Chapter 7: Lucas vs. Voidbound Dreadnought

Chapter 7: Lucas vs. Voidbound Dreadnought

As I gazed at the three towering G-rank beasts before me, a sense of urgency settled in the pit of my stomach. It was a dangerous gamble, but I knew that my chances of facing all three at once were slim.

Instead, I had a plan—a risky plan—that involved luring them away from the F-rank guardian that protected the Luminar crystal piece.

I sprang into action, Darting from shadow to shadow, I used my agility to my advantage, taunting and goading the [G+] rank beasts with calculated precision.

I dashed towards the cave's entrance, a calculated mix of speed and stealth guiding my movements.

I made noise deliberately, a trail of echoes that beckoned the guardians to follow. My heart raced as their heavy footfalls approached, and my plan to separate them from their leader was set into motion.

As the guardians followed my trail, their movements like a synchronized dance of danger, I positioned myself at the edge of the clearing.

Once I had led them a sufficient distance away, I pivoted, my sword raised as I confronted the three G+ rank beasts.

With their attention focused solely on me, the battle began in earnest. Each of the beasts was a force to be reckoned with, their strength and ferocity evident in their very presence.

The first of the guardians, a towering beast known as the "Cragback Alpha," possessed immense strength and resilience. Its thick scales provided formidable protection, but I had noticed a weakness—a gap between its armoured plates that left its underbelly vulnerable.

The second, the "Stormclaw Ravager," wielded the power of lightning, its electric attacks both swift and lethal.

Lastly, the "Boulderhide Guardian" had a stony hide that could absorb damage, but its sluggishness could potentially be exploited.

As the three G+ rank guardians closed in, my muscles tensed, and my heart beat with anticipation. The battle began with a flurry of movement—attacks launched and strikes parried. Despite my strength, the guardians' combined power posed a significant challenge.

Their ferocity was matched only by my determination as I deftly manoeuvred, avoiding their attacks with calculated precision.

I couldn't help but seize the opportunity to make a jab at their expense. "Is this all you've got?" I taunted, a mocking grin on my lips. It seemed that my audacity irked them, as they lunged at me with renewed fervour, unleashing a barrage of attacks that kept me on my toes.

The intensity grew with each passing moment, and at one point, doubt gnawed at the edges of my resolve. Was this a battle I could truly win? But then, something within me shifted—a subconscious shift in focus.

It was as if [Swordsmanship Lv2] had taken over, guiding my movements with a precision that transcended my conscious control.

As the minutes ticked by, a surge of confidence overtook me. My attacks became more calculated, my defences more impenetrable.

The guardians were caught off guard, their attacks less coordinated as I exploited their weaknesses with precision strikes. My mind was sharp, my body moved with a fluid grace, and before I knew it, victory seemed within reach.

But the G+ rank beast were not to be underestimated. Their mutation granted them an unexpected edge—magical attacks that erupted from their very being. Bolts of lightning, shards of stone, and waves of energy assaulted me, each attack demanding swift reflexes and split-second decisions.

The battle raged on, and exhaustion began to take its toll, yet I refused to yield. With a final, resolute strike, I incapacitated the Cragback Alpha, and with a surge of energy, I dispatched the Stormclaw Ravager.

Only the Boulderhide Guardian remained, its stony hide and potent magic proving a formidable challenge. The odds seemed stacked against me, but with every fibre of my being, I pushed forward.

But then something unexpected happened.

a sudden surge of energy radiated from the Boulderhide Guardian. In an instant, the air crackled with electricity as the guardian's magical prowess manifested in a devastating attack—a bolt of lightning charged with power.

My instincts screamed at me to move, but before I could react, the lightning struck with unerring accuracy. The shock reverberated through my body, momentarily paralyzing me. It was as if time itself had slowed, the world reduced to a haze of sizzling energy and searing pain.

The ability was aptly named "Thunderstrike Surge," a fitting representation of its ferocity. The lightning-infused attack had hit me with blinding force, leaving me vulnerable and disoriented. As the world spun around me, I fought to regain my senses, the surge of electricity temporarily disrupting my control over the battle.

With gritted teeth and a surge of determination, I forced my body to respond. Pain and adrenaline mingled as I staggered,

pushing past the shockwaves that still pulsed through me. The battle had taken an unexpected turn—a reminder that the guardians' newfound abilities were as dangerous as they were unpredictable.

The Thunderstrike Surge had hit me, leaving a jarring impact that momentarily disrupted the flow of the fight. But as the pain faded and clarity returned, my resolve burned brighter than ever.

The battle was far from over, and I was determined to emerge victorious—no matter the challenges, no matter the odds.

With my heart pounding in my chest and the taste of victory on the horizon, I gathered my strength for the final push.

The Boulderhide Guardian stood before me, its stony hide crackling with residual energy from the Thunderstrike Surge. The battle had been fierce, but I refused to let exhaustion or pain cloud my determination

"Die you bastard Ah"

With a fierce battle cry, I lunged forward, my sword poised for a final strike. The guardian's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and realization, its magical abilities momentarily spent. It attempted to summon a defence, but it was too late—I was already upon it.

My blade cleaved through the air, meeting the guardian's hide with a resounding impact.

The clash echoed through the clearing, a testament to the culmination of our struggle. With an explosive burst of energy, my strike found its mark—a chink in the guardian's armour, a vulnerability I had exploited with calculated precision.

The guardian's stony hide shattered under the force of my blow, and with a defiant roar, it crumbled to the ground.

My breath came in ragged gasps, and sweat mingled with dirt on my brow.

As I caught my breath, a mixture of awe and disbelief washed over me. I had faced the impossible, defying the odds and emerging victorious.

The guardians' mutation had given them the strength of Luminar crystal, making them comparable to F-rank monsters, but it was my unyielding resolve and the subconscious influence of [Swordsmanship Lv2] that had tipped the scales in my favour.

"Hahaha, I finally killed it this bastard trying to sneak attacks me Hmm." It feels nice to finally get rid of pests.

I surveyed the scene—the battlefield strewn with the defeated G+rank beasts. "Maybe you should've stuck to guarding crystals," I quipped, a touch of cheekiness in my voice.


'Now it's time for loot.'

The guardians' bodies held a value beyond the realm of mere trophies. They were rare and valuable—G+ rank beasts, their mutated forms sought after for their potential.

A normal G+ rank beast doesn't have that much value but let me remind you that these beasts are not 'normal ones' they are muted ones.

They have much more value in the market than normal g rank beasts.

As I approached the fallen Boulderhide Guardian, I felt a sense of determination set in. These creatures held value—both in their unique nature and their potential for trade. In this world, a new currency had emerged, akin to the US dollar but distinct in its design and purpose.

[ Note: The currency of Etheria is 1 credit to 1 USD dollars. I made it simple so all of you understand.]

With practised precision, I began the process of extracting key components from the guardian's body.

The G+ rank crystal, a shining core imbued with magical energy, was the most coveted of all, a testament to the guardian's strength and mutation.

But it wasn't just the crystal I sought. The guardian's hide, its scales, its bones—all held value, a potential investment for the future.

As I operated on the guardian's body, my movements were meticulous and respectful of the creature that had posed such a formidable challenge.

Once the operation was complete, I carefully stored the crystal and other valuable components in my dimensional bracelet. The bracelet's space was vast and versatile, capable of storing a variety of items without adding physical weight or bulk.


As the last component was secured within the bracelet, I stood amidst the remnants of the battle, a mixture of satisfaction and contemplation washing over me.

I started to walk toward where Luminar Crystal was I had just one problem to deal with after that I could rest.

In a few minutes, I reached there.

Returning to the Aqua Veil Falls, I knew that a final challenge awaited—a battle against the F+ rank guardian that stood between me and the coveted Luminar crystal.

As I approached the guardian, a massive creature with fearsome features, I couldn't help but let out a wry chuckle. "So, you're the last one standing, huh?" I taunted, my words carrying a mixture of bravado and defiance. The guardian's response was a guttural growl, a primal sound that reverberated through the chamber. It seemed my words were lost on this beast—it could understand the challenge in my tone, but not the specifics.

The guardian's eyes narrowed, its stance shifting into one of readiness. It was clear that the battle was inevitable, that only one of us would emerge victorious from this confrontation. As I readied my sword and adopted a stance of my own, I couldn't help but meet the guardian's gaze with a determined glint in my eyes.

The battle began, our clash of blades punctuating the air with the sound of steel meeting scales. The guardian's attacks were powerful and relentless, each strike delivering a force that could shatter bone. But I was no stranger to battle—I parried, dodged, and countered with calculated precision. Each movement was a testament to the skills I had acquired, the strength I had honed, and the unwavering determination that defined my journey.

Despite my efforts, the guardian's sheer power was overwhelming. Its attacks were ferocious, and each impact reverberated through my body, leaving me battered and weary. It was a dance of life and death, a battle where the stakes were higher than ever before.

But I knew that there was one trump card I could play—a technique I had mastered, even if I couldn't harness it fully.

"First move of Stellar Stride [Astral Dash]" I said as used my sword art.

The first movement of the Stellar Stride, Astral Dash, allowed the practitioner to move with a speed that blurred the boundaries of reality.

I focused my mind, channelling the power of the stars into my being, and with a burst of energy, I executed the first step of the technique.

As I moved, my form became a blur, leaving behind a trail of stardust that shimmered in the air. The guardian's attacks became a haze of motion, and for a brief moment, I seemed to exist beyond the bounds of time and space. However my mastery was incomplete, and the technique's full potential remained out of reach.

The battle raged on, each strike and parry pushing me to my limits. Fatigue was setting in, and despite my determination, I knew that the odds were against me. The guardian's attacks grew more frenzied, its desperation evident as it sought to end the battle with a final, devastating strike.

And then, in a chilling moment, I saw its true intention—the guardian was willing to sacrifice itself, to unleash a catastrophic attack that would obliterate both of us. Time seemed to slow as I comprehended the danger, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

With every ounce of strength I possessed, I summoned the energy of the [Movement Art: Stellar Stride Grade 3] one final time. My body moved with a grace and speed that defied reality, and in the span of a heartbeat, I closed the distance between us. My blade found its mark, striking the guardian with a precision born of desperation and resolve.

As my strike landed, there was a moment of suspended stillness, a beat of time that hung in the air. And then, with a deafening roar, the guardian crumbled, its body disintegrating into particles of light. I stood amidst the fading echoes of battle, my chest heaving, my body battered, but triumphant.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, I stared at the remnants of the Voidbound Dreadnought. The battle had been deadly, the stakes high, but I had emerged victorious. With a mix of relief and satisfaction, I wiped the sweat from my brow and sheathed my sword.

As my hand started to tremble Suddenly I felt something inside my body.

A searing pain erupted within me. It was as if every fibre of my being rebelled against the power I had invoked. The strain was overwhelming, and my body quivered under its weight. My grip on the sword wavered, and a scream tore from my lips as the agony threatened to tear me apart from the inside.

"Ahhhhhhaaaaa, fuck what the hell is happening?" oh, I know what is happening.

The sword art I had used was not one I had practised or mastered—it was a desperate gambit, a last resort born of necessity. And now, that reckless decision exacted its price. My body trembled, my muscles seized, and every breath I drew was a battle against the waves of pain that consumed me.

As I fought to maintain consciousness, my body had other plans. It hit the ground with a thud, a gasp of agony escaping my lips.

My vision blurred, the darkness encroaching at the edges, and I felt as if my very essence was unravelling. The price of my rash decision had caught up with me, and there was no escape from its relentless grasp.

I struggled to move, to push past the pain and reclaim control over my body, but it was a losing battle. The world around me dimmed, my senses fading, and the sound of my voice seemed distant and distorted.

I was falling—falling into the abyss of unconsciousness, my consciousness slipping away.

In those final moments of awareness, I clung to a single thought—that I had triumphed over the Voidbound Dreadnought, that the Luminar crystal piece was within my grasp. But victory came at a cost, and as darkness claimed me, I could only hope that I would awaken to a world where the pain had subsided, and the choices I had made were not in vain.

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