Volume 2 Chapter 15


Jin: A Chinese measurement, it is roughly 0.5 kg

Water displacement: Let’s touch up on physics, a quick lesson on Archimedes' principle. Archimedes was a Greek philosopher. The story goes that a king wanted a new crown made entirely of gold. After the smith finished, the king was suspicious that his crown was made of iron and coated with gold. The king did not want to destroy the crown if in fact it were gold, so he asked Archimedes to figure out if it was pure gold or not without destroying the crown. Archimedes pondered this day in and day out until one day while getting into his bath he discovered the principle that bears his name. The tub was full to the rim, and when he sat down in it, he noticed that the more he sank himself into the water, the more water that spilled over the side of the tub. He was supposedly so happy to make this discovery that he ran out into the streets naked shouting "I found it!" What he discovered is that the amount of water displaced by an object depends on the mass of that object (not the weight). If he knew the mass of that object, and the volume of fluid it displaces, he could determine its density. Since the densities of iron and gold are different, he did a test. He determined the density of the crown and compared it to the density of pure gold to see if they were the same.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

When Feng Ming raised the issue of an earlier departure with the King of Fan Jia, he was surprised that the King readily agreed, and in a rather cheerful manner.

After a series of discussions over organizing the envoy’s return, the King changed the subject. He had caught word of Feng Ming’s scholarly ways and couldn’t resist witnessing the talent himself.

“News has reached the Palace that Prince has deciphered one of the world’s unsolved mathematical problems. Prince has shocked all by your abilities.”

Feng Ming felt the eyes that had been carefully watching him dig deeper like thorns against his skin. Under all the attention, he forced a smile and waved his hand in dismissal.

“Your Highness flatters me. However, An He should not be credited with such prestige as An He did not solve the problem. In fact it was the Regent King who imparted his knowledge.”

“Oh, it appears that Xi Rei’s Rong Tian embodies the fearlessness of youth as well high intellect. King rong and the King of Li are both well distinguished men, and of high caliber in skills and talents. But who would have thought, that King Rong is well versed in mathematics!”

The King of Li smiled and replied, “Ruo Yan is not deserving of such high praise. It is King Rong whom is truly extraordinary. Ruo Yan has been enlightened by the Regent King’s abilities. Moreover, it was a surprise that the Crowned Prince also embodies scholarly intellect in addition to his attractive appearance. It can be said, they make a formidable pair.”

As Ruo Yan spoke, his eyes traveled in an equivocal and unscrupulous manner along Feng Ming’s body. The un-welcomed attention warranted an angry glare from the Prince.

Whilst the Fan Jia King was not paying attention, Ruo Yan seized the opportunity to toy with the Prince.

He flicked his tongue outwards ever so slightly and motioned a gentle lick. The croquet gesture sent Feng Ming’s reflex flying. His hand shot up to protectively cup the ear that the King had licked earlier. His eyes peeled back in shock.

Feng Ming’s naive reaction caused Ruo Yan to chuckle. The man lifted a cup of wine to his lips, and casually imposed, “Since the Prince is proficient in the art of algorithms and such, Ruo Yan would like to seek guidance in a few difficult problems.”

With Ruo Yan’s persistent treading and provocations, Feng Ming was fuming with rage inside. Playing his cards right, he maintained a completely calm and indifferent face.

A nonchalant smile spread across his lips, “Oh, certainly the outstanding King of Li does not possess problems he cannot resolve. Perhaps the purpose is to challenge An He’s abilities.”

Upon hearing the words exchanged between the two young men, the King of Fan Jia’s interest perked. He had already notice an odd tension between the two when they had first entered his domain. Now they were confronting each other, and what better to do than to sit on the sideline and watch the show.

Ruo Yan clicked his tongue in disapproval.

“How could I be as heartless as to purposely place the Prince in an awkward situation? If Prince is afraid, then I shall refrain from detailing the questions in mind.”

In this way, Feng Ming was going to lose face in front of the King of Fan Jia. He gave Ruo Yan a cold snort, “King Ruo’s question is?”

Inside Feng Ming thought smugly: The Third Princess has promised to return with me to Xi Rei, even if I fail to answer your stupid question it won’t be a chip off my shoulder in any respects!

“Then I shall proceed,” the smile extinguished from the King’s face as he sternly gave the riddle.

“There is a giant boulder, weighing one thousand jins. There is a small child, and his arms are only able to lift ten jins. The question is…how does the child move this rock?”

Fan Jia’s King bellowed a hearty laugh, “This is preposterous, is it joke? How could a child barely out of is diapers shift such a heavy boulder?”

Feng Ming stood dumbfounded. He had no qualms in solving the question. He was surprised that the people who seem to be quite mathematically advance for their time had not grasped the fundamental laws of physics.

Ruo Yan had anticipated his question would stump the Prince, he flashed a smug grin towards the young man’s direction.

It was obvious the King was purposely pushing all of his buttons. Feng Ming was at boiling point and rage had been building inside him. Now tendrils of his rage was spilling out, encouraging him to abandon the fear that Ruo Yan normally incited in him.

Feng Ming furthered the moment of silence, he feigned as if Ruo Yan had deliberately made things difficult for him. His brows knitted together as if he was deep in thought. Just when everyone thought the Prince would surrender and beg the King’s pardon,

Feng Ming suddenly clicked his tongue and shook his head with disappointment. Before solemnly replying, “Why is King Ruo asking such a simple problem? Surely this can’t be the most difficult and baffling unsolved problem in the Country of Li!”

The Prince laughed.

“The solution is easy! All you need is a long sturdy bamboo pole and a flat stone. The two can be used together as a lever system. The position to where the fulcrum should rest can be calculated. A lever will amplify an input force. A small child can use his body as the counterweight...”

Compared to mathematics, science was Feng Ming’s element. As the men were dining, Feng Ming conveniently used his chopsticks as props to demonstrate the theory. His explanation was clear cut. The two King’s were astounded.”

In actual fact, scholars of Li had only recently made groundbreaking formulas to solve the problem and had not release the news to the academic world. Ruo Yan had intended to use his knowledge against Feng Ming, only to have it completely backfire as the Prince continued to explain the solution in layman terms. He was speechless.

This Crowned Prince was clearly not a useless ‘simpleton’ as humor has it.

There was a mysterious magnetism in the young man’s behavior and appearance that attracted people to him. Unexpectedly, the Prince had the brains to match his seamless looks.

Ruo Yan pondered for a moment, before revealing the next challenge. His sly eyes lit up.

Feng Ming had been monitoring the Ruo Yan and he could tell the man was up to another devious act as he caught the slight change in the King’s eyes. The Prince was no fool. He knew Ruo Yan was going to trouble him with another problem. As a counter measure Feng Ming took a pre emptive strike and stopped the King in his tracks.

“One hears of King Ruo’s adept abilities in the field, An He has heard of an interesting mathematical problem. Would the King would be game to attempt an answer?

Given the situation, the Prince had just responded to the King’s supposedly ‘advance’ question. It would be embarrassing if he declined to answer one from the Prince.

“Please ask, Prince.” Ruo Yan sneered.

“A wealthy King wanted a new crown. He handed a craftsman five jins of pure gold. The craftsman was indeed a master artesian. When the crown was finished, it was worthy of gods. However, the King suspected the artesian pocketed gold when he was ‘forging’. He summoned his servants to weigh the crown, and indeed the crown weighed five jins. However, the King could not be entirely sure that his newly forge crown is pure gold. In fact he suspects that his crown has been contaminated with other metals. As for the question King Ruo, how would one determine whether the crown is gold or a composite metal formed from gold and silver?”

After the Prince introduced the problem, the two King exchanged bewildered looks.

No one would have thought the Prince would issue a complicated problem. The King of Fan Jia reached to touch his own crown as he wondered whether it too, was solid gold.

Ruo Yan had a useful subordinate, Master Dong to assist him. Usually, they would be able to make a breakthrough. However, the Prince’s question was complicated and unfathomable. Ruo Yan could not help to speculate that perhaps Xi Rei has overtaken Li in terms of mathematical scholarship and knowledge. Perhaps Li was no longer the dominant force that means his country will lose the prestige of being number one.

As advance as Li was, it was possible Xi Rei has been secretly overtaking them.

A dark thought crossed Ruo Yan’s mind, ‘perhaps we will need to capture the Prince and force him to spill some secrets...’

The young King’s eyes fixed onto the Prince.

Feng Ming was elated with his next revelation. He was oblivious to the strange look aimed at him. Instead, he was thinking about the glory he would receive when he explains one of ancient Greece’s greatest discovers to these ‘ancient’ people. Underneath the stoic face he presented, he could hardly contain himself. Trying to suppress his laughter had his stomach tying knots.

Given the King of Fan Jia had a daughter who was a master in mathematics, over the year he too had developed interested in the discipline. Feng Ming’s question definitely held his interest. After pondering the solution, the King relented and inquired, “Such a difficult question, Prince, how does one determine whether the crown is pure gold?”

Feng Ming soaked his success, feeding off Ruo Yan’s deflating ego.

In a matter of fact tone he replied, “Actually, it is quite simple. Your Highness, which is bigger in size, five jins of silver or five jins of gold?”

The King answered with no delay, “Naturally, it would be five jins of silver! Then if you mix silver and gold, that means the alloy would be larger than just solid gold.”

“That is spot on, however even if an alloyed crown is heavier. The king’s crown was designed with intricate carving details. How does one differentiate whether the crown was conveniently carved down to the appropriate size and weight?”

Feng Ming clapped his hands excitedly.

“If the King would be as kind as to organise two identical basins and have them filled to the brim with water. Once you place your crown and five jins of pure gold, you shall receive an answer!” **

Ruo Yan is an intelligent man thus even without a demonstration, the solution immediately clicked in his head. However, his face was plastered with astonishment. There was an intensity in his eyes are he stared at the young man in awe.

Such a simple and strange method to solve such a difficult problem was entirely foreign and unheard of.

After a further lengthy two hour discussion in the King’s chambers, Feng Ming not only obtained permission to set off the next day, he also gained victory over the King Ruo. The man suffered a complete defeat; with his tail between his legs

Feng Ming wore his triumph with stride, as he marched out of the palace gates. Catching sight of their Prince, General Tong, Official Xia and Li Er immediately swarmed towards him.

“Prince, what was the outcome?”

“Oh, actually when I was on my way to see the King, I encountered the King of Li, Rou Yan.” Feng Ming sounded dejected.

“What?” General Tong face was pale with alarm, he persisted, “Was Rou Yan’s intention to interfere and create problems?”

“Perhaps he has blocked Prince’s departure from Fan Jia?” Official Xia added.

The two men’s complexion had seen better days, their face were solemn and anticipating an answer from their Prince. Both were deeply repenting for not accompanying the Prince.

“About that….” He wore a poker face and teased in a stern voice.

Feng Ming calmly observed the two men’s nervous behavior before giving away the game in a loud burst of giggles!

“Haha! I am going to die of laughter. Get inside the carriage and I will explain the rest!”

Once the men loaded themselves on the carriage, Feng Ming explained the happenings in chronological order.

As he vividly recounted the events that folded out, he guffawed endlessly. When he reached the part describing Ruo Yan’s complete embarrassment he almost fell off his seat.

”Don’t you guys think it’s hilarious too?” Feng Ming prompted as he hugged his stomach.

Feng Ming was the only one giggling away at his story. The three men had listened on with gripping concern. Their faces only showed dismay.

They exchanged glances before Official Xia finally broke their silence, “This strange method of solving the problem, how in the world did Prince conceive such a solution?”

General Tong followed, “Surely such a technique is our country’s national treasure, yet Prince so casually divulged this information to a tyrannical man like Ruo Yan?”

“I am more afraid that Prince has made his abilities apparent, Ruo Yan will not let you off the hook for his shame.” Lie Er bit his lower lip and spoke in a timid voice.

Feng Ming didn’t take offence from the trio’s doubts, instead he thumped his hand against his chest and proclaimed, “Nothing to fear, I am well versed in many disciplines, water displacement and density calculations are merely a scratch on the surface of what I know. Anyhow, scientific knowledge should be shared to allow for advances. As for the King of Li, Ruo Yan...”

The mere thought of the man reminded Feng Ming of the King’s inappropriate behavior. Feng Ming trembled with the mental back-flashes but forced the imagery out of his mind.

Consoling him-self, he muttered softly, ‘Regardless, we will be leaving for Fan Jia tomorrow. If he dares to approach Xi Rei and tries to make an advance at me again, Rong Tian will exterminate him!’

“What advance?!” The three men shouted out in unison.

Feng Ming would rather die than have such an embarrassing thing out to public so he quickly dismissed any notions of being ‘molested’, “No, you guys are jumping to conclusions!”

- - - - - - - - -

When the Prince returned to the hostel with his small party, the positive news quickly spread, evoking uproars of happiness. After all, everyone had been away from home for a long time. Everyone was yearning to return to their homeland.

Messengers were also sent to inform the Third Princess of the departure, asking her to meet the envoy at the main gates of the city. They will finally leave for Xi Rei.

It was an occasion to be celebrated, that evening a big feast was held. General Tong brought out two enormous jars of expensive and high quality rice wine. They were gifts from the King of Fan Jia. Upon laying his eyes on the prized alcohol, Official Xia smoothly gravitated towards them.

Chiu Lan and the other servants were encouraged to join in the festivities. General Tong also insisted Feng Ming try the rare wine.

Since discovering Lie Er in between his bedsheets the last time he drank. Feng Ming was firm about not drinking alcohol. However, his determination was extremely weak against peer pressure. His cheeky maids urged him on and Lie Er was beside him, coaxing cup after cup.

His low alcohol tolerance emerged once again, first he lost his sense of direction and then he suffered a complete black out.

The Prince suddenly woke in the middle of the night, his head in a daze as the drunkard stupor was beginning to wear off.

At least they had tucked him in. However, his eyes flicked open as soon as he sensed something was out of line. Turning on his bed, he found himself looking into large glassy eyes.

“You are in my bed, AGAIN!?” Feng Ming shrieked. The familiar face was sharing his sheets. Lie Er had not been asleep.

The young man blinked innocently, “Prince, it’s not my fault! You are being unreasonable. I was in charge of escorting Prince to rest, yet when Lie Er tried to leave Lie Er was tugged down and held tight. Prince was crying and kicking and demanding I stayed.”

Feng Ming was exasperated he scolded, “Didn’t I give orders to douse me with cold water to wake me up?”

Lie Er shook his head, “No, not on a cold day, the Prince can easily fall sick.”

“Let me get ill, it is better than forcing you into bed!” he exclaimed.

“With tomorrow set for departure, wouldn’t the Prince falling to illness be the last objective?” His servant reasoned.

“That...,” Feng Ming was speechless. Damn the boy had a point.

“Moreover, Lie Er behaved, Prince can check and see that Lie Er is still wearing his undergarments.”

With that said his servant playfully grabbed his hand under the sheets and ran it down his clothed body.

Feng Ming quickly flung his hand out of the boy’s grip and gently pushed the other’s body back.

“No touching! No contact” He enforced.

Suddenly, Feng Ming noticed Lie Er’s face was contorted in discomfort. He moaned loudly in pain. The Prince had no idea what he had triggered.

“What’s wrong Lie Er?”

“Nothing.” Lie Er lied between gritted teeth and he shook his head for a faulty attempt at reassurance.

Hearing his reply and seeing the boy’s facial reaction, Feng Ming was not convinced. Riding on his suspicions he prompted.

“Are you sick?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

“Then why are you guarding your chest? Let me have a look.”

“Don’t mine me your Highness.”

Being told not to care about his subordinate, Feng Ming was driven to find the answer.

He was pretty confident that Lie Er was trying to conceal something from him.

With a loud snort of defiance, he stated, “The more you deny me, the more I want to see.”

Using new grappling techniques he had learnt from Rong Tian, Feng Ming wrestled Lie Er into a submissive position. The young man tried to wriggle his way out.

He gasped in pain, his face waning in color before he finally submitted and asked for mercy.

“Alright, Lie Er will let Prince see, but please do not ask anything. Lie Er will keep his mouth shut.”

The servant finally removed the hand he held protectively over his chest.

Feng Ming reached between the openings of his garment and felt his chest. To his surprise, the young man’s chest was bound in thick layers of gauze.

“You are hurt?” he swallowed in shock.

Lie Er nodded.

“When did you get this injury? Who did this to you?”

Lie Er looked at his master dearly, his eyes were smiling as if they seem to reflect what was on his mind, ‘look, you are already asking a million questions.’

Feeling moisture at his fingertips, Feng Ming exclaimed, “This is terrible! You are bleeding profusely!”

Lie Er immediately reached to cover his master’s mouth and said, “Your Highness, don’t be so loud!”

“We have to re-dress your wound right now!” he insisted.

Lie Er sighed, resigning to his master’s doting.

“The medicinal herbs are in my room.”

In a valiant manner, Feng Ming immediately volunteered, “I will fetch it for you.”

“People can’t know about this, please Prince.”

“Ah...” Feng Ming recalled that Lie Er was a man of suspicion, perhaps the reason why he was hurt...

Lie Er was very sensitive to the change in the Prince’s eyes.

He voiced himself, “Does Prince suspect Lie Er of wrong doing?”

“That’s not the ...” Lie Er interrupted him, his eyes staring sternly into his own.

“Prince,” Lie Er said cordially, “Please believe Lie Er, Lie Er will never harm Prince.”

Feng Ming peered into Lie Er’s eyes. The boy was watering up. He nodded.

“I believe you. I believe that you will never harm me. Okay, I will sneak out and retrieve your medicine.”

He briskly climbed out of bed and draped a cloak around his slender form to brace the cold outside.

His footsteps were soft as he made his way towards Lie Er’s room. There was no snow on this night but the winter winds were unrelenting. As soon as he opened his bedroom doors, the wind bombarded his exposed cheeks and sent chills up and down his body.

Cautiously he tipped toed his way to Lie Er’s room, once he was inside he rummaged through the young man’s belongings. Sure enough, he found medicine and wrappings. However, there were also a few questionable items and artifacts.

Perhaps these are contraptions that a spy would use in this era.

Lie Er had a certain gift, one wanted to trust his every words. Feng Ming had surprised himself. He had wholeheartedly believed him. Wanting to return to help his servant he quickly grabbed the items and left.

Stepping back out to the hostile weather, Feng Ming thought inwardly: Certainly everyone is nice and cozy in their beds in this forsaken weather.

Only this sneaky Prince was out prowling the darkness, but what if he was mistaken for a thief...

On that thought, a flash of movement suddenly caught the corner of Feng Ming’s eyes. He barely whisked around to catch the shadow of a tall blackened man.

Feng Ming’s eyes were going to pop out of the socket, when he wanted to scream for help, the black figure’s hand clamped down tightly over his lips immediately extinguishing his voice.

The tall and threatening stranger had raided the Prince’s temporary residence and dared to attack the Prince of Xi Rei!

Under whose command was this assailant working under?

What a miserable end! Regret washed over the Prince. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut instead of parading his victory over Ruo Yan. Did the King take offence? Was this an assassin to root out the trouble? Oh, god what kind of torture was he in for!

With his thoughts running a mile a second, Feng Ming was feeling light headed.

The strong man, kept his hand firmly over the Prince’s mouth. The other hand pinned the young man’s hands behind his back. The strangers form was pushing against him leaving no room to maneuver.

The hidden eyes stared into Feng Ming’s panic-stricken ones. He pressed his masked face against the side of the Prince’s ears and bit down lightly.

The masked man softly laughed.

“Did you miss me?” teased a familiar voice.

As soon as the man whispered into Feng Ming’s ear, the Prince’s world was shaken upside down.

His hands that were bound tightly were suddenly freed. Feng Ming flipped around and punched the man hard in the stomach.

Through gritted teeth he scolded, “Rong Tian! You bastard! I...”

Before he could finish chewing his lover out, Rong Wang’s hand snapped over his mouth again.

Feng Ming was scared half to death, he even had tears welling up. His fist pounded against Rong Tian’s chest endlessly.

Rong Tian pulled down his mask to exposed the handsome and chiseled face that Feng Ming had yearned for.

The taller man removed his hand from his lover’s mouth and quickly replaced it with his own to smoother the Prince’s rage. The little Prince continued to thump fists against the King’s chest.

Nothing could ever beat the taste of the Prince’s soft and sweet lips.

Once their lips touched, they battled and attacked each other with their tongues. The anger inside Feng Ming was turned into a fevered passion. Rong Tian gave his lover a thorough oral inspection as his techniques melted the Prince into a wanton mass.

Their contact broke only when Feng Ming was beginning to suffocate. Now that the Prince’s anger was sedated he allowed himself to be held in the King’s embrace.

In the dead of the night, King Rong pulled his lover in the shadows of a corner out of sight from passer-bys.

“Why are you here all of a sudden?”

“Once I caught news of King Ruo’s presence in Fan Jia, I immediately set off. How can I allow you to be thrown into a pit with a vicious wolf?”

He flashed Feng Ming a doting smile, and pulled the young man closer.

“What about Xi Rei?”

“No one knows that I have left, it won’t be an issue as long as we get back at god’s speed. Once we return, you will ascend the throne.”

“Even General Tong and Official Xia are in the dark?”

“Yes, there is no need to let anyone else know about my presence in Fan Jia. Otherwise it will be dangerous.”

Feng Ming pointed out his flaw, “Then why are you telling me that you are supposedly in hiding? I am telling you now, I am quite stupid. I won’t be able to hide you well!”

“Now, how is my little Prince stupid? The Prince’s abilities and intelligence has shocked the world.” He praised.

Rong Wang grinned, as he fondly bit his favorite spot on Feng Ming’s ear.

“As for keeping concealed, that’s not much of a challenge. All I need to do is to hide in the Prince’s bed.”

“It was the Prince who taught me that ‘Every moment of a lover’s tryst is precious’.”

Rong Tian grabbed his hand and pulled him towards his bedroom.

In my bed? Then it clicked.

Feng Ming had been so engrossed with seeing his lover to the point that his mind had completely blanked out on his original objectives. Now that they were heading towards his ‘bed’, Feng Ming remembered Lie Er!

Lie Er who was lying partially undressed in his bed!

As he was dragged to the door, Feng Ming broke into a cold sweat.

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