Chapter 539

Chapter 539

After Stein's threat, the disciples hurried out of the room. Even the alchemist Schultz did not interfere. He had already done his job, and he didn't want any extra problems.

Everyone understood perfectly well that Stein decided to visit Dick because of yesterday's events, where Baker dragged the dignity of his younger brother through the mud, which meant that he also tarnished the reputation of the older brother. The empress' senior disciple craves retribution! Who can stop him in this empire, except Lanatelle? Any reasonable person will say that only a miracle will save him…

?I hope they'll make a chop out of you, a walking lipoma.? – Clementine whispered gloatingly, nudging Baker with her elbow, and left the room with a dancing gait.

?Serves you right, brainiac.? – Seraphima said calmly, but with notes of joy.

The twins were filled with deep dislike for the fat man after he poisoned them with narcotic gas, surpassed them in all subjects in the testing pavilion, and also took a higher position than them at the tournament of the best. They would like to see how Baker will be beaten, but alas, they will have to admire only the final result later.

Everyone left, but Elsa voluntarily decided to stay. She mildly said: ?Stein, please listen to me… Dick did not want to humiliate Rose, it happened because of the illness…?


Stein slapped the girl in the face, slamming her into the floor, and said fiercely: ?Shut your fucking mouth, you brat! Do you think, since you have become a senior disciple, you can go against my will? Know your place! If you ever get in my way again, and I'll break your legs even though you're my brother's girlfriend.?

The two Russells giggled nastily, covering their smiles with their palms. They were bursting with pride for their high position as "friends" of the empress's senior disciple.

{The imperial phaser at the fifth stage…} – Kyon noticed gloomily. It seems that Stein is called the first genius in the empire for a reason. He is here like a tiger among hyenas. Nevertheless, a week ago, everyone believed that Rose had a higher potential than him… 3 years younger, pureer keys and connecting with the soul with a delay – that's the reason.

With shock on her face, Elsa touched her red cheek, staring at the blond with a dazed look. The speed of his strike was amazing! Even if she had not let her guard down, she would hardly have had time to react. It seemed like she couldn't beat him. But the girl wasn't going to give up so easily either! Stone jumped up abruptly from the floor, intending to rebuff Valentine, or at least try to do it, but suddenly she heard a voice in her head…

{?I can handle it. Go away. This is an order.?} – Kyon said firmly.

Looking at the messenger of the goddess, Stone hesitated for a second, then nodded and left. She only hoped that he wouldn't be killed. No matter how much she hated him for blackmailing Juno and the story with "The Dark Baron", she did not want him to die.

The girl was met by a crowd of disciples outside. They were in no hurry to disperse, because, obviously, they wanted to see the denouement: how severely Stein would punish Dick.

Seeing the beauty with a burning cheek, the young people immediately understood everything. Of course, she is not in a position to stand in the way of Stein, who is eager to take revenge on Baker for the total humiliation of his family and brother.

Elsa also stayed at the door. Kyon sent her away for a reason. Surely he has a plan, but what is it?! The lady was just bursting with curiosity.

One disciple put her ear against the door and said softly: ?They are talking about something!?

A minute later, dull blows on the flesh were heard, and with them painful screams in a thin voice, clearly belonging to Dick. Then an evil laugh was heard, and the crackling of bones was added to the sounds of blows. The screams got louder and more desperate.

Elsa bit her lips pitifully. She really wanted to rush inside to help.

Clementine was smiling happily, shifting from one foot to the other with impatience.

Seraphima looked much calmer, and there was a slight smile on her lips.

The twins even ignored each other's existence: there was no time for that.

One way or another, but everyone mentally already buried Baker. May the ground be heavy to you, fatty.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Dick, completely unharmed, calmly walked out of the room… And with a completely serene look, as if he had been walking in the park all this time…

?What's going on?? … ?Is it my imagination?!? … ?Pinch me!? – the disciples were confused and looked at each other in puzzlement, trying to find an explanation for what was happening. Finally, they looked inside the room and saw something incredible: Stein mercilessly beat his subordinates, breaking their bones!

?What a lousy cloning technique… Do you think it will help you?!? – Stein growled hollowly and, grabbing Russell's hand, broke it on his knee like a dry branch.

?WOO-WOO-WOO-AAH-AAH-AAH!? – the guy with red eyes howled in pain.

The audience couldn't believe their eyes. He came to take revenge on Dick, but in the end he is beating his own henchmen half to death?! How has this happened?!

Seraphima and Clementine were horrified, abruptly covered their mouths and noses, and rushed away.

Elsa gasped at the realization of the reason for what was happening and sent a telepathic message to all the disciples: {?This is narcotic gas! Cover your faces or you'll get hurt!?}

The disciples involuntarily remembered that sensational incident in the order and instantly covered their noses with pure energy, and a second later they were afraid that they would become Stein's next target, so they rushed away as fast as they could.

?Another clone?! You won't get away from me!? – Stein barked and grabbed the fleeing disciple by the collar… Pale as death, the poor man did not have time to escape. The helplessly screaming victim was dragged into the alchemy room to be turned into mincemeat. The palace guards will save him, they will come to the rescue only in a minute.

The rest of the disciples managed to escape, but they had goosebumps, and their hearts were shackled by fear from the methods that Dick uses against his detractors. The junior disciples of the empress vowed never to stand in the way of Baker.

{Damn bastard, I've wasted all the demonic medicine because of you!} – Kyon gnashed his teeth in annoyance. He had to spend all his supplies, because the alchemy room has good ventilation, and Stein is the imperial phaser at the 5th stage.

Now Lovr will have to lock himself in his room, because only there is now safe. Or he will have to teleport somehow. Fortunately, that mighty barrier starts from the 12th floor, which means that nothing will hinder the movement.

From the recent dialogue with Stein (before the gas affected him) Kyon found out that the guy absolutely did not care about the humiliation of Rose and the Valentines. He was thinking only of himself. However, it is not entirely clear what the point is, because he almost never gets out of the palace… Why does he care so much about his reputation if he doesn't even look at girls?

On the way to his room, Lovr's keen hearing caught a conversation between Seraphima and Asagi.

?You want me to help you find and rescue a person from the beast kingdom, don't you??

?Yes! Certainly! Will you do it?!? – Asagi perked up.

?I'm ready to help you, but in exchange for a small favor.?

?Seraphima, I've already said that I can't kill her… The empress personally told me that if she doesn't die by your hands, then I will bear the responsibility…?

?I remember that. I'm talking about another favor.? – the girl said coldly.

?What is it? Tell me!? – the enthusiastic patriarch of the Hunters demanded.

?Get rid of Dick Baker.?

?Do you want me to kill him?? – Asagi became serious.

?No, just make him disappear. I don't need people in my life who turn me inside out.? – Seraphima answered dispassionately. She turned to Asagi at the first opportunity.

?If I do this, will you help me find and save my sister??

?Yes, I will, in the coming years I will definitely contact Amon and ask him about it…?

?Her name is Daphne Klous… Please ask Amon to save Daphne Klous!?

?I will definitely ask him, but first fulfill my condition.? – Seraphima said coldly and, waving her black hair, went to her room.

Asagi was brought out of deep thoughts by Clementine, who suddenly appeared out of the void.

?I don't know what kind of deal you made, I'll promise you twice as much if you do the opposite!? – the brunette promised with fire in her eyes. – ?And believe me, in the future, when I become stronger, I will have the opportunity to pay you back.?

?Um…? – Asagi looked confused.

?So what kind of deal did you make?? – excitedly rubbing her palms, the insidiously squinting lady asked. It was easy to see from her sly swarthy face that she was ready to do anything just to ruin her sister's life.

Meanwhile, Kyon shook his head dejectedly. Now two of the empress' three senior disciples are against him, and there is no more demonic medicine… Being in this palace is even more dangerous than fighting in a war! He will have to act very carefully.

It's been a few surprisingly calm days.

As it became known, Stein was punished. Since he has a high enough position to beat the junior disciples of the empress for just one sideways glance, he could get off with a slight reprimand, but he had to pay in full for the destruction of the alchemy room. So, there has been no news from him in recent days.

Kyon even suggested that he was forbidden to take revenge on Baker. So, is the empress somehow involved in this? It would be nice if so.

At six in the evening, two stunning news appeared on the city screen of Dantes: the patriarch of the Clintons and the patriarch of the Valentines were declared missing.

The citizens of Dantes excitedly discussed the frightening news: ?Both at once?! It doesn't seem like a coincidence!? … ?And I was wondering why Mr. Horace didn't come to his son's wedding!? … ?Maybe they were kidnapped by succubi?!? … ?No… They were also absent at the beginning of the tournament… Just like in the tournament of the best!? … ?It turns out that no one even knows where and why they disappeared?!? … ?Something is wrong… I don't like it!?

Soon people began to wonder who would become the new patriarch. If Stein will undoubtedly take this post in the Valentines family, then it's hard to say who will do it in the Clintons family.

{I will take the post of head of the family… They'll start looking at me differently.} – Stein thought, dreamily looking at the screen in the evening sky. Despite the loss of his father, the humiliation of the Valentines, and his own punishment, his mood was cloudless.

Roman, looking at the screen, felt an emptiness in his chest because of the disappearance of his father. As for the post of patriarch, the guy didn't care much about it. It is unlikely that Juno will begin to respect him just because of the new status. Also, he is still weaker than his older brother - Artemis. He's not even equal to his wife… Life is pain.

Two hours later, another news appeared on the screen, which eclipsed the previous two in its significance: in 3 weeks, a duel tournament will be held in the palace among the most influential people of the empire (as at the tournament of the best). The junior disciples will fight each other. The one who takes the 1st position will receive the title of the empress' senior disciple. And right after that, the senior disciples will fight for the title of the great direct disciple of the empress. The first in history.

The citizens of Dantes seemed to explode with excitement: ?It can't be!? … ?Direct disciple of the empress?! Has this ever happened before?!? … ?It's unbelievable… It's just incredible! There will be a person who will represent her majesty!? … ?But what is the reason for such an announcement? Does the empress really want to distract people from the news about the disappearance of the patriarchs in this way?? … ?Not at all! A week ago, she received the third senior disciple, and this is a good reason to appoint the first direct disciple!? … ?The empress has no children, is it possible that the direct disciple will become her successor?!?

It's no secret that a senior disciple is a more respected figure than a junior one. He is treated like the patriarchs of the top ten families. He is welcome in every corner of the empire. Now the news has been announced that the direct disciple will appear in 3 weeks! The one to whom people will be obliged to treat as if he is the offspring and heir of the empress! This news stirred up and shocked the entire empire.

{She wants me to become her direct disciple! She finally found me worthy because I'm almost the patriarch of Valentines!} – Stein's eyes watered with excitement. He was in seventh heaven. The guy had no doubt that Lanatelle wanted to make him a direct disciple, because even Asagi, the imperial phaser at the 2nd stage, would not be able to compete with him in the tournament.

Lowering her gaze from the screen, Elsa clenched her fists and resolutely went to the training room: {I must rise to the second stage for the tournament… I must defeat Stein!} – she wanted not only to take revenge on him for that slap in the face, but also to take a warm place next to the empress. And then she will definitely be groomed and cherished, and the people of Dantes will respect her immensely. She only has to try hard, and she will be able to bathe in the rays of glory and wake up every morning with a blissful smile on her lips...

Kyon's eyes shone mysteriously. Now it is clear why no news has come from the alchemist Schultz: the empress does not want anyone outside the palace to know that she will soon have such an incredible alchemist.

Even the letter sent to her, in which Lovr offered her his services as an alchemist, remained unanswered. The woman is obviously not rushing things. She wants to do everything in her own way, officially and in a big way. She is pursuing her own goals.

It turns out that the only way for him to meet Lanatelle and ingratiate himself with her is to play by her rules. He will have to wait three weeks for the tournament…

The question arises: does the empress plan to make the messenger of the goddess her direct disciple by arranging his victory? Or, perhaps, the tournament will be fair, and the one who deservedly takes the first position will receive the coveted title?

Lovr could not have known that. There is a high probability that the red carpet to the title will not be laid for him this time. There are at least 2 good reasons: firstly, Lanatelle is interested in finding out the real abilities and combat potential of the messenger of the goddess, after all, he will become her trusted representative; secondly, only if Kyon snatches victory in a bloody duel, he will appreciate his title, which means he will be truly grateful to her majesty.

{Will I have to reveal my abilities to her?} – Kyon frowned darkly, but then shook his head, having made a decision. He will have to show something, but he will keep his main trump cards - teleportation and astral – a secret, which means he will be one step ahead.

{That is, I will have to defeat Stein… How am I supposed to do this?} – Lovr thought deeply. He was sure that now he could not defeat the imperial phaser at the 5th stage in any way. He has only 3 weeks to turn the situation around.

The only reasonable thought came to mind: breakthrough medicine! It will drastically raise his development by several stages, which is just enough to defeat Stein. However, this medicine has a drawback, because of which the development of the practitioner will slow down significantly for about a month or two, but Lovr was ready to go for it.

Kyon immediately called the Golden Pig guild and made an order. Suddenly, two letters came to him by bird mail. The first one was from Asagi Hunter. He invited him to the Hunters' residence to discuss some important issue.

{Yeah, I'm already going.} – Lovr snorted and incinerated the piece of paper.

But the second letter made Kyon tense up, because its sender was the zeroth general. The man made an appointment for him in his office… In two hours!

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