Volume 2 Chapter 1-2


鹿鼎记 (The story of the Deer and the Cauldron) – a metaphor for inner China and the Chinese Empire. A story written in 1969 by Jin Yong, the protagonist of the story is called Wei Xiao Bao (韋小寶, an extremely lazy, illiterate whose redeeming points is his witty and cunning brain. He is a complete nobody born to a prostitute and after a chain of events he finds himself posing as a eunuch where by sheer luck he becomes the most trusted to the Emperor. I assume that he had in possession the dagger that was mentioned in chapter 1 of Volume 2.

无双 (Wu Shuang) Unparalleled – I was frustrated when I had to decide what name I had to give this stupid sword because in Chinese, the characters mean more like there is no twin or double. So I ended up picking ‘unparalleled’ instead of ‘Matchless’ sounds more classy right?

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Early next morning Feng Ming and his entourage were due to set off, Chiu Lan and the other girls had risen with the sun and entered Feng Ming’s chambers to assist him into his travelling garments.

The case of the Crowned Prince being sent on a diplomatic mission was a grave matter. Naturally, there was an emphasis to uphold presentation and etiquette. Needless to say, this included the extensive amount of clothing and personal adornments Feng Ming had to wear.

The inner robes, outer coat, boots, cloak, jade pendants…

Feng Ming had stood like a store mannequin for over two hours when Chiu Lan frantically made last minute adjustments to his completed attire.

“It is ready now.” Chiu Yue stepped back to double check the collective efforts of the maids. She smiled and said, “What Country has a more attractive Crown Prince than Xi Rei?”

Unfortunately, the Crown Prince wasn’t smitten with the compliment. The heavy gold crown that rested upon his head was starting to give him a migraine, internally wishing that someone would put him out of his misery. Everything about this ‘trip’ and the added burden of the official clothing made him feel uncomfortable.

The matter of travelling to Fan Jia was tormenting him. There was the whole aspect of mindlessly heading towards an ‘adventure’ where he might meet his doom. Although his impending death was weighing heavily on his mind, Feng Ming couldn’t help but to feel the kick of excitement pushing through.

Chiu Xing had grown accustomed to the Crown Prince over the past months, and knew that Feng Ming was good natured and kind so she purposely teased him knowing there wouldn’t be any dire repercussions.

“If the Regent King sees our Prince, I wonder what praises he will say.” She giggled.

“Let alone Rong Wang, it is very likely the Third Princess of Fan Jia will be smitten with our Prince once she lays her eyes on him.”

The maids continued to chatter whilst Feng Ming was occupied with his thoughts.

“Why hasn’t Rong Wang come by?” Chiu Xing asked.

“Yesterday, Rong Wang sent a messenger to forward that he was busy, and could not personally see our Prince before his journey.” Chiu Lan replied.

“I refuse to believe it, our Crown Prince is leaving for abroad and the Rong Wang does not want to see our precious Prince off?” Chiu Yue interjected.

Feng Ming snorted at the mention of the two words – Rong Wang.

Suddenly, a rush of footsteps heading towards the Prince’s chambers could be heard, the anticipation of his visitors sent Feng Ming’s heart racing.

As the footsteps slowed down, he could distinguish two sets of feet heading his way.

Once the visitors made way into the Prince’s halls, they loudly announced themselves.

“Greetings your highness!”

“Respects to your highness!”

Quenching his hopes, the visitors were actually General Tong and Official Xia, both men presented themselves in formal attire and had been meticulously dressed for the occasion.

“So it was you two…”Feng Ming resigned.

He wasn’t in a mood to admire their clothing, seeing it wasn’t Rong Wang, his complexion darkened a few folds. His once excited eyes now a black void.

General Tong bowed and spoke, “Rong Wang has ordered the two of us to assist your journey. Your humble servant have prepared five thousand elite troops to protect Your Highness, General Tong will ensure Your Highness will have a safe and pleasant journey.

“Under the command of Rong Wang, Official Xia will be by your Highness’s side to attend to your health. Naturally, a stockpile of herbal medicines and ingredients have been prepared for the journey in case of any contingencies.”

Feng Ming had fought to suppress the urge, but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut any longer so he quickly asked, “And Rong Wang?”

“Rong Wang is burdened with political affairs, incapable of sparing any time, he has ordered the two of us to relay his greetings and well wishes for the Prince’s success. But…”

“But what?” An irritated Feng Ming pressed.

General Tong then reached from behind him and brandished a sword, and with both hands offered it to the Prince.

“The King has bequeathed this sword to your possession.”

Feng Ming resentfully whisked his face away from the parting gift.

“Humph! What am I meant to do with a worn out crappy sword?” Feng Ming was pissed at the pathetic gift the Regent King had sent in his absence. He turned to Chiu Lan, instructing her, “Take that out and feed it to the dogs!”

Trying not to laugh at her master’s request, Chiu Lan covered her laugh and in a small voice whispered, “His Royal Highness, it is impossible to feed this item to the dogs.”

Behind Feng Ming, a series of muffled laughs was coming from his maids. Upon hearing their amusement

Feng Ming quickly reflected on what had left his mouth. His face burned with embarrassment.

Chiu Xing leaned closer to her master and quietly advised him, “If His Royal Highness is dying to see Rong Wang, shall I send a request by a messenger?”

“Who wants to see him? No one is allowed to go anywhere!” he replied with scorn.

General Tong was a stern man, and had not budged from his position and persisted in waiting patiently for the Prince to receive the gift. Contrary to the hardy man, Official Xia was laughing his face off.

Official Xia regained his composure and knowing the day was wasting away at this rate, he took over the duty of the sword transferal.

“Does His Royal Highness know of the origins of this sword?” he asked, attempting to entice the Prince.

Feng Ming gave the offending item a longer inspection, taking note of the slender blade, and the a modest inlay, a large thumb sized dark jewel on the hilt. Apart from these there wasn’t anything spectacular about the sword, it was simple.

Then he recalled the stories about Wei Xiao Bao in “The Deer and the Cauldron”, the hero of that story was given a dagger that could change smelt iron upon contact with another’s weapon.

He inwardly thought of how ‘great’ his own luck was for the Regent King to offer a rare old sword which might not even pass the grade to give haircuts.


Regardless of how mystical and great the sword was Feng Ming was not letting Rong Tian off the hook.

“So what’s the history behind this sword?” As he queried his subject as his curiosity finally got the better of him and he picked up the blade and promptly unsheathed it for inspection.

The metal had not in the least lost luster, toying with the sword in his hand Feng Ming turned around and gave a table close by him a good whack. He lifted up the blade and studied the damage, there wasn’t even a mark left on the surface. It absolutely did not live up to his already low expectations.

Now Feng Ming was even more disappointed and he discarded the useless sword on the table without second thoughts.

“This is a broken sword!” he spat bitterly.

“Your Highness should not be so quick to anger. Official Xia will explain to you the antecedents of this precious treasure.”

The old man gave the Prince a courteous bow before retrieving the abandoned gift, lifting the blade in his hands his face was gentle as he started to explain.

“This blade is called “Unparalleled”, one of three strange devices highly treasured in Xi Rei. Indeed it is not sharp, nor is it stunningly attractive. It is likely favorable to use a meat cleaver that beheads chickens than use this to fight directly against your enemies. Would Your Highness be interested in to postulating why it is classified as a strange device?”

Feng Ming looked at the people around him, who too were sharing a bewildered and clueless look to Official Xia’s question.

“How am I supposed to know?”

The old man chuckled.

“Well indeed, Xi Rei’s most treasured items are tucked neatly away, and are hardly mentioned. It comes as no surprise that no one has heard of their origins let alone their existence. Official Xia is a lover of strange things, and I have studied countless rare items.” After the old man boasted he continued, “Although ‘Unparalleled’ is given this name, this sword is actually part of a pair. Ancient documentations mention two brothers who were ancestors to the An lineage. They had attempted over countless years to defeat an incredible demonic monster. Running out of options they finally conjured a trick to overwhelm their enemy.”

At this point Official Xia captivated everyone’s attention with his story.

“Oh? What was this plan of attack?” General Tong urged the story teller with full interest.

“These two brothers employed magic of their own, it took them ten years to complete their spell, using their own blood to cast two precious swords, and then incited an “unparalleled” curse upon the weapons.”

“An ‘Unparalleled Curse’?”

“Yes, an unparalleled curse’.” Official Xia nodded to confirm, “According to the legend, the brothers created these swords so that although these swords are two separate entities, they were fated to share the same unparalleled destiny together. In case one should meet his peril, the other shall follow suit and meet the same end.”

Feng Ming’s eyes jacked wide open, “It couldn’t be that they ended up giving one of these swords to the monster and then one of the brothers committed suicide, thus killing the monster with the imposed curse?”

Official Xia’s eyes lit up with admiration and he exclaimed,” His Royal Highness’s intelligence ceases to amaze me, I have never met anyone that could be your rival.”

“Your Highness is spot on! The eldest brother tricked the monster into taking up one of the swords, and he promptly committed suicide. The monster finally died according to plan. The youngest brother survived and lived on to govern a region till it prospered and this land finally became the foundation for Xi Rei. The youngest brother was in fact the first King of Xi Rei. The two “Unparalleled” swords were returned to the first King and since been kept well hidden within the Imperial Palace out of the sight and knowledge to everyone.”

With the closing line of the story, everyone had their eyes on the sword. The scrap metal now had a number of new found admirers. It didn’t look as dull as it had moments ago.

Chiu Lan crossed the line and trembled as she asked, “Official Xia, why…why did Rong Wang bequeath such an ominous item to His Royal Highness?”

Feng Ming gave the magical sword a long firm look before releasing a deep breath, walked over and took hold of the cursed sword. He lifted it into view for more in depth survey, running his fingers along the décor and length of the blade. With hint of sadness he muttered, “ I…I will take care of myself.”

To Official Xia’s joy the Prince had finally accepted the gift.

General Tong looked at Feng Ming and bowed again, “Your humble servant will do his utmost protect Your Highness, I shall serve Your Highness as Rong Wang has entrusted me.”

Chiu Lan interrupted, “The time is almost here for your departure Your Highness.”

Feng Ming nodded, Chiu Lan was quick witted and responded, stepping forwards to help him remove the ornate sword that had occupied his belt and replaced the spot with his new acquisition.

The occupants left the Prince’s hall as a group, Chiu Xing was at the rear of the procession and she tugged on Chiu Yue’s sleeve, frowning as she asked, “I still don’t understand, why isn’t His Highness angry at Rong Wang for such a deplorable gift?”

“Let’s put it this way, ‘Unparalleled’ swords comes as a pair, so if one is with our Prince, where is the other one?”

“Oh!...I know, is it…”

Chiu Yue quickly sealed the loud mouth with her hands. She giggled and smiled back at her friend

“Now you know right? Let’s hurry and follow. Our carriage is the one behind the Prince’s.”

Hence, Xi Rei’s Crowned Prince An He left his country en route to Fan Jia with a procession lead by General Tong and Official Xia, where they were followed by a grandiose entourage of five thousand soldiers.

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