Chapter 10 Wasn't This Just a Mod?

I really wanted to ask whether or not should I continue writing in multiple POVs (between 1st and 3rd) or should I just make it only 3rd person. Leave a suggestion at the comment section.


[1st Person POV again but in hallucination]

This is one heavy head I have here. I was in a canal right? What is that? Looks so fluffy! I am a manly manly man who like fluffy stuff pleasedon'tthinkaboutittoomuch.

I want to hold it for a bit. Ah! here! Feels just like perfect!


Darkness again?! Maybe heaven don't take fluff lovers, oh I am in Skyrim. So it must be Sovengard, which prefer warriors and stuff, dammit to Oblivion then, Ah as long as it fluff.

[A/N: In Skyrim, Sovngarde is Valhalla-like place where noble warriors consider it Heaven after death. Oblivion is the realm of Daedra and it is considered Hell to the most.]


[3rd Person POV]

Jon passed out again.

On Akara's hands this time.

He was sleep-talking and the kids looked close to hear what he was saying, but it wasn't in the common language so everyone thought he was seeing something nice, but when they turned back they felt a shriek coming from Akara who was the closest to the bed.

Apparently Jon has grabbed her tail unconsciously and Akara reacted too fast. She punched him back to Oblivion.

The kids looked to Akara with strange eyes. She felt awkward and said she was sorry, boys felt bad for Jon but Ysolda snorted and joined Akara's side while saying "A well-deserved punch".

It was strange that Nurina hasn't woken up to the racket, but no one was as close to Nurina than Jon, he was the only one who can break into her room normally.

An hour later Jon regained consciousness.


[A/N: 1st Person POV again]

Let's never go after fluffy stuff half asleep ever again, dammit my face hurts.

I had to apologize to Akara but it seemed everything was okay.

Next they said that Nurina went into her room with a friend last night and hasn't gotten out yet, should I go in? Let's wait till noon.

I'll stay in the wing for now and fool around with the boys.

Normally we ate and cleaned, then everyone was with his own duty.

Today's cleaning duty was on me and Wulfur, Everyone cleaned their beds and belongings, then it was all gathered in an old sack, we left the boys' room to throw out the trash sack.

Each wing was has three rooms. Boys room, Girls room, Caretaker's room and a hall that links them, the hall serves as a dining hall and teaching room.

Unlike others, Nurina tends to teach the kids how to read and write, so the hall also served as a classroom.

I, as Nurina's assistant has many privileges among the kids. I learned the most and I lived in the orphanage the most. I normally don't have a place to go back to but I am not really thinking about it.

While taking the trash out Wulfur was trying to talk about something and he looked a bit down.

"What is wrong? Out with it." I asked him. He is a big guy with tall black hair just like his sister, but he is the shy one. Thank god I was tall or it would look awkward lecturing him.

"Jon my friend you see! The other day, you and the others really were impressive. I can't sing like sis or do amazing stuff like you and Akara, even Ysolda is a money digger on her own league. So I was thinking for a bit, if I am really as good as you guys." He was speaking and looking around. I get it, so it is like this.

"Listen man, I know what you are thinking about, I understand it and I felt like that once." That was me saying the truth, about a life time ago though.

"Really? I mean, You?" Wulfur questioned with a funny expression.

"Look at me, I grew up with no parents, has no inheritance, and clearly the ones gave birth to me didn't want such a handsome child, so they gave me up. I mean I had to deal with that when I was younger, really depressed me, but I threw it to the back of my mind and did the best I could." That was me spouting bullsh*t.

Wulfur was baffled.

"Listen. Point is, you haven't done everything in the world to see what are you good at, right?" I smirked.

"You are right, I haven't. But the others and you discovered yourselves easily though." Wulfur thought but he wasn't an idiot. I really like that guy, even though we are 10 years old, he has the guts to speak for himself.

"They found what they are good at themselves inside the orphanage easily because what they could do was possible inside the orphanage." I remarked.

"Then?" he was still timid though.

"That means you have to look outside the orphanage, big guy." I was speaking like some gym coach now. "We are already outside so I know someone I want to introduce you to." I took the lead and Wulfur followed.


Few minutes later near the market square one could hear many tinkering sound, it was a forge under a shed next to a house.

"Come see Balimund perform miracles with steel, eh?" a large man with a big mustache made an appearance, wearing a blacksmith outfit that didn't quite match his blonde hair.

Wulfur jumped back scared. That was Balimund for you.

Balimund is a known NPC in game, he was the only Blacksmith in Riften and he always says those words to greet the players when they approach his workshop, He is very proud with his craft and his personality is extremely friendly.

I rolled my eyes backward to his greeting and was saying 'just stop it' in my mind.

"Old man Balimund, this big guy is Wulfur. ِAs you can see he is big and sturdy, and he seems to have interest in blacksmithing." I made a salesman from a second-hand cheap store offer and introduced Wulfur.

Wulfur was taken aback, he said 'did I?' but I raised my voice to cover his.

"Hmm, I see. Young Jon, it was a loss you didn't want to continue learning from me though, Yet any friend of Jon is a friend of mine." Balimund said with a sad tone.

I've met with Balimund a year ago and did a service for him, he wanted some 'Fire Salts' which is a rare alchemy ingredient and I brought him some through my connections with the Thieves Guild.

He was so excited and offered to teach me his technique and how to be a blacksmith. I wasn't excited about it but I learned for a bit. My magic study is much more important for me but it was fun to learn how to make good metal, I might start learning again later.

"This guy has a good head on his shoulders, and he is ten years old just like me, he even can carry weights as much as grown man, you won't get disappointed." I continued to make Wulfur look good.

"You seem like a Khajiit merchant today, but let's see how long will he last." Balimund laughed and led Wulfur in, I kept watching and learned few stuff myself.

Wulfur could really withstand the heat from the smelter, and he could hammer the metal for longer than even me, frankly I wasn't expecting any of that.

"Your friend is good and determined." Balimund said with a wide smile.

"Fine then, You'll take him in?" I asked.

"He's from the orphanage, right? What are his circumstances?" Balimund questioned.

"He'll leave probably for Solitude, his sister was invited to the Bards' College and we don't want her miss a good chance. After she finishes her study they will settle in Whiterun." I informed Balimund about the siblings' circumstance.

"I see. Blacksmithing doesn't get much talented people nowadays, they all want to become warriors and it would be a waste if I didn't teach any of you two. I might really regret it." Balimund was always this honest, fits Wulfur well in my opinion. "But during the coming five years he have to be my assistance, I'll give him coin and food as well as training."

"That's between you and him, anyway you have my blessing." I said, after that it wasn't my business.

I said I am going back first and left Wulfur at Balimund's.


Back to the orphanage. I just barely passed the main door and what meets me is grumpy face glaring.

"So Oblivion hasn't swallowed you yet." Grelod taunted.

"Not before you, old hag." I taunted back "And don't think the heaven is so blind to leave you on Nirn with no one to torment you."

Grelod face darkened but she couldn't retort at this one, I guess me performing a 'War Cry' the other day made my reputation in town soar.

'War Cry'. How impressive! I even surprised myself. It's strange though, I remember I had installed a mod called 'Imperious races of Skyrim'. That mod should overhaul the racial aspects and make new powers for each race, 'War Cry' was supposed to be removed by that mod, yet that didn't happen.

Maybe some mods didn't get transmigrated with me or something but I'll need to make more experiments on that.

Anyways, powers in the game had one day cooldown duration, it also explains why my head feels so light.

Moving on I arrived to the wing and informed Svidi about her brother's new job. She was happy for him. What a good sister!

What impressed me was that Nurina hasn't woken up yet. This was a first time in forever for Nurina to be so carefree. I got to see what the hell is going on.

I arrived at the door of Nurina's room and knocked hard, yet no response, seriously I am worried now.

I pushed the door but it won't budge. I examined it and it was locked with magic. Fine! Here I come, 'Open'.

I used the magic that open doors, the door opened.

What met me was darkness and a strong suffocating smell of something I could identify as alcohol.

I originally hated alcohol smell. Like it or not I am a milk drinker.

I closed the door hurriedly and went to the hall to catch a breath, there I remembered something.

I ran to my bed in the corner of the boys room and opened my chest.

There was a gift that a senior made for me before he leaves the orphanage, it was a Nordic War Horn.

I took the thing and went back Nurina's room, covered my nose and went running into the dark room as I removed the curtains and opened the window to the lake side.

Turning around I blew the horn near the bed.

What happened next was the funniest thing I have ever seen since I came to this world, Nurina and apparently, her friend was running from the bed waving around their arms in panic, screaming some words I couldn't understand but whatever.

Well, mission accomplished!

I waited until they calmed down and then took out two potions I prepared beforehand, it was something to cure the hangover.

"Jon you can't make such a cruel thing to a person who has such a nasty hangover, my head is about to split." Nurina complained.

She was holding her head with a hand and drank the potion with another.

When I offered the potion to the other person I started to see her clearly. She was a Nord with some strong arms and thighs, her hair was fire red yet mine was a bit darker, she had the similar blue eyes as me. Damn! I thought I was unrivaled under heaven yet there is someone who is as beautiful as me.

The woman looked at me in panic then she took the potion and looked away while drinking it in one go.

"I must admit sleeping after drinking for three days in a row is an impressive feat on its own, I even had to wake you up with a horn." I made some joke to make them clear up.

"THREE DAYS!" The two women screamed in unison at what I said.

"Nah! I was joking! It was just a day, but it is afternoon already." I already achieved my purpose so more than that is too much.

"Is he always like this?!" The red woman looked and Nurina and asked.

"Just don't let him take advantage of you, you will regret it if he started to give you a lecture." Nurina said it. Yep, I am that nasty.

The two sighed and already started to sober. I'll go make them some coffee.

Yes! you read it right.


Our Lord and Savior! Coffee is not popular in Skyrim but it can be imported from different locations.

Originally there was no coffee in the lore of Skyrim but it existed in 'The Elder Scrolls Online'.

It came to the world of Skyrim through a mod called 'Eli's Coffee Mod' by Elianora, one of Skyrim legendary modders.

It was the right choice to install that mod.

Well, I made some coffee for the women and they thanked me for it.

"So Nurina has made a friend finally, I can leave this orphanage while being not worried in the future. Please treat her well." I turned into a mother mode and made fun out Nurina.

Nurina was flustered in a blush and the red woman laughed her lungs out.

"Stinking brat, you come back from Oblivion and first thing you do is to wake up I, your old mother with a horn and make fun of me two times in a row?" Nurina was huffing and puffing after she shouted at me.

"Well that was fun, I haven't laughed like this in ages. Ah my stomach hurts." The red woman was already in the ground after Nurina's retort.

Indeed it was funny. The other day I must have worried everyone to death and making a better mood is my responsibility.

"Fine, fine geez. Breakfast will be ready, Akara will bring a tray in a bit." I said while leaving.

"Wait!" a voice called for me and it was the red woman.

"Yes?" I turned around.

"I am Hilda." The red woman introduced herself, I really like the name.

"I am Jon, nice to meetcha." I made my signature two-finger salute.

"Hey Jon, bring me that axe." Hilda asked me while pointing at a big axe resting on the wall.

Damn woman! I wanted to retort.

Isn't that a Carved Nord Axe and Armor. This woman is the real deal.

"Is that some sort of test?" I asked while not really want to embarrass myself.

The woman was taken aback for a second.

"Yes, I'll teach you how to fight so I want you to bring me that axe."

"Really?" it wasn't me who questioned but Nurina.

"Yeah, I've decided to stay in town for some time and I want to do something worthwhile, we haven't seen each other in years, old friend. Right?" Hilda said while winking to Nurina.

Nurina said "Eh? Ah right." And sipped in her coffee.

"I don't know what are you two planning, but first when you wink try to hide it, and second it won't go your way if you are planning to make a comeback at me." I made my statement.

"The axe." Hilda demanded. Well if Nurina approved she can teach me fighting then I'm not going to argue.

I go to the axe and grab it, this thing is not light at all.

I find a good spot to grab on to make the weight more balanced, I squat then push my legs up to stand.

I made it but the weight was something else.

This Battleaxe is classified as a two-handed weapon, Preferred by grunts and it has a very high attack power in the right hands.

"Good put it back. You passed." Hilda said after she saw what she wanted to see, I think it's about the balance thing.

"I will teach you for few days but you have to train and find someone to point out your mistakes, I know you like magic. And fighting with a weapon might not be to your liking but that's the Nord way, get it?" Hilda made a commander speech but yeah I am good.

I was planning to learn how to fight properly anyway.

"Is there a place we can borrow?" Hilda looked at Nurina and asked.

"Let Jon take you at the playing yard. No one should be there now but don't make too much noise, and Jon close the door after you leave." Nurina was already going to make a check on the place so she got going first.

She looked at Hilda and said "And if you met with an old hagraven called Grelod don't kill her. Let Jon trash talk her to death." Then she left.

Hilda was puzzled but I said "It's like that ....." and told her about the thing.

Hilda was an interesting fellow, just from me explaining she wanted to kill Grelod already, I am starting to like her.

We headed to the yard. It was in front of the orphanage and it also a part that appeared in game. Good thing is it's a bit vaster in reality and has a high wall.

Hilda asked me to bring an armor of my size and other training gear.

I ran back to Balimund and borrowed the stuff.

The lessons of Wulfur was going well and mine will start just now.

Hilda tried the dull iron gear for a bit and nodded. She face me and tell me to make a stance.

Left leg at the front, right at the back, sword with both hands and my head was guarded. That was something I remember from my past life so I stood like that.

Hilda looked and pointed my mistakes in the stance and told me how to move, her way was flexible even though she wore heavy armor.

I had a good lesson from afternoon till sunset, I was already beaten up black and blue, *sob* how cruel!

Next day was the same.

Third day Hilda was really targeting my head. Hey, my handsome face can't afford a scar.

The fourth day, I already became good at dodging.

That day Nurina came and told us she asked someone she knows to train me after Hilda's departure.

Fifth, sixth and seventh day went well for me. I really liked Hilda, her way in fighting was wild, precise and fast.

She also could use magic to some extent which surprised me, it was Restoration School magic, yet I had to turn into the teacher and point out some of her shortcomings.

She told me her husband insisted that she must learn it when she was pregnant with her child.

I would actually do the same if I were him.

Those who train on certain art get their bodies affected by it. Like for example if you trained yourself on Healing magic you will tend to have a healthy body, that's why Nords only liked the Restoration School and they really respected healers, in the same time the hated any other Magic.

Following the same rule, training other arts made some effects on the users.

Training Fire Magic will make you resist fire better and have endurance equivalent to the Health attribute, training Frost Magic will give you more Stamina as ice affects Stamina badly so resisting ice is actually good for Stamina, same goes with Lightning Magic and Magicka, Conjuring raises the strength of soul and gives more Magicka to the users, Illusion grants a stronger mentality and finally Alteration makes the body stronger.

Training Martial arts will make you monsterly powerful, that is the same as earth but I latey noticed something different.

Warriors are ridiculously strong, not just man level strong but superman level strong.

They tend not to notice it in this world but people trained in combat can carry big rocks so easily.

Same goes for those who train the Stealth arts. Their presence is weak and the are super fast, some can reach the speed of beasts.

That also explains my good magic control, I trained Mysticism as the one true magic school and made the other schools only aspects originated from it.

My training on Mysticism with my theories and discoveries made my magic capacity and control that of a High Elf, I think if my theory went public it will cause a grand commotion and super powers in this world will try to get hold of me.

[A/N: The MC will not be OP rest assured]

I also read that magic tends to make the people live longer, a magician Dunmer can live more than a thousand year.

Which also means as long as the body is more trained and tempered by magic it will live longer.

Due to the magic element in this world, human races in Nirn live longer than humans in Earth. Even Nords who are magic haters live up to 150 years.

All that was written in my note in my otherworldly native language.

Today Hilda was leaving Riften, she seemed to me that she has some dispute with some powerful, so she tends to lay low all time.

I really had to see that amazing teacher off today so I woke up early.

I saw her walking after Nurina while being clad in a big cloak and a hood, her axe was surely under her cloak.

I went after them and wanted to say 'Hello', but I heard them talking while it felt like they were sneaking.

I hid my presence like I learned from my thief friends and eavesdropped on them, it wasn't really intentional but I was a bit unsettled.

"I am sorry, Sister Nurina. I can't go and see him. I don't think I am strong enough for it." Hilda's voice was sad yet she was trying to keep quiet. Seems like she was here for someone and didn't get to see them.

"Don't worry, Your son is my son and he won't be harmed as long as I walk this nirn." Nurina's voice was warm and assuring as ever.

But... Wait! 'your son? my son?' what's going on here?

"Give that to him when he wakes up, it's his father's. Our friends will send you the note they kept. You will know what to do with it." Hilda's voice firmed and she exchanged farewells with Nurina.

I saw her give her an amulet but I didn't recognize it in the dark.

I sneaked back to my room while thinking.

How was that possible, Hilda's son is in the orphanage.

Why is that? What is she so afraid to leave her son here?

The ideas that popped into my head were crazy after crazy, I can't make heads and tails out of this.

I have to see who will receive this amulet from Nurina.

If Hilda's son is here then I'll have to take care of him for her, she is my teacher after all.

Yet for her to stay away from the children and keep watching from afar, this must be really hard for a mother's heart.

I'll wait. I'll wait.


I waited. Everyone is up. Nurina is organizing the kids for the breakfast.

Here it is, the amulet, she takes it out.

She is starting to walk. No, where is Hilda's son? Don't, don't point that at me?

I don't want to know. Don't say it. I can't even look up.

"Hey, Jon. Sorry about it but before morning Hilda left early. She asked me to give you this." Nurina said in a soft voice.

Please don't be the amulet, please don't.

I don't want to know, please.

I have to look up and see but I don't want.

"Hey, Jon. Don't be angry at Hilda. Listen she really wanted you to see her off but she was in a hurry and had to leave early." Nurina voice was warm but hesitating "See it's a blessed amulet."

An amulet? Why? Why did it have to be like this?

I looked up and saw it, it was indeed an amulet.

An amulet blessed by Talos at that.

The Amulet of Talos, that was the name of it.

So that how it was! I get it now.

"No, I am not angry." I took the amulet while saying.

It was a bit different than the others. I felt more power coming from it. It wasn't an ordinary amulet.

But I don't really care. I noticed Hilda's hair. I also noticed her eyes. But why was it like this.

I didn't want to believe it.

Wasn't this just a mod? Why is it like this? I have a relative? I have a mother?

I look at the amulet again.

Dammit! This is not really what I thought it would be like.

What is going on with this world?

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