Chapter 30 Quarter Finals

In an alleyway, three figures stood together under the cover of darkness and were discussing something.

"I am sorry, there are bad rumors about you in our district, the three guys that died were said to be on a job for you." A voice spoke.

"What are you talking about? I pay you and you do whatever I want you to do, why do you care about any of that?" Another voice replied.

"There is a limit on what we can do, even for a Black-Briar." A reply came. "Especially when our lives are on the line."

"You coward, don't talk to master Sibbi with that to...." Another voice interrupted but halted when he heard footsteps.

"Who's there?" He said.

No reply came, a figure appeared and walked slowly to the three figures, one of the three drew out a sword and the other two drew daggers.

The moonslight fell on the approaching figure and made his features clear.

"Oh! It's the mage I hired, he came back." One of the three who appeared to be Sibbi Black-Briar spoke.

The mage approached but he started staggering, then he fell on one knee and from it fell completely on the ground.

The three were taken aback, what they saw on the mage's back was a dagger sinking into it.

Panic started to take over and the three started feeling movements around themselves, from up a strange bird landed on a rooftop, it looked like a spectral owl.

"G, Ghost?" The ruffian that Sibbi was hiring panicked even more which made Sibbi and his bodyguard to fall into panic too, this was not a usual sight to see, specter birds were a bad omen in this part of the land.

Another spectral figure appeared, it was of a girl wearing robes, a hood and holding a dagger, this spectral girl came from behind the dead mage.

The panicking trio were struck with fear and tried to run to the other side, yet they came to a quick halt.

On the other end of the alleyway, two more spectral girls with the same description walked into the alley and stood there.

"What is that? Why are there so many ghosts? What's happening?" Sibbi spoke as if he was about to cry.

They wanted to act but suddenly they heard the sound of air breaking, an arrow flew towards the bodyguard and pierced his neck.

Blood splashes dyed his surroundings as the bodyguard fell on his back struggling his last breaths out.

Sibbi, who saw the blood flying everywhere and even reached his face could stand no more, as he fell to the side, the three spectral gurls jumped on the ruffian and started stabbing him.

A bloody scene was happening as the short specters filled the man with holes.

As they stopped they turned to Sibbi who started crying and begging for his life.

The surrounded him and did nothing, Sibbi was pale as fear controlled every inch of his being.

Footsteps could be heard from the dead mage's direction, Sibbi looked to see a figure clad in a black cloak holding a bow in his hand.

Sibbi knew this was the archer that killed his bodyguard, and the one who made the ambush.

The figure stopped by the dead mage's body an stretched his hand, a horas voice sounded, "I call upon the ancient powers of Oblivion to bring forth this dead and raise a zombie."

Sibbi was terrorized, these were some evil words that meant dealing with undead, he could only say "Necromancer!"

The dead mage's corpse started to move and stood up in a spooky manner making weird voices.

The Necromancer looked at Sibbi and walked slowly towards him, the undead mage was following in a weird walk.

Sibbi started apologizing and begging for his life, yet the Necromancer snorted in disdain.

"That's an appearance suitable for a Black-Briar." The Necromancer said and removed his hood.

Sibbi looked at the necromancer in a daze, he was shaken and suffering from conflict in emotions.

The necromancer who was naturally Jon, crouched down to see Sibbi face to face, "In the game, you used to be an arrogant asshole, but you were not a coward." Jon said and continued, "Why are you so persistent on killing me?"

Sibbi was recovering from his shock yet fear was already playing him, he looked at Jon with mixed expressions of fear and hate, he didn't answer Jon.

"Forgot about him, you already played with him long enough." A voice came from the undead mage, it was supposed to be dead but now it's talking, Sibbi who was reliving a trauma was shocked again, he started pointing at the mage and murmuring "You... You..."

"Was dead?" The mage who was Rusning removed the dagger from his back, "That's just a hilt."

"So, so, it was like this?" Sibbi already understood he was being played.

"Yeah, it's like that." Jon said, stood and flicked his fingers, as he did that the spectral girls disappeared.

"Show is over, you can leave." Jon said.

"What?" Rusning and Sibbi were surprised as they looked at Jon.

"No really, you can leave, this way, just go." Jon said while pulling Sibbi and making him stand.

Sibbi stood in a daze not moving yet, Jon took out another arrow and with the bow on his left he aimed at Sibbi, "Go!"

Sibbi jumped in fright and started running to the end of the alleyway.

Jon smiled evilly and pulled the bowstring then let go.

The arrow flew after Sibbi and pierced his neck.

"The Lannisters send their regards." Jon just wanted to say that.

Little did he know that there were a prying pair of eyes watching not far from the shadows.

[A/N: The spectral figures were ' Conjure Undead: Ghost']


Tonight, one of the most annoying people on Nirn and the heir to the Black-Briar empire was sent to Oblivion by me.

I don't think Maven will leave this matter alone, she will look under every rock for the killer.

I am not really afraid of her. If I let Sibbi live he'll keep sending killers after me, if Maven knew, she'll also send killers after me, at least she may not know so I'll be at peace for now.

After the deed was done, I put some final touches on the crime scene, erased any evidence, and went back to the inn with Rusning who changed back into his college clothes.

Rusning asked me why did I have to trick Sibbi and kill him this way, actually it was for the fun, but I made a logical answer that if all victims were dead in one place this will tell that they were ambushed, and I wanted it to look like a fight and robbery.

We found a big coin purse on the bodyguard, that was clearly Rusning's last half of the payment, he gave it to me, 200 Golden Septims.

The relationship between me and Rusning was not known to the public so we had to make an appearance in the inn as an alibi and made a small scene.

I don't know how good are the criminal investigations in this world as Riften had nothing like that but clearly, Solitude guards will at least ask questions, and Maven will use her influence.

After an apple pie and some mead, I saw Rusning off and headed back to bed, I have only four hours before the match starts.


Today's matches are only four, White Wolves vs Stormcloaks, Companions Second Team vs Warmaidens, Golden Swords vs Companions First Team, Snow Bears vs Arcana Wisdom.

The Stormcloaks led by Ralof, a young Nord same age as me, an NPC and the first person the player talks to in the game.

Today, I was wearing the armor that was gifted to me by the king, it was enchanted so Wulfur had to make some adjustments to it very carefully under my guidance, Wulfur and Battle-Born wore theirs too.

Now, we looked like a team.

As the stage was already to its fill, Viarmo made his introductions and my team, as well as the Stormcloaks, were already on the arena.

Their style was similar to each other and very organized, an axe and a shield to all the five members.

Two members went away and three remained, Ralof, the main participant went out.

I could see the want to drain us first, this might not work on me or Battle-Born but Wulfur's shield is too heavy.

"Wulfur, once one of them is down, take his shield, this fight will be long." I said.

He nodded and rotated his flail, Battle-Born took his pose and I took mine.


Jon, Wulfur and Battle-Born made their usual formation. The three opponents made a shield up pose and stood their ground.

As their plan was to drain the White Wolves' stamina as much as possible and let them for Ralof to weed them out.

Wulfur advanced with his heavy shield on front and his teammates took flanks, The three opponents still stood their groups.

Just as the distance closed, the two Jons suddenly broke the formation and ran to the sides of the opponents who moved their shields to face them.

Out of nowhere, a large shadow was seen flying, the opponents who were focused on the two Jons distraction didn't notice what was thrown at them. In an alleyway, three figures stood together under the cover of darkness and were discussing something.

It was the 'High Dam', Wulfur's oversized heavy shield.

As it fell one if the opponents were caught off guard and took the hit hard falling down with it.

Jon took the chance and kicked his head, the boy went unconscious, confirming the first fall into the Stormcloaks team.

Wulfur didn't take his shield but took the fallen opponent's, the arena cheered and another opponent went in, Rolaf was still out.

Three went against three but each two took each other, nothing creative happened and it was the normal theme in these matches.

Jon opponent's axe was fast and his attacks were performed skillfully, Jon liked to dodging over blocking as he can act nimbly while his opponent is depleting his own stamina on his own, if the opponent understood and slowed down, Jon would always find a way to bring his opponent down.

The opponent was slowing and his footwork started to crumble, just as Jon saw that, he attacked a full circle with a low posture, the hammer landed on the opponent's left foot from the side pushing it to the right one and taking the opponent to the ground.

As he fell, Jon raised 'Agni-Ra' and hammered from above downwardly to the opponent who was lying defenseless.

All the poor boy could do was to abandon the axe and hold the shield up with two hands, but that was of a little use, the hammer hit the shield ad pressed it to the opponent's chest, he couldn't take it and coughed blood, the cold-hearted crowd cheered for it.

This was the end of his part as the judge signaled.

Suddenly, another noise erupted from the crowd as it appears that something happened again, Jon looked around to see Battle-Born being blown away and someone rushing.

Ralof, after his teammate fell and his turn came made a shield rush and headed towards Battle-Born who didn't notice him, Battle-Born was blown away by the rush and Jon who noticed tried to move but the opponent he hit just now was clutching to the hammer tightly.

'So, you can still do that!' Jon thought, 'Fine, if you like my hammer then let's exchange.'

Jon acted quickly, he let go of the hammer and snatched the shield of his opponent.

Ralof's rush was getting close and Jon didn't stand up yet, yet he rotated quickly facing Ralof and met him with a low posture.

Ralof and Jon collided but Jon left hand only supported the shield while his right found a grip on Ralod body and pulled him from it.

As the right grabbed and pulled while the left held the shield and pushed, Jon strengthened his stance and carried Ralof over himself from a side and threw him to the other.

The crowd cheered at the exchange yet Jon was still worried about Battle-Born, He looked at him to find his opponent was closing on him while he was still on the ground.

Jon looked around and found an axe from the fallen opponent, he hastily took it and threw it at Battle-Born's opponent.

The opponent took it to his shield but looked like he was injured with it, more importantly, it gave Battle-Born a chance to recover.

Jon looked at Ralof to find him already recovered and going straight not to Jon but to Wulfur, seems like their plan was to remove Jon's allies then outnumbering him, it was a good plan, 'was'.

Jon kicked the ground and rushed barehanded after Ralof.

He activated a spell and dual cast it in both hands, a green light surrounded him and he ran like a flash of green light.

This was by no means a human speed, this spell was 'Hasten', it granted the caster a high buff in speed.

Jon ran with insane speed and jumped with a kick at Ralof.

Ralof could only look back to see something closing with an insane speed at his face, alas, there was no time to dodge.

The flying kick ramed Ralofs head and sent him flying to a fair distance.

Jon who was flying crashed in a bad shape, his speed was just too insane.

This exchanges of blocking Ralof's charge, rescuing Battle-Born and chasing Ralof in an insane speed, happen in less than ten seconds, the crowd was recovering from a surprise to receive the next, and they were three.

A loud cheer erupted for Ralof's plan and Jon's multitasking, even though Jon relied on magic as the last resort, he still made a great show.

"Hehehe, you relied on magic after all." Ralof stood up while staggering and holding his head.

"Hehehe, don't get cocky, you are the one who got kicked like a doll." Jon was also staggering and holding the arm he fell on.

"Let's end this with your style then." Ralof threw away his axe and shield, he as many others, craved to try his luck against Jon's barehanded style.

Jon massaged his arm and walked to Ralof who raised his arms in a brawling pose and wanted to throw punches.

Just as Jon reached a good distance he kicked with his right leg to Ralof's head, Ralof could foresee this and moved his head back to dodge.

The kick passed and Jon returned it but what no one could foresee was how his right changed trajectory into a sidekick in Ralof's torso.

Ralof's resisted the kick and moved his left leg back to support himself.

Jon took his legs back then jumped at Ralof, his left leg land on Ralof's right leg and grabbed Ralof's head with two hands, what came next was Jon's right knee striking into Ralof's face.

Ralof fell unconscious due to the impact.

On the spectators' seats, a young imperial solider shouted for Ralof to wake up but no avail.

In the end, Battle-Born and Wulfur brought their opponents down easily.

The match ended and the judge announced the win of team 'White Wolves and their advance to the semifinals.

Jon healed himself and offered help to Ralof and his team, Ralof was holding his chin and waving to someone in the crowd, it was that young imperial soldier.

Jon who was walking behind him asked, "Someone you know?"

"Yes, that's my friend from home." Ralof talked, "His name is Hadvar, he joined the legion to protect Skyrim and I followed Jarl Ulfric as my hero."

Ralof was taking proud about the paths they both chose, Jon, on the other hand, shivered from what he heard.

He looked between Hadvar and Ralof and couldn't help but make a sad face, the future he knows will happen will be tough. Yet he didn't know should he interfere or not.

After this match, a surprise happened and team 'Warmaidens' led by Lidya won against 'Companions Second Team' led by Vilkas.

Team 'Golden Swords' led by Argir won an easy fight against Morthal's 'Dream Catchers', the lucky team that only met weak teams.

Team 'Arcana Wisdom' led by Rusning won against team 'Snow Bears' of Windhelm, Big Bad Ulfric lost his last two teams in the quarterfinals.

The semi finals are now between team 'White Wolves' against team 'Warmaidens', and team 'Golden Swords' against team 'Arcana Wisdom'.

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