Volume 1 Chapter 2.2


If he had been given more warning about his days to come, he would have at least absorbed as much history books to get a grasps on royal eating etiquette

It was too late to lament, regrets or no regrets he was better of taking the challenges as they come speeding towards him.

He might as well exert his real self.

Anyway, I’m a Prince! Even if I act uncouth, it’s highly unlikely anyone would casually scold me for my ill manners.

As he just bit into a slice of bamboo root he selected from one of the closest dish, he felt the presence of Chiu Lan inch closer beside him, her eyes unmoving from his body.

He looked up unknowingly, his vision still a little fuzzy and asked his maidservant:

“Chiu Lan, Have you eaten yet?”

“Your highness should quickly eat, why should not concern yourself about a lowly peasant such as myself?” she replied.

Feng Ming wanted to invite her to sit down beside him and eat together, he tinkering on how he should deliver his invitation so he cunningly disguised it as a suggestion.

“I don’t have an appetite eating by myself, how about we have a talk.”

He eagerly motioned the chair beside him and encouraging her to take a seat.

Chiu Lan thought desperately, how could someone of her background dare to share the same table as her Master, she was no one of equal prestige, she lowered herself courteously to ask for a pardon and excused her inability to join him seated.

“If the Prince requests my companionship in a conversation, I will oblige” She winked and asked “What is it that my Prince Wish to hear about?”

What a great opportunity!

Feng Ming was swamped with the boundless questions he had for her.

“Considering I’m rather unoccupied, how about giving me a comprehensive summary of my matters, give me a good round up, how about that?” he smiled.

“My Prince, are you not aware of your current affairs? With such a case, that you are consulting me?” Chiu Lan’s ongoing impression of an out of character Prince was furthered by his strange request. She was quite young, so she couldn’t resist breaking into a small giggle which she made sure to cover her mouth with her hand.

“This is..”Feng Ming eyes flickered, and explained, “I want to know how the people, my subjects really see me in their hearts do you know anything of that sort?”

“Yes, I will inform you then.” She promptly answered.

Throughout the two years Chiu Lan had entered the royal palace to serve as a maid, she was generally in charge of basic chores such as paling for water and tending to clothing, never had she had a chance to develop a close relationship with the his Highness and to the point where she could share a casual discussion. She couldn’t help to find their situation amusing, so she had a lot to say as she thoroughly explained the coming and goings of the Xi Re palace, each story increasing with detail.


The current country was separated into different sub-kingdoms, and there were endless feuds across the lands. As a whole the country had been divided into 12 states-kingdoms each with their ruling fractions. Once Feng-ming heard this fact, he immediately thought it was worst than when China was in the Warring state of seven era!

The Prince was King Xi Re’s only son, and he passed away early. It was only seven years ago the Ruling King suffered a stroke, which he then entered a state of unconsciousness, and never awoke.

Xi-Re is still ruled by an Imperial regime, which has been passed from a lineage of Royals. However, the royal rule has been suspended and handed over to the Regent King. The man Rong Tian who is has the power of the kingdom in the palm of his hands.

When Chiu Lan spoke about Rong Tian Wang, there was a rather uncanny fear and shyness to her words. Her sentiments reminded Feng Ming of the girls back in his old reality that pined over idols and popstars with the exception that Chiu Lan was more subtle.

Initially, the painted impression in Feng Ming’s mind of King Rong was a stout and evil tyrant ruler. But judging Chiu Lan’s fangirl like expressions, he could not help to wonder and reconstruct his portrait of the Regent King.

Who the hell was this Rong Wang? Is he some kind of Mega handsome man of this era that made maidens swoon?

“So who is this, Master Tong Yi?”

Chiu Lan was eager to divulge to her master, the young maid was quite ecstatic for her rare roll of storyteller to her master. But upon hearing his request, her face stalled momentarily. The hesitation followed an odd glint in her eyes.

“Concerning Master Tong Yi…well, he is a nobleman, with Rong Tian Wang…” She was abashed to continue the next words that were to follow, so she quickly followed.

“He appears to have a good bond with King Rong.”

This statement triggered Feng Ming’s curiosity, “He has a good friendship with Rong Tian? How does he tolerate him…” Still bitter about the previous ordeal, from the unruly arrogant attitude he was served, Feng Ming could only assume that Tong Yi was Rong Tian’s precious baby brother, or perhaps a close relative?

“This is what the servants believe, it might just be gossip. Actually I am not sure there’s any confirmation about this.”

Not knowing what to say next, Chiu Lan quickly changed the subject in panic of her out of line interjection.

She cleverly used the excuse of reminding Feng Ming grooming duties.

“The prince has spent a long time feasting, the night fall has arrived. It would be advisable to take your bath now and rest soon”

Feng Ming accepted the suggestion letting their conversation come to an end so he quickly shovelled down his rice and allowed his servants take care of the dishes.

He stood up to stretch out his back, frowning and supported himself with the table.

The aches continued to linger, he wondered whether they would ever go away he continued to internally curse the time travel portal.

His thoughts were interrupted by two pretty maidens.

“Your Highness, Prince please take your bath now” Speaking to him with a clear calm voice.

He had a rather blank expression as he gave a nod of his head, but remained stationary.

Even if they inform him that his bath was ready, it wasn’t like he was running off anywhere! What direction was he meant to head off to? What about his change of clothing?

A rather embarrassing thought came to mind, when Feng Ming recalled all those television shows he had watched. Didn’t a large group of maidens tend to the Royals regardless of sex in the bath? Would they be standing by? Wouldn’t that be like giving them a free show!?

By this time, Chiu Lan had already cleared the tables, and he wasn’t sure where she had disappeared to.

As the two maids looked at him wide eyed in anticipation, Feng Ming remained lost for words, trying to find the right thing to say to delay the time:

“Ah, you two, what are your names?”

It appeared to people that the Prince was developing some kind of liking to greet individuals,

The two servant ladies had bewildered looks on their faces and looked at him strangely before replying.

“Your humble servant is called Chiu Yue”

“This loyal servant is called Chiu Xing”

Feng Ming gave a false confirming nod of his head.

“Chiu Yue?”

“Chui Xing? Both are indeed good names, well named.”

Feng Mings’s out of character antics prompted interest from Chiu Yue. She hid her face as she covered her mouth as she laughed softly before raising her gaze to her Master.

“It is quite late now, if his Highness could head towards the baths. Or else the water will be chilled”

The usual Prince was very mild mannered, he never threw fits of rage however it appeared like his personality was rearranged.

He was acting so generous, and actually striking conversations as well as eliciting smiles.

Chiu Xing and Chiu Yue were only modest young servants and very innocent, seeing Feng Ming become so gentle, they didn’t hesitate to help him. She tugged lightly on his sleeve and ushered him towards the baths.

Feng Ming was completely stumped on how to react, as Chiu Yue willingness to guide him was good. So he followed without resistance but carried an awkward smile as he went with the flow.


The Prince’s Bathing Quarters within the Palace turned out to be one completely constructed of of stone. Steam floated from the pools in streams of humidity and the bath itself was easily the size of a small swimming pool.

It was surrounded by screened walls, which were covered with decorative silk clothes, creating a very relaxing atmosphere.

A towering pile of clothes was resting atop of a jade table next to the pool. Feng Ming drew his conclusions, guessing that these were garments prepared for him to replace his old robes.

“Please Prince, take the bath when you are ready.” The two girls excused themselves with a slight bow, whilst trying to refrain from chuckling as they retreated.

As he watched the couple leave, he let big sigh of relief. How fortunate that the events didn’t end up how he had rolled out in his mind. The idea of having someone cater for him was outrageous!

He stared eagerly at the bath tub, which was tempting him to quickly disrobe and get cleansed.

This was the first bath in this kind of place, and given everything he has been through he was going to ensure that he was clean as a whistle by the end of it.

It was almost like he was going to rinse himself free of his past.

Feng Ming was orphaned as a small child in his own world, and he was very grateful for the life he was able to live. He lived very carefree and studying consumed most of his energy, so dating was out of the picture until he graduated from College.

As he began to strip, he inwardly cursed as who had appointed his outfit. The impatient Prince peeled off the ridiculous amount of layers one by one.

Surely if everyone in this kingdom wore this amount of clothing, they’d spend half the day just stripping!

Feng Ming continued to bicker to himself and was glad when he was down to the last article, a simple under-gown which he did not stress to remove quickly.

Finally, he had finished taking things off! Time to hop in and scrub down! So relieved!

That was…until a gasp of air was knocked out of him, when he tilted his head and his eyes widened like a deer in headlights.

He was in utter shock at the bare sight before him.

The young man was completely astonished to discover, upon his legs and chest were welts and fresh cuts that decorated his skin.

They were accompanied by horrible bruises he could even make out marks what appeared to be left by slender whip lashes. There were obvious teeth marks as well as assorted shaped marks left by unknown perpetrators.

No inch of skin was unmarred the scars and wounds littered his slender body simply everywhere!

He was stunned at the abuse, taking the breath away from him.

Feng Ming held his breath as he bravely parted his legs.

Upon verification he stuck out his tongue in disgust before quickly clamping his legs shut.

The tender flesh between his thighs were also painted with bruises, even such a private place did not escape the assault.

Does that mean, someone was abusing the former master of this body? Knowing that he was the Crowned Prince of Xi Re!?

Or perhaps his Highness had a fetish for S&M!?

No wonder his body seem to be weighed down with pain, regardless of the rest he had. Feng Ming had blamed his pain on the time portal travel …but in fact…

“Were you waiting for me?”

In his moment of confusion, he was hit by a sudden intrusion. A man with a deep voice suddenly made his presence known.

Feng Ming was utterly surprised, that a stranger had entered his perimeters then he remembered the state of his body, unsightly with injuries and naked, he quickly scuttled towards the pile of clothing set aside for him,

Desperately throwing on the garments as fast as possible, his sudden burst of messy stress resulted with his footing weakening beneath him, resulting in an embarrassing fail straight into the bath tub.

Submerged within the water works, he created an large splash displacing a lot of water around the pool itself.

What a complete moron, falling into the pool barely clothed!

“Heh Heh Heh…”came a dry laugh.

It was a complete embarrassing mess!

Soon Feng Ming composed himself, he straightened up and prepared himself to condemn the uninvited guest that scared him half to death and indirectly caused his pitiful state.

He found that the chief instigator had already sneakily entered the room.

“You sure are gutsy to dare spy on the Prince taking a bath!”

There was a lack of confidence in his authority whilst he reprimanded the intruder. It sounded no more than an empty threat.

Feng Ming moved cautiously, backing away towards the side at the same time he was trying to cover his modesty with the wet garment he managed to pull along with his fall.

Unfortunately for him, there were the uncontrollable laws of physics working against him and buoyancy wasn’t helping his cause, the continuous flow of fabric refused to give him the coverage he needed as it floated innocently around him. In the end his embarrassment could not be blocked off to wondering eyes.

The uninvited person had a handsome face with a rather defiant look on it, and there was a certain glint of evil within his eyes. At that moment, those eyes looked down at him, an empowering force that oppressed him, staring intensely at the bare body.

“Well, it appears you’ve grown some courage, actually daring to use such a tone to talk to me.” The man chided.

The man playfully raised his eyebrow slightly and teased.

“I hear you had a nice hall into the river, and when you were pulled out you were a little insane, even to the point of reprimanding Tong Yi. I’m guessing that you haven’t headed so deep into insanity that you can’t even remember who I am”

Who is he? So bold, and acting so casual towards royalty? Poor manners!

Then it struck Feng Ming’s mind, and he blurted out.

“You are King Rong!”

The corner’s of the man’s lips uplifted, before they parted coolly.

“It seems you do remember. And I thought you had assumed playing the role of a madman”

With that said as the next second passed, the man violently jumped into the bath, leaving no time for Feng Ming to escape from his grasps.

The smaller man felt like he was hit by a large momentum, the man eye’s locked down on his own, his frame was pushed down hard and rendered helpless.

The shield he had used to cover his body was ripped from his hold and thrown aside by the stranger.

“His Royal Highness, has certainly matured even contemplating and daring to commit suicide?”

There was a level of darkness behind the taunt, making Feng Ming unconsciously shrink backwards.

Without warming, Rong Wang’s large steel-like fingers wrapped themselves around Feng Ming’s delicate throat.

“I never said you can take your own life.” He angrily stated.

“Nnnh…” Feng Ming’s trachea felt like it was going cave in to the force, the pain etching on his face as his muscles frowned.

He managed to wrap his hands around the larger ones that were threatening him.

But found it futile, as his strength slipped away completely. His efforts were in vain, there was no chance of ripping the relentless hold. Even if he wanted to for a chance of a second’s breathe.

His lungs were started to sear with pain, air deprivation signals shot towards his brain and the Prince felt his vision to blur.

Feng Ming was apprehensive in his mind, was it really true that Rong Wang wanted to end his already pitiful life by strangling him?

This whole dying and living business, he didn’t know whether to make it laughable or pitiful.

He had just acquired the new body, which was actually his destiny to relive the experience of to dying again.

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