Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

The number of Monsters we encountered increased after meeting the swarm of Monsters . It was only a little bit further until we reached Welberg, but we were founded before we could get there . By the time we had noticed, 20 Monsters had already surrounded us .

「Kuesu, concentrate your attacks onto the three upfront . 」

「Understood . 」

「Gary can I leave my left to you?」

「Ou, leave it to me . 」

「Baara, support with Recovery Magic . 」

「Yes . 」

Lux’s Party quickly organizes for battle . They stop the advancing vanguard of Monsters with magic, and then their shield successfully defends their left flank . To effectively support the Party, Baara moves toward the center of the formation and readys her incantations .

「Shakunetsu, protect the rear . 」

「We’ll try . 」

Feyru replies, although she is the most exhausted . Only Aru and Feyru are still capable of fighting, the other two members can barely walk .

Lux orders the two to move over toward Baara, while maintaining command he fights against three Armored Mantis .

「Hibiki, may I leave the right flank to your Party?」

Lux entrusted the side with the most Monsters to us . He doesn’t see us as his sacrificial pawns, instead he believes in our abilities . Although the few Armored Mantis that Lux is engaging is the strongest Monster I have encountered in the forest .

「Yea, we’ve defeated all the Monsters on the right side . 」

My Party had lost several of our Monster companions . The ones that had survived are: Ruby, 2 Sharp Wolf, and 1 Mantis . There are 8 Fragrance Ants on the ride side . Just as its name implies, they are capable of releasing spores that bewitch its opponent . It isn’t something to be challenge alone .

「Ayla stay close, Amy I’m counting on your support . 」

「I’ll be careful . 」

「Understood . Also my ring ran out of Magic Energy . 」

「That can’t be helped, you’ll have to do without it . 」

During these past several days, we had over used our trump card . The four fire rings we’re equipped with allows us to use Fire Magic .

Lux and Feyru had also used their reserved Items . Lux’s reserved Magic Potion can completely recovers the user’s HP . The effects are comparable to Amy’s Recovery Potion +4 . Feyru’s reserved weapon, a Magic Sword, allows the user to infuse Magic Energy into the sword to raise its sharpness . Feyru doesn’t possess the Skill but the sword has Fire Attribute .

Ayla and the Sharp Wolf engage the Ant . The Ant is unable to keep up with their speed .

「Go flames! Be careful everyone!」

Amy shoots a mass of fire directed towards the Ant . The ring is only capable of a simple attacks such as a mass of fire .

「Yoshi~, over here . 」

At times, I can control the flow of Magic Energy . Several times before, I had manipulated the power of flames produced by the ring . The Magic Energy is originally mine so perhaps that’s why I can control it . Anyways, it is useful .

I take control of the flames Amy produced and shape them into four flame spears . I aim and shoot them at the location furthest from Ayla .


The four spears of fire pierce the Ant and burns it to death from the inside .

I wanted to use eight spears of fire but four was the best for eliminating the spores created by the Fragrance Ant .

The Fragrance Ant’s spores will attract and draw forth other Monsters if not eliminated, so I made sure to get rid of it . A chance to breath came once the remaining Monsters were defeated .

However, nearby more Ants are approaching .

With great speed an Ant presses it fangs at me . I was unprepared and thus unable to avoid the attack . At that time everything turned bright red .

「…Ruby you saved me . 」

Ruby had engulfed the Fragrance Ant . It used its body to shield me from the Ant . After Ruby had gradually returned to its original size it purred and jiggled happily . That is when we knew it was safe . Later, I’ll give it a Demon Stone .

Now, there are only three Ants remaining .

Somehow, it seems that the spores were suppressed by Ruby . If I can immobilize them I can have Ruby consume them just like before .

While I was searching for nearby allies, from behind, I hear a woman scream .

「Nico?! Are you safe??」

A Party Member of Shakunetsu a Shrine Maiden name Nico had fallen . A dark red wound can be seen on her stomach . She was shot from a distance by a Shooter Bee . The Shooter Bee is capable of launching long range attacks that is both powerful and venomous . Nico took a Shooter Bee’s stinger to the stomach . Feyru tried to reach her but is blocked by two other Shooter Bees .

「Baara, I’ll leave it to you!」

With merely a glance Lux gives Baara perfect instructions . Baara begins her Recovery Magic .

However the Shooter Bee that assaulted Nico had prepared to attack her again . With the purpose of distracting the Shooter Bee, a rushed fire spell is shot but it had no power behind it .


A critical side sweeping slash connects with the Shooter Bee’s torso causing it to stagger, however it wasn’t a deathblow . Baara turns pale when she noticed the Bee had switched its target to her . The Bee buzzes around her, as if taunting her . It had realized that Baara is the real threat and had prioritized her as its main target .

The next moment, the Bee is attacked by an Armored Mantis . The Shooter Bee’s left wing is chopped off by the Mantis’ sickle, and its head is bitten, dealing a fatal blow to the bee .

This Armored Mantis is one of Amy’s tamed Monster . Compared to a normal mantis its body is slightly smaller . Its right sickle is somewhat bigger and a little distorted than its left .

While looking for the next opponent, I heard a voice from the rear .

「This can’t be, I don’t have enough Magic Energy!?」

When I turn around Baara is trying to give treatment to Nico . Apparently, her Recovery Magic alone is insufficient . The detoxification and treatment are done, but she is too exhausted to completely heal Nico . I signal to Ayla, and entrust the rest of the battle to her . The reminding enemy numbers three Fragrance Ants, it shouldn’t be no problem for her .

「Can you use my Magic Energy?」

I still have some stored Magic Energy in my magic ring . I offer to assist Baara .

「I don’t know if I can use Recovery Magic without the aptitude but I’ll try . 」

I look at Baara, it seems most people don’t have the affinity for Recovery Magic, but I have the Skill 【Wiseman’s Egg】 .

「I’ll try, how do I do this?」

「Put your hands together, and visualize healing . 」

「Is it similar to how other magics are activated?」

「Look for your Magic Energy . Try to collect as much as possible within both hands, and then try to activate the magic . 」

「Understood . 」

My place my hands on top of Baara’s . The color of my Magic Energy becomes hazy white, this must be the color of Recovery Magic .

However, it doesn’t become a strong white only an incomplete grey .

「I’m sorry, it was far from perfect . Was it helpful?」

The Magic Energy I collected is transferred to Baara . When Baara sees the gray colored Magic Energy she is surprised .

「Eh!? Are you adjusting the Magic Energy? All of this is usable for Recovery Magic!!!」

The Magic Energy Baara received from me is quickly absorbed into Nico’s Body . When the pure white Magic Energy is returned to Barra’s hands it becomes dyed black .

Barra transfers the black Magic Energy back to me . I covert the black Magic Energy into grey and return it to Barra who then changes it back to white .

「Purifying Magic Energy, how well do you know how to use it?」

「Purification? Do you mean changing black Magic Energy into white Magic Energy?」

「 Simply said it is like that, you were very helpful . However, someone who has recently learn magic is normally unable to perform magic purification . It isn’t something that can be learned within one week’s time . Nonetheless, if someone who isn’t capable will never master Magic Energy purification even within a life time . 」

「Is that so? Kuesu told me I have an amazing Magic Energy, perhaps, that is the source . 」

Even if I can’t deceive her, at least, I won’t be asked why I’m able to .

「Well if you say so . 」

Baara may not have believed me but she didn’t ask any more questions . Lux probably won’t say anymore either, he doesn’t want to upset me . If he badgers me with questions he may lose my trust .

「There seems to be two types to this magic, can you teach me about them . 」

I try to change the subject to something else . I’m also curious about Recovery Magic .

「There are two parts to Recovery Magic: 『Recovery Reinforcement』 and 『Recovery Assistance』 . 」

『Recovery Reinforcement』strengthens the body by distributing Magic Energy and circulating it inside the body . It is used to mend wounds or heal cuts, bruises and etc . As it’s name suggests, it holds everything in place . The user can feel the body healing .

However, loss of blood is not recovered although the wound is healed . Limbs cannot be fully restored, if a wound such as a lost limb is blocked it will only heal around the severed area .

『Recovery Assistance』 creates a substitute body which can act as a replacement for loss blood or severed limbs . Although the substitute has the same functions as the original it is a deteriorate version thus it is not as good as the original .

In Nico’s treatment detoxification was first used to remove the poison . The problem occurred after Barra had finished applying Recovery Reinforcement to stop the bleeding . She had exhausted her Magic Energy and was unable to use Recovery Assistances to restore Nico’s stomach .

「Somehow we managed . 」

Baara breathes out as a sign of relief . The surrounding combat seems to have ended . Ayla and Amy moves toward us .

「Ayla, sorry for leaving the rest of the battle to you . 」

I pat Ayla’s head in show of appreciation to her .

「It was no problem, I’m glad you trust me . 」

She smiles happily .

「Amy, thank you for covering me . But it could have been dangerous having the Armored Mantis separate from you . 」

I thank her but at the same time I reprimand her for exposing herself to possible dangers .

「Sorry, I had no choice but to send the Mantis, my ring was out of Magic Energy . 」

Amy bows and obediently apologizes . I pat her head .

「Even if I survived I wouldn’t be glad if Amy suffered injuries . I would rather you not get hurt . 」

I remove my hand from her head, and take her hand . I transfer some of my Magic Energy into her ring . Although, it is far from being fully charged .

「Amy, use it only in case of an emergency . 」

She seems embarrassed and replied with a simple nod .

「Yes, thank you very much . 」

Before heading off to Welberg, I let Ruby consume the corpses of the Monsters . Although there is a large quantity of monster materials, there doesn’t seem to be any Demon Stones .

After the battle in the forest Ruby’s level seems to have increased . Perhaps the capacity of 【Storage】 had increased as well, I’ll be grateful if it did .

Several hours after the battle, the sky has become dim . We should find an open space to set up camp for today . Things should be alright if each member takes turns rotating guard duty every two hours . First shift will be Lux and I, the next shift will be Feyru, Kuesu and Aru, then lastly Ayla, Amy, and Barra . Nico from Feryu’s Party is exempted due to her injuries . Because Copper the Monster Tamer had lost all her Monsters her duty will be to watch the campfire .

As the first on watch duty, we sit around the fire .

「Hibiki, you really are amazing . 」

Lux suddenly begins a conversation .

「Huh?, that came out of nowhere . 」

「I heard for Baara, about your talent with Recovery Magic . 」

「Ah, is that so?」

If I don’t want to be questioned too much, I can always change the subject . Lux seems to understand and doesn’t say anything more about the topic . We both become alert sensing something approaching .


「No, they’re human . 」

「Is it an Adventurer’s Party from Welberg? Or perhaps someone from the neighboring area?」

「Ah, if that’s the case then we will arrive there tomorrow . However, they’re approaching from the opposite direction of Welberg . 」

「-just in case, wake everyone up . 」

「Are you sure we have enough time?」

As Lux says so, he draws his sword and prepares for battle . A little late, I also draw my sword . Footsteps can be heard . A large group of people are hastily running towards us .

Ah, 100m,




They’ve arrived! We ready ourselves and rush towards them .

「Please wait!!」

The voice of a woman can be heard . She steps out of the forest . Her attire is similar to Baara’s . But the color is more of a vivid scarlet than red .

「Blessings, I have been looking for the Hero . 」

The person who appears is a beautiful girl .

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