Volume 1 Chapter 13

On December 20th the palace was welcomed with the chill of winter, additionally this date was the Empress of Xi Rei’s birthday.

Rong Wang was concerned with organizing the palace into shape for this grand occasion which was part of Xi Rei’s tradition. Naturally, the festivity was to be arranged by him, and with the Regent King’s orders, each and every flag post hoisted a colorful flag, vibrant lanterns decorated the eaves of the palace, lively fine silk banners adorned mantles and silk screens were renewed. In addition to these stunning arrangements candles were alit throughout the halls, their fiery flame used to wish the Empress longevity and youth.

A hundred of the imperial courtesans and officials also brought tributes to Her Highness, most had arrived bearing fascinating trinkets or priceless treasures. The worldly presents had been gathered and delivered to the Empress early in the morning.

Throughout the year, the queen remained faceless, only on her birthday would she venture out to her subjects dressed in the grandest of ceremonial costumes. Topped with her sovereign crown she would sit on her throne and await company in the Empress’s hall located in the centre of the inner palace, a region dedicated to women only.

Routinely on the day of the Empress’s birthday, one hundred of Xi Rei’s high court officials would be led by His Royal Highness to pay her eminence a visit. Today was no exception, everyone was waiting for the Prince to arrive and collect the well-wishers. However, that very Prince they were waiting on was gloriously throwing a fit of rage within the Prince’s chambers and had yet to front his entourage.

WHAT?” he screamed at Rong Tian.

“You are talking about my mother? “

The Prince was suddenly forced to wear a set of extravagant robes after taking a bath. Feng Ming was completely stumped by news which hit him out of the blue.

“I actually have a mother, the Empress?” he uttered in disbelief.

“What is so strange? Everyone has parents, although Xi Rei’s King has been in a coma for countless years, the Empress has always maintain her duties within the inner palace. The Empress enjoys her peace and rarely makes an appearance outside of her confines.”

Feng Ming stared at the Regent King firmly, showing his dissatisfaction and he paced back and forth bickering at the misfortune looming overhead.

“Why did you bring this up with me now? This is such a big matter and you suddenly want me to bring a hundred officials to accompany me to make a formal visit to my ‘mother’.” He stammered before hissing angrily, “My god! She will sense something is wrong!”

Feng Ming turned to the King and nervously grabbed the man firmly.

“A mother knows best, she’ll see right through me!”

“That’s why I am telling you now. This will test you for the past two months of study you’ve undertaken and to verify what you have learnt. You’ve covered palace etiquette so to have you bring out the basic framework of the Prince is not impossible. To conceal your true identity to the people, you need to be able to satisfy the Empress. If you can’t even convince a woman who spends most of her time hidden away within the inner palace, in the future when you travel to represent the country on envoys of diplomacy, you’ll indefinitely be exposed as an imposter.”

Feng Ming was like a broken record, he repeated the strange words he just heard.

“In the future I will travel…”

“You are the Crowned Prince, naturally there are many places that you will need to visit to establish ties with other countries,” Rong Wang stationed the younger man in front of himself, before reaching to assist the Prince to straighten the delicate garment which the boy had scrunched under his hold out of his near nervous breakdown.

“Don’t be scared, the Empress is a docile individual. Particularly, she and An He did not often share the best relationship. Just relax and she will not see through your act. Besides, I will be there with you.”

With the King’s words, Feng Ming felt the weight on his heart lighten, however it stroked his suspicious.

“How come the Prince and the Empress don’t often meet? Aren’t they mother and son?”

Rong Wang hesitated before answering, “The customs within the Royal Palace are like this, you’ll slowly get accustomed to it. Anyhow, the Prince was rather disappointing as a result the Empress was not particularly proud of him nor did she favor him in any light.”

Although Feng Ming was clear that Rong Tian was talking about the ‘Original Prince’, he still found it offensive and gave the older man a deadly glare to show his discontent.

King Rong chuckled, amused by the boy’s reaction, so he corrected himself.

“The former Prince was the disappointing one where as on the other hand you are the complete opposite.”

Rong Tian’s large hands shuffled down to stroke at the shorter man’s slender waist.

Feng Ming laughed in response to the man’s fondling.

The playful couple lingered in the Prince’s chambers for a good period of time, unnerving the hundred officials and servants that had assembled and waited for the two in a large courtyard near the inner palace.

When the two important figures finally emerged from the Prince’s halls a flood of relief washed over the servants. The pair finally marched on, heading towards the courtyard to address their entourage before leading them to greet the Empress.

As they reached the boundary walls of the inner palace, voices of celebration rang through the air as did the sound of string and wind instruments.

The festivities could not strip away the fact that at this very moment, Feng Ming was going to step foot into the ultimate exam, to authenticate his identity, his heart could not help but beat hard against his rib cage, panic was running through his brain.

He suddenly halted before the entrance of the courtyard where his subjects were waiting, his hand shook as it tugged at Rong Tian’s sleeves, completely grasping onto the material with a death grip.

Rong Wang witnessed the color drain from Feng Ming’s face, fear glazed over the boy’s face. He was starting to secretly feel guilty and irresponsible for not giving Feng Ming a few days notice. However, given this situation it was a perfect opportunity to toughen the Prince, so he could stand on his own.

Without any better alternative, King Rong roughly reached for the hands attached to him and fiercely tugged them off his sleeves.

The abrupt action startled Feng Ming, as well as when the King suddenly bowed and announced as loud as he could bellow out:

“His Highness has arrived!”

Rong Tian immediately made scarce, stepping back to stand well behind Feng Ming, leaving the stunned fish standing all alone at the grand entrance to the open court.

Suddenly, the court doors slammed wide open, all the officials have been waiting early and eagerly for the Prince’s leadership. They were aligned neatly and all the men simultaneously bowed welcoming their Crowned Prince, “Your Majesty!”

Feng Ming gritted his teeth, muttered his hatred for a certain King under his breathe. All he really wanted to do right now was to turn around grab the man and give him a good pounding.

However, he knew this was an inappropriate time as for the time being he had to stick out his chest and take charge with his own two hands. It was time to show his prowess, the blood and sweat he invested in learning practically everything needed to be showcased today. This included speaking in a dignified calm and collected manner which he had engrained into his mind.

“All ministers and officials may rise, please accompany me to pay the Empress our respects.”

The past two months of training by Rong Tian appeared to be fruitful for now, the words that left Feng Ming’s lips were stern and authoritative, as expected of a leader.

His subjects answered in unison, “Yes, Your Highness.”

Feng Ming raised his head, prompt out his chest and advanced towards the Empress’s palace quarters. His large brown eyes flickered around with the sight that surrounded him. The inner palace was brilliantly designed, beautiful and tranquil, a spacious boulevard lead to a grand hall that sat within the middle of the Empress’s palace walls.

The Empress was obviously waiting for her visitors.

Considering the solemn and serious atmosphere and the crowd of respected Xi Rei’s officials that followed him, Feng Ming couldn’t help to feel like a fool.


Was he actually going to see this through, pretending to be the Prince of this ancient country?

Even daring to even prance around in front of his ‘mother’ to congratulate her on her birthday?

Rong Wang sensed the Prince falling into a daze which was clear as day on the young man’s face, such manner was inappropriate so the King immediately strode over to the boy and whispered: “Your Highness, please proceed to the main hall to give your well wishes to the Empress”

The Regent King’s low voice startled Feng Ming, his shock was short lived as he remembered the cruel prank the man played on him by pushing him out alone without any conscience, he gave the King a good glare before straightening the heavy gold crown that rested on his head, and he proudly advance without a regret.

Unafraid he marched dignified to the end of the boulevard, and entered the main hall of the inner palace. Upon his arrival Feng Ming was graced with the sight of a young married woman dressed in exquisite attire situated in the middle of the room. This woman was surrounded by countless palace maids. Although she wasn’t as outrageously attractive as Feng Ming had initially expected her to be, the woman carried an air of refined grace and nobility.

“An He wishes the best to mother on your birthday!” Complying with Rong Wang’s teachings, after he heartily made his announcement, he knelt down and bowed slightly to show his respects to his mother.

As he attempted to carry himself with a degree of refinement his thoughts were secretly damning the chance of any mistakes.

Be good now.

This is the Empress! The mother of the Prince I’m impersonating!

If she discovers me to be an imposter, I promise you it will not be any fun!

With this in mind, he was more worried that Rong Tian would provoke him to make a mistake, with this thought in mind he couldn’t refrain from trying to shoot a glare at the said King who was meant to be behind him.

As he couldn’t see the man out of his peripheral vision, Feng Ming bowed his head downwards and tilted it slightly to the side, only discover the troublesome man was no where in sight.

In fact, the Prince found himself alone. He was the only one who had entered the hall and knelt down before the Empress. His entourage instead of following him inside had situated outside into their neat files, all were down on their knees outside of the Empress’s hall!

Feng Ming had been so engrossed with determination and focus on his performance, when King Rong had stopped the procession just outside the hall’s entrance he had shot through and continued to march on solo, completely unaware of his fault.

A sudden cold sweat broke.

Rong Wang you bastard!

You tricked me again!

Feng Ming fumed with anger between his gritted teeth.

Breaking the awkward silence, a soft voice heralded above his head.

“My child, you may stand.”

“Thank you your Highness.” Feng Ming stood up and raised his head hoping to get a proper glimpse of the Empress only to discover that the other was doing the same.

With their eye contact, Feng Ming immediately averted his gaze, feeling guilt well up inside. He dared not to speak, his heart was thumping restlessly and his mind was just as overactive, he was uneasy and frankly scared of the Empress and whether she would pick up on any clues of his coy act.

It seems like if he started to make small talk he might just get away with it.

Unfortunately, Feng Ming was tongue tied from fear, just in case his big mouth leaked a tell-tale sign of his origins he decided it was best to stand awkward and keep his lips sealed in front of his mother.

Luckily, the Empress appeared to not have much attachment with this son, so when she started to break the silence, the topic of her talk was quite broad.

“How has my child been lately?”

Feng Ming was secretly amazed, given the palace custom. These people would have rarely seen each other. Nonetheless, they were mother and child, why was there no excitement in her eyes?

He nodded and replied dutifully.

“An He is in good health.” Rong Tian’s voice boomed down his memory lane about ‘etiquette’ and he quickly added, “Thank you, your Highness for your concern.”

“Have you been studying?” It felt like a routine question, that wanted a routine answer and her voice was detached and cold.

“My studies have been good.”

The Empress continued with several textbook questions and then finally said, “Your father is ill, and incapable of governing the Country. Ensure you seek advice and guidance from the King Rong, it is for the best.”

Seek King Rong for advice and guidance?

That’s the ‘best’ plan to lead Xi Rei into complete and irreversible destruction!

Luckily for Xi Rei, I have aligned myself with this Cao Cao and I intend to make Rong Tian a hero through the ages.

At this time Feng Ming felt an urge to flock to the Empress’s feet and cry and complain about his mistreatment and tell her all the bad things Rong Tian has done to him.

However, studying the Empress, he shook his head secretly and resigned the idea. From her ice cold gaze and complete indifference to this Prince, it was evident Feng Ming wasn’t going to squeeze an ounce of pity from the stern woman.

Trying to side with this type of woman would doom Xi Rei, Feng Ming was better off trying to expand the country’s prospects by aligning with King Rong.

He bowed his head again and answered obediently.

“Yes, An He understands that he must seek King Rong’s advice and guidance on all matters, and not make his own initiative on decisions that need to be made.”

The Empress’s expression changed slightly, one could possibly claim there was a hint of a smile as she nodded her head.

“That’s the right way. Where is King Rong? Send him in for me to see him.”

What is there to see? Feng Ming muttered bitterly inside.

Advised of his summon, Rong Wang immediately made his presence into the Empress’s hall. His stride was confident as he made his way in front of the Empress and he bowed deeply.

“Your humble servant, Rong Tian is here to pay respects to your Highness. I wish you a blissful life for eternity.”

The demeanor he was carrying out was certainly at another level, the elegant body language the smooth gestures and the expression his handsome face was making were completely out of the ordinary.

This was his act!

"Good, that is all well. It has been a year since I’ve last seen you. I have heard that you have dealt with many affairs abroad and they have all been successful. You should be properly rewarded.”

A smile tore through the ice mask and it was bloody brilliant. Feng Ming could barely keep his jaw shut but he managed to show the shock in his saucer wide eyes.

Who exactly was her son again?

The Empress continued her tender words with the Regent King.

“King Rong, the gifts that the officials have brought for me today, although you are mature you are still quite young and I’m afraid I am beyond the age of being able to enjoy their worth, I shall give them all to you, enjoy them slowly.”

Rong Wang smiled and replied graciously.

“Thank you your Majesty for your generous reward, Rong Tian will only select one or two, so to be reminded of your Highness’s grace and kindness.”

The gifts that were sent from the nobles, officials and court members had been readily stacked into a pile within the Empress’s main hall. Rong Tian darted over and paused for a short while before quickly selecting two items and returned to allow the Empress to inspect what was taken.

The Empress nodded, sighed and reluctantly announced, “The time has come, and you all must leave, I will take my rest.”


Feng Ming let out a big sigh of relief, as he in unison with Rong Tian made their final salutations to the Queen before their departure.

As they made their way out, Feng Ming suddenly heard the Empress call out to them.

“Wait a minute…” she beckoned, both men abruptly halted in their steps and returned to her audience.

They waited in spot for a while.

Before the Empress ordered to her maid servants, “retrieve that mink cloak and I bestow it to King Rong.”

The servant girls hurried and collected the mass of heavy fur from the pile of presents and handed to the King, who respectfully held out both hands to receive the parting gift.

The Empress stared at Rong Tian for a moment and said with much concern in her voice, “Rong Wang you deal with Xi Rei’s matters endlessly, even overnight. The winter nights are bitter cold, it is better you stay warm.”

“Thank you for your Highness’s thoughtful gift.”

The pair finally left the main fall, and together with the officials they retreated away from the inner palace.

“That was strange the Empress treated you particularly well. It is as if you are her real son.”

When they returned to the Prince’s chambers Feng Ming was more than happy to strip the heavy ornamental cloak he had to wear for the day.

His eyes studied Rong Tian suspiciously.

“Don’t give me any nonsense, your status is different than mine, you shouldn’t let others know what happened.”

“Are you trying to threaten me again? The things you forced me to do today! I haven’t even settled that with you yet!” Feng Ming pouted.


“I am her son, why did she give me nothing, and yet you are rewarded this and that?”

“That’s because I am the head of state, the Regent King,” Rong Wang chuckled, he unfolded the beautiful mink coat that was bestowed to him, swiftly wrapping it around Feng Ming and bundled the young man tightly within the folds of the warm heavy material.

He softly whispered to the disgruntled Prince.

“What was rewarded to me doesn’t mean it can’t be rewarded to you as well?”

Rong Tian reached into his pockets to produce the two items he had selected from the Empress’s loot, waving them in front of Feng Ming’s eyes.

It was a beautifully made small mirror decorated with fine detailed painting and the other was a modestly crafted small sheathed dagger.

Feng Ming’s eyes practically lit up when he saw the knife. He was very interested and very surprised, and he shouted out in glee. His hand darted to snatch the small knife and he quickly drew it out of its sheath. The blade was cold, sharp and deadly. Just playing with the knife and holding such a dangerous weapon in his hands made Feng Ming shiver.

“This knife is amazing!”

“This knife has a long history and it is prized as a treasure of Xi Rei, you better keep it along side you just in case you run into any problems. From my point of view, as it is selected from the Empress’s gifts it has to be authentic.”

Feng Ming didn’t give the dagger a second thought, but gratefully tucked it into his waist, he raised his eyebrow curiously at the second item that Rong Tian picked.

“I don’t see a use in picking the mirror, oh right, given your looks, you must be infatuated with your reflection, I bet you stare at yourself in a mirror heaps, am I right?"

“You are wrong again. This mirror is for you.”

“It’s for me?”

Rong Wang lifted the mirror, and triumphantly pointed out with a smug voice, “Don’t tell me you haven’t realized that this handle is made out of pure gold? It’s even thin, very smooth and most suitable for you to use on your body somewhere, it will assist in training that part of you to open up slowly so I don’t have to worry about hurting you.”

Feng Ming blinked and blinked again in utter disbelief and he caught sight of the evil grin that was painted on Rong King’s lips, and he finally understood the situation.

He immediately jumped back, drew the dagger from his waist, with his eyes widened, he hollered a warning

“Rong Tian, don’t you dare!”

“Why wouldn’t I dare?”

The King paid no heed to the small untrained creature that was waving the present he gave at him, and without any fear he swiftly moved forwards.

“Don’t come over here!” The Prince threatened.

“Your Royal Highness, that is not how you wield a knife.” The King laughed as he clicked his tongue.

“Gee, it looks like you haven’t been studying well in martial arts.”

“You bastard! Go away! Get out! …” Feng Ming tried to avoid the man as he suddenly lunged forwards.

Argh! Let me go! Give my knife back, you said it was for me!” he screamed.

“However, to help you loosen down there is nothing to be scared about. I’ll take extra care not to hurt you…”

Help! Ahhhhhhhhh!!” Feng Ming choked as his predator was closing in for the kill.

“Come save me! Someone save me!...”

Upon hearing Feng Ming’s blood-curdling screeches, the experienced staff of the Prince’s quarters inclusive of the maids and guards had quickly called it a day.

They all made their way out without a trace, making sure to close the doors tightly shut behind them.

It appears that Xi Rei’s true King was completely in control.

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