Water-winged Dragons had an exceptionally long incubation period for their eggs. In fact, all dragon eggs took around a year to hatch, and their shells were thick and resilient, impervious to the harsh cold of the White Moon season.

In contrast to beastmen who concentrated on procreation for three hundred days during the White Moon season, the mating season of Winged Dragons spanned Silver, Gray, and Red Moon seasons, except for White Moon.

Meng Hao, apparently, was an experienced egg thief. He targeted his objective with precision, striking quickly and efficiently. In no time, he had two enormous dragon eggs squeezed within his bent arms. Following this, he carefully retreated to the location where he had landed earlier, changed back to his beast form, wrapped Gou Liang in one arm, and took off in one swift motion.

As Meng Hao flapped his wings vigorously to ascend, alerting the Water-winged Dragon to the theft of its egg, he realized that he was already soaring towards the cliff’s summit.

In almost an instant, they would vanish once more.

However, the Water-winged Dragon, true to its title as the aerial overlord, was incensed by Meng Hao’s snowy fur and pursued them relentlessly.

Gou Liang clung tightly to Meng Hao’s tail, and this time, Meng Hao “understanding”, didn’t obstruct Gou Liang’s view. Thus, he faced the oncoming Water-winged Dragon, its black skin and red stripes, wide-mouthed and roaring, ready to rend them apart with its razor-sharp claws.

—Do you hold such a profound grudge?

Gou Liang, completely unafraid, didn’t mind indulging Meng Hao’s little desire and yelled, “Ouch! It’s coming for me! Help!” Before he could finish his shout, he was enveloped by the colossal tail, entirely covered, with no openings.


He wanted to bite his tail again!

Meng Hao had evidently devised a comprehensive plan for the egg theft, including his escape route.

With a clear destination and a heart-pounding aerial pursuit alongside Gou Liang, Meng Hao soared into the forest. He folded his wings, descended, placed an egg into a tree hollow, reverted to his human form, held a dragon egg in each hand, and swiped Gou Liang with his tail mid-air. He landed smoothly, slamming Gou Liang onto a tree trunk. Next, he removed the sole item he had brought along this time—the rare green furry beast’s pelt. It enveloped them both securely.

“Meng Hao…”

“Don’t utter a word.”

Overhead, the Water-winged Dragon continued to linger, venting its fury with piercing cries at the egg thief. It was so terrific that the surroundings fell into an eerie silence, save for the echoes of its roars.

Gou Liang's heart raced.

For the first time in a long while, he found himself enclosed by a man’s potent and alluring masculine aura. Meng Hao’s sturdy chest pressed against him, his muscles taut with tension. It was impossible to resist the urge to touch him, and then touch him again. Gou Liang swallowed hard and nestled his face against Meng Hao’s bare chest, secretly wrapping his arms around Meng Hao’s waist and squeezing gently.

“Lang Xi.”


In the oxygen-deprived atmosphere and their extraordinarily close proximity, Gou Liang, who had just committed a mischievous act and refused to let go, felt his mouth go dry with nervousness.

However, Meng Hao remained oblivious to the charged ambiance. He lowered his head and whispered, “Don’t be afraid. The Water-winged Dragon can’t discern green objects well, so it won’t locate us. At most, it will leave before sunset.”

Furthermore, unlike other beast eggs, Water-winged Dragon eggs were placed beneath a waterfall immediately after separation from the mother’s body. They couldn’t retain any scent, so there was no need to worry about being tracked.

“Meng Hao…”

Gou Liang’s voice quivered, and he clung to Meng Hao even more tightly, conveying through his actions: “My love, I’m truly frightened, please hold me close!”

Meng Hao couldn’t hear his thoughts, but out of concern for Gou Liang, he released his grip on the green furry skin, using his forehead to press it against the tree trunk to prevent it from falling. He freed up one hand and gently embraced Gou Liang, providing him with a sense of security.

It wasn’t until the Water-winged Dragon had departed, displaying its lack of paternal love, that Meng Hao used the skin he had used as a blanket the previous night, as an “invisibility cloak” moments ago, and now as a covering to wrap around two dragon eggs he had obtained. He also carried Gou Liang in his arms, and they descended from the thirty-meter-high tree trunk.

When he released Gou Liang, the supposedly “fragile and timid” Gou Liang’s legs turned into jelly, and he clung to Meng Hao’s chest, refusing to stand up.

Meng Hao glanced downward and gently rested the back of his hand against Gou Liang’s flushed face. “You’re feeling a bit warm… is this fear?” He added with concern, “Weren’t you quite brave before?”

Of course, Gou Liang wouldn’t readily admit to being fearful. He seized on the change of topic, raised his head, and shot Meng Hao a defiant look. “I’m just… holding on!”

Meng Hao, considering the female’s vulnerability, grew more anxious. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Gou Liang held him and replied, “Apart from feeling a bit suffocated, having weak legs, and feeling dizzy… I’m perfectly fine. Don’t worry, the sun is setting; let’s leave quickly.”

With a show of apparent composure, he released Meng Hao and stood there, appearing strong and sensible.

Meng Hao, carrying him on his back, remained silent for a moment, then furrowed his brows and said, “Next time you’re uncomfortable, tell me sooner. Don’t suffer in silence.” Gou Liang clung tightly to his neck, let out a muffled sigh, and wiped his face.

Gou Liang buried his face in Meng Hao’s neck. Meng Hao didn’t notice the two mischievous dimples hiding in the corners of Gou Liang’s mouth.

Meng Hao intentionally took a few detours, gathering the nutritious fruits that were favored by the females along the way. He then led Gou Liang to their resting spot for the night – a structure crafted from intricate tree roots, spacious enough to accommodate two large white wolves in the tree hollows!

Gou Liang admired the surroundings and asked Meng Hao, “Do you come here often?”

Meng Hao nodded, deeply engrossed in arranging the soft green grass he had collected into a comfortable bed for Gou Liang.

Squatting beside him, Gou Liang observed his actions with a smile and inquired further, “What is this place? It’s quite far from the tribe. Why do you visit here frequently? Aren’t you concerned about the potential dangers?”

Meng Hao cast a glance at him, then abruptly transformed into his animal form, lifting Gou Liang and gently tossing him onto the plush grass bed. He then transformed his claws onto a vibrant red-striped Hongxia fruit, treating it as if it were an everyday item. Without hesitation, he poured out half of the fruit’s pulp, despite it being a highly sought-after delicacy among the tribe’s females. Next, he vigorously tapped one end of the dragon’s egg numerous times. After a series of earth-shaking tremors, Meng Hao used his sharp nails to create a small opening in the eggshell’s crack, allowing the rich egg liquid to almost spill out.

In a matter of seconds, Meng Hao shifted back to his human form, carefully pouring the egg liquid into the bowl-shaped fruit shell. He then leaned one dragon egg against another to prevent the precious egg liquid from escaping.

He offered the egg liquid, clear as water, to Gou Liang. “Have a sip.”

Gou Liang couldn’t help but ask, “Did you go through all this trouble today just so I could have some Water-winged dragon egg liquid?”

The system had already informed Gou Liang about the value of the Water-winged dragon egg. This revelation deeply touched him. Water-winged dragon egg liquid was a supertonic known for rejuvenating the body and calming the mind. It was specially designed to alleviate various issues like insomnia, anxiety, depression, and panic. Gou Liang smiled knowingly.

The two brothers indeed had a similar way of showing care, but when compared to Meng Hui’s straightforwardness, Meng Hao seemed like an upgraded version of a domineering CEO!

Meng Hao was somewhat surprised that the amnesic Gou Liang still remembered the effects of dragon eggs. Instead of directly answering, he urged, “Drink up.”

Gou Liang took the container—though in Meng Hao’s eyes, it was a negligible quantity—he had to cradle it with both hands. The fruit’s husk was now as large as half a watermelon, and it was incredibly heavy.

Gou Liang raised his head, “It’s so heavy QAQ.”

Meng Hao’s lips formed a suspicious smile as he took the nut shell back, then calmly sat cross-legged in front of Gou Liang.

Unaware of the subtle look of discomfort that had crossed Meng Hao’s face, Gou Liang’s gaze swiftly moved between Meng Hao’s legs. However, Meng Hao’s tail had transformed into a small leather skirt, maintaining his modesty no matter how short it appeared. Gou Liang felt a pang of regret and instinctively raised his hand to rest on the back of Meng Hao’s hand. Through this subtle gesture, he directed Meng Hao to tilt the shell slightly, signaling that he was ready to drink the egg whites with grace.

The taste held a hint of fishiness, but it was also imbued with the sweetness reminiscent of the finest seafood. It was quite refreshing, making it surprisingly palatable to drink.

Meng Hao had a knack for selecting eggs. These two were freshly laid dragon eggs, and their egg liquid was both the most nutritious and the most delicious.

Meng Hao, without saying a word, patiently waited for Gou Liang to consume it. He only spoke when he saw that Gou Liang had only drunk half a bowl and was looking at him with a pitiful expression, indicating that he couldn’t drink anymore.

“Drink a bit more.”

“I’m so full. Drinking more will make me burst.”

Gou Liang put his hand on his stomach, showing that he wasn’t lying.

Meng Hao finally relented, finishing the remaining egg liquid himself. He casually inverted the husk onto the egg’s broken tip, then began diligently cleaning up their surroundings.

Gou Liang followed him, asking questions along the way. Meng Hao ignored most of them, focusing on efficiently tidying up the place, which he hadn’t visited in a year.

In fact, Gou Liang had already learned from the basic information about the target that Meng Hao had a mysterious connection to this large wooden house and various other secret locations.

To be precise, Sang Mi was not the first apprentice of the old priest; Meng Hao was.

Meng Hao had been learning about various herbs, understanding different exotic creatures, and listening to the old priest’s tales of his travels throughout the Beast God Continent since he was a child. He had access to much more information than others. He had diligently studied because he decided at a very young age, even before his parents passed away and before Meng Hui was born, that when he came of age, he would leave the tribe to become a peaceful beastman who wouldn’t bring misfortune to the tribe.

However, Meng Hui’s birth and the death of his parents disrupted his plans. He decided to wait until Meng Hui had his coming-of-age ceremony before he left.

Meng Hui’s injury had interrupted his plans once again.

Now that Meng Hui was on the road to recovery, Gou Liang couldn’t help but think that Meng Hao was probably considering leaving the tribe after this White Moon Season had passed.

It’s a pity!

Gou Liang thought: My dear, your plan of living out your days in solitude will never come true in this lifetime.

Because, I will accompany you, until the end of our lives.

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