Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Takami no Kago – Chapter 12

“Master, there is something up ahead . ”

After we advanced through the forest for a while, Ayla reported so .

“Something? Is it a human? Or a monster?”

“I do not know . It only has a faint presence . It gives a feel like a human, yet it also gives feels like a monster, too . ”

The heck is that .

“Got it . I’ll go check it . Crest-san, I’m sorry but could you please stop the horse-drawn carriage?”

“I understand . Please take care . ”

“Yes . ”

Saying so, I walk following the road in the forest . The width of the road is around 2 meters, so the horse-drawn carriage barely fit through it .

It’s practically just animal trail which only have several small spaces to avoid horse-drawn carriage from the other direction .

And in the middle of the said road, there was a man, collapsed . I can’t say for sure from afar, but it seems he’s still alive .

When I rushed over to him, he let out a groan . Yup, he’s still alive .

“You alright?”

The man looked up, and when I tried to check whether there were any wounds on him, he stabbed my flank with a dagger he hid in his hand .

The dagger pierces through my leather armor, stabbing me .

Even after I try to push him away, the dagger still deeply stabbed in my flank .

“Th-The fuck are you doing?!”

The man who I pushed cackled as he stood up .

His body gradually expanding, tearing through his skin, and frighteningly exposing his skin that lustered with mucus .


Looking at my wound, he sure was laughing . That was all a trap .

After he completely transformed, he looked like a monster with pig-like head . He was an orc .

“Mutant orc, huh . ”

Deciding to use status-reading-ability of [Divine Protection of God of Appraisal], I look at him .

Mimic Orc Lv . 12


5 years old

HP 820

Atk 180

Agi 150

Int 75

Luk 65

That’s the first time I see a symbol ▼ .

When I’m focusing my mind there, the status was renewed .

Mimic Orc Lv . 12


5 years old

HP 820

Atk 180

Agi 150

Int 75

Luk 65



Makes it possible for you to mimic living thing you’d ate .

If what you try to mimic is stronger than you are, the ability would be limited .

What’s a skill!

I never saw it before!

You could mimic something you’d ate?

No wonder the eye-witnesses’ testimonies are all different!

It seems he believes that he already wins .

He approaches me slowly .

With a club in hand, with the long of my height he got from somewhere .

When I already in his attack range .

He raised the club .

“Don’t underestimate me!!!”

I bent down while holding my stomach, sweeping sideway in a flash, face towards him and hit him .

I manage to cut the oh-so-unprepared orc’s abdomen’s region . Even so,

“Tsk, to shallow, huh . ”

Nevertheless, I managed to buy myself some times . I insert my hand into the bag on my waist and take out a potion .

I pull the dagger from my stomach and drink the potion in one go .

I feel a burning pain on my stomach, however it gradually calms down .

Though I don’t know to what extent the potion will cure your wounds,

as expected I couldn’t fight with the dagger still stuck on me .

While facing the blade towards the orc, I confirm that my bleeding has stop to some extent .

The orc is coming, not letting pass the slight opening when I distorted in pain as I touched my wound .

Quite fast .

I somehow withstand it by diverting it diagonally with my shield . However I don’t think I could withstand it for too long .

Though I can counterattack with the other hand, the orc’s skin is not only hard, cursed to some-kind-of-mucuses, it’s also slippery .

I can feel my attack’s slipping .

The wooden shield that receives his blow is letting unpleasant creaking sound .

“Damn! What should I do!”

With my current level 10, my status is slightly inferior than his .

My hands’ already full avoiding his fatal strike that could penetrate my defenses .

For me who haven’t experiencing any battle other than relying-on-status battle, this might be my first [battle] .

And then, I’ll lose if this goes on . I needed something to win over him .

Surprise attack won’t work on him anymore . He’s already all-prepared thanks to my attack on his stomach before .

“Is there nothing…”

All being said, what I got in my bag aren’t much .

Sake that could ignite, rope, dagger, flint, and some potions .

In my head, I tried to recall the contents of the bag on my waist .

“Hm? [Sake that could ignite]?”

I feel like I saw a chance . I really was something for purchasing sake even though I didn’t drink .

This might also be the effect of having high [Luk] from level 1 .

That said, if one’s really lucky he’d not get stabbed, huh . It seems mine’s [Bad Luk] instead of [Luk] .

“Then, should I go for the gaudy one?”

While receiving the orc’s attack with the wooden shield, I look for an opening .

Seeing me stopped to bother doing counterattack, the orc starting to attack me to his heart content .

Somehow dodging the large swing from overhead, I glance sideway to the orc that slightly lost his balance, and head towards the forest in full speed .

Following the animal trail, I enter the forest and hide from the orc’s sight .

Though the orc immediately give a chase, many trees hinder him . Opening the bottle of thesake, I dip the rope I’ve cut short with dagger into the sake, moistening it .

Then I take out the rope from the mouth of the bottle, and use flint to ignite it .

Though the rope I’ve dipped in the sake burned unexpectedly more well than I thought, I pay no heed and come back to the animal trail .

Hibiki who created the so-called [Molotov], who no one but God knows when it’d explode, aim and throw it straight to the orc’s face that came out of the forest, chasing after him .

Colliding with the orc’s hard skin, the container break into pieces, raised flames in front of the orc’s face in an instant and obstruct his field of vision .

The flame ignited from the sake that covered the orc’s face burn his throat . The orc who couldn’t breath, fall in his knees while keep glaring at Hibiki .

Hibiki throws his shield, grasps the sword with both of his hand and aims at the orc’s neck, swings his sword with all his might as a finisher .

Maybe because of the orc’s thick fat, the sword stops halfway .

Though the orc raised a loud cries and swinging his arms, his stance is bad that it doesn’t reach Hibiki .

The club’s fall from his hand due to the blow Hibiki deal before .

Putting more of his strength into the sword that cuts the orc’s neck halfway, Hibiki swings the sword . Even though the neck didn’t fell off, the sword came out of the orc’s right side .


Raising a scream louder than ever, the orc collapses .

Even after collapsing, it seems the orc’s still breathing .

Approaching it carefully, this time Hibiki cut the orc’s neck off the body .

“Haa, haa . Did that got him?”

When he checked the corpse’s status, it displays [Mimic Orc’s Head] and [Mimic Orc’s Body], both was treated as items .

Finally took a breathe, Hibiki sit there .

After some time passed and he calmed down, he checked his own status .

Hibiki Jinno Lv . 13


16 years old

HP 750 (+250)

Atk 140 (+49)

Agi 147 (+49)

Int 273 (+91)

Luk 585 (+195)

[Divine Protection of God of War]

Effect : Raise combat-related status (Large)

Doesn’t stacked | Target : Party

[Divine Protection of God of Wisdom]

Effect : Raise magic-related status (Large)

Doesn’t stacked | Target : Party

[Divine Protection of God of Craftsman]

Effect : Raise production-related status (Large)

Doesn’t stacked | Target : Party

[Divine Protection of God of Healing]

Effect : Raise holiness-related status (Large)

Doesn’t stacked | Target : Party

[Divine Protection of God of Appraisal]

Effect : Makes it possible to appraise everything

Target : Self

[Divine Protection of God of Trading]

Effect : Makes trading become advantageous

Target : Self

[Divine Protection of Light]

Effect : Removes all abnormal status

Target : Any

I notice the same symbol like the Mimic Orc’s .

However, I was too tired at the moment that I didn’t feel like confirming it .

Let’s just confirm it later when we return to the town .

However, my level went up by 3 .

That means Mimic Orc was that strong of an enemy .

Having put my breath in order, I stand up and approach the orc’s corpse .

“Now to collect the drop item and return to the horse-drawn carriage . ”

Mimic Orc’s drop item was [Mimic Orc’s Blood] .

Returning to the horse-drawn carriage, the other two beside Ayla doubted me when I tried to explain the circumstance .

In the first place, the one who said there was something up ahead is one of my own, so it’s a given if they doubt me .

As for Ayla, as expected she was angry with the two but she doesn’t do anything but glaring at them .

Since there was no choice left, I showed the [Mimic Orc’s Blood] to both of them .

Even though they looks like they don’t know what that is, it’s certain that they haven’t seen this kind of drop item before .

Even Mr . Crest and co . would believe it after they confirm the real things .

“Who’d have thought there was individual that have mimicry ability . I’m amaze you could make it alright . ”

“I can’t say I’m alright . I was quite beaten up . ”

I also used the quite-precious potions .

If it was not for urgency calling, I’d use medicinal herb . While the recovery amount of the medicinal herb is small compared to potion, I can get it for free since I can harvest it in the forest .

I’d not use potion if it was not a live-death situation .

Beside as though she noticed, Ayla constantly minding me .

“Master, are you really alright?”

“Yeah, no probs . Sorry for making you worry . ”

“Nonsense, it is great as long as I know Master is safe . ”

After I defeated the Mimic Orc, the trip’s like the time when we departed, not so smooth nor so grave, and that continued for 3 days .

We who arrived at Brett town as scheduled, headed to Mr . Crest’s mansion first .

It’s the bonus-on-completion time .

By the way, the number of attacks we’ve repelled these past 7 days is 28 . It’s approximately 4 monsters a day .

Eventually, all my fortunes combined with the recompense of the deferred payment numbered 29,000 Gal, around 3 millions yen .

And if I were to sum the drop item’s selling value I pick from the attacks, too; voila, I’d got 39,650 Gal or around 4 millions yen .

Even I haven’t include the Mimic Orc’s drop item, [Mimic Orc’s Blood] there .

Since I got the feeling that it’s quite rare, I refrained from selling it to the guild .

There’s the sake’s matter too, so I don’t know what’ll prove useful in the future .

That being said, I wonder about receiving the special reward that’s worth manyfold the escort’s reward .

Though I want to ask Lily later about it, the escort’s reward is really cheap to begin with, it seems the normal reward is as much as when I include the special reward .

Well, if the hired adventurer’s incompetent, that means less money is paid, huh .

Then again, I haven’t forgotten about the special reward .

I who have splendidly kill the Mimic Orc of course get the privilege to receive the [Jade Silk] clothing .

Though I was enthusiastic on seeing Mr . Crest asserted to give me the special reward, seeing him giving it so readily was anticlimactic .

“Since I want to be in Hibiki-san’s favor from now on, I want to pass this as a prior investment . ”

[Jade Silk Robe (None)]

HP +80


If an element was assigned,

damaged from the element assigned would be reduced greatly .

I see, it’s an equipment aimed at magician, huh .

When I confirmed the status of the Mimic Orc’s corpse I realized,

that my status-check can be used on things too .

Well, [makes it possible to appraise everything] was written, so it’s no wonder .

Since I used it to check the Mimic Orc’s corpse .

So far, I had no equipment that has effect like this .

Even if I check [Iron Sword]’s status,

[Iron Sword]

Atk +15

was the only thing showed up .

Well, I’ll accept gladly whatever is given to me .

Since I can just sell it if I don’t need it .

“You have my gratitude, for being so generous to me . ”

It was already late at night of the day we arrived, when we finished all the processing task .

Even though we were only unloading the drop items from the horse-drawn carriage, we took our time .

Well, it was quite of amounts . And it occupied a little space in the horse-drawn carriage, too .

Although Mr . Crest didn’t say anything about it, he must be quite bothered by it .

Whatever . What’s done is done . Forget that, let’s call it a day .

Tomorrow I’ll go to the guild and look if there’s any good mission .

“My, welcome . Even though you’d just came back yesterday, are you going to work again?”

Lily wore a surprised expression on her face .

Adventurer sure is a wilful job . Since it’s morning when I woke up, then it’s night when I felt sleepy .

You can have a day off as you want, there’s no working on a day off, either .

Almost all adventurers live a disorder life .

However, that being said doesn’t mean we can slack our ass off . Even so, I’m fundamentally a lazy fellow .

If it’s a day off, I’d continue to chill the day off . However, after coming to this world I giving my darndest not to be a shut-in .

While I say all that oh-so-remarkable lines, the sun’s already high in the sky .

“Yeah, is there any good missions?”

“Let’s see, since frequency of the monsters’ appearance is calming down at the moment, there aren’t many subjugation-type missions . ”

“I see . ”

Heard of monster subjugation, suddenly there was something that bothered me .

About the alchemist girl we met in the forest right after we departed and exited the town .

“By the way, what of the Rookie Amy?”


When I asked that, Lily froze .

“What’s wrong?”

Lily, seeming hesitant to talk, started to talk about that person’s present state .

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