Volume 17 Chapter 2 part2

Translator: churnie

Feng Ming sighs comfortably, narrowing his eyes, like a cat enjoying the sun. After a while, he remembers something, he raises his eyelid and says, “By the way, didn’t i tell you, I’ve promised to fund Wu Qian’s friend Hong Yu to open new foundry workshop? Rong Hu checked the book, it turned out that the Xiao family had opened a foundry on the outskirts of the Tong pond and used to supply weapons to the young generation who escorted the Xiao family shipping, but over the years the supply of weapons has been diverted to the new workshop production of Li kingdom and this one in Tong pond has gradually been abandoned. Luo Deng said that although it abandoned for many years, but the fire earth-house of foundry is readily available, maybe i can use it when i cleared it up, i’ll give it to Hong Yu as experimental place just in time… ” He leans his face to the side on Rong Tian’s muscular thighs and said slowly.

Rong Tian looked down at him and suddenly extended his long finger to poke his straight upright nose to expose him and says, “Having said all that, your purpose is want to sneak out and play.”

Fengming clutching his nose and sit up, resentfully says “I am so worried about the country, worked hard day and night, sooner or later i overworked, i may have depression! Look at me so obedient, I deserved to leisurely relieve my boredom! So many days come to the Tong kingdom, either a banquet or a visit, my foot haven’t even touched the ground of the street of Tong kingdom! ”

Rong Tian looks up, seems to think for a moment, a hint of connivance escapes from his lips, he laughs and says, “Yes, it really is working hard day and night, day also worked hard, night also work hard, does your waist still hurts?” The big palm went smoothly towards Feng Ming’s waist line.

Feng Ming froze for a moment, and just realized that he was being played again, his handsome face is reddened, he jumps out of Rong Tian’s arms, angrily says, “Don’t think to touch this Duke Ming, hmph, you’re no integrity incapable ruler, I will go out to inspect the casting visit tomorrow, tonight i have to save my physical strength, this is a right and proper business, no one may obstruct.” Of course it’s not that easy to escape the claws of the Big Wolf.

(t/n: the Big Wolf 色狼 here means Pervert)

Rong Tian stands up and moves behind him, he gently and loosely hugs him, with their weight, both of them fall on the bed.

The two are close to each other, Rong Tian’s lower body’s reaction of course can’t escape Feng Ming’s eyes, Feng Ming is pressed by the hard thing squeezing through the cloth, just as he’s about to protest. Rong Tian whispers in his ear and says. “I might have to leave in two days, i should hurry up to take the opportunity to hold you a few more times.”

Feng Ming startled, he stops Rong Tian’s wolf’s claws that touches illicitly and gets up, “Why do you leave in two days? You said the day before, according to the rules, Xirei official diplomatic mission will be held in Tong pond until the end of Qing Ding’s birthday. Don’t you want to do it when they left Tong pond?” Rong Tian is enjoying the ups and downs of Feng Ming body lines and flexibility, Feng Ming suddenly sat up, his arms are empty, very uncomfortable, his long arm stretches out and pulls Feng Ming down the bed to lie with himself again, with his arms around him, the two are tightly attached, but did not continue to do bad things.

He and Feng Ming warmly face to face, he feels the temperature on Feng Ming’s face and says. “Mian Ya sent a new information over, he said that maybe the news about Yue Zhong is leaked.”

“How can it be?” Feng Ming looks solemn, “We were careful when we came into town, i cheat the city gate, after Ziyan and others hold the guard in the city, they also matched the rolls of names one by one. Seeing how strict it was, how can there be a leak of information?”

Rong Tian calmly says, “It is a city after all, a lot of people, in addition to the guards there are many people, moreover, within the Mao Lin nearby the Shancheng, it is difficult to ensure that there are not many people. We have thousands of people going in, for a night of trouble, although we’ve always wanted to be able to go unnoticed, but Yue Zhong is on the border between Yong Yin and Xirei. Until now, even if there is news out, it is reasonable.”

“It’s terrible.” Feng Ming think of Qian Lin in Yue Zhong city and Wei Chiu Niang, a burst of uneasiness showed up, “What should I do? There are only a few thousands troops in Yue Zhong city, when we left we also took this batch of good hands Rong Hu, Mian Ya and Ziyan, alas, if i knew i would leave them in Qian Lin. I also don’t know if Qian Lin and Wei family had learned the Art of War, in case Xirei army comes over…… Unluckily Yong Yi has to go out to find Lie Er, now he maybe still have business to do.” Thinking anxiously, he can’t help but strangely stared at Rong Tian, looks up and asks,” Hey, You’re not lying to me, are you? How do you look so relax ah!”

Rong Tian expression indeed very relaxed, patting Feng Ming’s face which full of suspicious, “Wait for this king to help you analyze the situation, you’ll be relax too. First of all, according to information discovered by Mian Ya, Tong Er just received a little news of Yue Zhong city at the moment. In other words, Tong Er probably only know that I have entered Yue Zhong city, for the current more detailed situation of Yue Zhong, our relationship with Prince Yong Yi, especially my authentic Xirei Duke is not in Yue Zhong city, Tong Er shouldn’t yet figure out. At this point, the Art of War can be called as enemy cloud. Remember what the enemy cloud is? I remember i’ve taught you before”.

Feng Ming can’t help but give him a punch, “it’s not that the enemy is in the cloud, nothing clearly means! Now you give me the Art of War class ah, what handsome pose shaking your head!”

(t/n: enemy is in the cloud, ‘in the cloud’ is idiom means mystified/puzzled, Feng Ming use the same words but different meaning, he said the idiom words ‘the enemy is in the cloud’ instead the actual ‘enemy cloud’ word as Rong Tian said)

Rong Tian has thick skin thick meat, a punch on him only a tickle, he sighs, “What is enemy is in the cloud, taking you the stupid disciple, the teacher will sooner or later be killed”. There was a smile in the corner of his mouth, he grabbed Feng Ming’s fist, firmly holds it in his own armpit as punishment, only says, “What would you do if you were Tong Er?”

Feng Ming unobtrusively rolls his eyes, “Not again? Didn’t you just say you were going to help me analyze the situation? Why are you going to test me again now? Don’t compare your military talent to me? Unfair games are immoral, every time I feel like an idiot, you think better with your knees than I think with my brain ah…. ”

Having said that, he complained for a while, but still tried hard to think.

“If I were Tong Er? That guy Tong Er’s biggest worry right now is being driven off the throne, needless to say, his biggest fear is that you the real Xirei King suddenly appeared in Xirei… So if I were him…” Feng Ming thinks, not quite surely says, “I should try to find out if you’re in Yue Zhong city, if i found that you’re in Yue Zhong city, I immediately leading the army to besiege the Yue Zhong city, like catching a sea turtle inside the jar, hey hey, I’m not saying that you are Sea Turtle, this is just an idiom.”

Rong Tian pats him on the back of his head in praise, “well thought, the person who Tong Er wants to get rid of the most at the moment is me, once he heard the news that I am in Yue Zhong city, he will immediately build an army to attack Yue Zhong city.”

Feng Ming nervously says, “Then quickly send Mian Ya and Xing Ye to hurry to Yue Zhong to remind Qian Lin, it’s not fun to let out the news that you’re not in Yue Zhong city and bring the Xirei army over..”

“Don’t worry, the quick rides have been sent.”

“Oh.” Feng Ming is a little relieved.

“However, the fast ride that has just been sent is not to catch to Yue Zhong, but to rush to the capital city of Xirei.”


“The message they’re going to distribute is not that this King is not in Yue Zhong, but on the contrary, they are going to be among the people in the capital city of Xirei, making the rumor that this king is in Yue Zhong for the time being.”

“What?” Fengming is nervous and immediately sit up straight from the bed like a spring and looking down toward Rong Tian. “Aren’t you going to kill the lives of a group of soldiers in Qianlin and Yue Zhong city?”

“Don’t worry, it’s not an overnight matter to build an army and Tong Er still doesn’t know if I’m in Yue Zhong. He wants to use military force, at least my people have also reached Xiqin and spread the rumors.”

Feng Ming gnashing his teeth really hates at his calm manner, so much so that he banged his bedboard, “What are you doing spreading such rumors? Encouraging Tong Er to make up his mind to attack Yue Zhong? I’m telling you, although Yue Zhong city has the great Art of War of the great general Wei Qian, but with less enemies it’s always been a bitter war, even if they win will win miserably. I don’t understand what you are thinking at all, do you want to take advantage of the time when Tong Er attacks the Yue Zhong city to use “luring the tiger out of the mountain” plan, and run back to Xirei to seize the throne? Are you going to sacrifice Qian Lin and all the people in Yue Zhong city?”

(t/n: 调虎离山 to lure the tiger from its domain in the mountains (idiom): to lure an enemy away from his territory)

Rong Tian forces a smile and says, “How dare I just feel free to take Qian Lin people’s lives to sacrifice when you said how precious life is in front of the banquet of the Tong Kingdom Palace?”

Feng Ming confused and desperately shaking his head, to show that he still unable to understand.

Probably he is right.

Talking about the ability to handle state affairs and military affairs, he couldn’t keep up with that Rong Tian whose belly full of cunning plots to the greatest extent.

Rong Tian asks, “Doesn’t Tong Er really want to to kill me?”

“Yeah.” Feng Ming nodded.

“If Tong Er heard the rumor and mistakenly thinks that I am in Yue Zhong, will he be determined to send troops to besieged Yue Zhong city and make sure to kill me?”


“Doesn’t the transfer of the troops require the military power?”

“Of course.”

“So, whose hands the Xirei military power is in now?”

Feng Ming opens his mouth wide, thinking, and suddenly hit his thigh, “it’s in the hands of Tong Jian Min! I understand!” After the dull appearance has been swept away, suddenly he radiant with delight, “Tong Er want to besiege Yue Zhong, he must get the military power transferred, but the military power is in his uncle Tong Jian Min’s hand, in order to seize the military power, it’s possible for Tong Er to turn his face over his uncle. Aiyah it’s not good!” He suddenly changed his mind again, “Just in case Tong Jian Min also wants to kill you and agree with Tong Er to transfer the troops. Don’t forget that the last time he personally led the army to ambush you, it’s just that he’s had bad luck and have been caught back by your ambush instead”.

Rong Tian is full of confidence. “I have three points to ensure that Tong Jian Min will not agree with Tong Er’s approaching.”

Feng Ming starts his brain up now, the reaction is a little faster than usual, and actively preemptive, “the first point I can guess with my knee, you let him go after you caught him alive last time, if this person has a little conscience, he may not have the heart to let Tong Er transfers the army to besiege you, the second point, I can somehow think if it’s the same like the Prime Minister began to envision, after such a period of time without foreign enemies. Xirei’s civil strife is brewing almost as much, the contradiction between Tong Er and Tong Jian Min is getting more and more intense now, so Tong Jian Min will not allow Tong Er to intervene in the army.”

There is an evil charm and handsome smile on Rong Tian’s face, “If you guess the third point, I will let you take the initiative for three consecutive nights.”

Unexpectedly, Feng Ming’s shoulder immediately collapsed and hang his head dispiritedly says, “Every time you raise this condition it looks like I am taking advantage of it, in the end the one in advantageous it’s you. Needless to say, this third point must be something I can’t guess….” Speaking of it, unacceptably grabs Rong Tian’s ears, put on a ferocious expression, “Don’t keep people in suspense, quickly put the third point out.”

Rong Tian is very readily to expose the top secret this time, “I have another arrangement in Xiqin, command the trusted aide to make all sorts of moves, so that Tong Jian Min suspect the sudden rumor distributed in Xiqin about this King in the Yue Zhong city at the moment, is secretly planned by Tong Er. ”

“Wow, this is a plan of troops deployed to mislead the enemy to fall into trap.” It takes a while for Feng Ming to understand, he shows a look of admiration.

In Xiqin suddenly appeared the rumor that Xirei King Rong Tian was hiding in Yue Zhong city, not only Tong Er will be alarmed, the great general Tong Jian Min who holds the military power will certainly send people to investigate.

As long as Rong Tian’s people smart enough, it can make Tong Jian Min think that this incident is Tong Er deliberately created an excuse to seize the military power, and Tong Er is forced Tong Jian Min to give the military power, then the relationship between Tong Jian Min and Tong Er will turn from a cold war to reach climax of tearing into each other.

Who told them to have a bad relationship now. It's too easy to provoke distraction.

Keep going on like this, the dog bites the dog, the crane fight each other, the fishermen catches one after another! Of course, that fisherman is the rigorous schemes and deep foresight, a belly full of terrible plots, Rong Tian.

It’s wonderful.

Tong Er sends troops, Tong Jian Min refuses to give the military power, and Yue Zhong city is the land of Yong Yin after all, and recently also assigned to Yong Yi, so many obstacles are here, Eighty percent the Xirei army can’t get to the Yue Zhong city, it’s necessary to first dispel the military minds of the invaders of their own king and general.

Anyway, count to count, the Yue Zhong city will not be seriously attacked, that prime minister’s beautiful sweetheart lady Wei Qiu Niang and Qian Lin people’s lives they all are safe not to worry about.

Feng Ming sighs a long breath of reliefs and patted his chest. “It turns out to be a false alarm, you’re bad thing, if i knew that i don’t have to worry, you deliberately pretend to scare me, now that it has been arranged, fast ride has also been dispatched, why say you might be leaving in two days!”

Rong Tian bends his fingers, seems like want to beat somebody makes Feng Ming trembled, “I just wanted to boast that you’re a little smarter, Tong Er has just got the news about the Yue Zhong city, my whereabouts is still a mystery, there will be controversy and vibration inside the Xirei court, it’s extremely sensitive, it may lead to an immediate recall of the Xirei Official Diplomatic Mission, I’m not going to go with them, how about catching that Su Jin Chao brat to give to you for a spanking?”

Feng Ming grimaced towards him “Hanging the brat’s ass all day long, I suppose you will not to drool over him, right?”

“Of course!” Rong Tian is calm, in deadly earnestly says “Just remember that he had deliberately make things difficult to you in the banquet of the Tong kingdom, this King can’t wait to peel off his pants, and give his white ass a beating.” After that, he suddenly changes another look, strangely looks at Feng Ming.

His eyes are sharp and playful, like he intends to find a profess to send punitive forces against a criminal, there’s a smirking on his lips.

Feng Ming was so uncomfortable being stare by his bright and full of expression eyes. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“What happened just now, this King wants to settle with you.”

Feng Ming looks at him, like he’s not joking, his scalp slightly numbs “What about?”

“What about?” Rong Tian’s face calm, “just now who doubted this King wants to use that ‘luring tiger out of the mountain’, sacrificing the Qian Lin people’s lives, it turns out in your heart, I am such an unscrupulous person.” It turned out to be this… … Feng Ming feels guilty as a thief, dare not to make a contact with his gaze, with his head down he mutters, “i’ve just guessed casually.”

(t/n: 做贼心虚 to feel guilty as a thief (idiom); to have something on one’s conscience)

“You’ve guessed wrong, you will be punished.”

“There’s punishment?” Feng Ming shriek.

“Of course,” Rong Tian says with a smile, “either it’s your turn to blow the flute tonight, or you don’t go out tomorrow, just pick one of the two punishments.”

“Protest! Tyrant! I want the third!”

“The third one is two punishments together, both blowing the flute and not going out.”

“Tyrant …”

“Hurry up, or I’ll pick the third one for you.”

“I do not want to be locked in the house tomorrow, blowing the flute is fine. En … can i blow Du Feng’s flute?”

“what did you say?”

“Wa! don’t misunderstand ah! I mean, i’m talking about the jade flute that Du Feng gave me, it’s not that kind of dirty flute in your mind”.

“No matter what kind of flute, anyway you’re not allowed to blow any other man’s flute, this broken jade flute, this king will confiscated.”

“Give it back! Give it back to me! Rong Tian bastard, you perverted jealous King, this is a friend’s gift…”

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