Chapter 37 Like The Life of a Secret Agen

I walked in the narrow market street of Solitude heading to the tallest building in the city, Castle Dour.

It wasn't midnight yet and I could see many people coming and going in the shops that looked like the bazaars, even though these areas were poor and the streets were narrow, they had no unhealthy establishments like Riften, it has somewhat reminded me with Cairo's Khan El Khalili*, I used to love that place.

[A/N: *A historical market in Egypt, A pic on Discord.]

My appearance in the cloak and hood was not really out of the place, some people would walk like that to do private business with ease, so I usually come here to buy 'Soul Gems' and other stuff too.

I took this way to reach the castle because I can lose any pursuer if I felt any, as I don't want the thieves or the assassins to know about my plans.

As I reached the castle from the back market I climbed the road up to the castle's side gate, there are a fletcher's and a blacksmith's shops in this area.

A guard stopped me at the gate so I showed him my tournament token and my face, I told him I was here to meet with Captain Aldis.

The guard recognized me and let me pass, another one led me to Aldis in the training yard.

"Oh! If it's not our young champion." Captain Aldis seemed to be in a good mood.

"Wel-met Captain." I greeted him and started a long conversation about the tourney.

"I want to talk more about this and that but I came here for a specific reason." I said.

"Ah!" He exclaimed, "You are still after answers, I thought you might think they would be those big gamblers who hired assassins."

"I investigated for a while but I need to see that girl for one last time." I said, "If assassins were hired again, I need to be extra careful, if I got an extra bit of information then I'll be a ease."

"It's okay, follow me." Captain Aldis was a very understanding man.


I followed him as he told, this is the only chance to do this part of the plan, and I have to do it perfectly.

I have to plant all these explosive flasks inside the jail, the time is tight and I must do it right.

I surveyed the place many times and I found that there are some places with windows, I tried to make a rough understanding of the building.

This was not as hard as anyone would think, buildings here are not that complicated.

The bomb flasks' size is that of an adult's finger, easy to hide, and with the damp and dark nature of the prison, storing them here is a very safe job, the most important part was how to avoid Captain Aldis's site and plant them as I follow him.

We reached the gate that leads to the prison, passing it, my eyes started scanning every nook and cranny in the corridors we walked into.

As I saw the first window that views the street, I planted a flask around it, from that point the distance between every flask must be between five to seven meters.

Captain Aldis was walking ahead of me and I was planting flasks on every shelf, clutter and every dusty and dark place there is no use in cleaning it.

I kept the conversation with Captain Aldis going as to not raise any suspicions.

As we reached the cell, I had already planted more than twenty flasks, this was a good result even if I say so myself.

I looked at the girl who feigned madness and kept asking her questions yet she acted her part well.

No matter what Captain Aldis didn't suspect me, these are the perk of being the young Nord hero in their eyes, too bad I cheated them.

Acting as I got no result I left the girl and walked out with Captain Aldis, he kept talking about tomorrow's events and how much he was looking for it, tomorrow was the last round, the Battle Royale.

It is a match between the thirty-two participants only with no helpers whatsoever, it was a lethal match that sometimes people die in it, anyone can forfeit from this round but they won't be acknowledged even if they won every competition before.

As for me who can be called the first team in the winning rate and the scoring rate, I need to make it through tomorrow's match anyway, even if was defeated, my position in the lead is solid and no one can put me down now.

After the match the rewards will be given by the king, the Skyforge weapons as well as the monetary reward and the champion's share of the gamblings, I am going to be filthy rich starting from tomorrow.

Problem is, this money will be spent too fast if I think about it. I don't feel bad about money actually, the problem for mages are resources and money can solve that, and the next problem will face me is going to be the price of learning in the College of Winterhold.

This is no game as I said, this is real life, the college charges money for every word one learns, the spells of the Expert level unlike the game are actually priceless, let alone the Master level spells that are considered secrets of the craft, with the forbidden spells and the original spells that mages created.

All these problems need a lot of money.

Nurina is rich and all but I can't ask more from her, I am a grown person who needs to survive on his own, so the earnings from the tournament is a grand chance for me.

I have few plans of how to make a business and make it grow to support myself but most of these ideas are rough plans that depend on luck and fate.

After speaking of this and that with Captain Aldis, I started to feel sorry of how many lies I am telling this good man so I took my leave and headed back to the inn, drinking it over and heading to bed is the best solution.

As I reached the 'Winking Skeever' I found no one on the first floor, seems like they all went to bed.

Lisette was gathering her stuff and she seemed to be going to bed too.

As I greeted her, she was looking at me and smiling as if she wanted to ask about something.

I didn't really want to turn a beauty down so I sat and invited her for a drink, she sat happily and started talking about the Bards' College and how she is having a hard time there.

She also was interested in the songs Svidi sings, as it seems that Svidi told her I wrote these songs.

So that how it is! She wanted to learn some of these songs, but I am not getting out of this empty handed, hehe!

"I have some songs I newly wrote, they are in my room." I said while drinking.

"Oh! I would certainly love to get a look at them but..." She was taken aback as I made my condition 'want songs, come to take them yourself'.

"It's a good song about warriors and all that stuff you bards love!" I said, now the offer is better.

"Ehem! Is it okay?" She said, she knew she was being pulled into something.

"This is my last night in the inn anyway, I'll leave tomorrow on a ship after the last round, so I would like to get some rest." I said, I was already putting down the tankard.

"Ah! About the song!" She said.

"You are welcome anytime." I said.

I went directly to my room, as I entered, I hid the stuff on me back in the chest and wore the comfiest thing I have.

After a few minutes, I heard soft knocks on the door, I wasn't in a hurry and pretended not to hear until it was knocked again.

"Coming! Oh! What a pleasant surprise!" I said as I saw Lisette behind the door, "Come in!"

I invited her in and she walked in slowly, and with one finger I closed the door.

"Have a seat, I'll bring you a drink." I said while pointing at a chair and picking a wine bottle, mead won't do this time.

"Mhm!" Lisette nodded while making a pitiful face, please don't make me feel like a bad guy.

I put a goblet in front of her and poured some wine then went back and brought out a journal.

"Here! These are some of the best stuff I wrote." I said and put the journal in front of her, "Have fun!"

After I said that I went and sat cross-legged on the bed then closed my eyes.

"Did I come at a bad time perhaps?" Lisette asked nervously.

"Not at all, I am just preparing the joystick." I said opening half an eye.

"Th, th, the 'what' stick?" She started stuttering with words and look frightened.

"The joystick." I said, "It's a very delicate state of mind!"

[A/N: A known meme in the game, know as fishy-stick.]

"Oh! Right!" Lisette said while looking back at the journal.

She started to ask me questions about the songs and we drank for some time, still, it's a mystery how she was sitting on the bed next to me right now.

I looked at the girl who sat beside me on the bed, she was an angelic beauty no matter how I think about it.

She smelled so nice! I think she bought that perfume from Angeline's Aromatics, Bretons know their stuff after all.

She had a small build and a lively atmosphere that makes you wants to pat her head and see her smile, she was smiling right now when she was sitting next to me, I think I made a good job writing those songs after all.

We sat side to side and held the journal between us, I stole few looks at her by going backward and gaining some height over her, the feeling she gives when I look at her that close is so intoxicating.

She has a blonde wavy long hair as if strands of gold going down to her neck and on her shoulders, her skin was fair white like that of nords.

Her eyes were grey throw they lacked of color unlike the natives of this land, her eyes were still big and beautiful.

Why am I speaking about her eyes now? Wasn't I sneaking peeks at her? Seriously! She caught me while I was intoxicated with her beauty, What a trap I walked in!

Was it her beauty or the wine that trapped me I wonder? I don't care, I'll just throw that goblet away now.

And I did just that. Oh! It was already empty, worthless empty goblet.

Back to the beauty in hand, She was still looking at me eye to eye, yet she also woke up and started looking away.

No! Not now! Not just yet!

"I am not done!" I said as I touched her chin with a finger and returned her face to face mine. "I still want more."

Yet she was moving her eyes to the side, No! I can't take it anymore, I want more from these eyes, there is a song that I haven't read written within, I can't take my eyes of hers just yet.

She still held the journal front of herself, fine then, no journal for the naughty.

I took that journal from her, I took it, and put it in my clothes, now she gazed her eyes to mine, yes, more, let me see them more.

"The journal, I still want to read it." She said, she looked to where I hid them and her eyes teared, now now, these eyes tell a different song when her emotions change.

"Why don't you take it out?" I said as I approached her, now she is in my trap, she is between my arms, she is not moving away.

I want more of that, why is she different.

I think I can't push her like this, I need to guide her, yes, guide her, she seems not knowing what to do now.

I held her forearms and pulled her closer, then I loosened my robe just a bit, I got closer to her face and held her hand, then put it on me.

"See, it's just there, why don't you take it." I said, "If you don't take it, I will take you."

She was breathing heavily with her body getting hotter and hotter and she looked down, now now, don't look down, I raised her face to look at mine, she has submitted to much, I have no experience with a girl like her, the ones I knew were really bold and took the initiative for every move.

I got my face closer to her, I could feel her warm breathing on my skin, I couldn't take it anymore.

Now I had to kiss her, and so I did, I kissed her on her lips lightly and she was not resisting.

I had to hold her body from the waist now, she giving in and I was allowed to pleasure her as I want.

I moved her on my hips and body stuck to mine, here temperature was so warm in this cold weather, I had to kiss her, again to fill my intoxication level once again.

Now I am drunk in her vividness and beauty, I started telling her how to respond and kiss back, she was reacting sometimes and lagging the other times, she clearly was a virgin.

As we felt hotter our clothes started feeling like a blockage of fibers, we had to get rid of that and free ourselves.

She was reluctant at first but I took her clothes away anyway, she looked so beautiful in her as she was naked, her breasts were smaller than that of the bathhouse girls yet the were round and full, they felt so good as I touched them as her body started twitching.

When I touched her nibbles I could hear her moan, she was perfect, so perfect I felt like I was cheated when I went to the bathhouse, these sounds she made were of a true pleasure.

I was going crazy from hearing her, I started using my mouth around to play with these goodies.

She was pretty much heated up now, there were few underwears that separated us from the real pleasure.

As I moved my hands to remove them from her she held into them, I could see her face looking hesitant, I understood her.

I moved myself to lay beside her and our bodies touched each other, I went to her face and kissed her cheeks and told her sweet words while fighting with our hands downstairs.

"Don't worry! It won't be bad." I said that to her.

"Please go easy!" She said in a very hot voice.

How could I disobey her like this, I took her on me and slowly removed the last bit of clothes on us.

Now I could see everything I want to see.

I needed to make it easy on her so made 'little Jon' touch with her hot over downstairs.

Doing that the only best way to heat her up is to rub our bodies together, If we don't we may catch cold or something.

I didn't waste any time as I took her and covered ourselves with the blanket, I took her lips with mine and entered in a hot hug as our lower haves were heating each other.

We moved between each others lips and necks exchanging all sort of sweet words, she started to react more finally, she was doing great.

And here it comes, I was planning for this, I fixed our position and pinned her down saying, "Ready or not, here I come."

She clothes her eyes and readied herself, 'little Jon' invaded her over with vigor.

This was so damn tight, so tight that I felt crazy from this tightness, this was the best tightness I ever felt.

As I took it out, there was a small amount of blood, wiping it away, we continued like crazy.

She appeared to be in pain at first but now, now she held me with her legs and didn't want to let go.

Even when her tight oven spewed it's lave out, she barely let me out before she would scream on my and pull me back in again.

The amount of kissing and fluids that we made that day was amazing, she even didn't let me do it outside, I was worried but she insisted to take it all in.

This was the best time I ever had in two life-times, can there be anything better than this?

I didn't drink a potion this time, that girl would be done for if I did drink one, it needed a level of strength to take on someone with that amount of vigor, the after effect of the potion that was reflected on the size was great, as we pleased ourselves to the best of our ability.

After a while we laid down beside each other, I was sleeping on my back and she slept on her front borrowing the half of me to rest on.

She took my right arm and hugged it with her body, I couldn't help but smile and played with her hair, we exchanged few kisses and she directly went to sleep.

I looked at her and closed my eyes, next thing I know was light of day coming from the window.

This light of morning is annoying, tch! I also feel something heavy, why is it heavy…

Ah! How did this happen? I don't remember how did this happen!

She is sleeping! Lisette is sleeping! And she is…!!


Why is she naked?

Why do I feel like I am missing an arm?

No, she is just hugging it and it turned numb.

Let's try to retrieve it! Yes, please I'll be needing that, move up a bit, thank you.

This lucky arm of mine spent the night being hugged alone, the rest of my body is feeling envious now!

No no no! Focus! This is not the problem now!

I don't remember what happened and I think she will not remember either, it will be a pain if she freaked out.

Under sunlight that came from the window, this girl appeared so vividly beautiful, her platinum hair and soft skin lying beside me can turn me crazy but the hangover was keeping me in check.

I think I still have some of that hangover remedy potion somewhere.

Fetching it from the end table, I drained it in one go.

While clearing up my mind I started thinking about this and that, my life turned into that of a secret agent lately. I mean, I planted explosives in the castle then went and slept with a beauty, how nice!

Judging by the angle of the sun, I woke up early as my biological clock is accurate as ever, even though I slept for only three hours, I am wide awake now.

After sobering up, I looked back at the sleeping beauty behind me to find her eyes open and were looking at me silently.

I was about to freak out but she didn't seem to be shocked or anything, she just stared at me.

"Good morning." I said while smiling.

"Good morning." She said then she sat next to me.

We were both naked and I felt a bit awkward.

As I was about to say something she took my arm again and hugged it the same way she was doing when she was asleep.

"Just as you said, it wasn't that bad." She said.

"I did?" I was wondering what she said.

"You don't remember?" She looked at me strangely, then she leaned her head on my arm and closed her eyes "It's okay if you don't, you were drunk so I don't think you were lying?"

"Did I say anything weird, embarrassing or crazy?" I asked, seriously now, how did I get this drunk?

"Nothing out of the ordinary for a drunk Nord, just dragons, dragons, and more dragons." She said and laughed.

Dammit! I brought up dragons again.

We stayed like this for a while as I couldn't resist the urge to play with her hair, doing that made me remember some of what happened last night.

"I'll leave the room to you if you want to sleep more, I'll go get ready for the last match now." I said as I separated myself, from her.

"Beat them up, Dragonborn!" Lisette said and giggled, as she went back to sleep.

Seriously now, how much nonsense did I say last night?

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