Chapter 14 The Unforgotten Moon Festival 2

Time flies as like that. The sky has turns into orange and then red and then become dark as the night has come. As the replacement of daylight, people in the BaoZhi town have put a lot of lanterns around the town. The road merchants have prepare their things to be sold. There are lanterns, sugar candy, jewelry and many else to look. Some entertainers are also ready to show their unique shows, from eating fire until dancing on the thin rope..all ready to celebrate the moon festival tonight. Soon there are so many people come to enjoy the festival, including our story characters.

Prince Li is accompanied with ManQi like usual, TanTan with XiaoRue and ShuangAi is holding FangFang's hand, walking before others. This BaoZhi town is a small province region which is in Prince Li's authority. So every person who passing by with Prince Li, will greet him dan TanTan politely. People in the town love their humble prince and also they knows his famous wife, HuaMuTan. But this is the first time they see HuaMuTan, coz the past HuaMuTan would never want to walk around town like a common folk. She prefers to enjoy the moon festival in the luxury places like in the palace if possible. People heard the rumours of course, that's why everytime TanTan walks passing some people, they would glance to her, and whisper to each other...

"I heard she is wounded coz she had a lot of enemies..."

"Is it true she is a living ghost? They said she came back from the death...."

"They walk together?! Is that means that woman success sways our Prince? Do you think she uses some kind of spell?"

XiaoRue who can hear some of the words glances to HuaMuTan with very worry. In the past, no one dared to talk bad about HuaMuTan around her, either in her own house or in the palace because they knew the consequences and also they afraid to her background supporter, the great QueenMother. Hua MuTan was also never let anyone who talked bad about her goes easily, she would asked the soldier immediately to catch the person who talked. But these people don't know, so XiaoRue are too afraid for what will happen later. She glances again to HuaMuTan.

TanTan in the other hand, tries to enjoy the moment. She admires the traditional decoration and many things around. When she looks around, she is also reminiscing her childhood. When she was 7 years old, her mother ever brought her to a traditional market on the moon festival's night. It was just a month after the death of her father. After weeks of sorrow and sadness because of their lost, TanTan's Mom decided to rise the life up again and took TanTan to celebrate it.

"Mommy, why do we have to celebrate a moon festival?" As a child, the little TanTan was a curious little girl.

TanTan's Mom smiles sad looking to her,

"It said that there was a very beautiful godness lived in the moon named Chang'Er. She was separated from her lovely husband who stays on earth. So she was always sad, especially today.

When the moon is round and bright, ChangEr could see what happens on the earth and then became so sad because she couldn't find her husband we cheer her up by having this festival...that's why we celebrate it happily every year, TanTan."

"Will it really make Chang'Er happy?" Little TanTan asked while she stared to the moon seriously.

"Of course she will..."

"But it also can make Mom happy again so I think its okay to celebrate it everyday"

It surprised her Mom. She carries Little TanTan and kisses her gently,

"Sure TanEr...but it will be more valuable if we celebrate it once a year, beside our teeth will be ache if we eat the moon cake every day..."

Little TanTan giggles to hear it...

Meanwhile Prince Li is in opposite mood, he doesn't enjoy the moment at all. He focus looking ShuangAi and FangFang, concerning about their safety. Both of them are his most beloved persons, he would do anything to protect them. When ShuangAi and FangFang laugh and smile to each other, he also smiles seeing that.

"YiFu..YiFu...look!! Sugar candy...can I have two?" FangFang shouts in front of sugar candy seller, the candies have many interesting shapes, there are people, animals and plants shapes. It mesmerizes FangFang's eyes, and also ShuangAi's.

"LiGe, MuTan Cie, which one do you want?"

Prince Li right away approaches FangFang and ShuangAi, he joins to pick the candy shapes and smiles with them.

When TanTan sees Prince Li smiles, she feels a little surprise, because Prince Li never smiles in front of her,

'He is actually quite handsome when he smiles'. TanTan observes the chemistry between those three people, 'They look exactly like a happy little family... HuaMuTan...HuaMuTan, you actually don't have any chance since the beginning. Why would you ruin their happiness? Is that why I am here now? to fix your mistake and help them together?' If I do that, will I return to my time and meet my Mom again?'

XiaoRue right now is beyond worry. She can see the sadness look on her XiaoCie, and afraid HuaMuTan couldn't hold her anger explosion any longer like in the past, so she must tries to divert her XiaoCie's attention.

"XiaoCie...XiaoCie...look" She points to other direction, to a lantern seller, "Lets buy lanterns and make our wishes!"

"Yeah, its a good idea...lets go"

TanTan looks to ManQi who silently walks close to them since beginning, she knows he is with them as Prince Li's order to watch over them,

"Do you want to come?"

"He doesn't need to come, XiaoCie! Doesn't he have to protect Prince Li? We will be fine by our own..."

Somehow TanTan can feel XiaoRue is feeling unease around this ManQi.

"I'll tell Master first"

"Okay" Its not matter, because TanTan knows that the Prince won't care about them. TanTan and XiaoRue take a walk first

ManQi immediately approaches and whispers to Prince Li. Prince Li glances to TanTan n XiaoRue who have walking away to lantern seller.

"Go...keep eyes on them"

ManQi does the instruction right away, he follows TanTan and XiaoRue who just bought the lanterns and now they are directing to the hill side town, TanTan chooses a high spot, close to the woods. There is no one else so they can have they private moment to fly up the lanterns far from other lanterns.

TanTan and XiaoRue starts to write their wishes on the lantern,

XiaoRue write:

"Wishing a peaceful life and a true handsome soulmate"

ManQi secretly glances to the writing, he can't hold his laughs. XiaoRue hears it and stares sharply to him.

"What are laughing about?"


XiaoRue notices that ManQi infact also bought his own lantern and had wrote his wishes on it.

"Its not fair if you see mine. Let me see yours.."

"No, I am afraid its a secret..."

But XiaoRue doesn't give up, she tries to reach the lantern while ManQi tries to prevent the lantern without harming XiaoRue, even so he lets XiaoRue keep trying.

While TanTan checks what she has written on her lantern before fly it, She doesn't realize that some one behind her is also reading the writing.

He recites it, "Wishing to back in right time, too see my beloved Mom again"

TanTan surprises, she turns around and see a noble old man smiles to her. TanTan feels the man is so familiar, she ever see him in somewhere...

"I'm sorry if I am surprising you, Young Lady."

'He calls me 'Young Lady''? Why his voice sounded familiar.. Ah...right I saw him in the funeral, he was the one who suggested Grandma to dismiss the people...Grandma called him...ugh I can't remember...but Grandma listened to him. He must be someone so close to Hua Family.'

Seeing TanTan gives him a confusing look, the noble old man guesses her mind.

"It seems you are still forgetting things, Young Lady. Let me introduce my self, I am Hua FouQi...."

'The surname 'Hua'? That means...'

"Uncle...FouQi?" She guesses.

"You remember, aah, that's a good sign. I see you are almost healed completely. How's your wound?"

HuaFouQi smiles. His eyes almost closed completely when he smiles. It reminds TanTan to an earth god statue that she saw in the book.

"Thanks for uncle's concern...Its almost full recover now..." TanTan feels nervous.

'How close is he and HuaMuTan actually? Does he realize something?'

"I also miss your Mom, MuTan...She was a beautiful and smart woman I ever met. She has gone for a long time but I still can see her in you." He smiles to TanTan.

TanTan smiles back to show her manner. Compared than HuaMuTan's aunt MeiGui, this uncle FouQi looks more hospitable to her. There is no cynic nor hatred in his words.

'Its not least HuaMuTan, there is a kind uncle and caring Grandma for you. You should grateful for who you have than greedily want someone you can't have.'

"May I help you to light it on? I want to pray for your wishes also...considering it as my prayer for your Mom also..."

"Sure, Uncle..."

Then they start to light the lantern together. From far, ManQi look to them seriously, he stops teasing XiaoRue and leaves his lantern to her,

"XiaoRue, keep your eyes on your XiaoCie..."


ManQi just leave her in puzzled. But she noticed HuaFouQi standing with TanTan, and she wonders what they are talking about.

Back to ShuangAi and Prince Li,

As soon as ManQi leaves to follow TanTan and XiaoRue. ShuangAi and FangFang are enjoying the road show, then ShuangAi notices the absence of them right away. She looks around to find TanTan, but she can't find her so she asks to Prince Li,

"Li Ge, where is MuTan Cie?"

"She is with XiaoRue, strolling around maybe". Prince Li answers shortly. He doesn't really care, as long that evil woman doesn't giving any trouble to ShuangAi and FangFang; actually he really doesn't want to do anything with HuaMuTan.

Now ShuangAi feels regret not noticing soon. She stared judging him,

"But LiGe, you should accompany her..."

"Don't worry, ManQi is with them. They will be fine!"

"Its not about the danger...LiGe are really heartless...Let's go FangFang, we find your YangMu..."

"But I still want to watch..."

At that time, ManQi has returns and reports about HuaFouQi. Prince Li's face suddenly changes and then he stops ShuangAi to persuade FangFang anymore,

"Alright ShuangMei. I'll go there to pick up HuaMuTan. You stay here with FangFang." Prince Li nods to ManQi, instructing him to watch over ShuangAi and FangFang. Then he goes leaving them.

ShuangAi feels safisty that Prince Li decides to pursue MuTan Cie. She is hoping everything will going well between both of them.

Right when TanTan just lights on the lantern with HuaFuoQi, Prince Li came suddenly and grabs the lantern. He stares angrily to TanTan and also to HuaFouQi.

TanTan can't believe what just happened, stares back to him.

"What did you do! Give me back my lantern!"

HuaFuoQi is also surprised but he manages to keep calm and then greet Prince Li politely,

"Prince LiZhouWei, its a honor to meet you here"

Prince Li accepts the greet and tries to talk normally, but he keep stares sharply to HuaFuoQi.

"Minister Hua, what a coincidence you here to meet my wife?...Or maybe you both had arranged this meeting?!"

TanTan doesn't understand what he have in mind by this question.

'Its like he accuses me to have a secret meeting with Uncle FouQi? Why?'

HuaFuoQi stares deeply to Prince Li, he answers slowly, like he is being careful with the words he says.

"No, Your highness, its purely a coincidence. This old man just came here to enjoying the festival and then met Young Lady Hua who was enjoying writing her wishes on the lantern. I was touched with the writing and willing to help her to fly up the lantern."

"Is that so...?" Prince Li checks the lantern and read the writings...

'back to the right time...what does it means? is it some kind of code?'

TanTan still upset for her lantern sudden be grabbed from her, so she approaches Prince Li and try to grab the lantern back.

"Give me back!"

"Srettt" Unfortunately Prince Li doesn't give the lantern that easy and that causes some parts of the lantern be torn. TanTan widens her eyes and then she throws an anger to Prince Li.


"Well, if you are not trying to grab it by force from me, it wouldn't ripped..."

"YOU...!!!" TanTan is speechless,

'Unbelievable....he is clearly did the mistake but not even a single sorry comes from his mouth...he is even blamed me for this...'

"Please calm down, Young Lady Hua. I'll prepare the new lantern for you..."

" need uncle Hua, thank you...but I am not in the mood to light on another lantern..."

"Since your loyal uncle here want to give you a new lantern, why don't let him be? Right, Minister Hua?"

TanTan can hear the cynical in his words, which it makes her feels weird.

TanTan feels Prince Li is not only angry to her but also to this uncle FuoQi, do he has any grudge to uncle Fuoqi personally, or maybe he just not friendly to all Hua family's members. No matter what, TanTan doesn't want to give any trouble to this kind uncle she just meet.

"Please leave us Uncle, let me talk to Prince Li alone..."

"... very well, if that what you want, MuTan. But don't hesitate to come to me if you need any help. If you can remember, I always help you to get what you want before..." And that the last words from Uncle Hua, he greets TanTan and Prince Li politely before he leaves.

HuaFouQi is also passing XiaoRue, he instructed XiaoRue not to approach HuaMuTan yet, because HuaMuTan and Prince Li seems want to do a private conversation. Knowing that, XiaoRue just observes both of them from far.

TanTan turns to Prince Li angrily.

"What is your problem actually?"

"My problem?! You know very clear by yourself...What is the meaning 'back to the right time' Hah? Is that some kind of code that you can use to send another killers to harm ShuangAi?"

"What? You are truly insane! For many times I said, I won't hurt ShuangAi anymore...! I am not who I am before...!!"

"HuaMuTan...stop pretending! I know all that happened in the past, was your plan and your uncle...You ever tried to force me with the drug that you got from your uncle, you also tried to poison ShuangAi with another drug which also you got from your uncle!!! Now, you tell me why I should not suspecting another evil plan you have when you have meeting with your uncle?!"

TanTan is speechless,

'This man is too paranoid toward HuaMuTan...its useless to talk to him right now...'

From the far away, they heard ShuangAi and FangFang calling them, they are coming from other way. Prince Li doesn't want to let ShuangAi see the argue, so he just steps closely to TanTan, gives her a cold warning

"I warn you day I will find the evidence of your evil plan and arrest you with your uncle so you will get the punishment that you deserve to have...". Prince Li walks away and directs to ShuangAi and FangFang.

But TanTan just stands there,

'...I know those hatred are being said to HuaMuTan but still....why my heart is hurt?...' XiaoRue approaches her but TanTan doesn't have mood to be accompanied,

"Xiao Cie..."

"Leave me alone, XiaoRue...I need time to be alone..." TanTan walks toward the woods

"but xiaoCie..." XiaoRue still follows

"Please XiaoRue...don't come..."

Xiao Rue stops. She just stands and keep watching TanTan walks away from her.

The moon is so bright now and many lanterns have been flied up, decorating the sky like fire balloons twinkling and dancing in the sky. Everyone give their attention to the lanterns and sees the lantern happily. Even XiaoRue, influenced by the hilarity of the crowd, takes a look to the lanterns. But not with TanTan, she stops and then cries, she feels so lonely. In this moment, she is really missing her mom, she squits and then crying,

"Hik...hik....I want to go home...Mom, tell me what should I do to go home...."

She pulls out her handkerchief to wipe her tears before she go back later.

But not far from where TanTan squits, there is a black shadow on the tree, observing her. This shadow of man wears a black metal mask to cover almost all his face. Then the mask shadow is noticing a moonlight reflection from swords, it is not only one, but maybe three black shadows has surrounding TanTan, and its obviously they are planning to kill TanTan. In the right time, when one of them takes action, The mask shadow throws some flying daggers and it succesfully hurting the arm of the one who tried to attack TanTan with his sword till bleeding. The dagger is poisonous, so it stops the movement of the wounded killer.

Realizing what happened, TanTan puts her body steady and ready to fight, she then tries to avoid any attack from other two black shadows. But of course it is very hard to defend herself from two expert killers. So when one of the killer almost success pierces his sword to TanTan, the mask shadow immediately goes down and holds TanTan's waist tightly as they flies out of the woods. While those two killers pursue them. Because it happens too fast, TanTan doesn't aware for this mask shadow is her enemy or not. She is also doesn't realize that her handkerchief has fallen down, leaving a trace of her in the woods.

XiaoRue who back to check TanTan surprises seeing no one at the place where HuaMuTan just stood.

She rushes into the woods and shouting around to find HuaMuTan,


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