Chapter 12 I Can Make My Own System

[A/N: This chapter was a try to make a system.]

That day I took that amulet, and I never told Nurina that I overheard hers and Hilda's conversation. I am not just a small kid who will be angry over such a thing.

Hilda had a very good reason to abandon me, even if I don't know what is it, I understood from what she said to Nurina, and I already have guessed most of the matter.

Hilda has never returned since that day, and it has been five years already, 4E-196.

I am already 15, my mental age compared to my physical age are leagues apart. Yet it seemed that there is a part of me that wants to go as wild as teenagers go. But composed must I be, thus I can attain the power I need.

Frankly speaking; since the day of Hilda's departure, I swore to crush whatever made her too scared to keep her own son. I'll avenge her so hard and pour of my hate and anger on the culprit of her sadness.

She gave me a special 'Amulet of Talos' which was more powerful than the ordinary ones. Two times and a half I guess.

From that amulet, I could understand that my birth mother and father are Talos worshippers, which means the biggest possibility lies in the Thalmor as the enemy.

If it's the Thalmor, then they have made the wrong enemy this time.

An amulet that strong means it had been passed through generations of worshippers, it also means that this is one of the first amulets made to worship Talos.

The normal amulet of Talos has a very unique blessing. Most blessing can be replicated as enchantments but this one is impossible.

It decreases the cooldown for the power of the Thum'm, the Voice of the Dragons. The most Nordic honorable technique of using magic, the cooldown decreases nearly to 50% of its original duration. Normal amulets (which are also rare) can do it up to 20%, This amulet must have a grand history.

I'm not faithful to the gods but I believe in freedom of worship as long as it's not a harmful being like the evil kinds of Daedra.

Yet I won't disgrace all those who carried that amulet before me. I swear on that. Even if I am not the 'Hero' of the game, I will be the strongest.

My training advanced smoothly since that day I decided to walk on the path of my desire. I'll be a righteous person when righteousness is needed and I'll be the devil himself if his methods are needed.


Today was a peaceful day as well as one of my last few days in the orphanage.

I never thought I would actually come to miss this place but all the memories here are important to me.

My training with the new trainer involved Hunting in the woods and Fighting with all kinds of weapons, thank goodness that this wasn't the game, or else I would have been only bound to use a certain type of weapons due to 'Perks' limitation.

In real life, these perks can be gained only thanks to talent and training. 'Dual Casting' perk in the game is gained by focusing on syncing the output of the Magicka from two hands at the same time.

I luckily never lacked talent at Magicka, which made my life easier.

My teacher is a veteran who works as a hunter, he is quite old but his instincts are the best. With my current progress, I could stand my ground against him.

There are many arenas and fighting pits around Skyrim as well as horse racing tracks and gambling houses as well as red-light houses. Those things are not involved with any mod I installed before.

Well, let's face it, the world is huge and Riften here is hundreds of times larger than in the game.

Normally I participated in the fights many times and made a name for myself as the Greenhorn with a long streak of winning. The reason is; I am young, so others don't challenge me but I am the one who issues challenges and I won a fair amount before someone was able to put me to the ground.

I am not invincible or anything but I know how to fight.

I was well trained with swords, axes, maces and hammers. I was also trained with spears and bows.

Fistfight has its own thrill and I always used Mixed Martial Arts techniques so I was a bit nasty to fight.

Known as 'Jon Dare' in the city I was already famous enough to be invited to join many companies and wealthy people. I even got a few adopting requests which I already turned down with the excuse of me wanting to join the companions.

I still has a long way to go as a warrior though.

As a thief, I was already invited to the Ratway and raided a few times with the thieves.

And my training in magic was as smooth as it could get, I was already planning to break through to the rank of an Adept level at most schools.

Since the time I was reincarnated, I was dissatisfied by not having the game system. Still, who needs such a thing. Being like this is much better. I am not bound with any styles.

Even though I had to keep a memo to record all the spells and the powers I learned.



-Amulet of Talos (Thumm cooldown -50%)

-Gold Ring from Nurina (Magicka regen 150%)

-Reinforced Boots (Increase Stamina 10%)

-Reinforced Gloves (Magicka consumption down 10%)

-Belt (Increase Magicka 10%)




-Control Magicka: Absorb - Drain - Dispel

-Detect: Magic - Object

-Ward: Quadrant

-Divination: Alarm

-Necromancy: Bones

-Soul: Trap



-Channeling: Flames - Sparks

-Bolt: Fire - Lightning

-Rune: Lightning



-Bound: Dagger - Sword - Battleaxe

-Conjure Familiar: Mouse - Cat - Falcon - Wolf

-Conjure Undead: Ghost - Boneman

-Conjure Atronach: Flame



-Mind: Calm, Fear

-Light: Candlelight - Magelight



-Heal: Healing - Necro Healing - Cure Disease

-Anti Undead: Turn - Sunlight



-Speed: Hasten - Linger

-Protection: Stoneskin

-Psychokinesis: Open&Lock

-Weight: Burden - Lighten - Featherfall



-War Cry

-Hide in Shadows: Shadow Stone buffs sneak

-Blur: Shadow Stone buffs speed


Hehehe! I can make my own system.

Seriously speaking, this just a reminder of my progress.

In my equipment section, I mention the amulet and a ring gifted to me some time ago by Nurina. The boots, gloves and belt are the joint work of Wulfur's handicraft and my enchanting, We made two sets and I enchanted them in a proper way to suit him.

In the spell section, every spell was listed with its school, Mysticism which has few spells as no one really did well in Mysticism the past few years and it was akin to a secret art so most spells were my originals spells. Quadrant Ward is my masterpiece, it's is a mix of four effects. Absorb, Reflect, Resist and Dispel, normal Ward spell normally relay on Resist and some can do it with Absorb but I am proud to say I made a much better job.

And that's all to it, I made it in a red journal and felt so much proud about it.

Back to the present. The city was in a festive mood. Why is that you ask? High King Torygg was visiting the Temple of Mara with his wife Lady Elisif the Fair. Normally for every High King, their weddings should be in the City of Solitude as their stronghold as kings, but the young king insisted to visit the Temple of Mara as the traditions of Nords say after performing the main wedding Ceremony in the Temple of Gods in Solitude.

I led my gang to join the crowd and Nurina tagged with some other kids from the orphanage, the city was heavily guarded as the king's guard were here since two days ago. We found a spot near the temple and waited to watch the parade. I wasn't interested in it at all but the girls were dying to see the new high queen.

It was rumored that Lady Elisif is young at the age of 17, and can be considered the most beautiful woman in Skyrim. In my opinion, she's not even as cute or fluffy as Akara.

The cheers were getting nearer and the people were carrying baskets full of petals to throw it at the parade. What a careless act, I can hide a throwing blade in the petals and no one will see it coming. Anyway, the king is popular among the people these days, only for now though.

Jarl Lela and Maven Black-Briar, as well as the other big players in Riften such as Bolli the fishery owner and Vulwulf Snow-Shod of the Snow-Shod Clan, all these big names in Riften, lined up for the High King.

And Just as the front guards of the parade arrived there was a man on a horse following behind them circled by two armored knights like warriors and he was waving to the people and smiling like a fool, good grief!

He had medium black hair and a short beard, he is a good-looking person, he also wore a full plate armor with no helmet and wore a fancy crimson robe on it.

That was the high king of Skyrim, High King Torygg.

What followed after him was a gorgeous carriage and a girl riding in it, that was clearly the new queen. She was a beautiful woman as rumored. Blonde with innocent features and faint smile, her eyes were green as emerald and wide as gazelle's, and her skin was white and fine. What a refined woman, I totally forgot I added a mod to change Elisif's appearance long ago.

Elisif in the game was not even as beautiful as Ysolda yet was called 'The Fair'. In my opinion, I had to make things right else it would ruin my immersion.

The royal lot went into the temple and made the rituals they wasted everyone's important time for.

I mean look at it. The city was totally in a tizzy since yesterday and I couldn't do my business with my contacts in the guild.

And finally, they got out and headed to Mistveil Keep.

I urged everyone back home because I hate this sort of festivals and stuff. I wasn't like that in the past though, I just became a workaholic five years ago and Nurina started complaining about it lately.

I will leave the orphanage in the first month of the next year and travel through Whiterun to Solitude with the Wulfur and the others.

Ysolda and Akara will live together in Whiterun while Wulfur and Svidi will go to Solitude. I will go there to participate in a yearly tournament that happens for the honor of the High King and all that worthless stuff. I am interested only in competition though.

After the competition, I will leave to Winterhold to join the College of Winterhold.

To my surprise, Nurina informed me that Hilda will meet with us in the College a year from now when I reach 16. The reason is; she wanted me to participate in a 'Coming of Age Ceremony' that used to be held by the ancient Nords and some hardcore clans at the present, she also told me that I will participate with Hilda's clan.

After the ceremony, I get to have a Warpaint or whatever they get from Hilda's clan too.

I get it now, they are planning to tell me the truth about my birth parents a year from now. That's more of a reason for me to why I should not fail Hilda in the ceremony.

These ceremonies, if I remember correctly, is for the young Nords to head to the lands which have heavy snow and fight with a monster called 'Ice Wraith'. These Ice Wraiths are lucid, serpentine creatures of magic as if conjured from the frozen tundra and glaciers of Skyrim itself.

[A/N: I am having trouble describing the damn thing, google it yourself]

All in all, I have to kill one a year from now. I am not that sure if I relied entirely on Martial Arts but it seems that this is the rule.

My weapon is something I had to pay Wulfur and Balimund a good price to make for me. It's a Warhammer as heavy as Hilda's Battleaxe, Mine was made from Steel but it has its custom design.

I requested it to be made with some certain runes engraved on it, Nurina offered to enchant it with a Greater Soul Gem I acquired with a lot of money.

The hammer was like any other, its handle was made of the best wood possible to buy reinforced with steel as and it was a real beauty, the head had a blunt side and a spike like the game 'Steal Warhammer'.

After it was done, Nurina and I went into an argument about how to enchant it.

I wanted it to be enchanted with Lightning Blast effect but Nurina had a different opinion, She wanted to enchant it with Sunlight effect. It's an effect that can harm living to a fair degree with Fire Damage Effect and harm Undead to a fatal degree.

My idea of Lighting Blast Hammer was a bit from a movie so it was childish and Nurina didn't like it. Her idea was better anyway.

Lightning works better against mages and mages didn't need to be dealt with by such a flashy and big weapon as a hammer.

A hammer was a tool to crush the armor and it was best used against big opponents like trolls and Armored opponents as well.

After the hammer was enchanted I couldn't help but grin. It was a good weapon indeed but we left it unnamed for now.


After a few months of training, year 4E-196 has passed and it already became Morning Star (January) of 4E-197.

I and Wulfur were making travel preparation and also made a deal with a carriage owner outside the city.

We will be leaving Riften tomorrow.

Nurina's things were packed in crates and transported by a carriage to Winterhold, She left before us.

That day I said my farewells for all my friends in the city, the Ratway, the fighting pits and the orphanage.

What really was upsetting that Grelod became the new headmistress. An era of terror would descend upon Honorhall Orphanage.

I took all my stuff in two knapsacks and so was everyone else, my hammer was on my back. Wulfur was carrying his large shield on his back as well as an axe on his side.

Svidi and Ysolda were carrying their knapsacks and followed along with Akara who carried two swords. She started training with Dual Swords but she was still a beginner.

This is my first time to leave Riften, I didn't care much about it too much. But the other guys were really in mixed emotions.

The road from Riften to Whiterun takes two weeks. Our first stop will be Shor's Stone.

The second stop will be Darkwater Crossing. There, we will be officially outside 'The Rift' hold and into 'Eastmarch' hold.

The third stop will be Valtheim Towers which is a military area but serves as a short rest for travelers.

Right after passing Valtheim Towers we will be at Whiterun hold and heading to our first destination Whiterun City.

While jumping on the carriage some of the people came to see us off, Balimund and Brynjolf as well as others.

Well well, this is my first adventure so I better make it exciting.

[A/N: It's also the end of Vol.1. Vol.2 will start tomorrow after I get some mental refreshment.]

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